The Queen'sDiary

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Rejection's Wound

She arrive and Bradley call her.

"I am sorry for not answer your phone"

"I am at airport, just come back from Colorado"

"Wait, meet me at parking area. I will come to you" Bradley shut the phone.

Lizbeth wants to ignore him but she wants to revealed that find him with another woman, but she wait for the right time although she felt uncomfort.

She is at parking area and Bradley comes, she get into the car and not talk to much.

Bradley bring her into a restaurant.

"My parents are waiting for us"

"What, i have no preparation about it, i don't wear good dress"

"Don't worry, it doesn't take a long time"

They get into restaurant, his parents are waiting, she look them from behind.

"Mom and Dad, this is Elizabeth, she will join lunch with us"

"Sit down please" the mother said.

when Lizbeth see the father of Bradley, the father is a little bit shock.

"I am Lizbeth"

"What do you want to order?" Bradley asked.

She is reading the menu list, suddenly there is an old lady comes and talking to mother.

"Hey, Hannah, how are you?"

"I am fine, doo doo this is Emma, my friend at the sunday church"

"Hi doo doo, nice to meet you"

"Naah, my name is Douglas Winshire, doo doo is the way my nanny called me when i was five years old" he is laugh.

Lizbeth was shocked, Doughlas, CEO of hydrosprings is the father of Bradley.

"Why are you attached wound tape in your forehead?" Liz said.

"Small incident, some natives throw a stone to me"

"Yeah everyone saw on tv" Hannah said.

"I have something on the car, the priest and lady choir give something for you and ask me to give to you, would you wait here so i bring it to you or you want to go take it by yourself in my car?"

"I go with you, doo doo wait a minute, she got something for me" Hammah said.

"Go ahead"

Hannah leave and follow Emma

Bradley's phone is ringing

"It's from the bos, wait here Lizzie" Bradley stand up and leaving her.

On the table, only Lizbeth and Douglas.

"I remember, yesterday i saw you at Silverton"

"Right sir, i was there to visit my adoptive parents. Are you a man wearing hat and masker?"

"Correctly, so which side are you?"


"If you love Bradley, leave them and let us overtaken that tiny village"

"I am sorry i can't let it happend"

"I know you won't agree of what i did, but it can't be stopped, and about your relationship, i am very sorry that we already choose future wife for our son Bradley, i hope you'll understand so please leave my son"

Hannah and Emma

"This one for you"

"Wow it's big, i will tell the priest that i have accepted this from you"

"How about your husband's wound? my son saw on tv, that's very unpredictable"

"Don't worry, it's gonna be ok"

"Get well soon for him, i have to go, bye Hannah"

Hannah back to table, she founds Lizbeth shed tears, Bradley shut the phone and back to table, he found the same thing.

"Lizzie what happend?" Bradley asked.

"Nothing, you should talk this to me before"

"Dad, what did you say to her?"

"I tell her about Laura, soon or later you have to tell her"

"It depends on me will accept Laura or not but not now dad"

"Mom, Sir, thank you for your invitation but i have to go home" Lizbeth stand up and leaving the restaurant.

"Wait" Bradley run after her and stop her near the entrance gate.

He grab her arm, "i can explain this"

Lizbeth open her phone and show him video from Darren.

"Is she Laura?"

"They want me to marry Laura, that's first time i met her, and i can reject her and i still choose you"

"Why they want Laura must married to you? who is she?"

"Sorry i can't tell it now"

"Your selfish make me sick, it means you will loose me" Lizbeth run from the gate, and Bradley come back to the table, she goes to the main street and pass the parking area.

She saw a car next to Bradley's car and she feels familiar, Lizbeth check the photo licence plate number that she takes in Silverton Colorado and match it to that car. The number is same, that's mean that car next to Bradley's car is proven that is car of Douglas.

She saw sticker was attached on Douglas'car at the back glass, same position exactly like Bradley's car.

It is impossible to reconcile this relationship, Bradley's father is villain person that will colonize springs in Silverton, the native including Alo and Maji hate him.

"Dad, you have crossed the line, you suppossed not talking like that to her" Bradley said.

"She and all people in silverton are the forgotten people, we should not give a mercy for them" Douglas said.

Lizbeth is still crying and sit on the bus stop, she brings tissue to wipes the tears, the bus didn't come yet. Lizbeth walks to next building, she keep walking without destination. She stop at park and sit, watching children playing swing and slide, the snow start falling and Lizbeth wears jacket, she keep walking to the north.

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