She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: New feelings.

Before coming here, Alice wanted to go back for a drink in the pub, but in this atmosphere, it was difficult for people to notice the time, and she accidentally stayed here for a long time.

When she realized this, the tavern was about to close.

Without even thinking about it, the gate of the castle must have been closed now, and it will never be opened specifically for her. It seems that she can only stay here tonight. Fortunately, this tavern was originally a hotel, there are no other guests here tonight, and the only room that can be used for her.

Lying on the cramped bed in the guest room, Alice began to call Circillian.

Although He was by her side every day, this was the only time she had met with Him in a week. In the castle, although they can communicate in their minds, Alice is not used to that kind of conversation, and she always babbles accidentally.

It was a bit exciting, but when she called Cecilia’s name, he didn’t appear immediately as usual. It took about ten minutes before she finally felt the fluctuation of the air.

“You are a bit late.”

“I went somewhere else,” Cecilian said. “Someone else was calling my name. I went over and looked at it, and I came back right away when I heard you calling-even though it traveled very fast in my dream, But it still has to spend a little time on your plane.”

“Is it Jill?” Alice immediately remembered that she had told the young thief the name of Cecilian, “That kid stole my dagger!”

“The link between that dagger and him is closer than that of you.”

“You told me to just forget it?” Alice was angrily. “That dagger once saved my life-of course I have to admit that you did a little bit more in that matter-and that was Lena. Give it to me!”

“It doesn’t matter, when it completes its mission, it will naturally return to your hands.”

Alice looked suspiciously at the fluctuating air in front of her eyes. She couldn’t stare into his eyes, which made people feel very bad. She couldn’t judge the authenticity of the other party’s words from the look in her eyes.

“The gods don’t say such meaningless lies to comfort people.”

Oh yes, he is indeed a god.

Alice exhaled.

Recently, He has been with her for a long time, and sometimes it makes people feel a little illusion that he may be the same as her in some aspects… But there is still a difference, there is a considerable boundary between man and God. . What’s more, he will have more and more followers in the future, and it is impossible for him to stay with her all the time.

“Even if I have many believers, I will always be with you.” He said.

“Why? How am I different?”

“you are the first.”

“I am not your first believer. I remember you once had a cult.”

“You said that…” Cecilian’s tone became a little subtle, “Although they do claim to be my believers, they do bring me a lot of prayer power. But they are all very strange people. There are a lot of inexplicable canons, such as not eating beans…I never understand why they worship me, maybe they just need a god’s name to carry their ideas. But you are not the same, the connection between us It is getting closer and closer, and it has already exceeded the boundary between ordinary gods and believers. No one can surpass it in the past or in the future. Perhaps because I have used up all the power that can be manipulated for you… At that time, there was a ray of me. The consciousness that can be controlled came from me to you.”

His invisible fingers started from her fingertips and moved up to her shoulders, and then He touched her cheek, and put his fingers on her forehead:

“It’s here.”

There was a special heat on his fingertips, which made her forehead burn a bit. He was very close to her, and even if he couldn’t see the body, the pressure still existed. Alice felt that her heart was beating a bit strangely, which made her perceive a potential danger-although she didn’t know where the danger came from. Out of the instinct of the former mercenary, she couldn’t help touching the knife next to her. However, the moment she touched the hilt, the pressure disappeared, and he was gone.

Circelian often disappeared suddenly, Alice didn’t think much, just felt that her heartbeat gradually returned to normal. She didn’t delve into the reason, and fell asleep quickly as usual, as if the feeling that made her nervous has never appeared.

The next day Alice returned to the castle as early as possible. The Knight of Kent saw her and put the timetable in her hand into her hand:

“Where did you go? I looked for you all morning. All the knights stationed in Yunqi Castle are responsible for training soldiers. This is your schedule. Don’t lose it when you put it away.”

Alice picked up the timetable and looked at it. According to the instructions on this table, every knight has to have at least two turns a month. She is ranked at the end. There is still a period of time before the first training, so don’t be too rushed.

“Don’t worry about those old guys.” Kent said, “You and me, I will teach you what to do…Speaking of which, are you doing anything today?”

Alice shook her head, so Kent invited her to practice riding and shooting together. He was very proficient in this area and taught Alice a few particularly useful skills. Alice had hardly learned this aspect before, and Kent helped, and finally got the point.

The two practiced until dinner time and went to the restaurant to prepare for dinner. When everyone was there, the Duchess stood up in front:

“I have two things to say today.”

The table immediately became silent, and everyone was waiting for the Duchess to speak. Although half of the people on this table hoped that the Duchess would die sooner, but in any case, she was the one in power at the moment, and those who were knights must show the greatest respect for this.

“Alice Quint has become a knight and has officially joined the West Felix collar. I know some people may not be very satisfied with this, but I don’t want to hear from any population that my knights are fighting in-fighting rumors. ”

After saying this, the Duchess looked at the Plank Knight sitting next to her. The Planner Knight is the oldest among all the knights here, and when he heard the words of the Duchess, he nodded in agreement.

The Plank Knights can represent the opinions of most people sitting here, so that’s it. The duchess nodded and continued:

“I have decided to give her the land that originally belonged to Martin Knight in Ronald Village. Martin Knight has passed away and there is no direct heir. Don’t you have any opinions on this decision?”

I don’t know where I heard a sneer:

“She needs to be able to get it.”

The Duchess raised her eyebrows:

“If there is nothing else, I will assume that you have no opinion.” She cast her gaze to Alice, “Follow me to get the land certification document, and hand it over to the village chief tomorrow, and then the land there will be yours. It’s all there.”


The first thing is said to be finished, the duchess brought up the second topic:

“When my husband was alive, my favorite event was the Knight Tournament. I believe most people sitting here can still remember the grand scene at that time. When my husband just passed away, I was too sad to hold such an event. , The matter will be put down. In the following years, although some people have mentioned it, there are always other things that interfere with it and have not been able to do it. I think it is time to hold another knight tournament.”

This is the topic that the knights like, the atmosphere on the table suddenly warmed up, and everyone’s eyes flashed with excitement, wishing to put on the full suit immediately and play.

“Don’t get too excited,” the Duchess smiled. “This is just an idea. The details have not been finalized. The actual event will have to wait until the end of summer. In another half a month, when things are almost finalized, I will give it to all parts of the country. The lord wrote a letter asking them to send the best knights under his hand at that time. I suggest that you start training hard from now on. I don’t want my knights to lose to others.”

The knights cheered, and the Duchess made a gesture to signal the end of the conversation and start the meal.

Alice was sitting at the end of the table, looking at the knights in front of her with joy, somewhat unaware of what had happened. In fact, since the Duchess said that she would give her land, she has been stunned. As for the Knight Tournament that the Duchess said later, she hardly noticed. But even if she noticed, she didn’t really understand what it meant. She had only one thought on her mind now:

She is going to have land! With these benefits, she no longer has to worry about running out of money! The armor she wore at the ceremony before was borrowed from the Duchess’ arsenal, and when she got the land proceeds, she would use the money to buy a complete set for herself. I also need to equip the awkward horse with the best saddles and bridles, so that it can eat black beans and carrots every day, and become the most beautiful cub in the castle stables, obediently and obediently to her.

Although Alice also knew that even if she succeeded in becoming the owner of the land in the village, at least she would have to wait until autumn to get the benefits. But she just couldn’t help thinking about this. She had already spent 10,000 of this money for a meal. When she finished her dinner without a taste, and followed the duchess to her office in a daze, she was still blushing with excitement.

The duchess handed the documents to her. Seeing her excited face, she couldn’t bear it, and she reminded her:

“Things may not go smoothly, but I can only give this right now. The rest is up to you. I think Kent has a good relationship with you? He has been here for a long time and knows many things. We will leave tomorrow. Before, I suggest you go talk to him.”

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