The Good Incubus

Chapter 123 (NSFW) Advancements

Chapter 123



Recap: (Luo Bai and Zhou Tu)>Hao Kong>Gong Qiu Yu

Xie Jie x Fen Ru Chao x Chu Ling

Yan Zhu restrained by Dun Guanlian and ethereal rope.

After healing Xie Jie, Fen Ru Chao had continued to rest his hand on the cute incubus’s slender back, while he was held in Chu Ling’s powerful arms.

When the others had been pulled by Dun Guanlian to pleasure Hao Kong, Fen Ru Chao slid his arm languidly up and around Xie Jie’s shoulders, shyly trying to convey his desire while not wanting to be too forward.

Xie Jie felt overwhelmed by the emotions and sensations radiating off of his men and especially from his husband in the middle of them all. Then feeling Fen Ru Chao’s strong arm holding him, Xie Jie looked up into the stunningly beautiful face of the Master healer and moaned as if it was him being ridden.

The erotic moan made Fen Ru Chao rock hard and he looked into the cute incubus’s dark kind eyes, as his heart fluttered in his chest. Now he had let his heart open, he was feeling more and more emotions as he looked at the beautiful men in the cave, especially Xie Jie.

Briefly smiling at the men with his husband, Xie Jie fully turned and snuggled into the chest of the lovely healer who’s energy he couldn’t forget.

The precise feel of Fen Ru Chao’s energy, as he strived to help those around him, made Xie Jie’s heart melt. He had always had a soft spot for anyone who, like him, wanted the best for others.

The feelings Xie Jie could sense from Fen Ru Chao were a desire to help by improving healing, and the desire to love his lover, who he had thought was just Chu Ling.

With the contact of their hug; Xie Jie could feel Fen Ru Chao had let himself appreciate the other men in his life. He was amazed how strong Fen Ru Chao’s feelings were for the other Leaders, now he had removed his jealousy.

How had the Master healer kept these desires hidden from himself?

While Xie Jie marvelled at the repressed nature of his beloved cultivators yet again, Chu Ling kissed the top of Fen Ru Chao’s head and stroked down Xie Jie’s back.

Seeing the two hugging made Chu Ling’s heart soar, as if a great weight he didn’t know about had just vanished from his mind.

To have all the men he loved in one place, accepting and enjoying each other; it was as surreal as it was wonderful.

Chu Ling’s warm comforting energy surged into the cave as his body and mind fully relaxed for the first time in more than a century, and his powerful cultivation advanced. Unbeknown to the man himself, a hazy shadow lifted from Chu Ling's heart, as he accepted all of the repressed love he had held for so long.

Every meridian ran free, sending his Qi flying round his system to grow in his Dantian. The energy surged into Chu Ling's bulging muscles, strengthening his physical body while his spiritual awareness grew.

The feeling of their big healer’s energy was a soothing balm to all those present; Dun Guanlian even relaxed his chain and the ethereal rope around Yan Zhu enough that his turbulent heart could be calmed.

When the Leader’s energy passed unhindered through his Elder’s body and mind, it took a lot of his sadness and guilt with it.

With a deep calming breath Yan Zhu relaxed into the chains that held his fragile human body more gently.

In Chu Ling’s arms Fen Ru Chao luxuriated in his favourite energy, as familiar to himself as his own. Yet when it mixed with the sensual feel of Chu Ling’s smooth skin, it awoke Fen Ru Chao’s mind and heart to the reality around him; he was in a romantic relationship with the man he had secretly loved for centuries, and not just him, also all the men he had loved beneath his jealousy.

For the last 70 years Fen Ru Chao’s cultivation had struggled, hampered by his repressed emotions. Now that shadow had evaporated from his heart, clearing its evil influence, his energy joined Chu Ling’s as his cultivation leapt forward.

The jump was enormous, far more than any cultivator had progressed in a single go in the last thousand years.

The strain on Fen Ru Chao’s body was extreme as his power changed and grew. The Qi in his Dantian compressed and his body tried to absorb huge amounts of energy from the world around him to fill his meridians again.

Unfortunately, Chu Ling absorbed huge amounts of the ambient spiritual power in the caves as his body progressed just before his disciple. Luckily there was a willing incubus in Fen Ru Chao’s arms, who was currently full of sexual energy.

Between Chu Ling, Fen Ru Chao, and Gong Qiu Yu earlier, the caves were temporarily devoid of spiritual power.

If Xie Jie hadn’t freely given Fen Ru Chao his energy, the Master Healer’s body would have started to rip itself apart to get the power it needed.

Feeling the massive drop in Xie Jie’s energy, as Fen Ru Chao had very little choice but to accept it; Dun Guanlian slid his chains along Yan Zhu, taking the ethereal rope completely from his skin.

The spiritual world hit Yan Zhu like a mountain, his mind and body floundered for a moment as he adjusted to his staggering strength.

Then feeling the lack of energy around him, he sighed and suffused the caves with the amount of energy the sect normally used in a year.

Covered in the thick layer of their lover’s energy, the cultivators all became power drunk and smiled dreamy eyed at each other.

Unable to absorb Yan Zhu’s energy in it’s current state, Xie Jie couldn’t even hide his true form as he slumped into Fen Ru Chao’s strong arms, his wings limply to either side of the slender black man.

Fen Ru Chao felt like his body wasn’t his own, it didn’t seem to work as it had. Along with his Dantian, his muscles had become far more powerful as the density in his physical body grew. At the same time his mind was being bombarded with far more sensations, as his spiritual awareness expanded his understanding of the world around him.

In a flustered rush, Fen Ru Chao almost crushed Xie Jie in his haste to catch him, then lost his balance and began tipping the three of them over while trying to right himself. If it hadn’t been for his Leader’s strong steadying presence, they would have hit the floor hard.

“My dear Ru Ru, please lift our incubus up to me so I can refresh his energy,” seeing the look of worry in his lover’s panicked black eyes, Chu Ling said comfortingly, “you can do it, take a deep breath and feel how your body has changed. I’m proud of you my wonderful Ru Ru.”

As he spoke Chu Ling kissed Fen Ru Chao lightly on the cheek.

Drunkenly smiling at his lover’s wonderful words, the Master healer gently lifted their bone wearily tired incubus up to Chu Ling’s soft lips, carefully manoeuvring around his limp wings.

Slight panic entered Chu Ling’s heart as he felt how little energy was left in Xie Jie’s system. Then he smiled, of course his wonderful man had given everything he had to look after another.

Every mark went a deep red as Chu Ling kissed energy into their incubus’s soft lips, their hearts beating equally fast.

After a moment Xie Jie absorbed enough energy that his eyes opened and he put away his beautiful wings. Deepening his kiss with his sexy Leader, Xie Jie wrapped his tail around Fen Ru Chao, and was thrilled to feel the healer’s strong arms tighten around his waist in response.

Fen Ru Chao lightly kissed Xie Jie’s neck and said in a voice thick with gratitude, “thank you for your energy, it is as beautiful as you are.”

Pulling back from Chu Ling’s lips, Xie Jie said, “it was my honour to help you, your energy is a delight my dear.”

Kisses rained down on the back of Xie Jie’s neck and shoulders from the Master healer, as Chu Ling recaptured his lips on the other side.

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