Chapter 64: The nurse (64)
Sora opened his eyes for the first time in what felt like hours.
"Well at least I am not in jail," He said calmly, he did know where he was, all he knew was that it wasn't a jail cell which was good news.
His control over Reishi was all there, he seemed to be wearing the same cloth except that his white cloak was somewhere else, hung on a chair nearby.
Touching his chest, he breathed out a sigh of relief when he realized he wasn't damaged, that was good.
That was always a good sign.
"You are finally awake" Uryu's voice was heard saying.
A soft smile appeared on Sora's face, his cousin was fine, and that was good, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if his cousin was killed or severely hurt because Sora getting too comfortable and forgetting not everyone was as strong as him.
Sora was an anomaly even among Quincy's, taking a deep breath, he gazed out of the window of the room at the blue sky of soul society.
"Are you fine?" The boy asked.
As Sora nodded his head, he wanted to know what was going on with his Reiryoku, for just a split second, he wanted to let loose his full Reiryoku to see how much Reiatsu he had now.
However before he started doing that he stopped himself, reminding himself he was still in enemy territory, he was still a Quincy surrounded by soul reaper, he wouldn't want to give them more of a reason to view him as a threat.
Pre-adapting to fire didn't do shit, Yamamoto still beat his clone ass in 50 seconds tops, he absolutely refuse to fight that monster.
He needed more strength, he was not going to wait for a savior to pull up, he would never put his hope on the bum that was the Quincy king.
He sighs to himself.
Before Uryu could even hope to apologize for being taken hostage, Sora opened his mouth and said.
"It's fine, you didn't stand a chance against them, to begin with, that Aizen fellow could beat me, much less you"
A vein seemed to appear next to Uryu's eyebrow, he knew Sora was trying to make him feel better, but did he really have to rub it on his face that he stood no chance?
"How are your injury?, " Uryu said sounding a bit worried.
Sora had a smile on his face.
"I am fine, It would take more than that to take me down" He looked quite proud of himself.
"That's good" Uryu sounded satisfied with that answer.
"Aw, you worry about your brother. You're such a caring brother," Sora teased. Uryu pushed his glass back in, and a blush appeared on his face.
"Shut it, this is not it...dumbass"
Sora laughed, it was fun to tease his cousin, and he sighed a bit.
"Uryu, when we get back to the human world, I have a couple of things I want to teach you"
Sora relaxed a bit.
"What about the other?" He gazed outside the room, wondering how the others were.
"Ichigo is currently recovering at Squad 11, Orihime, Chad, and Ganju are also there," Uryu added calmly.
"I am guessing we are not at Squad 11 right now" Sora leaned back on the bed, this bed was quite comfy.
"Due to your severe blood loss, we are currently in Squad 4"
A shiver went down Sora's spine, jumping up.
"Please don't tell me it's not the squad of that scary lady...."
"Who are you referring to as a scary lady" A soft voice from behind him said.
Turning around, he saw a slender and youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. She wore the standard Shinigami captain's Shihakusho, but instead of the usual sash, she used an obi that concealed her well-endowed bosom. Her long hair was always styled in a large braid that fell down the front of her body.
The color seemed to drain from Sora's face, oh great, here he was alone with one of the few people he didn't want to be alone with.
Wait, he had Uryu with him, yeah, he wasn't alone.
Turning his gaze toward where Uryu was, he could see his cousin had left the area, the last thing he saw was the back of Uryu's head as he slid away from the scene.
'You bastard, I will get you for this, you goddam coward'
"Your injuries are serious; you shouldn't be moving around so quickly." The woman said in a rather soft voice.
"Don't worry about me, I am all fine, I can move just right" Sora said with a kind of scared smile.
"I told you, to not move so much." She said gently, Yet Sora felt the sheer amount of killing intent leaking out from this so-called gentle nurse.
Bullshit, this was bullshitery if he ever saw it.
Deciding to stop moving, she got close to him.
"That is better," She said politely.
She placed her hand over his wounds before what seemed to be a green glow could be seen.
Oh, that must have been Kaido, Sora's eyes gaze at it.
How interesting, this should fall within the Heilgesang (Healing Song) of his new system.
Maybe being near the blood craze lady wasn't such a bad idea.
Deciding to test his luck, he opened his mouth and said.
"How Rukia?"
"Rukia Kuchiki is fine, she is currently being taken care of, and she will make a full recovery," The woman said in a soft voice.
"You are Unohana correct."
"That is indeed my name, though if I may ask, you seem to be wary of me even before we met, may I know where you got my name from" She said rather gently.
This wasn't really a question nor really a request, the danger this woman was emitting made Sora kind of scared, she could, fuck that, she can kill him and probably would if he flip her switch.
"Met some soul reapers with hollow power on earth, told to me to be wary of 4 people, The captain of Squad 4, Captain of Squad 8, Captain of Squad 1, And Captain of Squad 5"
"Hm, I see" She mutters softly.
Deciding to help out his friend a bit.
"They especially warn me about Aizen saying something about how his Zanpakuto ability is perfect hypnosis and that is how he managed to get away from what he did to them," He said calmly.
Her brow furrowed at that, oh, that was good info to know.
As she finished healing him, she removed her hand from where his wounds were.
Creating a Reishi construct just for her, he thought he needed to pay money and thus considering her kind personality and the fact that he noticed flowers around the room, he was going to go on a limb and guess she liked flower guarding so.
With this knowledge, he created a soft, ethereal glow as two luminous lilies bloomed against the backdrop of a deep twilight sky.
Their petals, translucent and iridescent, seemed to capture the very essence of starlight. Delicate tendrils of light danced around their edges, casting shimmering shadows that twirled and danced like mischievous sprites.
At the heart of each flower, a cluster of golden stamens glowed like tiny suns, radiating warmth outward and dispelling the chill of the night.
"Here, thank you for healing me," he said politely.
The woman gazed at the Reishi constructs, how odd, it felt so real.
She would have to study it later.
She took the flower and said thank you.
Sora breathed out a sigh of relief when she left the room, it was not bad to leave a decent impression on the woman who heals you, never fuck with the healer.
Plus with this, he should at least lower the chances she thought of him as dangerous.
He then felt a shudder go down his spine.
Little did he know, the nurse in question probably would have started swinging.
A/N.For anyone asking, this was just Sora's way of staying on her good side, nothing more. Unohana is way too dangerous, plus he has a girlfriend.