Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 603

Episode 221: Malicious Snake

On that day, as always, the witch princess Valentina enjoyed a tea party with Strina.

“Speaking of which, don’t you like martial arts?I hear the Empire’s Red Moon Duchess is quite capable of swords….. ”

“No, Lina… she can’t shake something so heavy.”

“Fufufu, have you ever had anything heavier than a poison bottle?”

Stryna can’t help but respond to Valentina with a smile on her face.

“Even if I train, I don’t think Leena will be able to be a strong escort there.”

Chilari and Strina turned their gaze on the werewolf next to Valentina.

“Oh, that’s not true.Perhaps you Yellow Moon family have acquired the knowledge of poison as a way to kill your opponent without power?Same thing, same thing with swordsmanship. ”

She smiles elegantly and puts her mouth on the tea.

“In terms of strength, of course, I can’t beat him.You have different powers. But I can still cut him to death. Because…. ”

Valentina grabbed the fork on the table and put her fingertips on it.

“People are weaker than steel.No matter how strong you are, you can cut your skin with a blade.Cut off your neck, your arms, and where you’re going to die, you can kill them.Princess Meer’s pride, Dion Alia.Of course, we need ingenuity. Because it is certain that it will not be reached by force, I think it is difficult for the opponent to apply force, such as not being able to interchange the blade, so I think it is difficult to remove the time.But that depends on practice.It’s ridiculous how strong and weak the sword is.I mean, before that, you just have to shoot him with a bow from afar. ”

As if she were a piece of crap with swordsmanship, she mocks.

“Yes, Valentina must be quite strong.Is that why you sent all your guards home? ”

Stryna glanced at the rough hallway.The women of the Fire clan who arrived before noon today.At their behest, most of the soldiers who were guarding the castle disappeared.

“Well, if it’s not good, it’s bad.It’s not me, it’s Princess Meer’s problem.They took away the hearts of the Fire clan because it was a very delicious food over there. That’s pretty good. ”

Then Valentina turned to the werewolf and the fire horse driver.

“Even if he had ordered the chieftaincy or something, he probably wouldn’t have.Well, I wouldn’t have ordered it in the first place… but in the first place, this situation is what you wanted, right, Horse-driver? ”

The asked horse-driver looked at Valentina without changing his expression.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…..”

“A crazy chief abandons his tribe after running off with the witch princess.When a clan loses its chief, it becomes easier to ask the horse riding kingdom for help, even though the chief is angry on his own.I guess there won’t be any more stewardship for the chief…The problem is that my sister Huima inherited the technique of using wolves, but, well, that’s enough to overcome it.In some cases, it’s okay to take Huima-san with you… Is that what you were thinking? ”

The wolf does not answer that word.All I could do was stare at Valentina silently.

Looking at him like that, Valentina smiles bitterly.That face… I wonder why, it seemed like a dear thing to Straina, pointing at her bad brother.

“Horse-driven, you’re a little bad, aren’t you?”

“I see…..”

“That’s right. Nobody would have thought someone like you would be mad at love…As a result, most of the warriors of the clan came with them…At least you should have let me whisper the words of love, but you really suck…. ”

“… I see.”

The werewolf nodded small.

“I thought you’d rather refuse.Valentina, isn’t it the same as the way snakes have always done, such as retaining their unified power? ”

“Yeah, that’s right, that’s right.The smoking wolf who just disappeared is doing the right thing with the snake.Snakes are powerful when they lurk in people.But… look, I’m a witch princess, so I’m a little different from the other snakes. ”

“The Witch Princess was the first temporary thing to reveal the power of the Fire Clan Chiefs… I thought she said that…”

According to Shtrina, the witch nodded, “Yeah, yeah.

“You remembered very well.Great, Lina. ”

His parents called him by name, and Stryna couldn’t stop his face from twisting.

At several tea ceremonies, Valentina seemed to have been made aware of her weaknesses… and she had such a nasty feeling.

Never mind that, Valentina continued with a smile.

“But that’s a little sweet to recognize.Even for the first time, authority is authority.It’s like a haribote, but from the outside, doesn’t it look a little awesome?You must defeat them, or you must fight them at the cost of your life…You’re the one who has to listen to me face to face…It’s an illusion, isn’t it? ”


Sure, you were right.There was a verse where the Meers saw Valentina as the core of the snake and considered it a serious enemy to be defeated.

“I’ve been thinking.The use of the authority of a witch princess….Honestly, I’m in the way of this fake name.I can’t hide.It would be a waste to just throw it away.So what do we do? As it stands, the most intrusive one for us is the Empire Princess Meer.I was wondering if I could use it to summon her. ”

“So you think I’m staying here? Can I lose my escort?”

“I think you’re mistaken, but I’m not using the firefighters’ force.I said, “No, because if I get them back soon, I’ll expose that I have a plan that doesn’t need them.”That’s about it. ”

Have you finished your tea? When Valentina stood up, she brought a new teapot and poured it into her own cup and that of Straina.

“To make it easier for Princess Meer to come here, I want to eliminate the warriors…”Perhaps I could show you the impression of disturbing me… but if I do it too much, the horse-driver will hate me. ”

Valentina laughed and said.

“Why… would you tell Lina that?”

Straina stares at Valentina in a blind eye.She didn’t know what it meant to talk to herself about her future strategy.

“I wonder why… I’ll tell you when I’m done drinking that tea.Here, have another drink before it gets cold.Because it has just the right temperature.It’s really delicious. ”

Valentina smiles gorgeously.

Being played with… with that bitter feeling, Straina put tea in her mouth…

“Ah… you’re hurting me?”

The cup fell out of my hand.

Your eyes are twitching and twisting.

There was an alarm.I wasn’t even expecting it…

No way, at this stage… I can’t believe you poisoned me…

“Bel… honey…”

Strina fell off her chair and fell to the floor.

“After all, I’m better at swords than poison.If you don’t, it’ll take time for it to work. ”

“You know what? I thought you said you’d use it alive…”

“Of course, I’m going to try not to die, but it’s up to Princess Meer to make it.Drink the antidote and you’ll wake up like a liar.But if you’re late, you’ll sleep forever, and eventually die.I’ve already given you the antidote, but only God knows if you’re gonna make it. ”

“The Snake Witch will name her God…..”

“If they don’t make it, they will curse God.If we make it… maybe we’ll curse God.Those who curse God and hate the world, that is… they are not snakes. ”

Valentina said after slightly lifting her tongue.

“Hmm, that’s right. In the meantime, would you like Lena to change…?Yes, even worse run-down clothes… yes.Now that the sacrificial clothes match, how about wearing them… and tying them to the altar of that evil cult chapel…Performance is important, so at best I’ll dress you up as if you were “something terrible”….. ”

A malicious spell that crosses your head.However, Stryna couldn’t resist….

“But if you brought it in soon, it would have been a little bitter, but if you ate it properly every day, the blood color would have improved, and it would still be unconvincing.”

“Fufufu, that’s true. I thought you might be more delicate, but that’s the Yellow Moon house.To a certain extent, I’ve been eating without hesitation, sleeping tightly, and having a lot of guts. ”

an extremely rude conversation that takes place overhead.I wanted to protest unequivocally as Duchess, but I couldn’t even do that.

“Well, even the poison around here will make you look pale, and you’ll be able to handle it.I’ll do it for you.Unexpectedly, “like she rushed to help.”

In a dimming consciousness, Valentina’s voice came down.

“Of course, just dress up. I won’t hurt you any more.Because… you’re… ”

Hearing that voice, Stryna’s consciousness fell into deep darkness.

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