The Pokémon:Isekai

Chapter 18: With Who!!

As I stepped into the lively streets of Pewter City, the stark contrast between this place and Pallet or Viridian was immediately clear. The city was much larger than I had imagined, stretching far beyond what I had seen in the games. Yet, despite its modern expansion, there was an undeniable historic charm in the air. The scent of stone and earth was everywhere, carried by the breeze rolling down from the nearby MtMoon. But mixed with it was something new—the faint, oily tang of gasoline, a reminder that this place wasn't just stuck in the past.

A sharp honk snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, young man! You're not from around here, are ya?"

I turned to see an old man with white hair and a thick mustache leaning out of a yellow taxi, parked just across the road. He grinned, tipping his cap. "Hop in now, and I'll give you and your Pokémon a special discount!"

I hesitated for a second before calling back, "How much would it cost to get to the Pokémon Center?"

At the same time, I leaned slightly and whispered to Rotom, "Hey, how much money do we even have left after all those battles in Viridian?"

[Hmm, let me check… After you ran after every trainer you saw like a battle-hungry maniac, we have approximately 12,000 Pokédollars Alex Carter] Rotom paused before adding, [And yet, you still failed to find that one kid you got tricked by!]

I sighed, choosing to ignore that last part. At least I had made some money.

"Normally, it'd be 5,000 Pokédollars," the driver shouted back, "but for you, I'll make it 3,000!"

"Please don't take back that promise! We're coming!" I called out before turning my attention to Oddish and Aria.

"Alright, you two, back in your Pokéballs for now."

Oddish let out a soft whine of protest, but I gently tapped the Pokéball against it, the red light enveloping her before iy disappeared inside. Aria, on the other hand, didn't resist at all—she simply clicked the Pokéball's button herself, hopping inside since she got used to it.

With that, I sprinted across the road, dodging a cyclist at the last second before yanking the taxi door open and sliding inside.

"PokéCenter, right?" The old man asked as he adjusted his mirror.

[Yes, kind sir! I am severely injured, so my wonderful, compassionate trainer, Alex Carter, is rushing me to safety—]

"Rotom, shut up," I muttered, cutting it off before it could make a scene.

The old man let out a hearty laugh as he started the engine, the car humming to life. "You got a lively one there, kid. Alright, to the PokéCenter we go!"

And with that, we were off, weaving through the bustling streets of Pewter City.

[Hey, Alex Carter, even if I'm not hurt, it's true that I'm exhausted from floating all day…] Rotom whined, letting out an exaggerated sigh as it slipped out of my Pokédex and sprawled across the seat like a lazy housecat.

The old driver chuckled, glancing at the ghostly Pokémon through the rearview mirror. "Hah! Must've been some kind of adventure if even a Rotom's feeling worn out."

"Yeah," I muttered, leaning back into the seat as I stole a glance at Aria's Pokéball. She had fallen asleep the moment I recalled her, her red horn giving off a faint glow. Oddish, on the other hand, was restless, its tiny leaves pressing up against the interior of the Pokéball, clearly curious about the outside world. "It was both disgusting and worrisome… and not even a little bit fun."

[Disgusting, indeed, Mr. Taximan,] Rotom said, now lazily floating near the driver's shoulder. [But we can't tell you about it because… well, it's a secret!]

The old man let out another hearty laugh. "Ah, you kids and your secrets! Sounds like you've been through the wringer, though."

I let my eyes wander to the city outside. Pewter was so much different from what I remembered in the old Game Boy games. The squat little town I used to picture had been replaced with a lively city, filled with towering buildings and bustling streets. The air still carried that familiar scent of earth and rock, but it was mixed with the modern hum of city life—cars honking, neon signs flickering, and people going about their day. It was nostalgic in a way I didn't expect, and it made me wonder just how much things had changed.

"Hey, mister," I said, shifting my gaze back to the driver. "My mom always told me that Pewter City was tiny twenty years ago. What happened?" ı said clearly lying.

The old man took a quick glance at me, raising an eyebrow before smirking. "Ahh, yeah. Things sure have changed in the last fifteen years."

He adjusted his grip on the wheel as the taxi slowed to a stop at a red light. "It all started when that dumb kid—Brock, the Gym Leader—finally grew up. He stopped wasting his life just waiting around in the Gym for challengers and actually started taking care of the city. Back then, Pewter barely had a hundred people living here. It was practically a ghost town." The old man let out a booming laugh, shaking his head. "But can you believe it? That guy got married, settled down, and even had a kid! And look at the city now—thriving!"

I blinked. Wait. What?

"Brock got married?!" I blurted out, my jaw practically hitting the floor. "And he has a kid?! Who?! When?! How?! Why!?"

Rotom snickered beside me. [Ah, Alex Carter, you sound personally offended!]

"No ım not! Hey, mister, do you know the name of the woman?" I asked, my voice full of curiosity and excitement. I couldn't help but feel proud of Brock—after all those years of watching him struggle with romance, he had finally settled down.

The old man scratched his head, eyes squinting as if digging through his memories. "Now that you mention it, I can't quite recall her name… but I do remember she was from Hoenn. Came all the way here to marry my boy Brock. Imagine that, huh?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Ah, well—looks like we're here."

I looked outside and saw the glowing red roof of the Pokémon Center standing tall in front of us. My muscles ached from all the running, and the thought of a proper rest made my shoulders relax a little.

"Rotom, can you send him the money?" I asked as I reached for my bag.

[Of course, Alex Carter!] Rotom chirped before zipping toward my Pokédex. Within seconds, the transfer was complete.

The old man glanced at his console and grinned. "Got it—3000 Pokédollars, just as promised." He turned back to me with a warm smile. "It was nice meeting you, kid. Good luck with your adventure! And take care of those Pokémon—they seem real special."

I nodded, gripping my bag straps. "Thanks, mister. And hey, if you ever remember her name, let me know!"

He laughed heartily. "Will do! Now go on, don't keep that gym badge waiting." , I stepped out of the taxi, the crisp Pewter City air welcoming me. Rotom hovered at my side as ı the doors of pokecenter opened.

"Hey, can I help you?" One of the nurses behind the reception desk said, "Yes, is there somewhere I can let my Pokemon rest?

The nurse gave me a warm smile and gestured toward a side counter. "Of course! Just place their Pokéballs in the tray over there, and we'll take care of the rest."

I nodded and reached for my belt, carefully unhooking Aria's and Oddish's Pokéballs before setting them down. "They've been through a lot, so please make sure they get a full check-up," I added, glancing down at Rotom, who hovered beside me.

[Don't forget about me, Alex Carter!] Rotom chimed in, spinning in place. [I may not be in a Pokéball, but I deserve some care too!]

The nurse chuckled. "We don't usually treat Rotoms, but we can check on your systems if you'd like."

[No,Thanks! I would never let someone who is not a pro touch me!] Rotom replied.

She nodded before sliding the tray toward a Chansey standing by. "If you say so! We'll have them all checked and rested in no time. You can wait in the lounge if you'd like."

I exhaled, finally allowing myself to relax as I turned toward the seating area. The Pokémon Center was much quieter than the one in Viridian City. Here, trainers lounged on cushioned seats, some sipping drinks while others quietly chatted. A news broadcast played on a large screen in the corner, showing a recent Pokémons in Saffron City.

As I sat down, I stretched my legs out and leaned back, feeling the exhaustion of the day settle into my bones.

[So, Alex Carter, what's the plan?] Rotom asked, floating lazily next to me.

I ran a hand through my hair, thinking. "Well, first, we rest. Then, I think it's time for my first gym battle."

Rotom let out a playful hum. [Oh-ho! So you're challenging the big rock-head himself, huh? You know Brock's a Gym Leader legend, right?]

I smirked. "Yeah, guess so."

Rotom looked excited. [I like that attitude, Alex Carter! That is gonna be fun to watch!]

I grinned as I leaned back into my seat, letting the calm atmosphere of the Pokémon Center wash over me.

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