She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 – Survival Of The Fittest

When Ren Jiajia returned to the office of the second tumor area, she clearly felt that the atmosphere was not right.

After entering the door, the students and doctors in the office all glanced at her more or less, but they tacitly kept silent. They just glanced strangely and then looked away, busy with their own affairs.

The fact that the real name and the medical department reported the teaching teacher, I am afraid that it has already spread in the department.

She is a student in Class 1 of the five-year clinical program. Ever since the rotation department came to the second tumor area, the instructor of their group, Dr. Gong, has never shown any kindness to them. Calling people to work like a girl. Don’t teach anything, just let people get started. If you do something wrong, you will be full of yin and yang.

The teaching attitude is bad, and I can bear it by gritting my teeth, but what happened on New Year’s Eve is really disgusting!

On New Year’s Eve, everyone didn’t go home, and followed him on duty in the hospital. Other colleagues in the department prepared a New Year’s Eve dinner for the staff on duty. When the meal was delivered, Mr. Gong threw them a sentence: “Okay, let’s get off work first. You also go to eat, and you have to go back to work after eating.”

The female students were thin-skinned and didn’t have the nerve to stay for a meal. They ran outside and found that the cafeteria was not open and the restaurant was basically closed. They searched a few streets hungry, and finally decided to go back to the dormitory to eat instant noodles.

After eating the instant noodles, everyone returned to the hospital to continue working. Dr. Gong picked his teeth with a toothpick and said, “Go and wash the dishes in the sink.”

It’s still the kind of superior attitude that is taken for granted.

The interns could hardly tell whether they came to the hospital for internship or to serve as servants.

Yesterday, when the medical education department issued a ward round notice in the student group, Ren Jiajia discussed with the students in the group and planned to report this situation to the teachers of the medical education department.

This morning, the classmates were a little scared, and they pulled her white coat and said, “If not, what if he retaliates against us?”

Ren Jiajia said: “If we don’t stay in this department in the future, where can we get revenge?”

“What if he deliberately gave us a low score in the examination?”

“Then continue to report to the Medical Education Department! Ask the Medical Education Department to reschedule the assessment, let the people from the Medical Affairs Department invigilate our exams, and see who loses face!”

Therefore, when the medical education department asked them to exchange their studies, Ren Jiajia took the lead in accusing Dr. Gong of being a bad teacher. It’s too outrageous!” Director Chen from the Continuing Education Department said indignantly: “We must call you over to talk!” With the support of the teacher, they echoed Ren Jiajia’s words.

Dr. Gong went out temporarily and was not in the ward. Before Director Yan left, with a gloomy face, he assured the interns again and again: “Don’t worry, we will ask him to understand. The school sent you to the hospital to study, not Come wash the dishes!”

Director Chen also patted them on the shoulder, and comforted them gently: “If you have any grievances, just feel free to tell the teachers of the medical department that we are on the side of the students.”

The long-lost care moved the female students’ eyes red.

It’s just that the medical education department protects the interests of students, and the clinical departments are not necessarily on the students’ side.

Ren Jiajia returned to the office, walked up to a young doctor in the digestive system group, and asked in a low voice, “Teacher, I’m back, what can I do for you?”

The young doctor squinted at her, and the keyboard was crackling: “How dare I ask you to work? Don’t report me to the medical department tomorrow.”

These words are too strong, the eyes of the surroundings shot over, glanced at them, and then retracted.

No one spoke to help out, everyone was busy with their own affairs.

Ren Jiajia only felt the blood rushing up all over her body, and she didn’t move or move when she stood still, like an ant being set on fire.

Did she do something wrong? It’s obviously not her fault, why are they all blaming her for granted?

Lu Yinxi winked at Jian Qing, implying that she could do a favor.

Jian Qing didn’t pay attention to it, just watched with cold eyes, staying out of the matter.

Lu Yinxi kicked her lightly.

Jian Qing glanced at her, sat down, opened the medical records, and said to Zhang Yue: “Chest puncture is needed on bed 21, call the students over.”

Zhang Yue nodded, stood up and shouted loudly: “There is a lung cancer patient in our group who needs a chest puncture. All students who are free come over to learn the operation.”

Wei Mingming went over and pulled Ren Jiajia away: “Come on, let’s learn how to operate together.”

Although students are assigned to various medical groups, sometimes they are asked to study some theoretical courses or the operation of three basic skills.

The lungs and the chest wall of the human body are not completely fitted together. There are two layers of membranes in between. These two layers of membranes form a closed cavity called the pleural cavity. There is no gas in the pleural cavity, only a small amount of liquid.

Patients with advanced lung cancer are prone to concurrent pleural effusion, and thoracentesis is an operation that uses a sterile needle to penetrate the skin, intercostal tissue, and parietal pleura into the pleural cavity.

Thoracic puncture mostly has two functions, one is diagnosis, fluid is extracted through pleural puncture, and the examination is carried out to clarify the disease; the other is treatment, one of the common complications of patients with advanced malignant tumors is pleural effusion, which can cause dyspnea, respiratory failure, heart failure, etc. Failing, etc., puncture catheter drainage drainage can relieve symptoms.

In the ward, a pile of white coats surrounded the patient’s bed. Jian Qing asked about the indications, contraindications, and precautions for thoracic puncture one by one, then summed it up, and asked Ren Jiajia to perform it by name.

Ren Jiajia arranged the patient’s position, Jian Qing stared at her operation, and said, “Next, select the third and fourth intercostal spaces on the posterior axillary line as the puncture point.”

Ren Jiajia nodded, and was about to operate when there was a sudden pause, and she turned her head to look at Jian Qing.

Jian Qing folded her arms, looked coldly, and asked, “What? Did I say something wrong?”

Just like a jade-faced Hades.

Ren Jiajia turned her head, her heart raised her throat, looked at the patient’s back, hesitated for a few seconds, and then looked at Jian Qing again: “Teacher, I remember that the book says it is the 7th and 8th intercostal space of the posterior axillary line…”

Jian Qing didn’t change his face, and said in a soft voice: “Oh, I remembered, the teacher made a mistake, it is indeed the seventh and eighth space of the posterior axillary line.”

Only then did Ren Jiajia put her heart down and continue to operate.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, vaguely feeling that she did it on purpose.

After the puncture operation, Jian Qing asked a few questions intermittently, and then looked over with both eyes, and said: “Patients will not get sick according to the key points. When you come to the clinic, you have to listen, see, think, and be independent. It is necessary to have the courage to overturn the existing conclusions. What is written in the textbook is not necessarily the most comprehensive, and what the superior doctor says and does is not necessarily correct.”

When she said the last sentence, her eyes fell on Ren Jiajia.

Ren Jiajia looked at her, her eyes suddenly turned red.

On the walls of the hospital’s stairway, there are bright signs saying no smoking, but every now and then someone sits on the steps and lights cigarettes one by one.

The staff in the hospital saw it, sometimes they ignored it, and sometimes they read a sentence of “smoking less”. Their eyes were always red, they didn’t speak, and they smiled to show their respect for the medical workers.

Looking at the pair of red eyes and seeing the misery inside, everyone couldn’t bear to criticize anything.

There is nothing to comfort, there are too many people in the hospital who need comfort.

Lu Yinxi passed by the corridor today and heard faint sobs.

She opened the door, walked over, sat down together, took out a pack of tissues from her pocket, and handed it to Ren Jiajia.

“Thank you…” Ren Jiajia took it with red eyes.

Lu Yinxi smiled and comforted softly: “When you arrive at the hospital, you can’t treat yourself as a student, um… just treat yourself as a newcomer to the workplace. Who hasn’t been wronged when they first started working?”

Although Ren Jiajia is indeed still a fifth-year student, the hospital is no more important than teaching and educating people in schools.

The hospital has always been an atmosphere that emphasizes clinical practice and neglects teaching. In addition, the continuous influx of regular trainees and advanced students in departments has squeezed out the teaching resources of undergraduate interns. If you encounter a teacher who is not very responsible, do not take the initiative. Departments were either neglected, or did errands and did not learn much at all.

It is used to indifference here. Few people take care of students’ private emotions. They only care about sick patients. Everyone has their own things to do. Everyone is busy, busy with clinical research and research. Interns are the bottom of the food chain. objects to be squeezed.

Ren Jiajia wiped her tears, and was still a little angry: “I thought I came here to study. It’s okay to let me work. I work hard and bear no complaints. What chills me is their attitude. The doctors in that group don’t treat us as human beings at all. Treat us like working machines, free labor!”

Just stepped out of the ivory tower, everyone knows to be a small fudao, but the most chilling thing is not running errands and doing chores, but the indifference from the “insiders” around.

“Don’t worry about other people’s attitudes, the most important thing is whether you have learned the skills.” A cold voice suddenly came from behind.

The two stood up together, and Ren Jiajia called out, “Teacher.”

Jian Qing nodded in response, without any further comfort, she looked at Lu Yinxi and said, “Have lunch.”

Lu Yinxi groaned, glanced at Ren Jiajia, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Don’t be discouraged by this industry and shake your determination to study medicine just because of a bad teacher. Your teacher is right, you are the one Most importantly, don’t care what other people think…”

Going to the cafeteria for lunch, the two stood by the window and waited for the elevator to come up.

Lu Yinxi looked down at the bottom of the building from the window, and saw a dense crowd pouring into the hospital.

Standing too high, I can’t see every figure clearly, I just feel that the crowd is bustling, and all living beings are like ants.

She asked Jian Qing: “How will the medical department deal with it?”

Jian Qing didn’t care: “I don’t know.”

She doesn’t like to meddle in other people’s affairs, and this time she helped others because of Lu Yinxi’s soft-hearted face.

Lu Yinxi was silent for a while, Jian Qing turned around and asked her: “Why are you so concerned about her?”

Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile, “I don’t want to see you rescue people from being drowned in the river, and naturally I don’t want to see you being destroyed by some strong wind and waves so that you don’t want to be a ferryman anymore.”

Sometimes, meeting a bad teacher can destroy a student’s faith in an entire profession.

Lu Yinxi said: “Many people’s dreams of becoming a doctor are shattered in the last year of undergraduate internship.”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment, and said, “In any line of business, the fittest survive.”

Lu Yinxi nodded, thoughtfully.

The elevator came up, and the two took the elevator downstairs.

Just in time for peak season, Jian Qing stuffed Lu Yinxi into the innermost corner, turned his back to the crowd, faced her, and protected her.

The crowd squeezed in more and more, and Jian Qing got closer and closer until her body was close to her.

Lu Yinxi’s ears turned red, and he suddenly felt that he was being taken advantage of.

Jian Qing saw through her ordinary thinking, and said blankly: “No way, there are too many people.”

Lu Yinxi snorted softly, turned his head, and his face became more and more red.

Jian Qing stared down at her face.

She stared back and whispered, “There are too many people, the air is thin, and the oxygen is not enough!”

Jian Qing turned her eyes away, and stopped staring directly at her.

On the way to the cafeteria, Lu Yinxi had a whim and asked Jian Qing: “Doctor Jian, survival of the fittest, do you think I am suitable for medical practice?”

Jian Qing asked, “Do you want to hear the truth, or something nice?”

Lu Yinxi said with a smile: “You have said that, then I can probably guess what you said.”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment, and confided the truth: “You have blood sickness, so it is not suitable for you to stay in the clinic for a long time.”

Lu Yinxi stopped, and suppressed the smile on his face: “When… did you see it?”

The author has something to say: Guess when she saw it~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-03-06 01:09:39~2021-03-08 00:39:01~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 piece of lemon tea to keep the fleeting time;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 piece of lemon tea to keep the fleeting time;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: 3 cp, lemon tea Shou Liunian; 2 reading Ji; 42918877, meat bun, 1 wooden pigeon;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 59 bottles in the corner where the south wind blows; 30 bottles in the dream; 29 bottles of cp; 8 bottles of Gyatso; 5 bottles of Jin Er, Flowers, Plants, Miss You, and Taro Balls; xx, yyy! , 3 bottles of Xiaoge Shou; 1 bottle of Mamamu’s high-grade hand wheat, Laobai, Hua’an, Mochiyue Ningxiang, bolinnn, Zhibeiyou;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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