The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 78 Fort Vindolanda 5

As the duel began, Ryan swiftly demonstrated the unique capabilities of his crossbow. Unlike conventional crossbows, his weapon was specially designed to fire up to eight bolts in quick succession without needing a reload. Each bolt was tipped with a potent poison, adding a layer of danger to his attacks.

Adam, on the other hand, opted for a more conservative approach. He drew his longsword and chose to rely solely on it despite being able to conjure other weapons. His decision was deliberate; he wanted to test his skill against a renowned PVP fighter like Ryan.

The crowd watched intently, eager to see how Adam would fare against Ryan’s advanced, multi-faceted combat tactics.

As the duel commenced, Ryan wasted no time, firing off a barrage of bolts from his crossbow. Each shot was fast and precise, the bolts tipped with poison glinting dangerously in the sunlight. Despite the relentless assault, Adam’s skill with his longsword was evident. He deftly dodged and deflected each bolt with remarkable agility and precision.

The crowd watched in awe as Adam's blade moved in a graceful dance, effortlessly evading the incoming projectiles. Ryan's frustration grew as he continued to fire, his bolts failing to find their mark. By the end of the volley, eight bolts had been launched, but none had hit Adam.

As the duel unfolded, the crowd reacted with awe and anticipation.

"Did you see that? Adam deflected every single bolt!" one onlooker exclaimed.

"Impressive reflexes and skill. Ryan's crossbow is supposed to be deadly, but Adam’s handling it like it’s nothing," another remarked.

Despite the admiration, some voices remained skeptical.

"Ryan's crossbow is just the start. He’s known for his prowess in melee combat. Don’t count him out yet," a third spectator warned.

"Yeah, Ryan’s won most of his fights up close. His crossbow is just his opening move," another added.

The crowd's murmurs highlighted the mixed expectations- while Adam's defensive skills were being praised, the consensus was that Ryan’s true strength lay in his melee combat abilities.

As the final bolt from Ryan’s crossbow clattered harmlessly to the ground, Adam’s mind drifted back to a different duel- the one he had with the Cloaked Man.

He remembered the feeling of frustration and awe as the Cloaked Man skillfully evaded every Fire Bullet he had unleashed. The precision and agility of his opponent had been a stark reminder of the high level of skill required to excel in combat.

Now, faced with Ryan’s barrage of crossbow bolts, Adam was in a similar situation. The crossbow fire was Ryan's opening tactic, and it allowed Adam to test his reflexes and skills, just as he had observed in the Cloaked Man's movements.

It was a reminder of his challenges and a chance to gauge his growth and adaptation in real-time.

As Ryan realized his crossbow bolts were doing little to faze Adam, he knew it was time to change tactics. His fingers flicked across the trigger mechanism, and in one swift movement, the crossbow was slung back into its harness. Without missing a beat, Ryan activated his signature ability: Shadow Steps.

His figure blurred and vanished, reappearing in a shadowy movement in a different part of the courtyard. The skill allowed him to leap quickly from one spot to another, a trademark of his prowess as a Shadow Assassin. It was designed to disorient and surprise, making him a difficult target.

Adam, however, was not caught off guard. His experience and heightened perception allowed him to predict Ryan's movements. He knew the assassin would use Shadow Steps to close the distance and strike with surprising speed. Adam’s eyes tracked the shifting shadows, his sword held ready.

Suddenly, Ryan materialized in front of Adam, his shortsword aimed directly at his opponent. The clash of metal rang out as Adam’s longsword met Ryan’s blade with a resounding clang. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the weapons, but Adam remained firmly grounded, his posture unyielding.

Ryan continued to use his Shadow Steps skill, darting in and out of sight with relentless aggression. Each strike was precise, aimed to exploit any weaknesses in Adam’s defense. Despite the rapid, unpredictable nature of the attacks, Adam’s blade moved with equal precision. He countered each strike with practiced ease, his movements a seamless dance of defense and counterattacks.

Adam's ability to predict Ryan’s attacks allowed him to stay one step ahead. Every time Ryan attempted to strike from a new angle, Adam’s sword was there to meet it. The two combatants clashed repeatedly, their swords ringing through the air, creating a mesmerizing display of skill and precision.

Realizing that his usual tactics weren’t working, Ryan intensified his efforts. He used his agility to attempt more complex maneuvers, trying to catch Adam off guard with rapid changes in direction. Yet, each time Ryan reappeared from the shadows, Adam was ready. His high perception and familiarity with such skills made it nearly impossible for Ryan to land a decisive blow.

The duel turned into a fierce exchange of blows and counterblows, with both fighters pushing their skills to the limit. The crowd watched in awe as the two displayed their mastery in combat, each move a testament to their respective abilities.

As the intense exchange of swords unfolded, the crowd was captivated by the display of skill and agility from both combatants. The clash of blades and the rapid movements kept everyone on the edge of their seats.

But amidst the spectacle, a question emerged from the crowd.

“Come to think of it,” someone asked aloud, “what's Adam's class? He’s using a sword but hasn’t used any swordsman skills yet, has he?”

The question spread through the audience like a ripple, drawing curious looks and whispers. Everyone had been so engrossed in the bet and then the duel that the question about Adam's class had slipped their minds. The crowd’s intrigue grew as they realized that while Adam wielded a sword with impressive proficiency, he had yet to demonstrate any distinct sword skills.

At this moment, a mage from the meeting, Rowena Smith, who had been observing the fight, spoke up. “Adam mentioned that he is a Rune Tracer,” she said. “But I’m not sure if he has other classes. He’s probably a dual-class like most high-rankers are.”

The mage’s comment sparked a range of reactions. Some in the crowd expressed skepticism about the Rune Tracer class. They cited its difficult learning curve and the perception that it had limited use in combat compared to other more direct and versatile classes.

“Rune Tracer?” one onlooker remarked with a hint of disdain. “That class is notoriously tough to use and has little practical application in a fight. It’s more about setting traps or using runes for crafting than combat prowess.”

Another added, “That’s correct. Depending on the skills chosen, you can also imbue items with rune enchantments. Besides, the Rune Tracer’s skills are rarely seen in direct combat, even if he is a dual class. Either way, it’s surprising that he hasn’t used any offensive skills yet.”

Despite the murmurs of doubt, the duel continued to showcase Adam’s skill and tactical prowess. The crowd’s curiosity about his class only added to the tension and excitement of the match.

Feeling the strain of the prolonged duel, Ryan changed his strategy. The intense pressure was beginning to show. This was one of the longest PVP matches he had ever participated in, and despite his best efforts, he hadn't made any significant progress against Adam. Every attack he made had been deftly thwarted with little difficulty.

Realizing he needed to adapt, Ryan stepped back, creating distance between himself and Adam. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a handful of smoke grenades. He began lobbing them across the battlefield with a practiced throw.

Ryan’s breathing quickened as he lobbed the grenades, the cool metal spheres slipping from his fingers with practiced ease. He knew he was running out of time- and options. Just from the initial exchange, he felt the gap in their skills.

Adam’s proficiency with the sword had left little room for error, and the suffocating feeling of being outmatched gnawed at his confidence. The smoke would buy him some time to regroup, but it wasn’t enough. He needed a way to turn the tide- and fast.

The crowd watched in anticipation as the smoke began to envelop the area.

The smoke spread quickly, swirling around the courtyard like a living entity, engulfing Adam in its thick haze. Ryan’s form disappeared from view, becoming nothing more than a shadowy figure slipping through the fog. The crowd held its breath, waiting to see how Adam would respond. But through the veil of smoke, Adam’s eyes narrowed. He had faced this tactic before in his first life in a deadly situation. His breathing remained steady, his grip on the longsword unflinching. The smoke might have concealed Ryan, but it wouldn’t hide his intentions.

Whispers and murmurs spread through the spectators:

"Looks like Ryan's going for a new tactic."

"Smart move; using smoke to hide his position could give him the advantage he needs."

"It's going to be tricky for Adam to keep up with Ryan now that the visibility is so low."

Ryan's form became obscured as the smoke thickened, but Adam’s reaction was calm and focused. He had faced similar tactics before- in his previous life, and his keen awareness and experience allowed him to maintain his composure even in the obscured environment. The duel had reached a critical juncture, and the next moves would be pivotal in determining the outcome.

As the smoke thickened around him, Adam took a more aggressive approach.

He raised his hand and chanted, "Flame Pillar!"

When Adam raised his hand and uttered the words, the very air around him seemed to ignite. Pillars of fire burst from the ground with a roar, illuminating the battlefield with their searing light. The crowd gasped in unison, the temperature rising as the flames tore through the smoke like paper. For a moment, even Ryan faltered, his bravado flickering in the face of such raw power. This wasn’t just a duel anymore- it was a spectacle of mastery and control.

Five towering columns of fire erupted from the ground, each flame roaring with intense heat. Adam precisely controlled each pillar, directing them from the outer edges and toward the center of the dueling space. His goal was to flush Ryan from his concealed position or, if that failed, to dispel the smoke engulfing the arena.

The combination of fire and smoke created a chaotic environment, adding to the tension and intensity of the duel. The flames cut through the smoke, their light and heat gradually reducing its density. The crowd watched in awe as the fire illuminated the arena, revealing the combatants' positions amidst the swirling smoke.

The crowd gasped collectively as Adam unleashed the five pillars of fire, their bright flames cutting through the smoke and casting dramatic shadows on the arena floor. Murmurs of amazement and awe rippled through the spectators.

Among the onlookers, a few mages exchanged impressed glances. "That’s a powerful spell," one mage noted, watching the pillars with admiration and concern. "Flame Pillar is notorious for its intensity and difficulty in controlling the pillars."

Another mage nodded in agreement. "It’s one thing to use a spell like that while you have the support of a full party, with shield warriors and other allies to manage the battlefield. But using it in a one-on-one duel... that's risky. It could be a masterful strategy or a potential cause of his defeat."

As the flames roared and danced, the crowd's speculation grew. "So he’s a mage then?" some wondered aloud, their curiosity piqued. "First, Rune Tracing, and now, this impressive pyromancy spell. It seems he must be a mage after all!"

The revelation of Adam’s pyromantic abilities added a new layer of intrigue to the duel, as the crowd eagerly watched to see how Ryan would respond to the fiery onslaught.

Ryan’s heart raced as the fire roared toward him. Pyromancy? He hadn’t expected that. His mind scrambled for a new plan, but every option seemed to close as fast as it appeared. The intense heat bore down on him, and for the first time in the duel, Ryan felt a sliver of doubt snake its way into his chest. He had faced many foes before, but none who wielded both fire and steel with such deadly synergy.

Ryan's mind raced to find a way to regain his footing. He was doing his best not to admit one thing: Adam was not only an effective fighter, he was also overwhelmingly powerful.

As the duel entered its next phase, the tension crackled like electricity in the air. Adam’s stance shifted slightly, revealing his mastery of the sword and the power of flame he wielded. He then unleashed a Fireball and Fire Bullet amidst the blazing pillars to further pressure Ryan.

Adam’s fire magic sent ripples of concern through Ryan. His options had narrowed drastically. If he chose to keep his distance, he would have to contend with Adam’s area-of-effect fire spells, which could easily hunt him down and consume him in flames. The prospect of being scorched by the intimidating and relentless Flame Pillars made retreating a dangerous gamble.

On the other hand, if Ryan closed the gap, he would be directly facing Adam’s swordsmanship- a level of proficiency that had already proven itself in the earlier exchanges. Adam's longsword and expertise could deliver devastating blows that are proving to be troublesome to deal with.

To further complicate matters, if Ryan played defensively, he would be harassed by Adam’s Fire Bullets. These fast-moving projectiles would prove deadly when combined with Adam's uncanny ability to predict Ryan's move, forcing him to evade rather than mount an effective counterattack continuously.

As the crowd watched intently, Ryan’s expression shifted from confidence to cautious calculation. The stakes were high, and the intricacies of this duel became increasingly apparent. Would he risk the flames and try to outmaneuver Adam, or would he take the fight up close, gambling on his own combat skills against an opponent who wielded both blade and fire? The choice weighed heavily on him as the duel unfolded, the crowd's excitement mounting with every passing second.

Visibly taken aback by the assault of flames, Ryan could hardly believe his eyes. "So you're a pyromancer?" he exclaimed, his surprise evident in his voice even as he tried to lurk again in the smoke. "I didn’t expect that."

Adam, focusing intently on the pillars' movement, did not respond. Instead, he concentrated on maintaining control of the spell, maneuvering the flames to either force Ryan out of hiding or clear the smoke from the arena.

And sure enough, under the intense pressure of Adam’s relentless assault, Ryan could not regain his footing. Not content with just using Fire Pillar and Fireball, Adam intensified his onslaught by unleashing Fire Bullets more frequently. On top of that, Adam is actively chasing Ryan across the arena to try and score a melee hit.

The crowd gasped as Adam's fiery projectiles streaked through the air, adding more pressure to Ryan's already dire situation. Each Fire Bullet shot forth precisely, aiming to exploit any gap in Ryan's defenses. The small, fast-moving bursts of flame seemed almost impossible to dodge, further pushing Ryan to his limits.

This duel with Ryan mirrored his encounter with the Cloaked Man in ways that Adam couldn’t ignore. But unlike his fight with the Cloaked Man, Adam now found himself calmer, more calculated. He wasn’t reacting to Ryan’s moves- he was anticipating them. It was proof that the encounter had not been in vain. He had learned and grown, and now he stood in control.

Exhausted from Adam's continuous attacks, Ryan now faced the additional threat of these searing bullets. The combination of Adam’s swordsmanship and pyromancy created a devastating synergy Ryan struggled to counter. The air crackled with the heat of the flames, and Ryan’s attempts to parry or evade the incoming attacks grew increasingly frantic. The duel was no longer just a test of skill but a desperate battle for survival.

As Adam unleashed his final relentless barrage of spells and sword strikes, the crowd was on the edge of their seats, their eyes glued to the intense duel unfolding before them. The atmosphere was electric, charged with anticipation and excitement.

With Ryan cornered and desperately trying to evade Adam's onslaught, the sequence of spells- Flame Pillar, Fireball, and Fire Bullet- left no room for escape. The combination of fire and steel pushed Ryan to his limits, and every movement was a struggle to avoid the lethal attacks.

Adam knew the end was near. His blade gleamed as he closed in, fire still dancing around the battlefield. Ryan, in a last-ditch effort, lunged forward with his shortsword. But Adam was ready. Time seemed to slow as Adam sidestepped the attack, bringing his longsword down in a smooth, lethal thrust. The blade found its mark- Ryan’s heart.

When Ryan slipped under the pressure, the crowd let out a collective gasp. The crowd's roar was deafening when Adam's longsword found its mark, stabbing Ryan straight in the heart. The system's recognition of the critical hit and the immediate drop of Ryan's HP to 10% signaled the end of the duel.

Cheers and shouts erupted from the crowd, their excitement and amazement at Adam's prowess palpable. Some spectators were awestruck by the display of skill and strategy, while others were simply stunned by the sheer power Adam had demonstrated. Whispers of admiration and disbelief circulated among the onlookers, and the duel quickly became the talk of Fort Vindolanda.

In contrast, Ryan lay on the ground, his expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration. Adam's overwhelming performance had thoroughly shattered his earlier confidence, and the reality of his defeat sank in.

As the crowd erupted in cheers and gasps of awe, Adam remained still. His victory wasn’t a cause for celebration- it was an inevitability. He had tested his strength, honed his skills, and emerged victorious. Ryan, on the ground, was left to wrestle with his defeat, but Adam’s mind was already moving ahead. This duel was merely a side quest, but his primary mission still remains open.

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