Chapter 65: Rukia (65)
After receiving his treatment, Sora waited for his results. The moment he was told he was free to go, he vanished.
He was polite about it, making sure to act nice just in case, as he had no desire to deal with the nurse.
Strangely enough, her Reiatsu level was noticeably weaker than his.
Had his Reiryoku level grown?
Letting his senses extend throughout Soul Society, he first detected Rukia's presence. Upon checking again, he noted that apart from Yamamoto, Sora's Reiatsu level was the second highest. Oddly enough, he sensed his own Reiryoku increasing even more.
Looking down at his chest, he noticed a strange silver light, as if a piece of that Hogyoku had remained with him even after he had given the orb to Aizen.That was intriguing.
The aftereffects of this phenomenon shouldn't be too problematic. Taking a deep breath, he made his way toward Rukia. With his hand in his pocket, he found her apologizing to a lady with one arm.
He waited for her to finish her apology before approaching her from behind and hugging her.
This got a little yelp from her, cute.
Resting his head on her shoulder, he felt like this was comfy.
"So this was the shinigami girl you were so desperate to save," The woman said looking at Sora who gave her a grin.
He profusely thank her, not as much Ganju though.....
"What aren't you thanking me for, I was there..." Ganju added to which Sora tilted his head to the side and said.
Little to say the man was not glad, Sora had fun teasing him.
Well he decided to walk back with Rukia, but strangely enough, she didn't allow him to hold her hand... something her felt very fishy.
He turned around, looked at her in the eyes, and said.
"The elders in your family are against this aren't they."
She stayed quiet, Sora sighed a bit, he knew it, it wasn't that she didn't like him, he saw the loving look in her eyes when he had rescued her about like a week ago.
Those pesky nobles from the Kuchiki family, he did not think Byakuya had that much of a problem with it.
She seemed to mutter something like a sorry, though he just wiped her tears.
"It's fine, no need to cry over it, say what, how about I train you, you come to the human world once and a while and I help you get stronger so you don't feel weak again, what do you say, sound good"
"But would they agree to it" She sounded unsure.
"As much as they may hate my kind, they know for a fact I am strong, and I know that those old bastards who can't get it up without a pill wouldn't mind jumping at the opportunity to get their own stronger, as long as you phrase it in a way they would like," he said calmly.
"You want me to phrase it how?" She looked confused.
"Something like you using me or some stuff" She seemed a bit against the idea of using him, how sweet of hers.
Sora wanted to meet those nobles himself, however, he was already on a very thin line in the soul society and he was sure the Central 46 or whatever was left of it, just nobles would jump at the opportunity to have him kill.
Probably would use the excuse of colliding with Aizen or just messing up the balance of the world, that was BS, since he was 10, every time he killed a hollow instead of destroying the hollow soul, he just destroyed its sense of self, all the soul the hollow had consumed would be released back into the cycle.
So even if he killed Hollows, he wouldn't offset the balance, he however kept that fact to himself and Uryu, and maybe Ryuken so as to not have the Shinigami inspecting him more.
And lords forgive they try to study him, he might genuinely give them a reason to view him as a threat.
Speaking of which, Squad 12 captain Mayuri was deemed incapable of staying as a captain due to battle injury.
Apparently no matter how many scientific ways he tries to restore his chain... it always stays the same as if it had been set in stone in that specific spot.
He had gotten this news from just wandering around.....that was BS, he got through his many little insects and Reishi creations.
As to those wondering, Soul Society should be aware he could make those spy on them, he has a simple answer to that.
They do not, they only know he can inanimate things, the flower he gave to the scary nurse was just that, a flower, when she studied it, she would find no sign of life, it would be closer to a paper flower than the real thing.
On the other hand, the little butterflies and insects he made, mimic the real thing down to the last-minute detail, having his cards close to his chest sure was fun.
He looked at Rukia in the eyes.
"I will be waiting for you" He then gave her a light kiss on the lips.
The kiss lasted a few seconds, as they pulled away, Sora smiled at her.
"Don't miss me too much, okay"
"Idiot..." She mutters her cheek turning a light shade of red.
Sora gave a bright smile, he then handed her a little note.
The book seems to be talking about efficient ways to train.
Meanwhile, somewhere high above.
Byakura could be seen watching the whole scene, frankly, he did not really know how to feel about it.
However, noticing the blush on his sister's cheek alongside the way her eyes would light up around that boy, he would put his prejudice away for now.
The boy was making his sister happy and maybe this was what Hisana would have wanted, for her little sister to find happiness.
Even if it was with a Quincy.
A/N, Byakura is not racist, this is just prejudice, he was raised by nobles, so kind of like being raised by white supremacists and seeing a native American for the first time, that native American in question dating your younger sister, you yourself have nothing against them.
However, sure his opinion of Sora might not be the best but he met the boy and they clashed weapons, sure it might take him long, but hey, he didn't pop bankai and unlike Mayuri, he didn't say the word Quincy like he was saying a racial slur so that a plus in my book.