The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 31 **Lost it!**

Sahara was still alive and…

“What happened to Celeste?”

“She was beheaded.” Matthew said, watching her.

She wasn’t surprised, using that poison would have been enough to know the answer, “Gabriella?”

“I took her under the pretence that she had some sort of disease, like her mother. I was hoping for a chance to take her and deal with her, when Talon had told me that she had schemed against you. But…There were problems, and she went missing.”

Sahara let out a small lot of air…

She’s like one of those bad characters that you can’t kill! Haha…Wait…Why do I feel like that’s true though? Why do I feel like it would have been better if she was in this man’s hands instead of…Out there somewhere…


Matthew didn’t see much difference on her face, as he asked, “Don’t you hate Celeste?”

He really wanted to try and understand this little lass. He understood Celeste and Gabriella’s…For the most part…But why isn’t this lass mad?

“Not really.” Sahara said bluntly.


The man’s mind was a mess! “Why not?”

“Hate…Is strong…”

Letting out a laugh, he roughly pulled her over to him and he put his forehead against hers, “…I think you might be a little crazy, my dear.”


Sahara was surprised, and her heart suddenly started to beat faster, but she didn’t pull away. They were still somewhat laying down, just half sitting up and when he pulled her over, Sahara had to put a hand down to stabilize herself…

She answered him back, “I’ve been told that before.”

“Who dares!?” He asked, teasingly.

After a minute of silence, he was just about to follow his want to kiss the lass…When Sahara finally said, “My simple understanding of life makes me happy, and life is easily enjoyed. Hate…Revenge…Makes life difficult…Who wants that!?”


Sahara had seen many movies, seen many anime’s…Read many novels and manga…She went through a true hatred and revenge period herself…

Characters and people who think of these things, seem to not be living so much. They would be on a moving train, heading in one direction and it wouldn’t stop at any stops…

Her…She might be on the train, but she looked out the window, she got out at every stop…She liked to consider herself free and even make the train wait until she’s bloody ready to move on!

Sahara guesses that she wasn’t someone that didn’t want emotions to rule her life…Yet, when she’s on her ‘bad’ side, those emotions were quite forceful…It really was a predicament.

I am like, a walking, talking contradiction. Haha.


Sighing at this terrifying, little lass, Matthew couldn’t help but want to join whatever group or section that she was in! It sounded like she lived in the most simplest of ways!

If only I could do what you do, my girl. A life without pain and suffering…

Lifting her face up, so he could stare at her honest, red eyes, he couldn’t help but shudder.

Even with those sinister, red eyes, she’s truly untainted, pure and sweet. Let me be a part of this world of yours, my girl. Give me peace!

Leaning in, he kissed the lass lightly…


Sahara had been in love once before…

It was nuts, crazy and emotional. Honestly, she really didn’t want to experience it a second time. But…

This man…He made her think about males, whereas she hadn’t bothered before, so far in this life. Her heart was indeed beating dramatically fast, and she noticed his smell, his voice was nice, and she liked his presence…

And omigod, he was so handsome!

She couldn’t deny it…She was attracted to him…And Sahara knew that she was acting and saying things that she would do to one that you would trust. Which was already scary in itself…


…With these thoughts, it became absolutely obvious to Sahara…That this kind of feeling, was the same nutty, crazy, emotional feeling, that she’d had once before!

At first, she tasted his lips, as he tasted hers. Feeling their softness and feeling his touch, really helped in letting him go further. After his tongue entered her mouth, his taste flowed through her, and she remembered that she did like kissing. Sahara remembered that she liked every intimate thing!

She might not have been good at showing affections…But, she thought, she was good at intimacy!

The only problem was…She was a little uncomfortable…

Sahara crossed her legs, to be in a sitting position, and she was able to take the pressure off her hand which gave a solution to her problem. Matthew, on the other hand, went to go onto his knees, to be closer in front of her. He put his hands gently on both sides of her face, making her feel like this was somewhat like a romantic dream of hers…

After Sahara felt herself put her hands through his hair, they stopped and gasped for breath.


I lost it! I can’t believe I lost it!

Trying to calm her breathing down, Sahara noticed his clothes and remembered something that he had stolen from her!

That’s right, fine…Let’s do this!

As she felt him start to kiss her again, feeling his hands gently caressing her cheeks, she tried to show that she was responding, as she put in her spiritual essence from her hands and into his clothes.

Searching his sleeve, Sahara found a little pocket, that held her nucleus, and she teleported it out and into her hand, that was around his neck.

Once the nucleus was in her hand, she put it into her ‘storage’ straight away and finally brought back her attention to the man that was kissing her neck now.

You gave me information, I gave you a kiss! It’s mine again you bully…Oh, wow…It’s been so long…

Through her absence, from watching what the man had been doing, Sahara found one of his arms was around her waist now and they had gotten closer. He had somehow put her onto her knees too…

When did this happen?


Matthew had lost it just as much as she had...He had never thought that the lass would kiss him back!

Since she had responded, he seemed to have somehow lost himself and got even more possessive!

He wasn’t one that would normally do this, his thoughts were one thing, but he was a gentleman. He knew that it probably would be tough work to gain anything from her! Ladies needed to be coaxed! They needed to be spoilt!

But now that it had started, he found that he couldn’t pull himself away!

He had never, ever, felt like this before!


This man! What a devil!

Sahara couldn’t say she hated it…Nor did she dislike it. But there were just way too many reasons why this couldn’t happen!

Knowing that she would take him along if she teleported, because he was touching her, Sahara surrounded herself with spiritual essence, to break that connection, and then teleported…

Yeah…I can’t be like that again…


Sahara breathed out a big breath, trying to calm herself down!

After this breath…She breathed another…She was upset with herself…

I should have just left the nucleus there and got it back another time! Why did I do it this way!?

Naruto climbed up and onto her shoulder, which helped her even more to think properly, as his claws dug into her.

I don’t want to do that kind of love again…


Matthew was stunned, he had never enjoyed himself so immensely!

And that was just…Holding and kissing her!

But…Thinking now, becoming a little more alert to the situation. He probably had taken things too far, as he looked at his woman, that had appeared quite a few metres away from him now.

Upset with himself, he hoped that he hadn’t wrecked any kind of future because of this!

He had intended to treat her well…Not like this! How could he let himself go!?

Putting a hand through his hair, he found himself at a loss.

This lass evoked something out of him, that he didn’t know how to deal with. But whatever it was, he must deal with it and not anger her. He had already decided and desired her in his life completely, so he must control himself!


Sahara stayed silent but didn’t turn to face him.

She had already decided that she was going to stay single, before she had died in her previous life.

There were too many reasons to not get into a relationship! Besides, it wasn’t like I hadn’t experienced being partners with someone before…I mean, wouldn’t it be just experiencing the same thing?

With this life now, the first thing that would be against having a relationship would be…How could she officially, wholeheartedly be with someone…And keep her transmigration a secret…

Something like that would hurt her, because she simply hated to keep secrets. She’d want to say it but wouldn’t. Something like that…Would probably get her burnt to a stake, or something else that would lead to death!

Keeping such a big secret, would probably ruin a relationship…And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


Silent, and in her own thoughts, Sahara started to pack up her things.

Without holding back and with too much thought, Sahara placed the skins inside of her ‘storage’, completely making Matthew show an opened mouth, in utter disbelief!

The mat disappeared, the blanket disappeared and clothes that had been drying, also disappeared.

Matthew watched all of this with disbelieving, wide eyes!

But the fact that things were disappearing, reminded him that she was packing up…

Is she leaving to get revenge then?


“Then, what about Talon?” Matthew asked, a bit deflated…

The man had no other choice but to talk of another subject, so that he wasn’t rejected. He would also much more prefer her looking at him or talking to him, then being silent and looking like she had forgotten he was there…

Holding himself back, from taking her into his arms, Matthew sighed. He had a feeling that she was going to…

With Isabella it wasn’t like this, it was like a play, he played the husband.

But, now with this lass, he could not help himself at all! All those man that he had called ‘doomed to their wife’s’, he seemed to have become one of them!

He wanted her attention, he wanted her to go back with him!

Knowing of her wanting to leave his side, he already felt like he missed her…

Will she not go back with me instead!?


He watched, as she called out, “Naruto”, and the fox made a noise from her shoulder. The lass let out a small smile and said, “Oh…You’re already here.”

The fox ran around her shoulders in a flash. It was so fast that Matthew had his doubts on this little beast being useless…

I wonder how strong Shithead is…Wait…Didn’t she just call out Naruto? Then does she have two foxes? Do I have to contend with two of these things! Oh, perhaps it was another name?


“Talon?” Sahara asked, distracted, her curiosity was peaked even before he had asked. Her thoughts, though, were a little sluggish, as she had decided to pack up and leave.

“Mmm. He was the one that went to your grandfather to ask on how to protect you.”

“…He was?”

“Mmm.” Matthew sighed. “How about we continue to talk on the way?”


If father had gone to ‘stupid grandfather’…Doesn’t that mean, he knew about Gabriella’s schemes?

Sahara was a little bit confused now.

Did he know all along or…


Matthew looked gloomily at the lass, as he could see that she hadn’t heard him.

How can I keep an eye on her if she teleports!? Oh…That’s right!

While Sahara wasn’t watching, Matthew let his spiritual essence go inside of her.

Even if he couldn’t track her, he still felt better doing this. It just wasn’t…Enough…

Matthew’s meditation wasn’t like hers as he focused, his spiritual essence would just appear inside of her, like a puff of magic. It wasn’t a teleport, it would more likely seem to her like a magnet. Once he used his cultivation base, her emotions made his spiritual essence cling to them, and when he stopped using his cultivation base, his essence would also disappear, taking back all the information that it had obtained. After she had teleported from her bed, in the Rolland Estate, Matthew had stopped using his cultivation base, but his essence had not returned, that was why he had been so surprised.


“…Are we leaving then? We can talk on the way.”

“…Why are both of them ill?” Sahara asked, again not hearing his words. She had a last look around, to see that nothing else needed to be ‘packed’.

Matthew couldn’t help but let out another sigh, “I believe that was the Right Minister’s first son’s idea…I don’t have any evidence though.”

Sahara narrowed her eyes.

That uncle…I mean brother of mine! He finally did something!

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