Star Wars:can’t I live a life of enjoyment no? we shall see!!!

Chapter 27: chapter 26: the birth of three (part 1)

(POV third)

William paced back and forth in the waiting room, time seemed to be in slow motion as he waited for news from the doctors, just three weeks ago he was visiting mandalore to get to know Brianna's family , all of a sudden he got a communication that Sara's water broke, so he said goodbye to Brianna's family and went back to coruscant, on the way he got two more notifications that both Luna and Brianna were in the hospital as well.

He doesn't know if it's luck that all three women were in the same medical ward or if it is a curse, after a while a healer came out of the door, William said nothing just noting that she had a light saber and that she wore robes so he assumed she was a Jedi healer.

After a second of silence he smiled, "master Jedi I thank you for your help"

The Jedi smiled back and explained the situation of the mothers

"Well they are all in good health, but they will have to stay here for a while" she began to explain how Sara and the other mothers were doing good but to refrain from stressing them out, after some more explaining how they should be treated she left.

William entered the ward, he then approached the sleeping women and waited, Brianna woke up first and he then explained the situation, she nodded and said, "i knew i wasn't alone, but you will be punished by my family law later" after say that she relaxed and took a nap.

William was dumbfounded but quickly turned around and visited the other woman, it was not a fun four hour's as Sara and Luna yelled at William, he was in a stupor as the women suddenly joined together and scolded him.

After a while they were satisfied and went to take a nap, William got up and left leaving a chuckling Brianna behind.

In the depths of mars…

A being looked towards the little blue dot in the distance and spoke.

"Do you think he shall wake up" the being sounded indifferent but the unease in his voice betrayed that.

" he may, or he may not, he is having such a fun dream is he not, he has children and wife's, he is tied to the dream now" a ethereal woman came out of nowhere with her glowing blue hair and eyes, she spoke with confidence.

" but he has passed the tests, he has earned the right" the being looked at her with its eyes, a black mist came out of his eye sockets as he spoke.

" it matters not, that's his world now, this is his world now , it doesn't matter if it's a dream world" she chuckled and replied, her beautiful voice softly sounded in the beings ears.

'Tsk' the being thought before he spoke again.

"If he does find out…" the being trialed off.

" he will be pissed, but he won't find out, isn't that right anger?" The woman spoke and turned her head to see a floating woman in a mask that portrayed anger.

" I have made the necessary precautions" she said bowing to the woman slightly, anger looked up at the planet in the distance while remembering what she did to Sara's child, although her mental state was always in a rage a sort of calmness seemed to radiate through her.

"See, no need to worry" the ethereal beauty said as she looked at the entity.

The being was silent for a moment as if reminiscing on a past long forgotten by time, but the being then silently gazed at anger with a smile hidden deep inside his eyes, the ethereal beauty didn't notice as she looked intently at what these humans are doing in the dream world.

" these humans sure know how to have fun " she remarked as she gestured to the planet.

"Indeed, to think they would start a world war for something so trivial" the being said as he stared towards the planet , anger seemed to have found a life saver and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She then looked at the blue dot in the distance with a strange calmness, she had only felt this way once a…..long time ago, she remembers clearly the feeling, and now the calm is waiting for her to unleash the storm once more.


William sat on the bed and rubbed his hand, he felt strange somewhere but he couldn't tell why, he chose to ignore the feeling and got up, walking into the bathroom.

He looked himself in the mirror , his usual black hair and sapphire eyes were still there usual self, he washed his face with cold water as he looked at the surroundings, sometimes William felt that his reincarnation was just a illusion, but feeling the cold water and the floor beneath his feet told him he did in fact reincarnate.

Shaking his head he headed to take a shower, it will be a long day soon as he will shortly get to meet his children, a wide smile appeared on his face as he thought of his second lifetime, though he was betrayed by his closest soldiers, he wasn't particularly bothered by it as he knew deep down why they did what they did..


(Second life, minutes before his death, third pov)

" is everything ready" two cloaked figures can be seen, one said towards a man in plate armor who listened to the talking figure hidden behind a cloak.

"Yes, a…are you sure" the man said seemingly hesitant to do this.

" indeed I am sure, the empire my… the emperor built is on the verge of collapse, this is the only way." The person in the cloak said, a small imperceptible tear fell down his face before he resolutely stepped into the darkness, the other figure followed behind with tears and quiet sobs.

" as you wish, your majesty" the man in plate had many complex thoughts, but in the end a small line of tears seemed to flow out, he quickly regained his composure before heading inside the grand throne room, nodding to the guards all around they nodded back, though many hesitated but ultimately they were with him in the end.

"Ah my royal guard commander ,to what do I owe the pleasure this night" said a old man as he heard the door opening, he had recognized those footsteps, those were the commander of his royal guard, the old man didn't lift his head as he studied the many scrolls and papers on the table.

The royal commander stood there silently, when was the last time he called him by name?, he couldn't even say the last time, the siege of the cloud valley maybe, but that was long ago..

The old man stopped what he was doing, a imperceptible grin appeared on his lips before he instantly suppressed it, the old man man looked at the guard commander and smiled as he always had with this old friend.

Getting up and Pouring a cup of wine he handed it to the guard, the man took it with trepidation and gulped it down.

"Thirsty huh" the old man chuckled before he poured himself some and drank slowly.

He approached the throne slowly as more heavy footsteps quickly appeared behind him, he didn't seem to notice or if he did he didn't care.

The heavy footsteps surrounded him as he stepped on the steps to the throne, turning his head he saw his many royal guard with hesitat faces.

"Come now my royal soilders, tell my son and daughter to protect the empire and its people , now enough pleasantries." The old man said and charged towards the group, he had grabbed a dagger out of nowhere he struck a soilder in the shoulder cutting through the armor with ease.



The clashing in the throne room went on for an entire night and into the dusk, until silence reigned throughout the halls, the door opened and hundreds of people were seen writhing on the floor in pain, if one would look closely all the guards were only superficially wounded, but the pain was immense a lesson of sorts for the guards.

In the center of the hall laid a old man who had a sword between his chest that seemed to come from the back.

The son and daughter looked around at the scene and the son clenched his fist as he heard the guard whispering to him about his father's message, the daughter held her father and cried bitterly, clutching his cold body tightly, the son approached his sister and they cried silently for an entire hour, then the son and daughter climbed up onto the throne and the son sat down, his sister by his side.

"Don't worry father, for the people" the two of them said silently in their hearts.

And so that's the story of how the two royal rulers of the empire came into power, and the legends they created were passed down and would be remembered for all eternity...


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