Chapter 9: Plan falls into play
Chapter 8
Over the next couple off weeks violet and the others train and hang out while waiting for Peter to kill the first two remaining targets for his little hunt violet has been keeping track when Peter gives her a call
Du du du du chacha
Peter: hey Violet it's done now we just wait and cast the bait
Violet: alright that's great and once Kate is distracted by Derek you can get the other targets but remember you are going to have to die for a little while to get all the heat of you
Peter: yeah I know but that doesn't mean I'm going to just sit there and take their hits I'm fighting back
Violet: off course your fighting back that's what's going to make it more believable anyway we don't want them to think we are working together and on that note don't claw out kates throat stab her in the heart
Peter: alright let's get this show started then
Du du du
3RD person pov hale house
After violet finished with Peter she sent a text to Derek saying
Violet: alright Derek it's go time Kate should be on you at any time be careful
After looking at the text Derek hears the leaves crunching in 3 different places and hears Kate and two other hunters
Hunter 1: are you sure he is here Kate
Kate: yeah he is definitely here he wants answer that he thinks I can give him
Hunter 2: well that's good are we going to just shoot he up with bullets
Kate: yes and no we will you non lethal bullets as I have some questions for our little beta wolf
Back in the house with Derek
Derek: well looks like violet was right she really will torture me for info it's a good job we made our little pack beforehand
Kate: come out Derek we know you're in there
Kate:alright then don't come out boys shoot
They all start shooting there is debire flying everywhere and a couple shots hit Derek and he falls knocked out onto the floor when Kate and her hunters enters they cuff him and drag him off
3RD person pov with violet
Violet: alright the cameras caught everything the plan is going just like we wanted they will keep Derek for the week and then he will howl after memorising when they show up everyday and that will call Scott the little hero
Peter: your plans are quite brilliant my friend
Malia: I know right I never want to be on her bad side or facing off against her we wouldn't know if we fell into a trap or not
Violet: alright we will live our lives like normal teenagers for the next week and you peter will kill the last two on your list
Peter: sounds like a plan I'll let you know when it's done
After the talk off the rest of the plan Peter leaves and violet and malia get ready for another movie marathon with Lydia as Alison said she can't make it when violet gets a call from Scott
Du Di Du Di Du chatcha
Violet: what do you need Scott I'm doing something right now
Violet: stop shouting and who knows what Scott
Scott:Alison she knows I'm a werewolf and so does her dad
Violet: no wonder she didn't join our movie marathon how did she find out Scott
Scott: well we were kissing in the school bus when we heard a noise and I went to check it out when car headlights from both sides light up and cars came charging at me so I jumped to avoid getting crushed and I shifted in front of them both
Violet: great do they know about the rest of us
Scott: what no
Violet: are you sure do they know about stiles malia or me and Alison is probably with her physico aunt right now
Scott: no they don't know and why would she be with Kate right now how do you know
Violet: well that's simple Scott she was supposed to join us and Lydia for another girls night when out of nowhere she cancelled and said she was doing something with her aunt and the reason why she's with her aunt is because her parents her boyfriend have been lying to her and Kate in her twisted ways spun it around as for the last couple of weeks has been leading her to find out about the supernatural
Scott: OK this is not good if Alison joins Kate we will lose her for good
Violet: no shit sherlock anyway we can talk about this another time I still have other things to do
Scott: like what
Violet: girls night obviously it wasn't cancelled after all and it's at my place tonight so bye Scott talk tomorrow
With Scott and stiles
Scott: she hung up on me stiles
Stiles: well she does have a point it's a good job the argent don't know about the rest of us and she said that we will talk about it another time
Back with Violet
Lydia and Danny came together and are starting at violet's house with their mouths wide open when violet comes out to get them Lydia says
Lydia: Omg I know your rich but this house is massive like wow
Danny: I know right why is it so big
Violet: well it's for when I get more family members let's talk about it inside shall we
They all enter the house and go to the living room where malia is sat when violet asks
Violet: so what do you two know about the supernatural or werewolves
Lydia: that they don't exist
Violet: oh they do exist actually and I am a werewolf I mean you remember the night you got bit by that ugly and weird looking creature that was a different werewolf
Lydia: so what am I like a werewolf now
Malia: no your not your something else your not a were creature at all oh and I'm a werecoyote violet is my alpha
Lydia: so what am I then
Violet: well the reason the bite didn't turn you into a werewolf is because you had already had supernatural DNA coursing through you you Lydia are a Banshee or the wailing woman
Lydia: a what tell me what that even is
Violet: a Banshee is depicted as a human woman with the supernatural ability to sense and experience premonitions of death, often manifesting as intense visions or auditory hallucinations, essentially acting as a harbinger of death, and is known for her chilling, mournful wail, sometimes referred to as the "Wailing Woman
Lydia: WOW just wow really
Danny: OK I get all that but why bring this up in front of me
Violet: well Danny that's because I want to turn you into one of my betas I want to turn you into a werewolf but I must warn you there is also a bad side to becoming a werewolf
Violet goes on to tell them the good and bad things about being a werewolf when Lydia says
Lydia: what Alison family are werewolf hunters
Malia:yes they are violet and I were going to tell Alison about our self with the both of you but not offer her the bite but we can't tell her anymore
Lydia: why not
Violet: because her crazy physico has gotten into her head after Alison found out that Scott is a werewolf and that her parents have lied to her all her life
Lydia: wait Scott is a werewolf
Danny:that does make sense he did get better at lacrosse way too fast
Violet: yeah the alpha that bit Lydia bit Scott first then u gave stiles the bite and now he's a werewolf two but isn't apart of my pack as I realised him so he can join Scott.