The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 32 **Skirmish**

Remembering her uncle, or eldest brother, back all those years ago and ‘til the day she left, she was certain that he had been waiting until the perfect moment to…

Sahara’s red sinister eyes lit up with a light glow, as her emotions ran rapid over her. She could feel it, her coldness flowing forward, her heart was starting to close up.

“He…Has taken Rolland Estate!?” She asked, even though she was sure of the answer.

With Talon and the Right Minister ill…

“Mmm. I suspect he would prefer to kill those against him. But if the Right Minister dies, the whole estate has to mourn. That gives me the idea that he has another plan that he’s going to execute very soon!”


Matthew took her into his arms, and he jumped off the mountain!

“Ahh!” Sahara was shocked to the sudden action. She couldn’t belief that in the middle of…Getting mad…That she’d be falling down in the next second. “...Are you nuts!?”

Matthew frowned to her words but couldn’t help but smile when he looked back at her, “I may not be able to fly, but I can glide, my dear.”


The natural action of grabbing onto him had made Matthew feel good but Sahara didn’t calm down straight away! Too many things were out of her control right now!

It took a couple of seconds before Sahara felt safe enough to not cling so much and left her head…


As wind rushed past them, it was a lot harder to talk to one another, so Sahara took this moment to look around instead.

It really was so nice!

The view from the top of the mountain had been brilliant but gliding down like this was something she wasn’t used to.

She looked down towards the beasts and the trees, the water holes and the smaller mountains. They were slowly all getting bigger and bigger.

It sort of reminded her of a loading screen…That when it finishes loading, she’d be at the bottom…

…Then she called herself a nerd.


Matthew saw that the lass was being docile, which made him happy, as he held her tighter. She looked so beautiful, as her hair roamed freely around her face and behind her and her eyes seemed to be glowing even brighter now…

When he had last seen her, she had still been but a child…

Now! She was so brilliantly beautiful, he had once pondered to leave her here and not bring her back! He just had this certain feeling that many male’s eyes will ponder over her and just the idea of it made him a little upset! The problem of leaving her here was, it wasn’t really safe. It was already so surprising that she had lasted so long here! If a divine beast had come, she wouldn’t be here, in his arms and living! Her beautiful body would be in pieces…Much to his surprise, later on, he finds out that she had indeed seen a divine beast, while being here in the wilderness…

Luckily, Matthew breathed in hopelessly, she was safe!

Sahara’s skin and hair, besides her eyes, were the next most glamourous parts of her body. Her hair was silky and smooth, as though it’s been thoroughly treated by some kind of great care, that only royalty may get to use! Her skin…It was so soft and smooth that he could hardly believe it. Only very young children had this kind of skin! Yet, she had this kind of skin, being a young lady now and it had no blemishes whatsoever! She had some type of miracle skin care!  

…With her like this!

Sahara was actually very happy with her skin! She cleans her pores with her meditation very often! Her last life she was still getting pimples into her thirties! Now, she can get rid of them, sometimes get rid of them before they are even noticeable! Ah, she really had it good with the Bending Space Meditation!

On the other hand, Matthew had a small moment of panic…What is going to happen when other men were to see her!?


And that damned fox!

The fox had hurriedly gone into the lass’s clothing, as soon as they had started to descend. His little nose was sticking out and his horns had poked holes into the lass’s clothes!

Matthew got mad seeing this.

How dare that little!

But then, he saw the lass turn to him and he saw her bright, sweet smile. “This is really pretty! I don’t get to see anything when I teleport…Haha.”

Oh…My dear princess, I’ll go back up there and fall down, just to see you smile like that again.

Matthew’s heart seemed to sigh in peace once again. Never had anyone made him feel like he belonged and that was it…

There were no questions, nor answers…It was just a feeling of belonging. He already could feel that in his heart, she wasn’t just ‘a lass’ anymore…He belonged to her, just like she belonged to him. She was his woman…His Sahara.


“Hey! Are you watching!”

Matthew snapped out of his thoughts, when Sahara hit him lightly on his cheek. “Hey!”

Looking down, the ground was a lot closer than before, and it startled him.

This woman might be the death of me!

Matthew focused upon landing and made sure to try and impress his Princess, by starting to walk as soon as he was down on the ground.

He noticed that Band One and Band Two wanted to follow after him, but he gave them a look and kept walking in the direction of Green Haven.


Having glided down from the huge mountain, they were already quite far away from it now.

Sahara looked back at the large mountain and smiled, it had been great, while it lasted!

I will have come back at some time and have a holiday or something…

After she finished thinking this, she realized that she was still in this man’s arms…

“Ah…So…What’s your name?”

She couldn’t help but think of a particular show that had someone say, ‘So…You like…Stuff?’, when she said these words.

Actually, Sahara had wanted him to put her down…But how could she ask, when she didn’t even know his name? She felt a little ridiculous finding this out and her eyes dulled a bit, losing its brightness from before.


Matthew had completely forgotten that she didn’t even know that he was the Green Haven ‘Second Prince’…

“Matthew. And you are Sahara…You probably should change…Before seeing Talon again.”

Sahara looked away, she had already decided that going back as Sahara, was not what she was going to do. “I will be going back as a young master instead…And I won’t be staying at the Rolland Estate.”

Matthew stopped walking at her words, and looked at her in bewilderment, “A…A young master?”

What is she saying?

Sahara nodded easily at him, even smiling. She would happily pronounce that she was excited about it! She didn’t know how long it’ll last, but who cares, Haha.

It should be fun!


Matthew just remembered her other words and came up with a very alluring idea!

“Then you can stay with me!”

Sahara looked at him and frowned…

“What?” Matthew lost his nerve a bit, she really did make it look like the worst idea.

But it would be perfect. She would be a him, and it wouldn’t ruin any kind of reputation! And I’ll protect her…


Looking down at Sahara, he heard her say, “Put me down!”

Even though he liked that she had called his name, gloominess overcome him, as he slowly put her down.

If only she would let him, he’d carry her all the way back…

Sahara straighten her clothes and looked up at Matthew, as the top of her head only reached to his shoulders, “Thanks for the information. Here.”

Sahara gave him a nucleus and smiled cheekily. “Uh…I’ll be heading off first. See ya around!”


Before Matthew could say anything about stopping her or her last, strange words, he watched her disappear…

For a whole minute, he stood there and silently sulked.

He clenched his hands, feeling the nucleus, and he brought it up to his eye level.

Smiling, he put the nucleus in his sleeve and found that…

This…Little…Woman. Sneaky!

Sighing and shaking his head, Matthew first started to chuckle, then let out a laugh.


“My princess is going to beat us back…Let’s go!” Matthew said, revealing her new name to his subordinates. On his way back, Matthew had a slight smile on his face.




Sahara hadn’t planned to go so far, but once she found herself already in the outer towns of Green Haven, she breathed out a large breath of air. It was one of the places that she had stopped at on the way out of Green Haven, when she had been poisoned, and it hadn’t changed very much at all since she had last been there. Having spent nearly two days to get here, Sahara had used up half of her spiritual essence and decided to stay here for now.

She noticed Naruto coming out from her clothes and shake his body, his claws digging into her while he was at it.

Having jumped of that mountain, Naruto had taken to going into her clothes a lot more often now. Seeing this, Sahara guessed that it was because he had been quite scared. Every time she had stopped to eat and sleep, Naruto would come out, but otherwise, he hid himself since that time…

Sahara swiped him off her with her hand, and he fell off, but he still landed on his feet. “Arf!”

She looked at him and shook her head, “Should have…”


Her words were interrupted by somebody appearing and pushing her against a close by tree, holding their hands to her throat, “Who are you!?”

Sahara put her hands up to try and help release herself from the person’s grip, but she wasn’t strong enough. She was struggling to keep her eyes opened and couldn’t take a breath in or out. The suddenness of the action had made her forget about her cultivation base for a moment, as she had to also endure against the pain that happened as well, due to being slamming into the tree.

Finally sensing herself in somewhat of a dire situation, Sahara tried to focus and teleported away.

When she found herself a few meters away, she coughed and fell to the ground.


Seeing someone turn to her cough, the person already went charging towards her, so she teleported again.

“Na…Naruto!” She tried to yell, yet it came out as a near whisper. That grip from being around her throat, it had been really tight!

Naruto went to race towards her, but the person went to block the path between them, “Who are you!?”

Sahara coughed again but stood up and her eyes glowed more of a brilliant red then it did before. Looking at the person in front of her, she sees that they held out a sword towards her. As a short silence came between them, she started to breath better, calming herself down.


They aren’t letting us go? Fine! Let’s play!

Sahara was no longer scared at all…It was a strange sensation to feel in this circumstance, but all she could feel, was that she had some anger pent up inside of her and that this situation seemed perfect to use it!

Finally seeing her eyes…That person stopped in astonishment…

Sahara let out a chuckle and got out both of her swords. Taking them both within her hands, she got into a battle stance…To finally set her eyes upon the other person.


Nearly dropping her swords in complete astonishment, she saw that this person’s eyes were golden!

They glowed so magically and above normal, Sahara was indeed put into a state of shock!

Pretty! So pretty! Magical…So…Beautiful!

The person suddenly charged at her and, somehow, Sahara got her bearings and clashed her two swords against theirs. Finding their power was quite immense, as she was being pushed back, gave her all that much more want to see if she could take them on!

Seeing that she needed to focus, Sahara remembered her battles with the higher ranked beasts and thoroughly continued to defend against their strong attacks. The problem was…This person was at least two or three levels above herself.

As she defended, her wrists hurt and many times she nearly dropped her swords, because they were hit so hard!

For some reason, though, she was really happy! Having gone against only beasts till now, this was her first real skirmish, and she was elated! Her eyes grew slightly brighter, with excitement, as she endured and started to think on how to defeat her opponent.


With this person’s strength, Sahara was sure that she would not defeat them with her own.

In that case…Sahara used her first strategy of speed!

Dodging as often as possible, she struck at him many times and even used their own attacks against themselves…But she was not fast enough.

Strangely, as they continued, both of them became somewhat…Too involved…She couldn't help but rise to the challenge, as she was sure that you can grow stronger faster this way! Sahara would always play games on 'Hard', to just get better at it, this just felt like a similar situation to her...

Both of them, unknowingly to the other, seemed to be gaining a smile on their lips and getting more and more excited!

Sahara rapidly moved and swung her swords, yet the other person either dodged or blocked her attacks.

They were both determined to show their strength to the other yet couldn’t seem to find a falter big enough to break through and win the fight!

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