The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 6: The End of The Plan, part one (58)

Chapter 6: The End of The Plan

          They had fought, and fought, and fought. The other party they were fighting didn’t seem like they were tiring at all though. Evil eye had thought that maybe her opponents might have every resistance there was for a couple of minutes there.

          Her mind was distracted for a second, and another rifle round hit her shell and cracked it once more. This was getting tiring, really tiring. She was starting to run out of mana.

          Even her negative energy magic didn’t seem to do all that much against the woman in from of her. She hoped Nabe was doing better. But in all honesty, the girl was fighting three of these sisters instead of two. Evil Eye herself was fighting a losing battle.

          The woman in front of her dashed forward and punched the shell she was hiding in. The force of the blow blew her back as if she had been punted. In all honesty, she was thankful for the attack. It gave her distance and a slight time to think.

          Now she had space. She used this space and time to cast a spell of her own design. It was a rather niche but powerful spell, at least she hoped it would be powerful in this case.

          “Sand Blizzard!” she called out and her magic obeyed.

          Then another fist blew through her storm and hit her shell, breaking it and shattering the pieces all around. She rolled on the floor and cast yet another spell. This one took some of her mana in exchange for her sparing some of her life force.

          The woman charged once more with gusto and Evil Eye had to do something rather quick. She quickly drew up another spell to protect herself and darted back.

          “Crystal wall!” she screeched out at the last second.

          A wall of crystal erupted from the ground. This stopped the tall, masked undead in her tracks. That was until she placed her hand on the wall and braced her legs. Then, with a rather loud crack, the wall broke.

          The force from this caused Evil Eye to be pushed back even more so and out of the sandstorm. This then made the spell end as she was no longer in the spell to fuel it. She rolled on the ground and used the mana-health-spell once more to stave off the damage.

          “Damn,” she swore as another rifle round made its way to her, she dodged but barely.

          Then, what felt like an earthquake rocked throughout the city. But that was strange. As far as the little vampire knew, there was no history of earthquakes in this region. She should know, she had been here for two hundred years. She then saw a rather large pillar of debris ascend into the sky a couple of blocks in front of her location.

          She could make out rather loud shouts of divine magic being cast all throughout the source of the pillar itself. The Member of the party Blue Rose thought that that must be Lady Viridael and Sir Momon fighting the demon they had seen.

          She didn’t know of this demon’s power level, but when she had seen him, she felt like she was staring death in the face. It was silly, a member of the fourteen heroes scared of a demon, even after fighting that woman Peregrinus. Oh, how her old friends would laugh at her.

          But it wasn’t a laughing manner. This power she felt coming from the both of them dwarfed even the Vermin Lord she had fought all those years ago. Even back then, she had to make a specific type of spell to fight the beast. Now, she had nothing.

          Even the beings she was facing were extremely powerful in comparison to the Vermin Lord of the past. In all honesty, she might not even survive this fight. That line of thought simply made her think of Nabe once more. The young magic castor was probably having a really hard time.

          It was then that Nabe herself burst through one of the buildings that she had been fighting behind. This shocked the little Vampire a lot. She herself was just thinking how hard the girl must be having it, but when she saw the woman herself, she was shocked once more.

          She was barely hurt, at all. She was facing down three opponents that Evil Eye herself would have trouble with and was coming out on top. How was that possible? Evil Eye didn’t know. She really wanted to know though. Maybe after this fight she would get to asking questions.

          But those thoughts and questions would have to wait. Right now, she needed to regroup with the other Arcane magic castor. After all, the two of them still needed to buy time for the other two to finish their fight with the demon.

          She managed to get over to the other woman using her flight magic and her crystal shell she managed to put back up after it had gone down. Yet another rifle round zipped to her and impacted the shell.

          It was a good thing that the spell was freshly put back up. If it wasn’t then it probably would have broken. She was getting distracted again. She turned her gaze to speak with the other girl.

          “Nabe, how are you holding up? I myself am running pretty low on mana right now, you?” she asked in hopes of getting a good answer.

          Nabe looked at the other magic castor and smirked the smuggest smirk she had ever seen on another woman. The look she gave the little vampire upset her somewhat. But then again, Nabe didn’t even look parched and right now, Evil Eye was nearly out of mana.

          But then she saw the other maids walk forward. This wiped the smirk off of the other woman’s face. She might be running on lower fumes than Evil Eye thought. The opponents of Nabe didn’t look that much worse than when they had started.

          She glanced at the other adventurer once more and saw that she had on a rather determined expression. She then looked back to all maids. This was going to be a rather longer day than she wanted or needed. At least that was what was going on in her mind, before the building to her right exploded.

          Dust, old plaster, brick, and wood came out. It shot from the old building that had no doubt been there since the city was built. In the debris, was Jaldabaoth. The demon in the suit was ejected from the ground and sent into the air and rolled for a solid minute on the ground.

          Then she heard calm, yet heavy footsteps touching the ground. She looked from the prone demon, then to the massive and rather imposing Raven Black Hero. He held out his two great swords to side of himself. She could hear faint chuckling from the helm he wore.

          “What fun, what fun!” he chanted and Evil Eye felt something in her chest.

          She looked down at herself for the briefest of moments, but Nabe saw it. Evil Eye’s heart was beating. It was beating with a feeling she hadn’t felt in hundreds of years. It was love and admiration.

          “I haven’t been able to let loose for years now! So, this must be what it feels like to be fighting for one’s life! We must do this more often,” he said once more and Evil Eye couldn’t help but whine with a bit of childish happiness.

          His voice was simply milk and honey to her ears. She was feeling ecstatic right now. Little did she know, that Nabe was watching her with a rather amused expression on her face.

          “Oh, come on! He’s perfect! The tone of voice, the way he walks, and his height! Oh, by the six I’m starting to have some lewd thoughts…” she thought to herself.

          Even more little did the small and flat vampire know, that her lewd thoughts were rather time by today’s standards. Princess Renner and any other girl other than maybe Lakyus would have more sensual thoughts about the tall and imposing Momon the Black.

          Shalltear sneezed once more. She thought she might have gotten a cold somehow.

          “I hope this battle was rather satisfactory. Shall we continue?” asked the now standing Jaldabaoth.

          In response, Momon dashed forward. He was soon followed by thew now silent Viridael. She seemed rather put off for some odd reason. Like she had just been forced to swallow a large pill.

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