Chapter 8: Scott apologised
Chapter 7
After school Violet meets up with Peter and Derek
Violet: alright peter how many more on your list then we can get to Kate
Peter: I have 4 more and then it's time for Kate
Violet: alright when your at the last two we will let derek be captured so the plan falls into to place
Peter: Alright then I will see you in a couple weeks my friends
Peter and Derek leave and Violet and malia go about their day and violet comes to a decision
Violet: alright malia I think it's time we make up with Scott and stiles there is no need for us to be enemies
Malia: are you sure violet if anything he should be the one to make amends from what I understand you helped him and he's been nothing but a dick to you
Violet: yeah I know I can't blame him for it a few months ago he knew nothing about us and the supernatural he was just your everyday normal ignorant teenager
Malia: alright but he has to apologise first
Violet: alright
3RD person pov with Scott and stiles
Stiles: come on scott you need to make up with Violet I get that she stabbed you but you were being really sexist what did you think would happen if you insulted an alpha to there face
Scott: yeah I know that stiles but do we really need another alpha out there helping Peter
Stiles: Scott she help free you from Peter and so what if she is do you really think if you were in there shoes you wouldn't have done the same
Scott: I know stiles but I don't want Alison to get hurt
Stiles: and she won't we will apologise tomorrow at school let do our homework now yeah you are already bombing most of your classes
Scott: alright I will apologise tomorrow
3RD person pov the next day
Violet and malia can be seen entering the cafetiera when Scott and stiles join them and scott pulls violet aside
Scott: violet can we talk
Violet: sure Scott we can talk
Scott: alright I would like to apologize for my behaviour the other night and yesterday it's just why help Peter
Violet: apologies accepted Scott and it's because the argents took things from us Scott they took our family's but don't worry Alison and her parents are not our targets they have stuck to the code and didn't massacre our family's
And Scott we will need to be on the same side I don't need or want you to help us but I can feel it on the air there are going to be a lot more threats coming to beacon hills more dangerous than Peter ever is
Scott: is that why you changed stiles
Violet: it's one of the reasons yes I get you wanted him to live a normal human life but he never will or would have after getting involved and if he stayed human he could end up dead with all the threats that will be coming
But the other reason is because he deserved it he would have gotten it the same night you did but one thing Scott you need to stop thinking the bite is a curse or you will never and I mean never survive what is coming very threat we overcome a bigger and Badder one will take its place now let's go get lunch I'm hunger.
Back with the others
Stiles: what did I tell you Scott we all need to be on the same page
Malia: I don't know why she wants to help you two but if she is so shall I but don't tell anyone about us OK
Stiles: yes ma'am
Violet: you two meet us at my house after school I will help you gain control a lot better than you have
Scott: but I have control and an anchor
Violet: yes but you need another one with you and Alison broken up the chains attached to your anchor are slowly braking and it won't be long until it snaps why do you think you are more moody and are not acting like your normal self hell the other night is an example
Scott: what about the other night I was normal
Stiles: no you weren't Scott I have know you all my life you would never look down on a female/girl/woman you have so much respect for your mother for you ever to say that sexist shit you said
Violet: precisely that and stiles doesn't have control at all
Stiles: hey I have control
Malia: no you don't so meet us at violets so we can help you
Then the bell rings and they all go to their respective classes.
After school scott and stiles pull up in front of violets house
Stiles: man I still can't get over how big it is I mean I know she's rich but why such a big house
Violet: well stiles that's because this is going to be my pack house for me and my pack I need it to be big
Scott: why are you going to make more werewolves
Violet: hmm maybe I have some people in mind and yes scott I will tell them all the good and bad things about being a werewolf don't worry about that I have 1 or 3 people in mind
Stiles then why such a big pack house if it's only going to be 1 to 3 people
Violet: oh because there are other ways to get a pack other than biting humans stiles and I have a few werewolves in mind to joining my pack
anyway come on inside already so we can get this over with yeah
Scott/stiles: alright
They all go inside of the house
Stiles: so how are we going to do this anyway
Violet: well Derek was right you do need an anchor but don't make it someone who will not always be there for you so no one your in a relationship with as something can always go wrong there so think of someone or something that will make it so you are in control like a parent or a fond memory
Stiles: alright that sounds simple so what's your anchor
Violet: it's a fond memory I had when me and my family was together before Gérard argent took them from me and Scott you will need to cut your previous anchor to make a new one you can make the anchor a fond memory of you and Alison but you can't make Alison the person your anchor well are you ready to get this done
think and imagine you are going out off control your about to attack an innocent person or a family member now make and deploy your anchor so you are no longer drifting out but are stuck in place you are at peace with yourself and your inner wolf both sides equal in control
Stiles: alright I've got it I'm at peace my anchor is my dad he is my ray of sunshine in the darkness
Violet: good what about you scott have you done it
Scott: yeah I made a better anchor it's my mother the only person who can keep me sane other than Alison
Violet: alright well do you both want to stay for dinner
Scott/stiles: sure