RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Spiritual Destruction ( Modifications)

Roman pov

Cinder : " What do you mean by that?"

Adam " Tell me how much your infotmators know about Lappland ? "

Asks Adam turning to me and Neo as well. 

Adam : " You can find something about each of us. Even after some have changed identities "

Says Adam and he's right if you sit on it, everything can be found out.

Adam :" What do you know about Lappland's past. Nothing no matter how you search and ask until the age of eight she does not exist. There are references to her stay in Vale when she was six. And that's from port workers who opened the crates of dust that arrived from Atlas. Apparently, inside one of them was a wounded little girl who attacked a worker and ran away after that people from the Atlas military arrived and no one knew anything after that."

Adam :" However, what was she doing in Vale in the crate sent from Atlas? Why and how did she come to Vale? and what was she doing in Atlas? "

Adam asks as I notice a change in Neo's facial expression when Adam mentioned Lappland's stay in Vale. 

' Neo knows something about it '. 

Adam :" Only four people I know know the answer to this question Ghira, Kali, Aqua and Sienna know the answer. But still if you ask they don't let off steam and say that they don't know.."

Cinder: " Stop already and tell what you know". 

Says Cinder already annoyed by the constant prolongation of Adam who looks at us and starts talking to the point. 

Adam : " Her full name is Lappland Saluzzo........." 

Hearing the continuation I wanted to say that this is absurd but I noticed that Neo is silent clenching her teeth with anger which means Neo must have known something about this and that made me have no other option but to believe it .The further Adam talked the more fucked up it was. 

' I know these things happen but in Atlas? and it's someone at this level doing these things?' 

But despite a few holes in his story it makes some sense. Even cold bitch Cinder noticed it when she changed her expression during Adam's story . As I listened further some things that didn't make sense to me before started to add up together 

' I'm not surprised that the previously gentle Sienna becom more violent after she found out about it.' 

It was one of those stories you don't want to know but once you find out you can't look at some things the same way. When I heard everything it made sense when I started thinking about. Then a question to myself popped into my head . 

' How did I not notice this before, after all, I saw her once without a mask but I did not notice the resemblance'. 

Adam : "I have no idea what happened to Lappland mother or how Lappland got to Vale in fact I don't know much more than what I said." 

Says Adam when even Cinder looks at him in shock after which a wide smile appears on her face . 

Cinder : "So why don't you tell me what you wanted to do with that information." 

Says Cinder when Adam goes into his plan. And as a criminal myself I can say that this is below the belt and below my work ethic. Ok maybe I would do such things for acquiring Lappland but still it is cruel .

 But Neo who is sensitive about Lappland snapped and almost ran towards Adam. However before she could mindlessly kill him I stopped her and whispered in her ear .

Roman :" Wait outside" 

Even though Neo didn't want to she did it anyway and left the warehouse. I looked at the two in front of me who were all the time too busy with Adam's plan to notice Noe's behavior

Cinder : " Where is your dog Roman ?" 

Asks cinder looking at me when she notices the absence of Neo. 

Roman : "Women's business, I think you understand".

I say without caring, and as always Cinder ultimately doesn't give a damn as long as I'm here. So seeing that I am present she returns to Adam. 

 Cinder :" I understand what you want to do and it is indeed worth the risk . The tension caused by the dissemination of this information will jam the entire Atlas for a while "

' Tension, jam ? If this story is true and it comes to light then the Atlas could crumble' 

I honestly don't know what implications this information has but I understand why no one who knows about it is talking about it and the one who is talking is dying . 

Roman : "I'm going to go now I have my own things to do". 

I say turning to leave. I have enough information in my head today.

Cinder : "Roman wait " 

However, the bitch has not forgotten me and does not let me go . 

Roman : " What?" 

Cinder : " Is everything ready? I hope you have people to start collecting dust from tomorrow?" 

Cinder : "I also believe that your people will come Adam". 

Says cinder turning back to Adam.

Adam : " Yes they will be here in two weeks ". 

Cinder : " Then let's deal with the dust first. As for the rabid dog for now on pay no attention to her as long as it does not interfere with our plans.After all, from what you're saying Adam, there's no point in trying to peacefully turn her to our side. " 

Cinder : "There are a lot of holes and conjecture in your information but it makes enough sense that it's worth checking out this story as it may be useful for the future. So when something happens you have to catch her not kill her  ." 

Says Cinder looking at Adam. 

'I wonder how we are supposed to do that? You want her alive catch her yoursel'

Cinder :"  That's all" 

Says Cinder as she walks away with a satisfied look on her face. So It's just me and Adam left in the warehouse.

Adma : "You got what you wanted?"

Asks Adam with a smile on his face after which he too turns and leaves.

' Great, this is not how it was supposed to be.' 

Seeing that the meeting is over I leave, to look for angry Neo. Leaving the warehouse I move ahead knowing where she might be. So I slowly walk between the containers so I can see her standing on the waterfront as she looking at the moon . 

Roman : " Neo you knew about this? " 

Those are my first words as I walk up to her and stand next to her. To my question Neo nods yes and no. 

Roman :" You only knew part of it?" 

I ask when she nods in the affirmative. 

Roman : " I won't ask why you didn't tell me this. However I will ask if your acquaintance with Lappland is from her time in Vale? ".

I ask looking at Neo who nods yes further looking at the ocean. 

Roman :" I see which means you were so upset then because you were once close with Lappland." 

Looking at Neo I can see that this is not the case.

' I don't understand their relationship, but Neo did not deny it that they have one. '

' So Neo then Trivia and Lappland know each other which explains Lappland's stay in Vale which makes sense. So now it's just a question of what really happened then in Atlas and how much of Adam's words are true '. 

 I think when I follow Neo as we heading in silence to one of our hideout we choose walk to cool off becous of what we learned today. On my way, I'm look at Neo , about who I learn a lot of new things and even more remain a mystery even after years of cooperation. Thinking about it, ideas begin to come to my mind. 

'I won't ask Neo about her relationship with Lappland because Neo herself doesn't look like she wants to talk about it. However, if they had a good relationship before why not try to rebuild that between them.' 

'Although I have no idea what happened between them it can't possibly be worse than what Miss Belladonna did'

While walking down the street lit by streetlamps, I can feel that something is wrong  .

' Why is there no one on here? '

I notice this knowing that even at night someone is hanging around here. My answer to the question comes when suddenly all the lights went out I feel that everything has stopped working neither aura nor dust, crystal nothing, even the scrolls don't work the same thing happens to Neo. The buildings around us also have no light leaving us in total darkness. Everything after that one second returns to normal when the lights turned on again. 

'Speak of the devil'

I never forgot most dangerous EMP semblance , which has killed many hunters so its owner received the nickname "the huntress of hunters ". Her semblance disabling both aura and everything related to dust such a morale-destroying ability belongs to " White Wolf". So after many years name for this EMP changed to  - " Spiritual Destruction ". 

'As I think about it now, it fits her very well' 

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