The Good Incubus

Chapter 124 (NSFW) Gentle Treatment

Chapter 124

Gentle Treatment


Recap: (Luo Bai and Zhou Tu)>Hao Kong>Gong Qiu Yu

Fen Ru Chao x Xie Jie x Chu Ling

Yan Zhu x Dun Guanlian.

Temporarily free from the ethereal rope, Yan Zhu contemplated moving to his lovers and joining in. However, his fear of hurting them held him tighter than Dun Guanlian’s chains.

With an understanding of humanoids built over the millennia, the old collar comfortingly stroked Yan Zhu’s cheek with his links and gently slid the rope back in place; cutting off the Elder’s Qi.

Holding the now fragile human delicately with his hard metal, Dun Guanlian's chain slithered over Yan Zhu's tender flesh and pulled tight round his slender muscular chest in a beautiful diamond pattern. 

Feeling his body was too weak to hold with just his torso, the old collar wrapped lovingly round his thighs and biceps, and enjoyed the soft sighing moan that came out of this young human's lips. Happy that his man was secure and could be easily protected at any angle, if his now more powerful cultivators got too passionate, Dun Guanlian brought him over to Hao Kong’s side.

As one, the four men turned to look at the older man suspended in silvery blue chains. When they saw his handsome face full of longing, their marks turned deep red as they understood they all had the same desire. 

Slowly Luo Bai pulled out of Hao Kong's tight ring, with a deep moan of pleasure and squeezed his lover's buttocks, while promising himself he would spend a lot more time making love to his sexy silver haired Master.

At the same time, Gong Qiu Yu pushed up in Dun Guanlian's stirrups and raised off of Hao Kong’s long rock solid shaft, with much the same thoughts as his fellow Leader. 

Lowered to the ground by the collar’s chains, Zhou Tu pulled Hao Kong up to his feet and kissed him softly on the lips, “you have to do that to me again later, my love.” 

“Was it that good?” asked Hao Kong shyly, and looked up through his silver lashes into the piercing gaze of his young lover.

“Yes, your mouth and tongue are a delight.”

“Then I will do what ever you wish with both of them, when ever you want my dear Tu.” 

Kissing his man softly on the lips again, Zhou Tu commanded quietly, “right now I want you to pleasure our Elder.”

Hao Kong's breathing quickened, he was loving being given commands, especially the command to pleasure Yan Zhu.

Smiling and dotingly shaking their heads at their kinky lover, the four surrounded their desired after Elder, their obvious intent showing in their lusty expressions. 

Hao Kong knelt down behind as Gong Qiu Yu knelt down in front, Yan Zhu’s eyes went wide and he let out a soft sigh as their mouths gently touched his body at the same time.

Hao Kong rubbed the tip of his tongue sensually around his Elder’s tight hole, smiling happily as the creased muscles twitched and flexed. 

While on the other side, Gong Qiu Yu licked Yan Zhu’s firm bulbous tip, lapping up his sticky pre cum. Before his Elder could adjust to the pleasure, he pushed his lips tightly down the sides, slowly sucking the top half into his mouth. 

The sound of Dun Guanlian’s chains jingling with Yan Zhu’s squirming mixed with the wet sound of the men’s mouths, stimulating their minds as much as their touch aroused their Elder. 

Neither man held back, they did everything their other men liked to their highly inexperienced older lover, quickly moan after moan escaped Yan Zhu's panting mouth.

Pushing his tongue further inside Yan Zhu’s tight ring, his nose between his dusty cheeks, Hao Kong reached round and stroked his beautiful scholar’s shoulder. He was deeply aroused by them pleasuring their Elder together, had his Gong Qiu Yu always been this passionately sexy? 

Shifting slightly so his weight was on his knees and one arm, his rump raised up into the air, Gong Qiu Yu reached through his Elder’s legs and stroked Hao Kong’s long hard shaft. A happy smile curved his thin lips that were pulled tight round Yan Zhu's shaft, as Hao Kong moaned into their Elder's ring.

The beautiful sight of their Gong Qiu Yu’s sexy slender rear raised up in front of them, inspired Zhou Tu and Luo Bai. Licking a finger each, they both softly licked one of Yan Zhu’s pert brown nipples and together pushed their fingers into their scholar’s already loosened ring. 

Gong Qiu Yu’s brows shot up, it wasn’t the wonderful feeling of his lovers playing with him that surprised him, it was the feel of Zhou Tu’s energy. 

Not removing his lips from the huge cock he was sucking, Gong Qiu Yu focused on Zhou Tu’s energy more deeply, as his tongue ran up and down the hard member in his mouth.

Over the last few days, Zhou Tu’s energy had progressed multiple stages, Gong Qiu Yu now realised he hadn’t even perceived some of his lover’s progress. 

Zhou Tu was now stronger than any other cultivator under 100 that he knew about, which at the age of 56 was an amazing achievement.

A huge smile spread around Yan Zhu’s cock again, as Gong Qiu Yu thought, ‘now no one will think it’s strange if I take him as a direct disciple.’

Oblivious to Gong Qiu Yu’s thoughts, Zhou Tu was alternately kissing their handsome Elder with Luo Bai, while they fingered their beautiful scholar’s ring. 

Pulling back from Yan Zhu’s lips, Zhou Tu kissed Luo Bai’s neck as the tall martial artist kissed the Elder’s soft red lips. 

For a moment Zhou Tu thought how strange it was for him to have fallen so quickly for Yan Zhu. But as he kissed where his lovely Luo Bai’s neck met his shoulder and heard his man moan erotically, he remembered all the stories Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong had told him about Yan Zhu over the years. Thinking how he was just as wonderful in person as his lover's stories made him out to be, Zhou Tu tenderly tweaked the Elder’s nipple, and thanked the heavens that they got to meet.

With a gentle slap of Yan Zhu’s muscular bum, that got him a soft moan, Hao Kong stood up and said, “husband could you please coat me in your special saliva? I want to be as gentle as I can with our now delicate man.”

Held between the two healers, Xie Jie hummed to the affirmative, but didn’t stop kissing Chu Ling for a moment. 

However, Fen Ru Chao’s curiosity was instantly peaked, “what is your special saliva?”

“If we all go help Yan Zhu, I can let you feel it if you like.” Replied Xie Jie with a sexy smile.

Blushing slightly, the Master healer nodded and all three men moved over to their lovers.

Held in Dun Guanlian’s links, Yan Zhu smiled coyly at their incubus, he had seen the effect of his glands and was eager to feel it for himself. 

Not wanting to hurt Xie Jie’s feelings, but allowing himself to be a little selfish, Yan Zhu asked, “could you use the gland in your mouth, I would like Hao Kong to be my first.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Xie Jie replied, “of course my dear, I could think of nothing better than seeing you with Hao Kong.”

Turning to Chu Ling, Xie Jie said, “gently use your saliva first, then tell me and I’ll lick your other finger, so our beautiful Fen Ru Chao can feel the difference. Unless you want it directly from the source?” He finished with a saucy wink at the sexy Master healer. 

Swallowing hard Fen Ru Chao looked up into Chu Ling’s loving smile, “I’m sorry Xie Jie, I would like Chu Ling to be first to play with me.”

Xie Jie couldn’t stop smiling at these wonderfully cute cultivators, “of course my dear.” 

Licking his own right forefinger, Chu Ling embraced his thrilled disciple, and as gently as he could, pushed his right forefinger against his man’s tight ring. 

With some soft rubbing and a second coating of his own saliva, Fen Ru Chao’s ring loosened and let in his lover’s finger. 

Like a startled cat, Fen Ru Chao bristled and instinctively grasped his Leader’s arm in a grip that could brake iron.

Having licked Hao Kong’s finger, which he put to good use carefully loosening their Elder. Xie Jie knelt down and thoroughly licked his husband’s dripping wet cock, relishing it’s familiar flavour.

Not even having made it a 10th of the way in, Chu Ling stopped the moment Fen Ru Chao whimpered. Slowly pulling his finger carefully out he asked Xie Jie, “could you please?”

Slightly pouting that he wouldn’t get to taste the beautiful slender Master’s ring, Xie Jie moved over to the sexy embracing healers. Seconds later he forgot his sadness, at the feel of Chu Ling’s left-hand fingers swirling round and gently pinching his tongue, as he coated them in his special saliva. Gently kissing the back of Fen Ru Chao's neck, he joyfully returned his mouth to his husband’s hard member. 

Carefully Chu Ling rubbed his man’s already soar ring and felt him instantly relax. As his Leader pushed his digit in, Fen Ru Chao sighed and then excitedly gripped his arm again.

Chu Ling chuckled, he knew that look so well, it was his disciple’s excited, ‘this could be a brilliant way to help people’ look. 

In a deep sexy whisper Chu Ling breathed, “we can discuss the implications later, after we have some fun and you feel the effect of Xie Jie’s more potent gland.”

Eye’s wide with wonder, Fen Ru Chao asked, “this is the less effective gland? Why isn’t he using the more effective one?”

Putting his lips to the edge of his man’s black ear, Chu Ling whispered sensually, “because the other gland is in his balls.” Then he softly nibbled on the cute lobe that tinged an enchanting red. 

For a second Fen Ru Chao went slightly stiff with shock as the air, then tongue and teeth played with his sensitive ear. Then relaxing into his lover’s strong brown arms, Fen Ru Chao whispered shyly back, “if I was with you too, I would very much like to feel his more potent gland.”

Every head in the room turned to the Master Healer and, other than Gong Qiu Yu and Xie Jie whose mouths were currently full, they all licked their lips in anticipation. Fen Ru Chao had taken a huge step towards them all, and they were struggling against their desires to not run to him in reply. 

They all felt the same way about waiting; they would all happily wait for as long as Fen Ru Chao needed, until he was fully ready for them. 


Hi Lovely readers.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope you are enjoying yourselves as much as Xie Jie and his men.

I forgot to say, a friend wrote a fanfic for the Good Incubus for Kinktober, if you would like to read it, you can find it at;

I'm also enjoying reading their story, falling in love in a haunted house; 

I hope you're all having a good day/ night, see you soon.

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