Chapter 20: 20 Puppy Love
"I noticed it there, but it is you. I would never complain about something that you did. When you asked about quick possession sales, I knew that one would be down there. The boys are free to move the furniture now if you two are ready?" Isabella looks at the ladies, smiling.
"That would be great. Here are the keys for the truck; Tina and I will at this apartment and direct them to where they should place everything." Brielle handed the truck keys over and looked at Jenna.
"Thank you so much. I am very excited to be living here from now on." Jenna waved while watching Isabella leave, then turned to Brielle and raised an eyebrow in question. "So, what was wrong with the other unit?"
"Think about what I said for a moment, and maybe you will figure it out. Brielle looked at the wall and went around the apartment, looking at everything that was there. She hummed and hawed over everything and nodded her head once she was satisfied.
Jenna leans against the counter and thinks over what Brielle had said. "Ah, ha." She hits the palm of her hand with her fist, "the curtains, now that I am thinking about it, that is really strange. Is there a vampire there? But that is not right either?" She looks at Brielle as she moves around the room.
Brielle smiled at her, "seriously, I am grateful that you were able to figure it out will what little I told you. You are correct. So instead of killing them on the spot, I have been authorized to deal with them tonight. I will not bring you for this meeting as they are not a hunt but a negation." Brielle Could sense that someone was coming, she went to the door and opened it. "Thank you, guys. I am glad that you were both free to help my ward move in."
"Your ward? That is honestly a shock. I know that Isabella said that you were with a younger girl, but I told her that I would believe it when I say it. Hi, I am Jeremy, and the other guy with me is my son, Lucas." He pushed in a cart that had a bunch of bags on it into the room.
"It is nice to meet you. I am Tina! Olivia is indeed taking care of me. If it wasn't for her, I would still be stuck back at the orphanage waiting for someone to claim me." Jenna smiled, started to help take the bags to the kitchen and bedroom.
Lucas came into the room, saw the girl and smiled at Jenna. "Hi, I'm Lucas. It is nice to meet someone else that is my age. Will you be attending the high school nearby?"
Blushing, Jenna moved the bags, thinking. "I have been homeschooled all my life, but I will have to talk to Olivia about it as I do not know what the plans are at this moment. If I am, it would be nice to have a friend there before I begin." Jenna smiles at Lucas and moves the last bag from the carts.
Lucas smiles at Jenna, then looks at Brielle, begging with his eyes. Seeing her nod, he smiles then heads out the door, following his father.
Jenna grabs her shirt and tries to calm her beating heart. "Thank you. He is a dreamboat. Should I actually go to school? I've already passed most of the curriculum for grade twelve. It kind of seems unfair." Jenna looked at Brielle, nervous.
"I will be sending you. Whether or not that you wanted to go. The whole reason to go would be so that you would learn to blend into your surroundings. Act like a normal average human and not a hunter. It will make a great cover. All of us have gone to school at some point in time," Brielle shrugs her shoulders.
"I am actually kind of excited. I want to go to school and well… ummmm…. Lucas is soooo my type….' Jenna covered her face and then started to unpack all the new kitchenware, then loaded what she could into the dishwasher.
"Awwww, puppy love. How cute. I will not put any dating restrictions on you, but I will have one conversation with you when we are alone." Brielle chuckled and started helping Jenna opens all the new items, placing them on the counter.
The guys working coming back and forth with all the furniture and even set up the bed frame. Jeremy patted Lucas on the shoulder and took off. Lucas smiled and looked at the new boxes of bookcases and such. "Tina, would you like some help setting up the bookshelves and desk?"
"Are you sure? You just helped move everything in here. I would hate to keep you from anything that you would need to do." Jenna blushed and looked down at the ground.
Smiling, Lucas looked at the two. "I have nothing better to do. So please allow me to give you a hand." He happily moved a box and started to open it up.
"I will go and order pizza for us. What kind do you two want? I personally don't really care what kind you want. If I don't like what you choose, I will just order one that I like." Brielle looked at the two, waiting for a reply.
"This might seem strange to you two, but I have a love for pineapple on my pizza. Can I get Hawaiian pizza?" Lucas smiled while looking at the two.
"That's not strange at all! I like that pizza, but can we also get the Canadian pizza? I really like pepperoni." Jenna smiles at Lucas, then at Brielle.
"Okay, both of those pizzas work for me. I will be back shortly." Brielle left the two to build and clean up. Taking the elevator up to her apartment, she went straight to the computer and placed the requested pizzas with all sorts of dipping sauces, pop, chips, and desserts. Brielle changes the delivery to address to Jenna's apartment. Then she pulls out her hunter's phone, reading the information on the vampire.
The target is suspected to be four hundred years old with no life partner but not a threat. She is said to be gentle and kind. Would rather help than go through the struggle of dealing with negativity. Works part-time at a convenience store on the graveyard shifts. Has not been caught hunting humans but has been going to the woods to feed on animals.
The subject looks no older than twenty-five years. Not a daywalker, sleeps all day long. Has beautiful mocha skin colour, chestnut brown hair, the typical red eyes are actually closer to black than red, and she takes care of a human that she found one night that was on the verge of dying. A young male of unknown origins. He is around the age of maybe ten. Pale white skin colour, striking blue eyes, and platinum blond hair. Will monitor the situation.
Vampire brings leftover food home for the child, and she seems to treat him like a person and not food. Unusual behaviour for a bloodsucker, but also fascinating.
Lost track of the target. She must have caught on to the fact that I am watching her. This is too bad because I enjoyed watching their interaction. Labelling this case a class one with minimal risk of attack.
'Interesting. I like the minor details in the report, but that also explains why I could sense a human with the vampire. I will go there just before dark.' Brielle hopped on the elevator and goes back to Jenna's apartment. She stops outside the door, hears the two giggling, and smiles. 'At least she found a friend.' She tapped on the door then came into the room, looking at the two who were working on building the desk together, laughing. "Looks like the two of you are having a great time. Sorry that I am a little late in coming back. I had an email from work that I had to read."
"No worries, Olivia. Tina and I have been working on building all the furniture in the living room. If at anytime that you would like to have some alone time, I will leave." Lucas smiles happily and glances at Jenna.
"Naw, you're fine. I appreciate that you are here. Besides, you are Tina's first friend in this area. That makes you an honorary guest. If I had a problem, I wouldn't be ordering us all pizza." Brielle laughs while she starts piling all the boxes in a pile near the door and cleaning up a little.
Lucas smiles and looks at Brielle happily, "thank you so much, Olivia. I am glad that I helped my father with moving the items today. If it was not for the fact that I heard that you got a ward, errr maybe I should just say Tina? then I would've just blown it off. I was inquisitive if you did get a ward, and well, that proved true. I am honoured that you think that I would be a good friend for Tina."