Chapter 21: 21 Saving Another Poor Soul
Jenna looked at him, smiling and blushing. "Oh, that is the laundry. I will be right back." She placed the nails that she was holding down and skipped over to change the laundry. She gave Brielle and smile as she passed by her.
"She went through a lot for someone so young. Her parents were murdered and saved her. The ones that got her parents have been punished, but there are just so many bad things that could happen. So after a while of being in the orphanage, I decided to take her under my wing. She has been suffering from that loss for a long time now. So if I could request that you take care of her when you two at that school, I would appreciate it. I also heard that you are in the Advanced classes. Tina will be joining you in those classes. She was homeschooled, but I believe that it should be relatively easy for her to comprehend those classes, but if she is struggling, I was hoping that you would not mind giving her a hand?" Brielle looked at Lucas questioningly.
"Of course! I have zero issues helping Tina out. If you do not mind, can I tell you that she is beautiful, and I fell in love at first sight?" Lucas looked away, blushing.
"How cute. I will not reject you for Tina but give her time to adjust and let her come to you. This is all new for her, and I want her to adjust before adding a relationship into the mixture." Brielle smiled and looked up at the kitchen and watched Jenna walked from her bedroom carrying a basket full of clothing.
Lucas watched Jenna with longing, and then once she was back in the laundry room, he looked at Brielle. "Olivia, I promise you that I will not force her into anything too early, and I will give her space, but if she comes onto me, I won't be able to reject her."
"That is completely fair. I trust ya, Lucas. Now the pizza should be here soon. I will clear off the kitchen table that you two already built." Brielle got up, went to the kitchen table, started moving everything off and into piles on the floor, recycling, then garbage. She went into the kitchen and found the garbage bags. Grabbing one, Brielle went back to the dining area and started packing all the trash in the bag. Then she started breaking the cardboard down and placing them in a bigger box near the front door. She took the packed box of boxes and placed it in the hallway along with the garbage bag. Her phone rang, and she looked at the caller. "Hello, how can I help you?"
"Good evening, I have a delivery for a Miss Olivia Taylor, but this is a different address from usual." The boy sounds completely confused.
"Oh hey, yeah, I am having pizza dinner with some guests at their apartment. I will buzz you up." Brielle pushed button seven on her phone and finished moving the garbage to the hallway. Then went inside, hearing the two giggling. "Pizza will be here in a moment. Tina, can you wipe the table down? I will wait for the guy to finish the delivery."
"Yes~" Jenna handed the next piece to Lucas, then got to work on using sanitizing wipes on the kitchen table.
"I am glad that you were able to get the delivery job and that you are doing so well at it." Brielle smiled at the boy.
"Olivia, it was thanks to you helping me get the job. You saved my ass. I can never repay your kindness in my entire lifetime." He handed her the boxes and then lifted the bags. "I'll carry these in for you."
Brielle held the door open and left the boy go through. She followed with the pizza boxes and smiled at Lucas' shocked face. "Seth, I am sure that you know Lucas from school. The girl is my ward, and her name is Tina. I hope that you will all get along."
"Hi Tina, I am Seth. It is good to see you again, Lucas." He placed all the bags on the kitchen table, smiling and looking at the two. "When you said you were at a friend's house, you meant your ward?"
"Well, Tina is also a friend of mine. So she is not just my ward, but also a great friend. She will be starting school with you two soon. I just have to finish that transfer paperwork, and Tina needs to take the entrance exam." Brielle placed the pizza boxes on the table, then patted Seth on the back. "I made sure that you will not get in trouble for the part-time work. That paperwork was a pain in the ass."
"I do not doubt it, but I am extremely grateful. As much as I want to stay here and chit-chat, I have more deliveries to make, and then I have to go to the hospital." Seth smiled and waved at the two.
Brielle walked him out and slipped him a couple hundred dollars. "You will need this for their medication." She waved and stepped back.
"Thank you, seriously, if you didn't help me out so much, I would have been in an orphanage. I will never forget your kindness." Seth pockets the money, then runs to the elevator.
Brielle came back into the room, and the two were staring at her. "What?"
"Olivia, you know too many people. It is so hard to keep track of all of them. How are Seth's father and mother doing?" Lucas looked at all the food and was no longer hungry.
"Lucas, if you are thinking about not eating, then I will be pissed. Seth is doing all that he can to help his parents." Brielle walked to the table and saw the questions in Jenna's eyes. Sighing, she starts taking everything out of the bags. "Seth's parents were in a major car crash six months ago, and they got transfusions that had contaminated blood. I met Seth at a charity event. He was raising money to help his parents." She finished setting everything out and then looked at the two. "His parents are dying slowly. I give him tip money for the medications that can help them."
Jenna covered her mouth, and some tears fell from her eyes. "That's so sad. He seems so happy, and he is our age, is he not?"
"Yeah, Seth is one of my good friends. I know that his folks were not well, but I didn't know to that extent. Does this mean that you are also in charge of Seth?" Lucas finally starts to grab a little food while looking at Brielle.
"Yes, but also no. I am not in charge of every aspect of Seth's life, but he is under my care. I sign all the paperwork for his family until they get better. It is an honour to lend a hand to someone who is working so hard for their loved ones. I want to be able to help him more, but there is only so much that I can do." Brielle shakes her head, "anyways, that is enough of the depressing shit. Let's eat." She takes a little of everything, sits across from the two, and then pulls out her work phone. She eats with one hand while scrolling through the emails.
Jenna thought for a moment and wanted to ask Brielle if they could not use a vampire's blood, but she knew better than to bring it up in front of Lucas. "Okay, well, thank you for dinner."
"Thank you for sharing that with me. If there is anything that you can think of that might lend Seth a hand, will you let me know? I would like to give him a hand." Lucas finally drops it. "Thank you for dinner as well."
"Nonsense, you helped us out so much. Eat as much as you want!" Brielle starts eating the pizza. 'I wonder if I will be able to ask that vampire to lend a hand. I will not make that a requirement. If she says no, then I will not push her at all, but I want Seth to not lose his family.' Her phone buzzed, and she clicked on the message.
~This is fucking bullshit. I cannot track her at all.~ Leo sent an angry face along with the message.
~I hate to say this, but maybe she doesn't want to be found? She has gone to great lengths to hide herself. Are you sure that she was human?~ Brielle took a bite of pizza, drowning out the chatter of the two eating happily.
~ Don't even think that. She was as human as you and I, but if I am wrong, then I am not as sharp as I thought I was, and I will need to become sharper. I will keep this hunt going. The main reason I messaged you is so that we can discuss what you are going to do about the vampire.~ Leo was staring at the screen of his computer then patted the book beside himself.