The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 80: Mass Dungeon Entrance

Kang-Ho didn't have to wait long for the message to show up on the phone that he got from the Black Market, next day early in the morning the phone rang up. Kang-Ho checked the contains of the message and he found out just as the woman at the Black Market had told him, the location and the time of the meeting was written on the message. Along with the time and place, Kang-Ho was also told to bring his Black-Market card along with him for identification purposes.

Meeting time for the dungeon was set to 1 pm, and everyone would enter at around 2 pm. After 2 pm entering the dungeon would be prohibited, the Hunter Association people would start to guard the entrance. So, Kang-Ho was advised to arrive a little earlier if possible. Although Kang-Ho had a feeling that he could bypass the guards to enter the dungeon easily with his skills, Kang-Ho had no intensions of doing so. Inside Mass dungeon monsters were not your only enemy, Humans were as much of a threat as monsters. So, Kang-Ho wanted to know most of if not all the people who were entering with him in the dungeon. Knowing your enemy before the battle was better than an unknown enemy.

It was just 8 am, when Kang-Ho got the message, Kang-Ho didn't have anything to do for the mean time so, he decided to help his parents around at the restaurant for the time being.

"Mom, I will be going out with Moon Jung for a trip. I may not return for some days." Kang-Ho lied to his mother. This was his first-time entering a mass dungeon and he had no idea how many days or hours he would be inside of the dungeon. Informing his parents of his absence beforehand was better than making them worry, so Kang-Ho lied to his parents. Plus, Kang-Ho didn't want them to find out that he was going for a dungeon, Kang-Ho knew if they knew he was going to dungeons, they would start worrying for him for no reason. So, Kang-Ho decided to tell them about the dungeons on a later date when he was stronger.

"What? But you just came back. Why do you want to go again?" Asked his Mother with a worried tone. The anxiousness was shown all over her face.

"Make sure you come back as soon as you can, alright? Don't make us worry." Said his father with a stern voice.

"Bu But, what if he disappears again…?" Ha-Neul was left speechless after Man-Young approved of his trip. Her eyes became moist.

"Oh, honey don't worry too much, our son has grown to be a fine man, I am sure he won't run away." Said his father consoling his mother.

"I will be back as soon as possible mom don't worry; I won't disappear." Said Kang-Ho trying to console his mother. Kang-Ho didn't know what to say that would make her feel better, Kang-Ho was very bat at making conversations.

"Alright" said Ha-Neul after seeing Man-Young support Kang-Ho, she already knew that there was nothing she could do to stop her son from going.

After making the announcement Kang-Ho stayed with his family for some more time before bidding farewell to them. When Kang-Ho left the restaurant it was already 12, the dungeon wasn't too far from Busan, it would just take him 30 minutes by bus. So, Kang-Ho was in no rush to hurry.

When Kang-Ho arrived at the spot it was already 12:45, the area where the dungeon was located was deep in the jungle and Kang-Ho couldn't see any houses nearby. After getting off of the bus Kang-Ho had to walk for about 20 minutes just to reach the place where the dungeon entrance was located at.

When Kang-Ho reached the location Kang-Ho was surprised to see that the area was sealed off using fences, Fences didn't seem to be old it seemed that the fences were built fairly recently. Kang-Ho wanted to jump over the fence but he refrained from doing so, he thought their maybe some kind of entrance nearby. The area was shield off using the same kind of mana barrier that was used at Moon Jung's house but of a lower quality. If he jumped inside using his ability, he would not be detected but if he cancels the ability he would be caught, Kang-Ho didn't want to raise any eyebrows. So, when Kang-Ho felt some people walking along the fence he waited for them.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Said one of the guys that was patrolling the area while he unsheathed his sword. Kang-Ho was wearing a mask so the man was on edge when he saw Kang-Ho. The man was wearing suit and carrying a cool looking sword. Kang-Ho was fascinated with the design.

The other man wore the same black suit and carried a heavy axe, which too looked cool. Kang-Ho quickly checked their levels and it seemed that they were both around level 150.

"I am here for the Mass Dungeon." said Kang-Ho nonchalantly.

"Walk along this way you will find an entrance, show them your identity proof. They will let you in. If you don't have the permission to enter don't try to enter through the fence, we will not hesitate to kill anyone who tries to trespass." Said the man carrying the sword.

Kang-Ho didn't say anything, he just nodded and walked towards the direction that was shown to him. the entrance was not that far from where Kang-Ho was standing, he reached the entrance fairly quickly.

When he reached the entrance Kang-Ho saw there were 4 people standing. From their attire it seemed obvious which organization they belonged to. Kang-Ho guessed that the men wearing suit were from hunter Association and the men with the mask belonged to the Black Market. Without saying anything Kang-Ho went to the men wearing mask and handed them his Black-Market card.

"You may go inside sir. Go straight on this line and you would be able to reach the dungeon in just 5 minutes." Said the man who checked Kang-Ho's card.

After taking his card back Kang-Ho entered through the gate. Like the man at the entrance had said it just took about 5 minutes for Kang-Ho to reach the entrance. Kang-Ho had no idea how many people would be entering the dungeon, but when he got close, he could see a lot of people. If Kang-Ho had to guess there were around 70-80 people standing there at the entrance. It was really noisy there.

When Kang-Ho reached the place, he was again approached by 4 more people from both the organizations. Like last time Kang-Ho again showed his card to the people from Black Market and he was quickly allowed to enter.

After the verification was done Kang-Ho went to see the entrance to the mass dungeon. When Kang-Ho reached near the dungeon entrance Kang-Ho was dumbfounded by what he saw. The entrance looked totally different from what a normal dungeon entrance looked.

The entrance to the mass dungeon was like a door brown in color, it seemed like the door was rusted.

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