Reincarnated As Clara In The Flash

Chapter 6: The Meaning of Being a Faction

Four years ago...

Clara POV

I was lying in my bed, writing in my special journal that I got from a store! Mr. Svarog also said it's best if I use it. I also got a soft blanket and a squishy pillow. Oh, and I got some food called candy! I never heard of it before. I saw some kids like me wishing they could have candy, but their mommies said no, which was unfair since it was free!

The only thing was some numbers on the bottom, but I didn't really think about that.

I've never been to school because I was always sick. But my mommy and daddy let me practice numbers with them, and I know the numbers from 1 to 10! Now that I think about it, the numbers on the bottom of my stuff may tell me how many items I can take to my camp! So I can now get more things to help me out!

I shook my head to think better and not get confused about what I was doing at the moment. I picked up a pencil that I had left on my bed and started writing in my journal. Mr. Svarog and the system said I should write about my adventures because it might help later. The system also said it would be useful for the future and very needed, and since the system helped me make Mr. Svarog, I believe it!

Journal Entry 01

It's been a long time since I made Mr. Svarog, and everything here has been super nice and peaceful! Nothing bad has happened, and the system has been telling me fun stuff to do! I haven't found Mommy or Daddy yet. I think maybe they forgot me... Oh no! I bet they are looking for me right now, and when they find me, they will give me big hugs, and we'll go home and have a party!

They promised me a birthday party, just the three of us, when I got better in the hospital. But now that Mr. Svarog is here, there will be even more cake for everyone! I'm so excited! I can't wait to celebrate my birthday even though I don't know what a birthday is or what it's like to have one...maybe I'll know when they find me.

end of entry...

I smiled as I tucked my journal away under my bed. I should get something to carry various items, perhaps when I have time to grab one from the store. But for now, I need to see if Mr. Svarog found anything important around the camp.


[Player] I see that you have made progress within your camp and as you can see in your [Status] there is an option there called [Factions] which is a function that will allow you to have a party with certain people! But I'll inform you that making a faction right now is not a good idea at the moment and focusing on waiting at the moment and focus on finishing side missions!

I thought about what the system was saying for a minute. Wouldn't it be smart to team up with Mr. Svarog right now and add more friends later? That might help me, but I don't really know what a faction does.

[Player] I can explain what a [Faction] is if you want.


I nodded and pressed the Y button as the system then began explaining the function of [Faction] to me, and I now understand why it is better to wait.

The function of [Faction] is one of the main parts of this Adventure system that you were provided with. This function serves as the foundation for assisting your companions in the near future. When you are sure and ready to proceed, I recommend staying and setting up at a highly secure and advanced technology base that you are familiar with, as well as individuals who possess strong skills in medical care, investigation, and technology...And even ones with special abilities.

This will also update the system with a brand new [Status] and even a new function added to the system!

I would like to inform you that if the base is destroyed or companions do end up splitting up or getting into a serious argument, there will be penalties imposed on the [Player]. These penalties could include debuffs, strained relationships, or even the loss of positive effects associated with being part of the [Faction], depending on the situation.

I don't like the idea of getting a punishment. It feels like I'm the one in trouble even though I'm trying my best. It just feels mean! When people argue, it makes me think of my mom and dad fighting about money and medicine. They didn't know I was awake at the time and could hear them. It made me feel sad that they were arguing and it was my fault.

The positive effects of [Faction] include enhancing the personal skills in which individuals excel. For example, if a person is a doctor, they will have a better understanding of problems and will be able to make faster diagnoses than before! As the [Player], you can see the skills that are being boosted. If the [Player's] creations are in [Faction] they will have all their skills boosted even during combat or even during their daily routine.

After I read about all the good things [Faction] can do, I think it's a good idea to wait for the right people I can trust as my friends. The hard part is telling them about the system. I hope they will get it and want to help me too!


Warning Notice!

[Player] I would suggest not telling anybody about the Adventure system that you possess in your hands it'll be best to keep this a secret at all costs. If failure to do so there will be a harsh penalty involved.

"B-But I can't lie! Lying is a bad thing to do and if I do I'll just be doing something bad to the people that trust me!" I yelled.

I suggest that you learn how to deceive in the coming years, as only you and your creations will understand the system in which you have In your hands. Please don't make me impose a harsh penalty for failing to grasp the basic rules. The more you fail to understand this rule the more harsher the penalty will be...I would not like to continue down this road [Player].

I stopped and took a big step back, looking at the blue text box because I didn't understand what it was saying but in my soul, I could tell I understood. I felt really scared, for the first time I was out of the hospital. When I looked at the box, I saw it wasn't playing silly games with me. I thought if I kept ignoring it, I might get in big trouble.

...Just thinking about what kind of trouble I might be in if I told other people made me even more scared!

"O-Okay... I understand. I won't say anything about the system... I-I promise!" I squeaked out in a tiny voice.


Thank you, [Player]. You have a long journey ahead of you, and I look forward to seeing how it unfolds. I have high expectations for you, and I can't wait for you to surpass them. Most of all how this story ends is in your hands in the near future.

The system's textbox vanished, leaving me alone in my room. I looked down at the floor and began to wonder, "Can I really hide the system forever? Do I have to lie to the people who will trust me one day? Maybe lying is the best choice to keep them safe... but is that really true?"

"At least I have Mr. Svarog, who understands the truth about the system. Maybe the others I create will know the truth as well, so perhaps I'm not alone... Yeah, I'm not alone; I never will be again." I said to myself, hugging a teddy bear for comfort until Mr. Svarog returned from his routine outside.












Present time...

Third POV

Barry and Caitlin were walking toward an alleyway that would lead them to a camp that had the meta they were looking for. They were both in disguise, dressed in tattered clothing with holes in them. As they made their way there, Barry asked for more information about the little girl who was a metahuman.

"Do you have any additional information about this girl besides her birth certificate?" Barry asked, feeling skeptical that this would be straightforward, especially since the last meta he saw wasn't friendly.

"That's the tricky part. Digging up information on Clara has proven to be a challenge. It feels like the rest of her details are locked down tighter than a vault. Getting her birth certificate was tough enough, and if Cisco tried to push for more information, it could trigger alarms with whoever's been keeping such a close watch on her records." Caitlin explained as she remembered Cisco was almost caught while trying to hack information on Clara.

Barry furrowed his brows as he processed Caitlin's words. "If her information was sealed, that means someone higher up wanted to keep her hidden. Either to protect her or to keep others from finding her."

Caitlin nodded. "Exactly. And that raises even more questions. Why would a little girl's information be locked away like this? It's like someone erased her from the records. No school records, no medical history after a certain point of the age of 4—just gone."

Barry sighed, peering into the shadows of the dimly lit alley. "If she's been off the grid for this long, it means someone really doesn't want us to find her. Or worse, they're making sure she stays off the radar, away from anyone who could help. We have to crack this before it's too late."

As they emerged from the alley, the scene before them was peculiar. The camp consisted of wooden shelters, including meal shelters, and small campfires burning to keep people warm.

The shelters appeared well-constructed, resembling those built by professional builders, capable of lasting for years. Children ran across the pavement in clean shoes, while the air was filled with a sense of comfort and safety.

Barry and Caitlin walked around and scanned the area, looking for any signs of Clara. Caitlin discreetly pulled out a small device from her pocket and whispered, "Cisco rigged this to detect unusual energy readings. If she's using her powers, we should be able to pick up a signal."

When Caitlin saw the device picking up energy readings, she noticed that the signals were coming from all directions, as if Clara was using her powers simultaneously all around them. Suddenly, they heard the sound of metal moving. Turning to investigate, they saw a small robot with four little legs, A signal light was placed on its legs.

It was moving around as it was checking the homeless people's shelters and scanning them for any repairs that were needed as it then spoke.

"Repairs aren't needed for today. H-Have a great day." The Automaton Beetle said robotically and moved to the next shelter

Caitlin looked down at her device and noticed that it was registering energy readings.

She was surprised that the robot could talk; she had never seen a robot communicate like that before. It seemed that Clara was responsible for creating it it could be possible had made several of them patrolling around somewhere.

"Umm Caitlin?" Barry suddenly spoke.

"What? What is it?" Caitlin asked wanting to know what was wrong.

"Hey, uh, why is there a red dot behind us? It's way brighter than that other robot we just passed—it was orange, right?" Barry asked, his voice laced with urgency.

Caitlin's eyes widened as she pieced it together, realizing there was a robot just behind them, and its energy reading was off the charts.

Before Caitlin could respond, a deep mechanical voice echoed from behind.

"Bioheat reaction detected — Identifying bio information...Identification result: Outsiders. Based on the search were recommended to come here by campers — Hostility level: None...State your business here Outsiders." Svarog spoke robotically.

Both Barry and Caitlin slowly turned around to find themselves face-to-face with a huge metal robot. The robot had a dark blue exterior and a glowing pink cyclopean eye. He wore black pants and shoes, along with a fur jacket that featured multiple openings, exposing his shoulders.

Caitlin noticed that the device was now sending a warning about high levels of Dark Matter nearby. She realized that this robot had Dark Matter in its body, which shouldn't even be possible.

Barry instinctively stepped in front of Caitlin, his body tensing. "And you are…?"

"Presently, I am unable to answer your question unless you state your business here." Svarog repeated again this time his Pink cyclopean eye started glowing a bit more.

Barry wanted to use his speed to get out of there, but he noticed that the homeless people were watching them with disapproving stares and it wouldn't be good to even use his powers at the moment and ruin a potential ally. Caitlin then leaned in and whispered in Barry's ear.

"Barry, we need to explain why we are here. If we don't, we will only make things worse," Caitlin said as they realized they were already caught and the situation was not improving.

Barry took a slow breath, his eyes never leaving the towering figure of Svarog.

"We're looking for someone," he said carefully. "A girl named Clara." Barry then glanced at Svarog, who was staring intently at him.

"Clarification required: Purpose of search?" Svarog's robotically said as his glowing pink eye flickered, analyzing the information.

"We're not here to hurt her. We just want a chance to meet with her, talk things through, and bring her to safety." Caitlin said, her voice steady and reassuring.

Svarog stood motionless for a moment, as if calculating the weight of their words. Around them, the onlookers—men, women, and children alike—watched with wary expressions. The presence of this mechanical guardian clearly meant something to them even the girl.

"Safety of Clara ensured. External assistance is unnecessary. Clara is under my protection. Outsiders have no business here. Leave." Svarog repeated robotically and turned around walking away.

Barry and Caitlin exchanged glances. This wasn't going to be easy....Not like it was going to be easy in the first place.

"We just want to talk to her. We believe she may be in danger—people might be looking for her, and if they find her first, it might not be good." Barry explained wanting to at least try to talk with the girl and be able to at least meet one nice meta-human for a change.

"Threat level assessment: Ongoing… Processing…" Svarog's eye glowed, but this time, he tilted his head slightly, as if considering their words more carefully and was getting information.

The robot stood in silence, the faint hum of its internal systems the only sound between them. Then, without another word, it turned and began walking away.

"Approved—Follow." Svarog instructed.

Barry and Caitlin hesitated for only a moment before stepping forward, weaving through the camp with Svarog leading them deeper inside. They passed by more of the small beetle-like robots scanning and repairing shelters.

Even finding more larger robots even one with a chainsaw for an arm. Children peeked out from behind corners, whispering to one another as they eyed the newcomers with curiosity.

Finally, Svarog led them to a large, old building that was boarded up. He opened the front metal door that were no longer risted and broken and were now working condition and looked new and guided them inside.

As they looked around inside, they could see that the building had never been repaired. Caitlin recognized the place; it was the old Ivo Laboratories building, which had been abandoned after things went wrong. Then they were led to a room that was comfortable and had a sofa and things to relax for a while.

"I recommend that we wait here for the time being." Svarog said as he closed the door.

After a while, footsteps were heard from outside the door, and a girl's voice, no older than 10 years, was heard as the door.

"Mr. Svarog, who are they?" Clara said hiding behind Svarog. "Are they the new people that were recommended to come here to the camp?"

Barry and Caitlin looked toward the source of the voice. hiding behind Svarog was a young girl, no older than ten, with wide, intelligent red eyes filled with both innocence and wariness while holding Svarog's coat from behind.

"Outsiders. Expressing concerns for your safety." Savorg replied immediately.

Clara tilted her head slightly, studying the strangers before her. Her grip on Svarog's coat tightened for a moment before she looked toward Barry and Caitlin a bit more.

"Why?" Clara said not understanding why they were even looking for her in the first place.

Barry knelt slightly, lowering himself to her eye level. "Because, Clara… there are people out there who might want to take you away. We want to make sure that doesn't happen."

Clara frowned as if trying to process his words.

"But I'm safe here. Mr. Svarog, Pascal, and the others in the camp keep me safe." Clara spoke softly.

Caitlin gently interjected. "We don't want to take you away, Clara. But we do want to understand. You're special, aren't you?"

Clara hesitated before nodding no longer hiding behind Svarog and took a step forward toward them.

"We want you to come with us to S.T.A.A.R. Labs to keep you safe. We have people there who can help you," Caitlin said with a smile that made Clara feel safe for some reason.

"But...If I go...Can I bring someone with me." Clara asked looking at both Caitlin and Barry with innocent eyes not wanting to be alone.

"Yes, you can bring someone with you," Caitlin said as Barry nodded and Clara smiled.

"Then I'm bringing Mr. Svarog with me! After all, he is my family!" Clara excitedly said while hugging Svarog.

Barry watched as a smile spread across Clara's face. It radiated pure innocence—there was not a trace of evil or threat in her expression. For the first time, Barry felt genuinely happy to see someone who loved helping others and used their powers for good. 

From what he's seen this alleyway was used to provide a sanctuary for the homeless but he also knew that Clara will be on watch from

CCPD...He would have to talk to Caitlin and Cisco even Dr. Wells about that issue but he knew that this girl cared about her creations and even others.

However, this scene also brought a wave of sadness over him, as it reminded him of his dad, who was imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit.

"Mr. Svarog can you tell Pascal to take command of the camp for the time being while we are gone." Clara instructed as Svarog nodded at her.

"Affirmative...Commencing transfer of command...Completed." Svarog robotically said.

"Pascal?...Who could that be..maybe another one if Clara's creations but I rather not say anything after all things are going smoothly." Caitlin thought as she was happy that things were going alright and they finally have another Meta-Human that is an ally.

"Alright, we can get going now but I have to get something from my room!" Clara said, looking at Caitlin and Barry. They smiled, charmed by how cute the girl was, and it seemed that things were going to get interesting when they arrived at S.T.A.A.R. Labs.







Clara POV

I hurried to my room as fast as I could, grabbing my adorable rabbit backpack! Inside, I carefully packed all the important things I needed: my computer, a few tasty snacks, and some extra parts—just in case I needed to make an upgrade. It's always best to be prepared, after all!

I slipped on my backpack and spotted Mr. Svarog waiting patiently for me. I glanced up at him, my mind racing, and finally spoke up to ask the question that had been weighing on my heart for so long.

"Mr. Svarog, why did you bring them here so easily?" I asked, having never seen Mr. Svarog introduce people to me. If anything, it's rare since Mr. Svarog is very protective of me.

"Clara, this action is necessary for your protection. In the future, there will be people whom I can't protect you from," Svarog explained. This surprised me, as it implied that strangers were more powerful than Mr. Svarog.

"So that means that someone out there is even stronger than you?" I asked wanting to understand if that's the reason why I have to leave with them.

"Affirmative, I believe that in the near future, more people will be looking for us, and I alone will not be able to protect you forever," Mr. Svarog said with a hint of uncertainty.

"Okay, Mr.Svarog...But I will be safe if I go with them, right?" I asked, not completely trusting the people who had been brought here.

"Yes, they have a 0% hostility toward you and genuinely wish to assist." Mr. Svarog explained, increasing my trust in what was about to happen.

I nodded as I took Mr. Svarog's metal hand while we walked back to where the others were. I trust Mr. Svarog's word; if he believes they want to help, then I can trust them too. I know I must keep moving forward to find a way to build another strong companion, and it needs to be a Nikke that i can build in the system in order to complete the mission that the system has given me....

I can't give up now....

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