Chapter 11: Chapter 11 The Siblings Courage
That night, they buy a food for tomorrow's breakfast. On the next day as usual they depart to the site. Today Jan and Malik use a car to all site, first they visit Luxor temple to recheck what Mel has done and make sure it on the way, Jan direct Mel to do according her title "The civilization of sustainability environment related to nile river."
When Mel wants to go home, she saw Umar and Fatima in front of them are reading inscription that's carved on the wall of the temple, she saw Umar is holding a map exactly what Darren saw.
"The next clue is not here Fatima. This place is a deacoy"
"I guess so Umar, let's find another place" Umar and Fatima leave that place.
Back to Jan, he was there from 8 to 12, after lunch he and Malik move to Karnak temple, he met with Liz, Jan did the same thing, direct and help his student. Jan was there until sunset, after that he in a hurry to go home and he doesn't realize his folder file was left there. Few minutes later Liz goes home. That folder file was found by night security and he save it in drawer cabinet inside ticket counter.
At the evening, Jonah came and meet Mel, they are talking and he brings a food and raw beef, then make a bonfire, grill and make a little barbeque diner.
Tomorrow morning, Jan and Malik go to Colossi of Memnon, he observes what Darren did and direct him. Mel and Jonah go to Luxor temple. Liz the last person leave that place, she is doing daily activity at Karnak temple.
When at 12 o'clock, Liz uses motorcycle to find a food or lunch time, when she buys a food, he saw Jan and Malik at the side of the street is reading a map, they point a hill in front of them.
Liz comeback to site and continue her job, at 4 o'clock she finish and want to go home, security officer is approaching her.
"I think this one is belonging to your lecturer"
That man gave her a folder file, Liz open it, it was a sheet of assessment.
"Right, this is belong to him, thank you sir"
Liz come back to dormitory, when on the way, she saw Jan and Malik still in the same place, Liz motorcycle stop next to their car.
"Liz, have you finish at the site?"
"Sure, the security found this" Liz gave the folder file to him.
"I forget about this, thank you"
Liz saw Malik is reading a map, sitting on his car. She saw old scroll map with ancient hieroglyphs, that map attached to leather skin but the map is torn apart two, the half part is missing.
"I have to go" Liz leave that place.
That night, Mel, Liz and Darren is having a diner, after that they talk to each other about their activity on a site, they compare about their title, every site is unique so you can't imitate other method.
Darren told them that he met young brothet and sister, called and Fatima, Darren said specific about ancient map that Umar and Fatima Had.
Mel said the same thing, even she said physical characteristic of Umar and Fatima that she saw on the site.
Mel told them that umar and Fatima has the same map that what Darren had told, Mel saw Umar and Fatima is searching for something in the site, exactly same happend like what's Darren see.
Liz was shocked, she saw the same map with same specific mark but the map was brought by Malik and Jan, Liz didn't see Umar and Fatima at all.
But the different is, the map in Umar and Fatima has small size but the map in Malik is bigger. Mr.X is seen from far away there is someone watching and try to hack their conversation.
Tomorrow morning, Jonah at the office and the office is a tenant which located in bussiness area under the apartement, one day he forgets of some stuff, he asked Deasy, his sister to bring the forgotten thing to the office. In 20 minutes Deasy arrives and meet Jonah to give it, Jonah gave Deasy some money so she can buy more food.
Jonah back to work, Deasy went to parking area to take her motorcycle, she saw an arabian man is hugging an american woman, they just come out from apartement room. Deasy passed in front of them because the exit way is only one.
Deasy is nervous and his motor key fall to the floor, that arabian man take that key and read the name on the keychain.
"Here is your key Deasy Filstaker"
"Thank you sir" Deasy feels awkward but she knows him.
"Are you Zalem?" Deasy asked.
"How do you know that"
"Your company gave me scholarship last year, i really apreciate it and i am fully thanks to you sir"
"No problem"
"I have to go" Deasy say goodbye and leave them.
That man feel uncomfort when saw Deasy's name. Deasy saw their face and saw their car, black aston martin sports car.
That day, Liz, Mel and Darren is free, they go to airport and flight to Cairo. Mel tells Jonah that she will go to Cairo. After they arrive and walking in the street of the city, they see the local culture and daily activities, they stopped by for a while in local shop to buy a snack and they buy a shirt
They saw a mosque and watch the kind people that always give them smile, even after the pray the people gave them dates fruit and milk. They learn new culture that they don't find in America.
Jonah and Deasy go to Kairo by flight too, Mel text him that they are in restaurant, Jonah and Deasy go there to meet Liz, Mel and Darren.
Jonah and Deasy enter to restautant and meet them, they sit and order a food, that is an arabian classic restaurant. Jonah introduce Deasy, and they are talking to each other about culture, work and how do they adapt to this country.
After they finish their lunch, they go to local market by walking, this local market sell carpet, antique stuff, spices and herb. They enter a store to buy something, Mel and Liz buy a scarf like traditional female shawl.
When they exit the shop, Liz go out first, there is a pickpocket seize Liz handbag, he is a young man then he runs. Liz, Mel, Darren, Jonah and Deasy chase him. He enters small alley, the road is narrow and winding, they run to catch him.
Liz shout out loud to him "Thief, he steal my bag"
In front of him, there is a man listen to Liz and watch that picpocket is running approaching to him. He throws a sand on the ground to his face, the pickpocket use his hand for washing his face but still running with closed eyes because Sand dirty his eyes so that his eyes were itchy and sore, suddenly that man hit signage board of small grocery, he was stumbled and fall.
Darren catch him collar and want to slap that pickpocket but he saw a man who throw that sand.
Umar helps that pickpocket stand up and grab his arm, everyone come and Umar speak arabic and tell them that this man is a picpocket, so they take that man to the police, Umar take hand bag and give it to Darren, and he gives it to Liz.
Next to that grocery, there is a small house, Fatima come out and see many people, Mel recognize them.
"I know you, i see you searching something to inscription that's carved in the wall of the temple"
"Right, that's us, wait, are you Darren? Fatima asked
" Yes, we come from Texas, we are archaeologist and have a capstone project here"
"We are talking inside our home, come in" Umar said.
From far away, there is Mr.X watching them by using binocular and then he leave and walk away.