The Queen'sDiary

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 The Secret Sacret Place

They enter that house, it's classic arabian style.

Mel and Darren introduce Liz, Jonah and Deasy, Umar also intoduce his self and Fatima.

"This is Fatima, she is my young sister"

"Is this your house?" Darren asked.

"Yes, and we have another one in Luxor"

"So that i saw you in Colossi of Memnon and Mel saw you in Luxor temple" Darren asked.


"So, what are you doing in those both place?" Mel asked.

"We are looking for our heritage that had promised by our ancestor"

"Is that mean you are looking for a treasure?" Mel asked.

"Yeah, such like that"

"On that place, i saw you bring some ancient map, is that clue to find something?"

"Right, that map will lead us to sacred place called Rabad Elamal. The legend said that place could granted our wish"

"So why you have not yet find that place?"

"Maybe we misinterpret that map" Umar said.

"You are archaeologist, maybe you can translate it" Fatima said.

"Please bring that map here so that they can see clearly" Umar asked.

Fatima get that map and show them.

It was made from papyrus and animal leather on the bottom, but that map was torn into two, they have a half but they don't have the other part.

" Where is the rest?" Mel asked.

"We don't know, our grandfather said someone torn it and take the rest, because they don't want us to find it early"

"Who are they?"

"Another clan that they are very greedy"

Mel take the map and see it from near

Liz realize that map and remember something.

"I know where is the rest? Jan leave folder file because he forgot, i will bring it to dormitory, when i am on the way, i saw Malik and Jan is sitting above the car and i saw Malik is holding map like this, he read the map then they point to the hill"

"Which one hill?"

"The long hill near Karnak temple"

"That's Qibbal Hill"

"So you wanna met Malik and ask that Map? but i am afraid Malik will asked your map too" Liz said.

"I don't know why can Malik has that map? where is he get the map from?" Umar said.

"We don't know where is Malik will stand for" Said Fatima.

"If you sure that Rabad Elamal is in Qibbal hill, we can take you to that place, Jan and Malik won't know that" Darren said.

"How about that Fatima?" Umar said.

"We can do it carefully"

"We ask you to stay here for a night, tomorrow we go to Luxor together"

"I can't go with you because tomorrow i got a class" Deasy said.

"Right, i forget it, what time the last flight from Cairo to Luxor today?"

"It's 5 pm" Fatima said.

"It's 3 hours more, i can take you to airport now" Jonah said.

"Liz how about our job tomorrow?" Darren asked.

Liz open calender on her phone then she is calling Jan.

"Sir, we at Cairo now, and tomorrow is commemoration of Egypt independence day, all sites will be closed during holiday"

"Right, today is friday and all sites will open on monday morning, make sure you are already at Luxor before sunday night"

"We are free" Mel said.

Jonah accompany Deasy to airport by taxi. Deasy buys ticket for the last flight.

"The flight is 2 hours more"

"I can stay here until you flight"

"You don't have to, just go back Jonah, they are waiting for you"

"Are you sure? but text me when you just arrive ar Luxor"

"Don't worry"

Then they parted, Deasy is waiting in airport for the flight and Jonah come back to Umar's house by Taxi.

When Jonah leave airport, there is a Mr.X is watching him, that person enter the airport and buy a ticket, then he sits near Deasy at waiting room.

Jonah arrive in Umar's house, they are in rooftop to see the view, they see clearly great pyramid giza.

"That's huge pyramid. Is that built by alien?"

"These are many lost civilization in the past, including technology" Umar said.

At the night, Umar and Fatima preparing for dinner, suddenly Liz phone is ringing, that is Shawn.

"Liz, how are you there? Trevor is sleeping at your room, Alo and Maji are good, Hydrosprings corp is trying to buy land and springs area in Silverton, and the good news are environmental protection agency administrator and police has done investigation about hydrosprings corp and neo progressive parties.

They found that parties has political bonding with Al Jadida Parties, the number one parties in Egypt.

"I hope they don't interfere our job here" Liz said.

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