Chapter 81: Mr second me
After he finished with his home, he just sat on the beach sofa and thought, was any of this necessary. The draft, what was there for him to learn from it? Why would he use his precious time to do something that he won't enjoy? Just why?
He gave a sigh as the knowledge that the time to go was near. 'Only if someone else could take my place...'
This gave hin an idea. He decided to make a separate creature that acts and looks exactly like him. 'This will get some responsibilities down from my shoulders... And it would also be interesting to watch myself from third person perspective.' He thought to himself, but now he was presented with another choice, the choice of either let someone else take over this unnecessary in his eyes, task.
After some consideration on if this was what he wanted he decided to go with it, and so his project on multiplication began. Out of the sands before him, he just shaped a new body identical to him, after which he imported some memories to shape a personality and finally functions and powers. In the end it was a perfect, an identical clone of himself and only one isn't a limitation, so he could do this many, many times. And just for the drafts, another day of school...
Eth made a small eye companion out of alive ink so he can watch his own clone, how he is doing, what is happening around him, and such.
At the day of traveling Eth put the school uniform on his clone and gave him the costume he created for himself originally. He had better plans than to go around and do absolutely nothing, and learn absolutely nothing of value to himself.
But is there anything at value for him? Which way should he go with this? His eye twitched slightly as his mind shut off and insanity took it from there, he just laughed at the idea, and after some time it came to a stop. "Why wasn't I able to see the beauty in everything?" He asked himself looking at the ceiling of his room, before sending his clone off to school. This strength didn't fulfill him, so he just let go of the idea of using it in battle and just got himself some sick skills, after all, a power is nothing without a better user, so skill was the core objective.
He took a look through a little painted watch on his wrist and saw that his clone was already at the train station. And it was walking towards the train which will lead it to the city where the hero agency he picked was.