Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 231 – Gigantomachy

---Longgg chapter ahead. Basically 2 in 1 so be warned…


<…And thus, the war of Gigantomachy broke out…>

And just like that, a blinding light blocks my vision as the introduction presented by Aesa finishes. I guess we’re roleplaying Gigantomachy today.

‘Urgh… you with me Aesa or are you still doing the narrator thing?’

On the ground feeling groggy, grouchy and gradually regaining my vision, I feel like my entire body has just gone through a second puberty or something. Don’t think I’ve woken up ever feeling like that before.

[<It appears Aesa has once again fallen into the narrator category Ikarus. Aesa can still provide assistance, but focus is being forc-…>]

<…Relive and act out the battle as the giants struggled to fight off the Gods. Disclaimer warning, actual events are fictional and not reflective of actual history. This is just a bit of fun!>

‘Heh, fair enough, this place really has your mind in a twist. We’ll be sure to break you out of that role soon enough… I feel so stran-… hang on. Everything seems so small’

Remembering one of the earliest dungeons we completed, aka the playwright dungeon where I took the mantle of a child and murdered a women in cold blood, this has the same vibe to that place if Aesa is now the all-seeing narrator. I don’t think she’s reading from a book this time though.

What isn’t similar is the form I’m currently in. First and the most important change is my breasts, they seem to be the same size as they are when I’m using aspect. Oh, and standing up, everything and everyone around us look like little ants. Exaggerating a touch, they’re roughly rat sized when compared to me and Petra… Petra! Oh, my freaking God, we both have muscles and boobs!

“Heh, how do you like the look Ikarus? Should I tie my hair in a ponytail to complete it?”

‘Urghhh… she has breasts, like actual C slash D cup breasts! Don’t drool Ikarus. You love her the exact same amount… who am I kidding? My love has somehow grown even stronger!’

If it ain’t obvious just yet, me and Petra seem to be giants while our party who stand confused under us, appear to be the beasts the giants tended to? By beasts, I mean actual beastkin and not the gigantic skeletons that still litter this place.


---Have 7 new images for you so excuse my lack of hand editing this time around lol (And I’m not sure how to make the lovebirds in proportion to the background).



(Zeki) “Why!?! Both orangey and sis get to wreck shit up and we look like this! Fuckkkkk!”

(Ariza) “Uh, the ears are cute though Zeki… look! I can wag them, like the tail!”

(Asmodeus) “Heh, guess the tail is slightly weird. Not sure why my servant always uncontrollably wags it, considering how easy it is to move”

(Nathan) “Look on the bright side kid, our minds haven’t been altered and we’re not switched around like last time”

(Charlotte) “Aww… I remember and miss Natty a little now”

‘Heh, that’s made Nathan blush’

(Dermakvar) <Hmph, no chance in hell am I changing form. Scales will always be better than fluff… your fluff is okay though little one>

As everyone gets adjusted to out new bodies, I’m fighting the urge to pounce on Petra or pick up Zeki and put him in my pocket… if I had one of course. Nah, he’d complain… but considering the size of our ‘assets’, I’m not letting him near me. Ain’t no busty dryad compares to what we have! Just imagine a size C or D in giant form, the alphabet isn’t big enough for us!

<It all started on a warm sunny day when the giants we’re tending to their flock, leading them to greater pastimes>

“Erk, kill me now! We’re supposed to be those creatures!?! That’s such BS! I wanted to be a dinosaur!”

‘What a surprise, he was the only who didn’t realize the situation they’re in’

<The giants must now guide their flock east to continue the scene… Aesa hates this so much>

Looking towards the sun, we’re a few hours or so past midday so we head in the opposite direction of the direction it’s setting. Guess it’s universal the sun rising in the east, setting in the west thing. Huh, don’t think I ever gave that much thought.

<Walking for days and nights, they journey across the continents took all their knowhow to survive the harsh and bitter winters. The fertile lands hidden within the mountains of Sierra were worth the trouble though>

‘Sighhh, we better not have to walk that long. I’m also starting to think this dungeon was designed as poorly as the rest of them. Couldn’t we at least have fake snow? This place looks the exact same as before… give it a few hours and we’ll get to the edge of the rib cage at least’

<However, before they could really get into their grand travel, they were met with resistance from a bunch of rowdy Gods, looking to gain favour from their masters>

“Oh shit, the intruders are right in front of us! Fuck! Run for your lives!”

“Why did we get selected for this? I want to go home”

“Our home was destroyed idiot, and down to those intruders no less”

<In order to proceed, all combatants must be dealt with. Scenario will remain locked until situation has been settled>

Literally opening a portal and spawning in front of us, half a dozen Gods appear from nowhere and begin to flee upon seeing us giants guiding our flock.

‘Guess we’re up for a little action today then…’

Summoning up a fireball, I’m shocked when the flame is smaller than our party. The ball is pea sized when compared to us, guess magic doesn’t exactly scale up correctly.

[<Finally, Aesa got through again. Ikarus and others need to be warned, the form you possess is highly deceptive. Power hasn’t been adjusted accordingly so that body you possess is only bigger, not stronger>]

‘So, there’s no benefit to this, other than being a bigger hitbox? Well, that’s a load of horseshit’

I mean, the breasts and abs are quite nice… no Ikarus. You’re just a bigger target right now, like someone has spammed CTRL + more than a thousand times on me. You’d think I’d be able to crush people easily but no, dungeons have never been fun. I’ll just saviour this eye candy and hope we can get through this as fast as possible.

[<Something like that Ika-…>]

<…Please note, failure to act out the scene will result in harsh punishments. If combatants continue attempting to flee, they will be booted out of the game>

Despite narrator Aesa’s attempts of giving a warning, several of the fleeing Gods still refuse to listen and continue to run at full sprint away from us giants. I thought this could be fun but now it’s quickly getting ruined.

<Enemy combatants 3, 5 and 6 are now being punished accordingly. Losing your composure and disobeying orders is unacceptable>

In the far distance, the three fleeing, now looking like ants fall to the ground, begin to hold their heads and scream. Then, a couple of seconds later, three explosions go off as all of them literally lose their heads.

‘What the actual fuck Aesa!?’

[<Aesa isn’t in control of this Ikarus, Aesa is just following a scip->]

<…Now, the remaining combatants will comply with the scenario are face the same punishments as the others>

Already knowing there’s not much we can here, we begin the process of fighting this pointless battle. The only thing is though, how can you fight a bunch of people that don’t want to fight. The three remaining might as well be some of the weakest Gods we’ve ever encountered.

“I’m not okay with this Ikarus. We can kill them if you want but it just feels off”

“Look wifey, I’m not the same edgy demon lord I once was. We might have to, but I really don’t care either way”

(Charlotte) “Agree with Petra-sama. Killing them is the unjust thing to do”

(Nathan) “I’m conflicted, only because of the emperor’s teachings. He wouldn’t hesitate in a moment like this”

(Ariza) “Uh… we can’t kill people surrendering, can we? That doesn’t seem nice at all”

(Zeki) “Erk, am I the only one who isn’t a moron right now? Burn or slit their throats and be done with it already!”

(Dermakvar) <Hmph, up to you youngsters to decide. Preference would be to turn them to ash but that’s just a lifetime of habit>

Despite our party seeming slightly conflicted, there’s only one of us who really wants these Gods to die. Since he’s so adamantly for it, that means we need to be against his decision. Hey, I don’t make the rules. If Zeki suggests something, then you do the opposite.

(Ikarus) “Hey weaklings. Want to see if surrendering will trick the dungeon?”

“We surrender, we surrender! Fuck knows we haven’t got a chance against you lot”

“Yeah, we were always the scourge of this group anyways”

“None of us even like Zeus that much anyways”

‘The third guy is lying but I’ll let him wag his tongue. The fact the dungeon wants us to slaughter these lot kinda puts me off the idea’

They immediately throw down their weapons when given the choice. After everything that’s happened within the previous dungeons, can you really blame us for trying something a little different? Sticking to how the dungeon script has always been the wrong way of completing these places otherwise… we’ll end up spending six long months inside here.

<Situation has been resolved by unconventional means… processing results. After capturing with the first group, the travelling giants quickly encounters a group much larger than the one previously>

“Yes, we’re at this part of the show! We actually have a chance now!”

“Screw you idiots! As if we really would surrender!”

As another groups spawns in, roughly twenty or so this time around, the Gods that have surrendered to us run off and join the others. Can I really say that was unexpected?

‘Sighhh, what a surprise. This is the exact reason why empathy sucks, Zeki was actually right… no Ikarus. It’s just that he’s so bloodthirsty, his reasoning shouldn’t be heard’

The much larger pack of Gods begin to relentlessly charge at us with no fear in their hearts and ready to all die in a moment’s notice. We may have not gained any strength from this, but if you think a bunch of unimportant Gods will end us, you haven’t been following us for long enough.

‘Aesa, if you can hear me, activate the napalm attack please. I’m content with a little suffering this time around’

As I’m summoning my attack, both the wife and father charge in sync towards the group and make hell of their own.

<Be careful and don’t breathe this in dark one. It’ll hurt>

“Heh, I’ll be fine so worry more about the foes ahead of us big guy”

<Hmph, I’ve given you a warning regardless>

Both arriving to the fight at the same time, father starts by spewing poison all over them while Petra stands back a touch and swings her blade at any unaffected.

“*Cough cough*, it burns!”

“Why the hell haven’t they been weakened yet? This suc-”

‘Wow… some popcorn would do the world a wonder right now’

I’m honestly a little mesmerized watching my gigantic wife slice down all those little rat sized Gods. Sure, our power hasn’t been adjusted but considering how easy it is for her to decapitate people, these gigantic bodies make it easy for her to cut them in two.

An arrow does fly in and hits her heel though, actually causing her to stagger for a brief second. There’s the huge weakness right there, dodging and blocking is near impossible when you’re that big. Petra’s entire fighting style is based on that… and head cutting of course.

Should probably go a lend a hand and it should be obvious by now that our weapons have resized with us. Hey, I don’t make the dungeon rules, we all know these worlds don’t make sense!

Right as I hurry up and join in on the fun, the napalm attack finally gets around to working and the skies begin to fall with red coloured rain. All it will take is a spark and everyone dies…

Unfortunately, or fortunately for the Gods, the napalm falls too late as most have already been damaged or killed already by father and the wife combo. Even the usual screams that come with such a brutal attack are much quieter when the world ignites ahead of us, swear I only killed one or two there.

<Hmph, are you trying to burn my eyebrows off little one?>

‘Please… as if dragon’s have eyebrows… or do they?’

Once this brief encounter subsides, our flock return to our sides but one clearly looks more pissed than the others. If it isn’t obvious why they didn’t help, we’re much bigger so me and the wife basically move at the same speed a dragon flies. It took the rest of the party this long just to run over here.

“Erk, this is only getting worse! You two kill hog all the enemies and we can’t even change form to fly over and spill blood! At least orangey’s napalm is always fun though”

‘Zeki moaning again… blah blah blah. I’m not sure why they can’t change form though, could it be because phoenixes didn’t exist back then? Dragons might’ve or if Asmodeus’s theory is correct, they evolved from these’

“Uh, Zeki? Thought you didn’t like the phoenix body that much?”

“Erk, I don’t brother, feathers suck! It’s just that wings can be useful at times”

Moving on from Mr Tsundere slash Obnoxious, this should be the time where narrator-sama comes in and… well, narrates on our battle.

<After a tough and demanding battle, the giants just about managed to fend off the larger group of Gods. But, they all felt a sense of imminent dread from the fact they hadn’t met the higher ups yet. That bad feeling would prove a bad omen… if Ikarus calls Aesa that again, Aesa wil-… >

‘Heh, relax my robotic wife. Narrator-sama is kinda cute’

And of course, the words Aesa speaks are true when the next group of Gods spawn in and this lot have faces we all know and hate. The trio of idiocy themselves: Ares, Hera and Zeus.

‘Aesa, if you can hear me, there’s three abilities that I need asap!’


Not getting the confirmation message but feeling the power flow inside my body, the trio of abilities I’ve activated are plot protection, aspect of gigantomachy and doubled potential. This is the perfect base to kill these fuckers…

‘Status scan as well, on myself and for those ahead of us’

[Name: Ikarus   |   Species: Phoenix (Demon Lord)   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    333,332*/333,332*]

[Stamina 312,592*/333,332*]

[Magicka 333,332*/333,332*]

[You currently have 50001 unassigned points]


[Name: Ares   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    75,000/75,000]

[Stamina 63,016/75,000]

[Magicka 50,000/50,000]

[Name: Hera   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1500]

[Health    100,000/100,000]

[Stamina    95,912/100,000]

[Magicka 100,000/100,000]

[Name: Zeus   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 2500]

[Health    250,000/250,000]

[Stamina 142,173/150,000]

[Magicka 100,000/100,000]

‘Damn, Zeus’s level is unhinged. Petra as well, she doesn’t appear to be taking anything for granted. She’s just activated her demonic mode. Losing to Hera last time out must’ve wound her up that much’

Not noticing it at first, there was one extra to the three that have arrived. That being a thin, hooded figure hidden beneath the bulky Zeus himself. Well, not exactly hooded considering there’s a black sack over that person’s head and they appear to be cuffed. Whoever they are, it’s obvious they’ve been taken prisoner.

(Zeus) “Bah, you dare follow us to our new home and then activate the failsafe!? This dungeon was a memorial to Gigantomachy, not Titanomachy! This is pure disrespect!”

(Ares) “Haha… it’s the little birdie that needs squashing again. I like the appearance your lover is taking, appearing as Cronos really is a kick in the teeth”

(Hera) “Don’t forget that bitch Rhea as well, no wonder my Zeusy is so angry. The audacity of you two!”

<As the giants stared down on the all-powerful Gods, a wave of pacification hit them when all the creatures knew… this isn’t a fight they can win>

‘Pfff, as if we really fear them. Look! My numbers are bigger than theirs… always wanted to say that’

Being perceived as the two titans that once would’ve caused the older Gods so much trouble, I’d like to know how we actually look but guess we can’t have everything. The important question is… who is whom?

“Wait, which one of us is supposed to be Cron-… why even bother? Petra… feel like changing the course of history?”

Already knowing I’m the wife Rhea, so Petra would be Cronos, there’s no point pouting over something stupid… yet I still am. One hundred percent focus is required here Ikarus, this is the battle that decides the future!


‘No answer… did Hera piss her off that much or is this something different? It matters lit-… the fuck? Something strange is happening’

As Petra begins to lead the second charge, the final battle that will determine our fate, a strange wave of passiveness falls over me. So much so, I can’t help but throw both my weapons to the ground without an idea why.

Same thing with Petra as she drops her samurai sword also. Da fuck? Why is this happening?

<When faced with complete power, the giants knew they had no chance in the face of impending doom and froze at the sight of impending death. Against beings that had spent lifetimes spilling blood and enacting wars, it was a battle doomed from the start>

(Zeus) “Bah, don’t just charge in there my idiotic son! We haven’t received the buff completely just yet!”

(Hera) “They dared to enter a dungeon belonging to someone else, so they know the consequences of such an action. Ares, you’re an idiot”

(Ares) “Wah, you and mother were always stickler for details. Fighting is always better when there’s a challenge!”

To add onto the fact both of us are unable to wield our weapons, an extreme amount of pressure falls on my back forcing me to my knees. Petra as well can’t fight off the force and joins me in the kneeling, this is beyond fucked! I know dungeons are heavily favoured to the owners of these places, we were supposed to counteract that!

‘Fucking dungeons! Have we been scammed with that crystal? This wasn’t supposed to happen’

Still holding it on my person, the string for some reason didn’t resize with the rest of the object so I’ve been keeping it somewhere safe and secure… no, not somewhere strange like in between my breasts or my loins. It’s in my damn pocket… which I don’t have. It’s between my breasts, alright? Don’t you be sexualizing me! Only I can do that…

‘Aesa? We need some help here’



Even trying to access my system, all I can hear is the faint sound of static now. Even trying to form a small fireball is proving fruitless, everything is currently broken.

(Zeki) “Erk, get up orangey! What are you waiting for!?”

(Ariza) “Uh, I don’t think she can Zeki. These places are so nasty”

(Nathan) “Lotte, get to Petra and I’ll defend Ikarus. We just need to buy them some time”

(Charlotte) “I don’t think that’ll work Nat. I can’t run over there in time”

(Asmodeus) “How peculiar. This entire scenario, I did not foresee. We really are getting closer to the end”

Thankfully, the only one of us able to bridge the gap quickly enough and protect the wife is father. Not like the rest of the party are providing any assistance right now, all of them are stumbling what to do. I don’t care how long it takes, move your little legs and stab Zeus already!

<Hmph, you dare try and destroy the younglings like this? Have you no class?>

<Bah, begone dragon! Your kind were a blunder to begin with, we created you by accident and was never worth a damn! Go hide in a cave if you know what’s good for you!>

<Hmph, I won’t stand for dragon racism. I will for wyvern but that’s beyond the point>

Spraying a poisonous fog all across and ahead of us, father buys us more than enough time to try to figure something out. Zeus was starting to charge up that trident of his and Petra really would’ve been in the shitter if that had hit her.

Disappearing into the purple clouds, it’s clear signs of fighting can be heard between father and Zeus, but we can’t see shit with just how much he’s spat out. It also doesn’t help that Ares has just charged through the both of them and seems hellbent on getting to us. His skin is now covered in blisters and looks to be peeling off, none of that matters to the idiotic God of war though.

‘Wait… did Zeus just imply Olympus created dragons? Ah, forget it Ikarus, think! How can I get out of this?’

Right now, I’m completely paralyzed on this spot unable to even access core features of my system. I’d start throwing nukes if it were possible! The best I can do is move an arm…

[<Aesa’s through again… Ikarus! Activate that crystal immediately. Inject magic towards it, it’s the only way!>]

‘Small problem… I can’t even use magic right now!’

I guess I could open up storage and get a magicka potion… doesn’t work either. If we survive this, I swear this will be the last ever dungeon we set foot in. This has to be the worst by far…

[<Magic residue can sometimes reside in saliva Ikarus… hurry-…>]

<…The giants lost all hope that their herd could be saved and fell into a pit of despair like none other. Some even say that the tears were so touching, the continent rained for three whole months and when the winter arrived, caused the frozen hellscape up north. Not all tales should be believed though>

I’m speechless. In order to survive, I must now put that stupid crystal in my mouth? No point moaning, down the hatch Ikarus… guess I could just lick it instead…

‘Done, really feel like you should’ve told me this earlier Aesa. And… I could’ve just spat on it… couldn’t I?’

Upon licking the metallic tasting ice cream, fanservice can buzz right off, cracks and static appear in the sky as whatever I just did has clearly effected the dungeon greatly. I can even get up and return to Petra’s side now.

<Error. Source code 01110100 01101001 01110100 01110011 not found. Lifeform inhabiting giant -Rhea- has caused great disturbance, potential reasoning being object disrupting integral flow>

<Processing result… attempt to forcibly break scene has been successful. Imminent dungeon shutdown and self-destruct sequence initialized. Have a lovely day…>

‘Well damn, this is when shit gets good. I knew visiting those hags would pay off!’

Father’s cloud of poison disperses around this point also revealing him biting down on Zeus. He’s literally locked within my father’s grasp, does this mean we’ve got him trapped?

“You good Petra?”

“Fine Ikarus. Things looked bleak for a second… we helping?”

‘Damn, she even sounds angry right now. I guess I should be but think the adrenaline is numbing things slightly’

“Bah, you won’t win this battle dragon!”

<Hmph, get out of my grasp first and we’ll see about that>

‘For the record… we did tell our party about that gender damage-based thing. Zeus’s looks completely unaffected considering father is literally trying to eat him… status’

<Self-destruct in… 2 minutes… 59 seconds>

‘Oh right, system still isn’t completely working I guess’

Unfortunately, getting over to lend father a hand will have to wait with the little squirt Ares now standing in our way. We don’t have time for this, just fuck off already! His face looks positively ghoulish now considering the damage father’s poison has just did.

“Hahaha… it’s finally time for the rematch!”

Instead of just activating just one ability, Ares activates three that would be a right bitch to dodge as giants. Spikes pierce up out of the ground while javelins and spinning shields proceed to strike and fly true towards the both of us…

“Petra, behind me! I can take it!”


Petra does listen to my advice and uses me as a human shield, thank fuck plot protection is still in use and hasn’t expired just yet. Was playing with fire there because Aesa wouldn’t be able to tell me when it’s over.

“Argh! *Coughs blood*… no fair! Stop using that!”

If Ares wasn’t looking blood enough, the reflective effect of my invulnerability can’t be understated. In addition to his skin peeling off, he now has blood coming out of every hole… I think. At least every hole on his face I mean, I’d rather not know if it’s every hole.

As we’re still trying to contend with this little rat, I can just about get a glimpse and a listen to the battle ahead of us. Father would be winning if his intent is only proving an annoyance to the God, he’s still locked within his mouth.

“Darling Hera… do me a favour and get me out of this dragon’s mouth already!”

“That depends my Zeusy… do you care if we leave our son behind? I could keep stabbing the lizard’s behind, but he’s already hit me with his tail once already. That hurt!”

“Bah, that idiot can fend for himself, so do something at least! Just don’t forget to bring the prisoner as well”

“*Spits*… I’ll never understand why we even need her, she’ll try humping you soon enough. Fine then… we’re leaving”

Already sensing this might be too late, we can’t stand around dealing with this idiot for longer than needed. This place is supposed to self-destruct any minute now!

And thank the Gods, backup has finally closed the distance between us. Right in time as well because we don’t know how long we have left…

<Self-destruct in… 1 minutes… 24 seconds>

‘Or, I guess we now do…’

“…Zeki, want to kill a God? Stab that motherfucker with his spear for me, would’cha?”

“Erk, I’m not your freaking slave orangey! I’ll do what I want, when I want. And what I want right now… is to burn that moronic fuck!”

“Oh, if it isn’t the kid I turned into that orcish monstrosity? I guess I can play with you for a while, might as well try moulding my successor a tad”

“Erk, shut the fuck up moron!”

Leaving the rest of the party to contend with Ares, me and Petra get a move on while Zeki somehow takes the lead in defeating the God of war. I can’t see that going poorly at all.

Just as we get up to where, a huge puff of smoke clouds the entire area meaning we’re too late again.

“Oh, come on! Are they magicians or some shit? Stop fleeing!”

When the smoke settles, of course Hera and Zeus are gone. No idea who that woman was but she’s also gone. This is getting more and more frustrating every day.

<Hmph… it’s about time you two showed up. Was trying to keep him contained… that’s going to leave a scar>

Turning and bending around slightly, father shows us a huge cut on his side, presumably from the bitch Hera herself. Now, Petra’s not the only one who’s pissed, fuck that God for dare hurting my old man like this!

“We’ll get Ariza to look at you when we’ve got time father”

<Self-destruct in… 58 seconds>

<We’ll join you shortly little one… dark one. Can you give me a hand getting up?>


I’m not sure why father needs a hand but no time for questions, our party needs some help.

‘Or… maybe they don’t. They seem to be handling Ares pretty well considering’

The five party members battling Ares appear to be beating the living shit out of him.

Nathan and Zeki work on the frontlines stabbing and piercing their way through, Charlotte on the flank basically bopping him with that oversized summoned sword of hers, and then Ariza and Asmodeus work as the support firing arrows and wind magic. All five keep him from activating anymore abilities, keeping him wedged and stuck between the fighters.

“That sword… and here I though fate would dictate I’d die by my own weapon. Hahahah!”

“Repent sinner!”

Charlotte’s sword finds its way into his side, and Nathan’s blade crashes against his shoulder.

“Erk, keep waffling you moron so I’ll deliver fate to you. Take this!”

“Argh! *Coughs blood*… that all… you got…”

And then, Zeki using that spear of his pierces the gut of the staggered Ares. It’s now over as he collapses to the ground. That’s finally it for the pain in the arse who seemed obsessed on defeating me, beaten by the idiot he gave his spear to no less… he gave Zeki his spear. Why have I got such a dirty mind?

<Self-destruct in… 35 seconds>

“Erk… the fuck is going on? Get that shit off me!”

Flowing out of the dead God’s body is what can only be described as a red aura, fixating and pouring right into Mr Obnoxious. Zeki being the idiot he is tries his best at dodging the energy, but nothing will stop that power flowing into him. He might be the only person in the entire world to try and fight an aura.

“Heh, looks like the God found a suitable successor. Congratulations red one, you’re the new God of war”

“Fuck off demon! How do I get this shit to stop? That sounds like a load of work”

“Just embrace it kid, we haven’t got the time for this. Everyone on me, this instant!”

<Self-destruct in… 10… 9… 8… 7>

“Just a second orangey, I need to get this to stop! Let me stab him some mor-… get off me! Put me the hell down orangey! ERRKKKK!!!”

As time really is at its limit, I have to grab Zeki like a toy doll before we can teleport out of here. Kicking and screaming, he really doesn’t like this one bit.

Thankfully, the rest of the party grab onto my leg, Petra my arm and father lands on my shoulder. Now that we’re all touching, we can finally escape this wretched place.

<Self-destruct in… 4… 3>

‘Off we go… another dungeon done. Or this time… destroyed…’


“Petra… you alright? You seem quieter than usual”

[<Good question Ikarus. Aesa notices wife seems depressed as well>]

Right at the edge of the Maladonian jungle, with Zeki still sulking at being picked up no less, we rest around a campfire still making head or tails of what just happened. Even the know it all of our group seems a little disorientated.

Ariza tends to my father’s wounds while I tend to my wife’s mental. For some reason, she’s still angry. Or depressed, it’s hard to tell with how she can shut herself away when something is playing on her mind.

“That woman under that hood Ikarus. I’m not mistaken… I know that aura well”

‘Oh no. Sounding this bleak… don’t be who I’m thinking of’

“You erm… know who she is Petra?”

“Yes Ikarus. That woman… is my mother”


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