Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Jewel's Journey & Taxi
Suddenly a yellow taxi stop and the driver asks her.
"Where are you going? i can take you, the weather is not safe for you"
Lizbeth get into taxi, the driver is India.
"Where will you go? give me your address"
Lizbeth give address to him, she is still thinking of what happend on restaurant.
That car is moving and driver turn on the music, there is not much trafficline, she saw the people outside the car, first she saw a mother with baby stroller, everyone very excited to see cute baby, the car turn left, they find red lamp on intersection so the taxi stop.
She saw a family cross the street, the parents walking and grab hand of their lovely little son, then the light turn green, taxi keep moving.
Next view, Lizbeth saw, an old man waiting at the side of street, he is waiting for red lamp so he can walk cross the street, the taxi stop because there is a little traffic. An ambulans car passed in front of them, maybe someone in damage health hurry to hospital so the life can be safe.
Last one, that taxi pass near the cemetary, she saw there is ceremonial and everyone wear black suit, all is crying under black umbrella.
Next view, Lizbeth saw a couple teenager using a skateboard is playing at the park, they laugh with full smile, next that park, there is hospital, she saw a husband accompany his pregnant wife so they hope birth giving will successfully.
Lizbeth think all of the reality view she saw, she make an conclution about a baby, little son, old man, ambulans, cemetary ceremony, teenager and pregnant woman.
All mean life is so short, if you try to make others satisfied, you never find your peace. When you died, the first three days, they will cry for you, but the fifth day and so on, they will back to reall live, eating their favorite food and go to cinema and doing their hobby.
Next year they forget about you and count how much your wealth insurance and inheritance is, they will visit your tomb only once a year, two years later, they forget you at all, only your photo on living room.
30 years later, the young generation, your great great grand child won't recognize you, your old photo will be perish, they don't know your name and they consider that you are never exist. If old generation tell about you without evidence, they think you are just fictional character.
They are crying not because loosing you, but they are missing pleasure with you. We are not so important in others mind and soon or later, we will be forgotten.