She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Ronald Village.

The words of the Duchess calmed Alice’s overheated mind a bit. She remembered the ridicule at the table before, who did not know who made it.

Seeing this, if Alice wants to get the land, she probably needs to go through a bit of twists and turns, and she also needs to know a little more background information.

Since the Duchess asked her to ask Kent, Alice went back to the residence without looking for anyone else, and knocked on the door next door.

Kent came out and opened the door, his appearance was very different from usual, his face was full of excitement, and he looked a little abnormal.

Seeing him like this, Alice hesitated a little:


She just said a word when she was interrupted by Kent:

“Si Felix hasn’t held a knight tournament in more than ten years. I was only three years old when it was held last time… I will never forget that scene!”

“Uh… can you remember what happened when you were three years old?”

“That kind of scene is hard to forget, okay!” Kent gave her a blank look. “The knights are fighting with their spears, and the winner will get a crown of gold…Even wandering knights without a lord can pass the competition. The tournament has emerged… There is nothing better in this world than the Knight Tournament!”

Alice listened patiently to Kent’s nagging for a long time, but finally found a moment to interrupt:

“I’m not here to ask you about the Knight Tournament.”

“Not about the Knight Tournament? What else is going on recently?” Kent asked in a puzzled manner. After asking, he remembered afterwards, “Oh, are you asking about the land the Duchess gave you?”

“Yes, the Duchess called me…Is there any problem in this?”

“You have been here for a short time, so it’s not surprising that you don’t understand the ins and outs of it. The land in Ronald Village… is really a troublesome thing that no one wants to touch.”

“The lands in Ronald Village were originally given to the Martin Knights, and Martin Knights had no descendants. After his death, those lands should have been taken back by the Duchess. But in fact, the land in that village has always been owned by Martin Knights. Reynolds’s nephew is occupied. It’s supposed to be unruly, but Reynolds is a nasty guy who has drove away several tax officials and land surveyors. That guy is a determined Croche, absolutely impossible to be a duchess Therefore, the Duchess has always insisted and refused to give him those lands along the way.”

Alice has been here for half a month, and she has somewhat made up for the geography and situation of West Felix. Knowing that the nobles currently led by West Felix are roughly divided into three factions. Croche, Felix, and Duchess. The leader of the Croche faction, the Marquis de Croche, is the largest noble in the entire West Felix excluding the Duchess. His territory is located in the north of West Felix. After the death of the Duchess, he will receive West Felix’s Most of the territory; Felix factions support Earl Felix, who is the cousin of the old duke and will inherit the title of the duke and the land of southern Felix in the future. As for the Duchess faction, although it is a smooth flow now, the people in the factions are mostly unrooted outsiders. After the death of the duchess, this faction is destined to fall apart, so there is no need to say anything else.

Speculating in the best direction, West Felix will be divided into North Croche and South Felix in the future, becoming two relatively independent regions. However, as long as the situation changes slightly, this balance will be broken. By then, the entire West Felix area is likely to fall into continuous war like the southern part of the kingdom.

Kent told Alice that the location of Ronald Village was roughly between Yunqi Castle and the capital of Faerun. This position can almost be said to be the heart of West Felix, and it will be the center of South Felix in the future. If the village of Ronald falls into the hands of the Croche faction, once the Duchess dies, it will inevitably lead to a separatist crisis in the future South Felix. So this time the Duchess took this opportunity to give the land of Ronald Village to Alice, hoping to return the village to someone who can control it.

Kent finished this to her, and finally concluded:

“Reynolds is really difficult, and his martial arts are superb. In addition, he has always had a good relationship with Croche. The duchess does not want to tear his face with the Marquis Croche, and it is not suitable for real situations like this. The Xingshi moved all the troops to fight against it. It just so happens that you are here now, and handing over that piece of land to you will become a problem for you. But that village is indeed rich, and it’s no wonder Reynolds is unwilling to let go.”

After listening to Kent’s explanation, Alice really remembered only the last sentence:

Ronald Village is really rich!

This is good news for Alice, she just wants to make a little more money, and Alice doesn’t care much about other things. Even if that Reynolds is great, Alice is absolutely not afraid. After all, killing someone is the best thing in her life.

Kent knew Alice’s eyes hadn’t listened. But… the Duchess fancy her, and promoted her as a knight probably also fancy her. After all, there are too many politicians in this castle. He had to warn her one last sentence:

“You really have to be careful.”

Alice nodded, thought about it for a while, and continued to ask Kent:

“The one named Reynolds, if he comes out tomorrow to get in the way, can you kill him?”

“If it were me, I would not kill him.” Kent said, “This is not a war. If you kill him, you will definitely have trouble.”

“Okay.” Alice was a little disappointed, “I will work hard.”

This pleasant conversation with Kent gave Alice something in her heart. Early the next morning, she put on her chain mail and a giant sword on her back, got up to the stable and fed some carrots to the awkwardness, and then rode to Ronald Village with her documents. About two hours later, Alice felt that she was in the place and was about to take out the map to check it out, but she heard the voice of Circillian:

“That’s right, it’s here. If you walk forward for two minutes, you will see the entrance of the village.”

“How did you come?”

“Don’t be nervous, I just have a foreboding that what will happen next will be very interesting.”

Circelian came uninvited, which surprised Alice. But Alice has long been accustomed to the gods’ free will, and besides, she really hopes to have someone by her side at the moment.

She entered the village according to Cecilian’s instructions and asked the first villager she saw:

“Where is the village chief’s house?”

The villagers here probably have never seen a woman traveling with a giant sword, and her expression is a bit silly. He pointed out the location of the village chief’s house for her, and then asked her:

“Are you a tax officer? Or a land surveyor? If you are here on business, I sincerely recommend that you stay away from Ronald Village.”

“I am a knight appointed by the duke, the new master of Ronald Village.”

Alice’s words seem to be completely outside the villager’s understanding, only to listen to him stammering:

“But, the master of Ronald Village is Lord Reynolds!”

Alice shook her head:

“not me.”

“But… I’ve always been Lord Reynolds!”

Alice knew that it would be useless to continue talking to him, so she beat her horse to the village chief’s house. When Alice handed the document to the village chief, the village chief recognized the head and seal of the document, knocked her head in annoyance, and murmured:

“Master Reynolds must be unhappy.”

“I don’t care what Reynolds.” Alice said. “The Duchess gave me this place. If Reynolds has any opinion on it. He can come over and talk to me by himself.”

“Don’t worry.” The village chief said with a wry smile, “The little hooligans in the village are his eyeliners. As soon as you stepped into our yard, someone immediately reported to him. He will be here in less than ten minutes. He has been here before. Several tax officers and land surveyors in China were all driven away by him in this way. Let me say, if you have other income, just give this place to Lord Reynolds. He is really not easy to mess with Yo.”

Alice grew up to this size, but she had never heard anyone say this to her. I was so surprised that I didn’t know how to react. After a while, I said:

“Even if someone wants to leave, it must be the guy named Reynolds.”

The village chief smiled, looking at his expression, he didn’t seem to really believe that Alice could drive Reynolds away:

“There is no one here. I will only complain to you in private. If you can really drive Master Reynolds away, our place will be peaceful. In fact, he was with Peggy’s house in our village recently because of Chu Yequan’s affairs. It’s too much trouble.”

First night right? Before that, Alice had never heard of this term. She grew up in a city and never knew that there was such a thing. The village chief explained to Alice that when the villagers get married, it is the rule here to pay the lord to redeem the bride’s first night rights:

“When Martin Knight was here, no one ever mentioned this. Later, Master Reynolds came and turned out all the old things. Whoever gets married must give him two silver coins to redeem the bride’s first night rights. Pei. The Ji’s girl is going to get married in two days, but the girl is so beautiful that Master Reynolds has to exercise his power. If the trouble goes on, the Peggy’s girl is afraid that she won’t get married.”

“In fact, in West Felix, this power of the lord has long been abolished.” Circelian quietly told Alice, “Even if there is, this girl’s first night power should belong to the duchess. The one named Reynolds is nothing but Reynolds. It’s just looking for excuses to collect money and trying to bully the country girl. These tricks can only deceive the illiterate in the village.”

This kind of thing is more nauseating than a corpse on the battlefield. Alice held her throat with her hand to resist the nausea, just wanting to get rid of that pesky Reynolds quickly.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the village chief’s house:

“Master Reynolds is here! Master Reynolds is here!”

Hearing that Reynolds was coming, the village chief was shaking like a sieve, looking at Alice, stammering:

“He, he, he, he is here! You, you, you, you, you still have time to run through the back door!”

This little old man was really funny, he was afraid of doing this, but he still wanted to let Alice run away. Alice looked at him in such a pitiful manner, really afraid that he would be directly scared to death. She patted his shoulder comfortingly:

“Don’t be afraid, I am very good.”

She walked out from the front door of the village chief’s house and saw that there were already several idlers and hooligans outside, surrounded by a tall and obese man, who was fully armed and carrying a heavy chain hammer in his hand. When he saw a young girl like Alice coming out of the village chief’s house with a giant sword on his back, there was an unbelievable expression on his face:

“Are you the knight from Yunji Castle?”

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