She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 45

Chapter 44 – Jump Into The Lake

“When… when did you see it?”

Jian Qing followed and stopped, with a calm expression on his face: “That night at the villa, you cut my hand, and when you saw my blood, your face became very pale. Later, every time there was rescue, especially for patients with ruptured lesions and massive bleeding , you will avoid it. At first I thought it had something to do with your childhood experience, so I took you to the psychiatry department for treatment, but…”

She glanced at Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi took her words: “But I got angry, and then begged you not to send me to the psychiatric department.”

It turned out that there was another reason for being taken to see a psychiatrist.

It’s no wonder that every rescue is supposed to be a rare opportunity to learn and observe. Lu Yinxi avoids it every time, but Jian Qing never says anything, let alone pull her to watch, even when the white coat is stained with blood, They will avoid her and come to see her again with a new one.

Lu Yinxi walked in front, head lowered, hands behind his back, recalling slowly, thought of a point, suddenly turned around, Jian Qing followed behind, turned around, the distance between the two was less than half a meter.

Bumping into the deep gaze of the other party, the originally aggressive Lu Yinxi lost most of his aura, quickly took a step back, and accused him, “You saw blood on my lips when you saw it that night?”

Like a pervert!

There was no regret on Jian Qing’s face: “Test it.”

Lu Yinxi turned away, continued to walk towards the cafeteria, and said with a cold snort, “Test it? What should I do if I faint?”

At the most serious moment, she fainted when she saw blood. Five years later, the situation has improved a lot, but she still has nausea.

The last time I rescued He Bei in the park, He Bei’s forehead was cut. She wiped the blood off her forehead. After being sent to the hospital, she went to the toilet and vomited a lot, and all the acidic water came out.

Jian Qing followed behind her and said, “I can do artificial respiration.”

Lu Yinxi waved his hand: “I just fainted, my heartbeat has not stopped, there is no need to give me artificial respiration.”

If you want to take advantage of the opportunity, just say it.

Jian Qing asked, “Have you seen a doctor?”

Lu Yinxi’s eyes were sad: “I have seen it, I have received desensitization treatment, and I am much better, but… as you said, it is not suitable to stay in the clinic for a long time.”

Jian Qing said: “Your psychological shadow is not in childhood. What happened when you suffered from halosmia?”

Lu Yinxi bowed his head in silence, not ready to speak.

Jian Qing rubbed her head: “Eat first.”

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it.

Sitting face to face in the canteen of the restaurant, there are two vegetarian dishes and one meat dish on Jian Qing’s dinner plate, while Lu Yinxi has two meat dishes and one vegetarian dish. He also likes to reach out his chopsticks to pick up the only meat dish shredded chicken from Jian Qing’s dinner plate.

Halfway through eating, Lu Yinxi said: “That incident has nothing to do with my split personality, don’t send me to the psychiatrist.”

Jian Qing hummed, and asked again: “Is it really irrelevant?”

Lu Yinxi said: “It really doesn’t matter.”

But there was a slight shake in my heart. That incident happened at the age of 20, and now I am 20 when I wear it.

coincidence? Are the two really unrelated?

Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi, and gave her most of the shredded chicken on the plate.

Zhang Yue, who just took a seat next door, couldn’t stand it any longer: “I said it wasn’t the time of the great famine, I just picked a few pieces of meat, and if I like to eat, I can go to my aunt’s to get some. You and I are like a little sweetheart who mixes oil with honey.”

Lu Yinxi was drinking the soup, when he heard the words, he almost choked and coughed a few times.

Jian Qing put down her chopsticks, glanced around, and pointed Zhang Yue to the corner: “Go over.”

Zhang Yue put down the steamed buns in his mouth, and muttered, “As for it? Who is your real junior?” He picked up the plate and sat in the corner.

Wei Mingming saw his tutor, and was about to sit down with a dinner plate. Seeing Jian Qing chasing people away, he consciously turned his footsteps and turned to Zhang Yue’s corner. Before he left, he didn’t forget to flatter him: “Boss, you It’s my dear boss!”

Lu Yinxi turned around and looked at the two people in the corner of his eyes, smiled slightly, and when he turned his gaze back, he saw Jian Qing looking at her.

Line of sight.

Lu Yinxi remembered Zhang Yue’s teasing about the young couple, her ears were a little red, she lowered her head, and ate in silence, not daring to eat from Jian Qing’s dinner plate.

“I will enter the group next month, and I will leave the hospital.”

After dinner, the two basked in the sun on the corridor downstairs of the internal medicine building.

Winter goes to spring, and vegetation is born again, but some people stay in winter forever.

The patients in the oncology department are counting the days on their fingers. They survived a winter and spent a new year with their families. I don’t know how many days they have left.

Jian Qing was used to parting from life to death, and for such a short parting, she couldn’t express any emotions other than a feeling of tightness in her chest. She just said, “I will be in the university town on Tuesday afternoon, evening, and Wednesday morning this semester.”

It only takes three months to shoot, and after three months, they still have a lot of time, many years.

As long as the other party does not leave.

Thinking of this, the densely packed information Lu Yinxi left on the paper came to Jian Qing’s mind, and her thoughts surged. She closed her eyes, remained calm, and sat on the wooden chair on the promenade, basking with Lu Yinxi back to back. sun.

Lu Yinxi stretched out his hand to grab a handful of sunlight, watching the people coming and going on the corridor.

There are medical staff in white coats hurrying, and there are patients in blue and white striped hospital gowns, walking slowly with the support of their family members.

Inevitably, he thought of his mother, Gu Mingyu.

20 years old and hospital, these two keywords overlap in the real world and the virtual world.

Who will help her when she is old and sick?

Her unfilial daughter left home for five years because of her anger at the age of 20.

In the past five years, Lu Yinxi has been dreaming constantly, dreaming that he will return to the hospital at the age of 20, but now he has realized this dream, but he is thinking about going back, but he is still thinking about being an actor, habitually observing the crowd and observing the scenery , feel emotions, and accumulate materials for character shaping.

Ask yourself, if you stay here and choose to study medicine again at the age of 20, would you be willing?

Why did you study medicine back then?

Because both parents are doctors, they lived in the family building of the hospital since childhood, and the neighbors are also doctors. Father Lu Ming is a medical oncologist and sacrificed for this position. Mother Gu Mingyu is a thoracic surgeon. For this profession, From childhood to adulthood, I almost ignored the company and care for my family.

She was only 17 years old when she filled out her volunteer application. She was confused, ignorant, and didn’t know what to do in the future. Her impression of all walks of life was only in books and film and television dramas. major.

Apart from being angry, thinking about it now, it should be that she subconsciously wants to know about this industry, this industry that Lu Ming has been engaged in all her life, and Gu Mingyu almost abandoned her mother and the hospital for her children because of this.

In the first few days after crossing over, she didn’t think about escaping, but firstly, she had no money, and secondly, she was nostalgic for the medical environment.

So leave it at that for now.

Survival of the fittest, she is nostalgic for this environment because of her parents, but she has never considered whether she is suitable for the medical industry.

Do you really love it?

No, no, just because of familiarity and love, far from love.

If you love it, you won’t leave easily.

A few years after leaving, the scholarly anger and resentment when I was young turned into unwillingness, and my love was also diluted by that unwillingness.

If she could deal with the events of the year with a 25-year-old mind, she might not give up medicine, but if she is 25 years old, she will choose medicine again and stay in this industry for a long time, I am afraid she will not be willing.

With the warm sunshine shining on her body, Lu Yinxi leaned on Jian Qing’s back, with a smile on her lips.

Now, what she yearns for is the time spent with Jian Qing.

The teaching building attached to the first building behind the internal medicine building looks old from the outside, with creepers and violets planted in the corners.

In the afternoon, Lu Yinxi helped Jian Qing deliver the tutor manual to the medical education department office.

The director of the medical education department had seen her on TV and hot search, and enthusiastically invited her to drink a few cups of tea, inquired about her deeds of saving lives in the park last time, and felt sorry for the impermanence of He Bei’s life and death.

Lu Yinxi exchanged a few polite greetings, and was about to leave when the landline on Director Chen’s desk rang. She listened to a few words, and it happened that the students reported and taught those things in the morning. .

Director Chen truthfully explained the bad teaching attitude of the students, and asked the students to wash the dishes on New Year’s Eve, and asked Dr. Gong on the phone: “Is there such a thing?”

Dr. Gong argued on the phone: “Director, absolutely not, it’s all a misunderstanding! It’s because they don’t want to work, don’t want to be obedient, and hide in the office to play with their mobile phones. If I say a few words, they don’t like it. This kind of thing is also often encountered, and you understand, director, that our clinical work is relatively busy, and sometimes we may not be able to take care of them, and it is normal for them to have grievances.”

Director Chen asked: “Really not?”

“No, it’s just a misunderstanding, director. In this way, I will explain it to the students myself.”

“Hey, that’s good, just explain it clearly if it’s a misunderstanding, you can go to work.”

After hanging up the phone, Director Chen said: “These students don’t work hard, and they find trouble every day!”

The officer at the bottom said: “Director, do you want him to write a self-criticism?”

Director Chen said vaguely, “Let me take another look…”

Watching and watching, this matter is dealt with like this.

The students frightened and gave feedback upwards, wanting to seek justice, but here, they were exposed with a few words lightly.

In the hospital, colleagues and colleagues are our own people, so what kind of people are students?

Colleagues in the system almost have to work together for a lifetime. Of course, they need to take care of them. He is not willing to offend a colleague for no reason because of a group of students who are about to graduate and leave school. Besides, it is the department of the deputy dean.

As for how the students will be treated in the future, as long as they don’t make trouble with the medical education department, he won’t care, as if he doesn’t know.

Taking less work and offending others has always been Director Chen’s way of life, but there is a director Yan who works against him in the unit. People sometimes make the Medical Education Department rank at the bottom in the evaluation of administrative departments at the end of each month.

He couldn’t understand it very much.

Lu Yinxi sipped the light tea in his teacup, Director Yan came in from outside with a few report cards, his expression gloomy.

He returned to his office, took out a tissue and blew his nose, wiped it, and threw it into the trash can. The paper was faintly stained with blood.

Lu Yinxi put down his teacup, stood up and said hello, and chatted with the director of the medical education department: “The reputation of the tumor in the attached one in the province is almost surpassing that of the tumor hospital. Everyone likes to come here to see a doctor. During the Spring Festival, The Lantern Festival is over, and the number of patients has increased. If it weren’t for the help of interns and trainees, I don’t know how long I would have to work overtime? Let’s not talk, Corey still has a lot of work, so I’ll go back to work first. “

She specifically mentioned an intern to remind Director Yan.

The secretary stood up and said goodbye: “Go slowly, come to drink tea next time.”

Before leaving, Lu Yinxi vaguely heard Director Yan talking in the office: “Did that Dr. Gong from the oncology department call…how did you explain the matter of the intern?”

His voice was loud, and Lu Yinxi slowed down, and only walked away in peace after hearing “report criticism, cancel this year’s teaching qualification…”.

Back at the second district office, Lu Yinxi asked Zhang Yue: “Director Chen and Director Yan of your medical education department, who listens to whom?”

Zhang Yue said: “No one listens to anyone else. Both of them can be regarded as the second-in-command. The first-in-command is Director Gao, but Director Gao will retire next year, and the successor will be chosen between the two of them. But…” He lowered his The voice whispered, “Director Chen is better at being a man, there is a high probability that he will take over…”

Lu Yinxi smiled and tested: “Then which one do you think is better?”

Zhang Yue said: “Mr. Yan is so strict. Don’t they often catch teachers and classmates who are late for class? Teachers who are late for class will be notified for 5 minutes, and the evaluation and promotion qualifications of the year will be cancelled. Students will also be deducted if they are late. Everyone is afraid of him. Director Chen is easy to talk to, but please be procrastinated, and he can delay things that can be done in an hour. Director Yan is quicker than him, and he can get things done in threes and fives.”

Just as he was talking, Zhang Yue let out an ouch, covered his head, and looked up, it turned out that Jian Qing hit him on the head with a pen.

Jian Qing put it back in his pocket, pulled out the chair and sat down, and said softly: “Write medical records, don’t chat.”

Zhang Yue rubbed his head: “Senior Sister, that pen of yours looks a little familiar, did it follow me?”

Jian Qing: “I didn’t write my name.”

Zhang Yue let out an oh, and obediently wrote the medical records.

Lu Yinxi took it out and took a look, and there was a sticker with the words “Wei Mingming”.

She smiled slightly, and waved the pen in front of Jian Qing.

Jian Qing’s eyes turned left and right, and saw the name “Wei Mingming”.

Lu Yinxi put the pen back into Jian Qing’s pocket: “Bribe me, eat spicy crayfish at night.”

Jane nodded and agreed.

Zhang Yue leaned over and asked, “Bribe what?”

The two said in unison: “Write the medical records!”

In the evening, Jian Qing worked overtime, and Lu Yinxi went jogging in the playground by himself.

After running ten laps, she took out her mobile phone to contact Jian Qing.

Jian Qing sent a message to say that she was off work and went to the store at Donghu Qiaotou to pack first.

Lu Yinxi hugged his jacket, lowered his head and replied to the message: [Then we will meet at Bailu Park. 】

The East Lake Bridge is on the east side of Bailu Park, and she can reach the west gate of the park from the hospital.

The west gate is the busiest, and there is a fenced East Lake on the east gate. Adults are afraid that children will fall into the lake while playing in the water, so they are not allowed to play here. It is generally closed in winter, but it is open to tourists in spring and summer. Rafting and rowing.

The two opened a real-time map, and the two small red dots on the map were approaching each other, getting closer.

Jian Qing carried the spicy crayfish takeaway, walked seriously, and occasionally picked up the phone to look at the location of the little red dot.

The little red dot stopped at the East Lake and did not move.

Jian Qing walked into the east gate of the park, walked and saw the sparkling lake from afar.

Approaching again, he saw the figure of Lu Yinxi clearly.

A faint smile unconsciously hung on the corner of her lips. However, the smile lasted for less than three seconds. She saw a middle-aged man standing by the lake, whose back looked very familiar.

Just waiting for careful identification, the middle-aged man suddenly jumped into the lake.

“Director Yan! Don’t be overthinking it!” After shouting, Lu Yinxi looked around, there were four or five people watching, and saw Jian Qing running from afar.

Jian Qing can’t swim…

Lu Yinxi hesitated for a few seconds, looked at the thumping people in the lake, took off his shoes, dropped his coat and cell phone, and jumped into the lake to save people.

The author has something to say: Good night~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-08 00:39:01~2021-03-1002:13:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 2 meat buns; 1 big big shrimp, picture I’s easy and mediocre, balll, and reading a book;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 17 bottles of meat buns; 16 bottles of balll; , 1 bottle of Mochizuki Fragrance;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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