Tearmoon Empire Story

Chapter 602

Chapter 220 First Joint Work

“Then… ah, that’s right!”

Meer clapped her hands.

“What do you think? I’m looking at the moonlight on the roof here….”

Saying that, the view that comes to mind is the one that I heard one day.

A vivid sight in a grey dungeon.

It was a scene of “Poor Prince and Golden Dragon”.

Sleeping on the roof of the poor mountain hut on the road, the prince looks at the starry sky.

—It was lovely, so I wanted to try it once.

If you think about it now, it was Ellis’ “yearning.”

The sick Ellis must have been envious of his younger brothers climbing the roof and looking at the stars… so he probably wrote his yearning in the story.

And the yearning spread to Meer, who couldn’t get out of the dungeon.

–Hmm, let’s do this on this occasion.

Mia nodded and said to Abel.

What do you think?

Abel heard Mia’s suggestion with a poke-faced face, but immediately blew it out.

“Ha ha. On the roof?There’s something unexpectedly nasty about Meer. ”

So they went out on the roof.

Fortunately, I was able to get out of the window on the second floor of the cabin and get out of the roof right away…

“Oh, it’s surprisingly expensive. This is… quite scary.”

Fear, tremble on the roof.Abel gently pulled and escorted Meer’s hand.

“You’re surprisingly used to Abel.”

“Ah, once upon a time, with my brother. I got upset on the roof of the stables once.”

“Oniisama… you know…”

I remember Abel’s brother Gain’s distorted smile…

“Surprised? When I was little, I wasn’t a bit sharper than I am now.I used to play with her. ”

“That’s right…”

Surprisingly, it was… but when you think about it, maybe that’s what it was like when you were a little boy.

I’ve never had a brother in Meer, so I don’t really know what it’s like around here…

–Something triggered it, and it was distorted like that.Poor thing…

While thinking about it, after a while, Abel lay down.

“Oh, this way you can see the stars well.That’s Meer. ”

“Above all…”

Meanwhile, Meer lay down next to Abel, nervously.

That’s how….


Unexpectedly, I breathed out of my mouth.

It was the starry sky that glowed in the sky that was full of sight.The sparkle of the stars, distributed with the wisdom of the Almighty.It’s so beautiful that just watching it makes your chest fill up… even memorize such an illusion…

–Oh, that’s right, that’s right…When I read Ellis’s book… I imagined this scenery.

It’s the starry sky that the prince and the dragon saw side by side.It was the scene that Meer in the dungeon imagined and admired in her head.

“Abel, thank you for inviting me.”

Unexpectedly, Meer snapped.

“Hahaha, I wish you liked it.I don’t spare any girl I like. ”

Abel smiles happily.Turning to the side, Meer turned again to the night sky.

“It’s a really beautiful starry sky.The moon is so beautiful… Tonight is the full moon….. ”

And then, when Meer looks up at the night sky…I heard a small voice unexpectedly.

“Aren’t you anxious…?”


I look at Abel… and I see his face in unexpected proximity, and Meer takes a small breath.

“I thought Meer was calm when I went to see the Snake Witch tomorrow….”

“Ah, ahh… well, that’s right. Hmm….”

While slightly distracting, Meer thinks.

Anxiety… wasn’t that much, actually.

After all, Meer is accompanied by a sack of wisdom and the mightiest sword.Whether the enemy was preparing a trap or not, most things would have been fine with those two.

–Since Anne is here, I’m ready to meet my sister-in-law…The only thing I’m worried about is Lena…

I was worried that it was the only thing that worried me about whether Stryna was in bad shape.

–Well, that’s pretty tough for Lena, too…As long as it’s worth it as a hostage…

Then Meer observes Abel.

–Hmm, apparently Abel feels anxious.

I don’t know that either.

And he went with his companions to the serpent of chaos for the third time, after the kingdom of Lemno, the Duke of Yellow Moon.

However, there were Theon, Keithwood, and Tiona and Riola in the past.

–Abel somehow trusted Theon, and he was friendly, so he was naturally worried.You know, fighting werewolves in the wilderness was really breathtaking…

Near Meer now are the Imperial men who added Dion to their ancient loyalists, Ludwig and Anne.And Abel and his squire, Gimmimafias.

–In other words, the allied forces of the Empire and the Kingdom of Lemno…. But… hmm.

Meer realizes something very serious! You’ll notice!


–If I consider the Empire’s minister my arm, the servant of the Kingdom of Lemno Abel’s arm… could this be the first joint work between me and Abel?

It was nothing!

No… it was a really nasty love brain!

–fufufu, if that’s the case, you must definitely succeed.Rescue Leena safely and make sure no one gets unhappy.Valentina’s sister-in-law must also be brought back safely…You can’t end your first collaboration with misfortune.

It was Meer who put his temper in the upward direction diagonally…



When I saw it, Abel looked at it with a caring look.

“I knew you were worried about tomorrow… no, I don’t think so…?”

Abel cut off his words and stared at Meer’s face.After a while, you smile bitterly.

“Maybe… you were thinking about something that doesn’t really matter?”

“Heh? Ah, yeah. You got it.”

Abel nodded happily and smiled.

“Fufufu, I’m glad it hit. Recently, just a little bit, I’ve come to understand what you’re thinking.”

Then Abel said with a serious face.

“I thought I had to tell you right now.”

Abel wakes up and stares straight at Meer.

“… hah?”

Pookahn, Abel quietly tells Meer that he opens his mouth.

“Meer… I’m…”

His face, which turned away from the moonlight, was slightly red.With his eyes staring seriously at us… I can’t help but squeeze out all my courage and understand his heart…

Abel said in front of breathtaking Meer.

“Princess Meer… I love you.More than anyone else in the world… I’m not going to lose to anyone. ”

In a sudden confession, Meer’s head boils in an instant.

“Cumming, cumming, that’s sudden!Abel… oh, no, suddenly… Theon, is this what you are? ”

Wakamoto period is coming!?It was Meer, who floated for a moment, but immediately looked at Abel’s face and calmed down.

Because he had, rather, a dark face.

“I’m sorry if I suddenly felt it.I’m in a hurry… I thought… that you might no longer be eligible to say that… ”

Then Abel strayed from his sight in a lonely way.

“… yes, no. Abel, I feel like I’m going somewhere far away…”

“I’m not going anywhere.But… it might be impossible for me to become your fiance. ”

“Whoa, what do you mean?”

“About my sister…, I asked Senpai Ma Long to send a message to Lemno’s country.I haven’t come back yet, so I’ll follow you by my own will. [M]But maybe that’s why I bought my father’s discomfort, and I might be chased for prince status. ”

“Well…! That’s exactly what happened…”

Say it and remember.

Abel was definitely thrown out of the country because of his relationship with his father, the King….To help, Meer and the others stepped in…I feel like it was written in a history book that disappeared…

Meer noticed there.

Abel told me his thoughts.But that’s why I didn’t say what to do.I don’t want you to marry me, I don’t want you to be a lover…

I just kept trying to convey my preferences.

That’s because… he thinks he can’t marry Meer if he’s no longer a prince.Still, I hope to accompany Meer…

“Even if it is, you don’t have to worry about it.You’re you, right? ”

That being said, Abel’s expression could not be heard.

“Of course, you don’t just look at the top of people.I know he’s not stuck to his position.But if my sister… if Valentina did something terrible to Miss Strana, I wouldn’t be able to face you. [M]If that happens, how can I ever tell you love…? ”


Meer took an unexpected breath.I knew what he was worried about… and I laughed unexpectedly.With a gentle smile…

“Abel… you’re an idiot.”

I’ll tell you…

“Even if you insist that you are not qualified… do you think I will allow it?”

Yes, Meer knows.

that I am the first person in the world.

Whatever Abel thinks, it doesn’t matter.

“If you run away, it’s no use dragging you to the country.I will go to your country and bring you back.So is your sister.If you need me, I’ll take you back to the snake. ”

It’s not just Straina. I’ll get Abel’s sister back. I’ll definitely do that.

Once again, Meer wakes up… and finds her!

“Hmmm… I see.”

“Beh, Bell-san, don’t.Please don’t disturb me…. ”

Sitting on the roof, watching Belle interact with Anne, trying to bring her back!

“Bel! Ah, how long have you been watching!?”

“Yes, I found Meer and Abel walking on the roof and hurried!”

“Almost from the beginning…Ah, well, that’s what I thought…. ”

Beyond Meer, who exhaled a sigh of abandonment, Bell smiled in a good mood.

“It was a very good anniversary.Meer, I can’t believe your grandmother and Abel’s grandfather… were deepening their love like this… ”

Abel shouted from the side to the moving bell.

“Yes, I’ve been wanting to ask you, but sometimes you call me Grandma.What the hell does that mean?And my grandfather….. ”

“Ehehe, that’s a secret.Maybe one day we’ll find out. ”

Bell laughs with a naughty face.Abel looks at it and leans his neck strangely.The neat face was interesting, and Meer laughed.

That’s right. Someday, you’ll see. ”

“That’s what I’m saying to you….”

Looking at a slightly dissatisfied Abel, he laughed again.

It was kind of… a pleasant night of asexuality.I should have been more nervous before I confronted the witch princess… even though I knew it, I had no choice but to have fun.

This night’s memories were engraved in Meer’s memory and never disappeared.

It’s the first night Abel confessed.

And… that’s it.

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