RWBY – The madness of Lappland

True value of life

Dr. Linzi pov

Dr. Linzi : " As I told you before Lappland, it depends but in the best case it is seven years". 

Dr. Linzi : " However, there are many variables, so it is safe to say that three years is the max if you are unlucky ". 

' In seven years her crystallization has reached 13% for the next seven it should be about 26%' 

'However, depending on where crystallization occurs, this is how long Lappland will last. Eventually, one crystal in the aorta and that's the end of it ' 

Dr. Linzi :"But it depends on many factors, so maybe it will be longer but not more than ten years." 

Looking at Lappland I see a smile appear on her face that is different from the one she always shows this smile is sad, I see her ears droop and her tail hangs dead behind her without moving. 

Lappland : " Normally seven years is a lot, however knowing that this is a limitation in the length of my life I feel that these ten years will pass quickly" 

Says Lappland amused then sighs.

Linzi : " As I said I have to do research and maybe I can find a way to stop this process in your body or slow it down, of course surgery to remove or trim these crystals is also involved but if we don't stop the process then surgery won't do anything ." 

Linzi : " What I'm asking you to do is to come regularly for checkups and stop or rather be careful while you are fighting with someone. You're not likely to listen to me if I tell you that the fighting is over ".

I say to Lappland and when I talk to her like that, an idea comes to my mind so I get up and walk over to the cabinet and opening it I pull out a small box. 

' The advanced diabetes tests created by the Atlas medical academy they are better than the usual ones because they carry out rapid tests of the all substance in the blood. '

' Even though they are terribly expensive we are talking about Lappland .' 

I think while pulling out something that resembles a pen from a small box. After which I approach Lappland. 

Linzi : "Give me your hand I'll show you what to do". 

I say when Lappland follows my instructions and hands me her bloody hand . I take one of her fingers and prick it with a needle mounted in the device. 

' Now where are the settings here?' 

After the pricking is done, a holographic reader slides out on the device so I can see the insulin level in Lappland's body. However, this is not what I was looking for so after I manage to find the settings so I slowly look to see if I can find what I was looking for. 

' Drugs, no , pregnancy, no, unknown / other'. 

Finding the "other" options I enter it and my idea turned out to be good. 

> { 0.27u/L} 

Linzi : "Lappland, from now on take a test every day and send results to me. This way I will be able to determine if the process is speeding up and maybe I can find other useful data." 

I say looking at Lappland handing her the box and device. Then I turn around and walk over to the cabinet to get some bandages to protect the wound on her hands. 

Linzi :" By the way you can tell Blake that you have diabetes ".

I add. knowing Lappland she will not tell anyone about her disise. The diabetes test and the alleged diabetes will help her to mask that she is dying . I am heve to keep a doctor's secret, after all Lappland is now eighteen years old so she is an adult and I can't decide to whom she will tell this. 

'Especially since that I'll die if I tell someone, just because Lappland is aware of what she's doing doesn't mean I won't die if I cross a certain line.' 

Returning to Lappland with the bandages in my hands I see her looking at the test and smiling. 

Lappland : "You know me doctor, thank you". 

It's not often that Lappland thanks someone so hearing her words makes me smile as I look at her wounded hands. Then  I notice another wound on one of her hands. It appears to be a wound from a knife but is already well drees so I just wrap her hands with bandage . 

Linzi : " You're welcome Lappy". 

I say feeling how unfair it is to her. I don't know what happened to her but still, from a horrible childhood to an unhappy love for which she had to fight in a terrorist group and now when she is finally free she learns that she has seven years to live. 

Finishing work on Lappland's hand, I see her packing the device into a package. 

Linzi : " That's all Lappland".

I say while watching Lappland nod in confirmation and after getting up from the chair she leaves the office. 

'Do not give up Lappland'

Roman Torwich. Pov

I'm standing in the warehouse hall waiting for this self-proclaimed leader of liberation blah blah blah blah and so on. The "hero" of his race, fucking Adam Taurus .

 I don't have to wait long when I hear footsteps coming from the entrance. And there he stands with a mask on his face and those horns of his of which he is so proud. 

Am I afraid of him, Yes if I were alone but next to me stands Neo with an umbrella in her hands spread over her head and from what I can see she is not happy to the sight of Adam. 

Adam: " What do you want Roman. Because if you are short of people then you will not get more than me and Cinder agreed ." 

Hearing his arrogance I wonder why no one has killed him yet. I look at Neo and see her calmness on her face which is not good because her smile is missing. 

Roman :" Thank you but I don't need your zoo here".

I tell him mocking his race I like to annoy him like that. And as always his calmness is gone. 

' He is so quick to get angry'. 

I think as I watch him reach for his sword with clenched teeth. Neo also tensed up ready to pull out the blade. 

Adam :" You better say what you want or I'll have to inform Cinder that she's lost her errand boy. 

Hearing him I finish mocking him and look at him with seriousness. 

Roman :" Adam I hear that the dead dogs are rising from their graves ".

I tell him. But Adam does not understand allusions . However, Neo understood and looked at me displeased.

' I had forgotten how sensitive she is about Lappland'. 

Roman : " I'll put it simply Lappland was supposed to be dead so tell me what is she doing in Vale!? " 

I tell him in a straight because I have the impression that he is not the faunus of a bull but of a ram. 

Adam : "What?. Lappland is in Vale " 

Looking at his reaction I can see that he is not surprised that Lappland is alive, only that she is in Vale. 

Roman : "So you knew she was alive but still lied to us." 

I ask having enough of this fool. Lappland fucking "white wolf" or otherwise known as " The grimm terror" or " the hunter of hunters". One of the most dangerous people I know and this idiot turned her against himself for some reason. 

 Although Lappland is crazy she is smarts and intelligence to compensate her mental state . She's hot-blooded but with her strength that's not a problem. In the end she won't destroy the white fang by herself but she will make ther life very difficult  . 

Adam : " This is none of your business." 

He says after which he turns around to hastily leave but there is already someone waiting for him at the hangar door. 

' I knew that he would try to escape or change the subject so I called for her' 

??? : " No. This is our business Adam." 

Hearing her voice I know she is not happy. Walking towards us I hear the footsteps of her pins echoing around the hangar. 

Adam : " Cinder this is a matter of white fang  ". 

Adam says fearlessly. 

'What an idiot doesn't he understand what cooperation is all about  '.

I think shaking my head. Then I look at Neo who has been furious since she found out Lappland was alive

' She doesn't even have those feminine days. 

Cinder : " First I came to white fang with the idea that you killed her as I heard . I knew then that you didn't have the skills to defeat someone my master paid attention to. But I still replaced her with you and your people as quality for quantity  ." 

Said Cinder slowly circling around Adam. 

Cinder : " Now you lied to me by the very fact of saying she was dead?. And now you have the nerve to say it's none of our business! " 

Says Cinder shouting at the end. 

Cinder : "Roman you said she can be a threat to us?" 

Asks cinder looking at me. 

Roman : " From what I know from my contact there may be a problem between her and white fang and Adam is joining forces with us so... ." 

Cinder : " Adam if you want to continue our co operation bring her to me or kill her, this time for real . "

At Cinder's words, Neo looks furious so she was going to protest even if it means suicidal struggle which is not like her. 

'Neo with her character withdraw from fights in which she has no chance. '

Obviously there is not that much difference between Neo and Cinder in strength at least I hope so. But fortunately before I could see who was stronger between them Neo looked at me, which made me somehow manage to calm her down. And becouse the Cinder and Adam were busy with each other they didn't notice Neo's silent outburst

' What kind of relationship do Neo and Lappland have? . Hate in the fight but care beyond it  ' 

'I've known Neo for a very long time which means that whatever there was between them must have happened long before we met.' 

Adam :" You're the one who came through for our help! "

Adam says furiously. 

Cinder : " I don't care. If I can't recruit her and she is a threat to my plan I will kill her myself.." 

Adam : "You can't do that! " 

Says Adam facing Cinder. And while I would love to see Adam and this slut fighting, that won't happen because the white fang obeys Adam orders and they won't follow Cinder's lead. 

Cinder : "Why don't you want to kill her? "

Although I can hear the rage in her voice I wonder about the whole situation myself . 

' Why did he lie to everyone about her death, why did she disappear for a year? I guess Adam must have captured her somehow but why do it when he really could have killed her why make it difficult and imprison her?'' 

Adam : " She is an important part of my plan and I need her alive".

Says Adam knowing that he has to say at least that much.

Roman : " If your plan was to make an enemy of her then you succeeded ".

I say amused because of his anger at my statement .

Adam : " I needed information from her but Lappland is not talkative about her past".

Adam says and what he said surprised me.

' It would make sense he wanted to obtain information but why would he need information about Lappland's past?  '

Cinder : "Why don't you tell us about your plan".

Says Cinder with a smile apparently thinking the same thing  .

Adam :  " Before you can understand the plan you must understand that Lappland's true value is not only her strength but also her past which is known by just a few of people who keep quiet about it because the rest who knew it and wanted to talk about it are dead." 

Listening to Adam's words I look at Neo whose expression changed and then I knew she knew something. 

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