Chapter 28: chapter 27: the birth of three (part 2)
(Mc pov)
I opened my eyes to the constant sound of the hologram disk, reaching for it i pressed it,
My eyes stung as the bright blue light flashed on.
"You're wife's are in labor" said the Jedi healer who I met just last night.
"…" I didn't say anything but i immediately bolted out the door in my pajamas.
The Jedi saw this and chuckled, " they just went into labor, get dressed properly and then come down" she said looking down at something.
I realized that I was basically in my boxers, but those are pajamas right…right?.
"Ahem, got it, thanks master Jedi" I said to her nodding my head as i stepped back inside the room.
"No problem, I must attend to the mother's" she said before cutting the communication .
It was only then i heard her meaning, wife's, 'so are all three in labor or is it Luna and Sara or Brianna or ugh, idk just get dressed' i thought.
(POV third)
William bolted through the doors of the medical center, the receptionist just got up and then said, "you must be Mr.dust follow me ", and led the panicking father to the waiting room., several hours of agonizing yelling from the three mothers and what William felt like was an eternity before a medical professional came out.
He looked around, pressing his glasses up, several blood stains and other things were splattered on the Obstetricians lab coat.
William nervously approached him, the doctor said nothing, he looked up at the ceiling for a moment, as if collecting his thoughts.
" congratulations, you're a father" he said softly and then looked at another doctor who came out behind him.
" the mother's" the doctor began, he was hesitant and sighed.
"Their health is not very good and it's advised to let them recover, I suggest you briefly speak to them then let them rest" he said with a tired smile, he spoke to William who was experiencing a podracer of emotions as calmly as possible .
William took a moment and regained his composure rather quickly, it seems he wasn't a emperor for nothing.
He thanked the doctors and sent them a substantial amount of credits for their hardwork, then entered into the ward where the mothers were recuperating.
William briefly visited the three mothers who were filled with a mother's love and affection while they held their babies, the nurse droids had finnished feeding the babies and left, leaving only the mothers holding the babies.
William approached Sara and affectionately talked with her for a few moments before leaving her to rest, he knew by seeing her pale face that she needed rest, the same was seen with Luna and Brianna.
After the mother's gave the babies to the droids for proper care while they rested, William looked at the three children in the incubators that the medical droids had put them in for the babies health and safety, he looked at them lovingly.
Three children all of whom were daughters, he had a wide smile on his face, he looked at the wrinkles and the other features of his children and reminisced for a while.
In the depths of coruscant…
The Dim lighting of the level was barley enough to see, varying degrees of damage can be seen littering the streets and walls, the massive pillars that seemed to spread out into the depths of the void to the durasteel ceiling made the emptiness of the level seem like it was pulled out from a "sinister" (loved that horror) movie.
All of a sudden objects that littered the seemingly endless and meaningless expanse, started to flicker in and out of existence for a brief moment before they were as silent as they have been for millennia, the same decay, the same look.
All across the galaxy things seemingly flickered in and out of existence, for a brief moment, those who saw it ignored it as if it had never happened.
Anger looked out, her gaze softly lingering across the galaxy, before she shut her eyes and focused on her goal.
Serenity gazed indifferently into the force, blissfully unaware of the change in the galaxy.
Joy, the happy little bundle of joy, jumped up and down excitedly rejoicing, the four other force priestesses glanced her way.
They then went back to their respective happenings, they didn't care to figure out what she was doing and why, if they knew they would have had to cast a vote.
Anger knew exactly why but she didn't say anything..
William fell asleep standing up, when he awoke he saw several nanny droids feeding the children, he waited for a while and carefully held one of his daughters in his arms, coincidentally it was Sara's child.
He looked at her with a loving smile, this was his child, his flesh and blood, he would protect these three daughters of his with his life.
He held each of his daughters for a while, thinking of names that he thought were cute, Elsa, leia,emma he thought of names for his daughters, but decided to wait for a while before actually naming them.
Sara and the others fully recovered after a few month's of rehabilitation, the three women gathered around staring daggers into William sitting in a chair.
William nervously looked around for an escape, unfortunately there was no escape from the women's wrath.
With a glance the three women seemed to have an understanding, they smirked then began to speak one after another.
"So. You. Got. Us. Pregnant. Around. The. Same. time.?" They said in a perfect sync, first Sara spoke,then Luna, then Brianna.
William felt a cold sweat go down his spine , he had never felt this way even during the siege of cloud valley one of his most important sieges.
" uh, um, yeah pretty much" he said trying to regain his authority as the man of the house.
They glanced at each other and smiled knowingly, William didn't like where this is going..
"William. dust." They said in unison, oh boy William had a "at this moment he knew he fucked up" face, he smiled nervously.
They looked at each other and Sara smiled, they nodded, as if they had some connection and understood each other.
"So William" Sara smiled, leaning towards him, her hand reaching towards his crotch, William wanted to stop her but Brianna and Luna appeared on his sides and held him down.
Sara smiled and said "we have decided that your punishment, won't be great for you" she smiled reaching his little brother, William widened his eyes and tried to break free but Brianna held him down with barely any effort and at the same time, Brianna injected a sedative into William's neck, he felt unable to move.
After a minute they gathered around and smiled evilly at him.
William looked at his scarred brother and cried, although the three mothers didn't completely make his brother useless, he won't be able to use his brother for quite some time, William sighed and regained his composure.
After some medical treatment, he was able to move around, at the corner of his vision an object flashed out of existence, he turned his head so fast that a distinctive popping sound was heard, but the object had reappeared as if nothing happened.
He approached the object and held it, nothing special, a laser cauterizer, moving the device and seeing nothing wrong he put it down suspiciously and then left the room.
William and the three mothers sat around a table, William still felt uncomfortable due to recent events and the mothers smiled knowingly.
"So" Brianna began.
"We want names for our daughters" Luna said with a slight anger in her voice , clearly she is still mad at William.
"Yeah, William we should discuss names" Brianna said leaning back in the booth they sat in , she clearly still felt the after effects of childbirth as did the others but they had more composure than her, she enjoyed the booths padding as she looked at William.
"Well i thought you guy's would name them without my knowing, but since you are here shal we begin?" He said, they looked at him as if he was a favorite snack in a supermarket that only had one left, and there were three mothers present.
William looked up and swore inwardly to never have any idea about other women in the galaxy, these three were more than enough..
——(end of chapter)