Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 224 – Counter Attack

“…That’s the situation then, my queens. By request from the Knight Nathan, I was sent here while the rest of our forces defend the tower”

Having received the news from the guard that came over, we rapidly called a council meeting and got together as many important people that were available. The guard actually looks a little like Nathan if you look at him at the right angle… probably should be fixating on the bad news though.

(Zeki) “Erk, those fuckers deserve a slow death. I knew we should’ve been over there!”

(Ariza) “Uh, Zeki? I thought you wanted to stay as far away from Nathan as possible”

(Ria) “He-he, girly boy is fine with that knight now. He’s just faker than a bunch of kids dressing up as goblins”

(Artemis) “Stop getting distracted idiots! We need to go kill some bastards!”

(Uriel) “Don’t you mean retake the island?”

(Aphrodite) “I presume the power of love isn’t going to work here?”

(Asmodeus) “Heh, reckon the power of cutting and magic will work better”

Long story short, we’ve lost control of the island the mages spire is on and that pisses me off immensely. Mainly because the news not so long ago said the opposite, that things were under control. What, is the third island with the cultist’s church suddenly going to go under now?

[<Aesa would rather burn the whole thing down then let that happen. Ikarus should also know not a single worthless God will breathe here by the end of the day>]

‘You didn’t have to butt in there Aesa… and damn. You really are scary at times…’

 “…Weren’t things supposed to be okay over there though? That’s what you said earlier Charlotte”

“Nat wouldn’t take a decision like that lightly Ikarus-sama, so things must’ve have escalated. It seemed okay when I left, but obviously something has changed”

By the sounds of it, a potential foe that even Apollo couldn’t defeat has showed their face. We’ve had Demeter and Helios, they must’ve had someone on equal or a higher level to him, he is severely weakened after all.

Don’t even ask on the initial placement of our forces. The idea originally was to flock to wherever needed but obviously the fact they’ve invaded from within has ruined that approach. Damn portal bullshit.

“What’s happening to the civilian populace? Are we looking at a rescuing hostage situation or something a bit simpler to contend with?”

Petra asks that to the detriment of time. I guess it helps to know if we might need to bargain we don’t negotiate with terrorists around here! We’ll go full on SAS or Delta Force on their arses if they try that.

“All were in hiding or are with the mages, Queen Petra. The fighting was fixated around the tower and they had no chance to focus on the civilians when a bunch of mages keep firing from a distance”

‘Ah, so it’s like a real-life version of a tower defence game. Still kinda cool even if it’s less appealing now’

Just as we’re about to get on with wherever we were going, another council member charges in, feisty and clearly pissed off at what’s going on.

“How dare those cowards cower in my tower like that! They should be out their fighting; damn deadbeat mages take everything for granted!”

Barging in like a bull in a China shop, Miss Genderbender appears to be eavesdropping to what was just said. She was supposed to be watching the Gods that had surrendered and making sure none try anything, guess asking her to do anything was a wrong idea.

“Calm it Penelope, not the time for this. What options do we have? If our people are hiding, are we really sure they haven’t taken hostages? Or at least plan to?”

(Asmodeus) “The majority wouldn’t look to do something like that when there’s bigger fish to fry Ikarus. To many Olympians, they prefer the old fashion Spartan approach rather than the sly but subtle Athenian way of things”

“Heh, the young God’s words are correct sister. Most of Zeus’s supporters view worshipping or controlling power more important than anything else. It’s the Gods on our side who are more likely to do something sly and sinister to benefit their own gain”

Dionysus and Asmodeus, both answer me which honestly makes me uncertain. Spartans were famous for being brutes while the Athenians were more so focused on the tactical side of things. At least that’s the general stereotype even if the Spartans were just as sly, the Peloponnesian War proves that but I’m not going into a war that lasted twenty-five years. It’s a bad omen considering the situation.

Why I’m worried  is the fact our side are supposed to be more intelligent than the rest, that’s not so bad except the fact it doesn’t seem that way. What, is everyone hiding their true intelligence then? Rats and traitors could be all around then…

“So what, you’re saying is we’ve inherited the Gods more likely to be treacherous?”

Asmodeus doesn’t answer but instead gives a grin in response, I can’t tell if he’s purposely or instinctively a dick by this point

“Ah, just forget that for now. Just’s conjure up a plan of sorts, then we’re attacking. We’re not allowing them to dig in…”


“What are we waiting for!? Let’s go electrocute some irritating bastards! You were so adamant Petra’s lover on getting things done, so why are we waiting!?”

(Charlotte) “Miss Penelope-sama, we’ve already decided on a plan”

“Penelope… already told you to keep it calm and shut it. Seriously, be patient for now”

“Heh… can tell you’re fighting what you really want to do Ikarus”

‘Doesn’t she know everything like usual? I’m trying to be responsible Petra, just pretend I’m normally like this!’

The grand plan of taking back our island is surprisingly simple. Right now, I’ve just teleported a small force into the mages tower and the idea is, we’ll defend this spot until we can get people across one of the channels. For who is with us right now, it’s us lovebirds, Charlotte, Asmodeus, Dionysus and Penelope. Attacking on two fronts seems the best course of action… even if I’d rather not want this to drag out.

By the looks of things inside the nicely decorated but terribly lazy Spire, you can’t even tell that this place is currently under a siege. Once again like with every other visit, most of the mage here just want to nap and have no care. To be fair, there is a couple of mages firing magical staffs from open windows. It looks like they’re only doing that to look busy though…

Even though we want to deal with this as fast as possible, we also don’t know what we’re up against hence why the two fronts idea. When you’re surrounded by idiots, things can never go to plan…

“Well, I’m not waiting! Mages! Get off your asses already and come help me fend off this attack”

“Do we have to? Someone else will end up doing it”

“Yeah, the adventurers did most of the work last time out. Why should we even bother?”

Two of the more vocal but lazy mages try to stand up to their leader, only to instantly regret their words in pure anger radiating off the pink mess of a woman. Before you ask, I haven’t forgotten about the adventurer’s guild that have a headquarters on our islands. It’s just when it comes to defending our lands, they basically become part of our militia so it’s hard to notice them.

“The idiot adventures aren’t here right now so get your heads out of your asses and follow me! If you don’t… I promise I’ll reopen a temporary dungeon you can spend some quality time in!”

‘Judging by the reactions… I’m not sure if she means an actual dungeon or the torture one. I do know mages that piss her off go missing all the time though’

By the fact Penelope is starting to get angsty, there really was no point in that plan. Oh well, us five should hopefully be enough for now.

“Before we go, is there anyone who knows where my lor-… Nat is?”

As we’re exiting outside teleporting down the interior portals of the Spire, Charlotte asks that to one of the mages being forced to join us. He has the face of a true insomniac, magic must be extremely tiring to regular folk I guess.

“That brown-haired knight? He was fighting alongside the adventurers. He your husband or sibling or something?”

“Husban-… uh oh. Probably shouldn’t have said that”

And just as spoken, we head outside just as Charlotte reveals something huge. Unfortunately, the Ikarus probing will have to wait because something else take priority.

All around and ahead of us, adventurers locked in battle with Gods as they attempt to siege the Spire. Weapons clatter, blood flows, people die, shit’s really hit the fan as it looks like all strategy has gone out of the window. We even seem to be outnumbered by the attackers rapidly closing in on the entrance.

And right at the peak or centre of it all is Apollo, or Nathan fighting off half a dozen Gods at once, armed with a spear and barely holding them off. He still appears to be strong even with the power he’s gifting and sharing around, albeit with a slightly cut and bloody forehead. This might be too much for him…

“Don’t think I’m letting that go priestess! One of you can tell me the details while I’m saving your husband’s arse!”

Opening my hybrid form wings and flying to his side immediately, I instantly provide some assistance as I cras-, or glide right into a couple of the Gods attacking him. I’d say it was on purpose considering my blades ended up in the both of them. If we’re being real, my eagerness puts my sense of direction off.

“How do you do, Mr married man? And to think you didn’t wait till we got back! Priestess would’ve looked adorable as a bride”

“Ikarus… duck”

One of the Gods aiming for Nathan switches up attention to me and if it wasn’t for Petra’s suggestion, I may have lost my head then. Eh, I’d have been fine, I probably have a thick skull after all.

“Thanks Petra… come on now, spill the beans! Tell the love guru Ikarus all”

I’m obviously only playing with the dragon stuttering knight but I don’t think he really appreciates my wittiness. I don’t care if it’s not the time for this, I just found out we got excluded from our friends wedding!

“Not the time Ikarus, but if you have to know… it wasn’t anything like that. Lotte hates the idea of attention so we didn’t hold a ceremony. Five years is a long time… even if I only suggested the idea two weeks ago”

“Only two weeks ago!? Damn, I feel so betrayed!”

All I wanted to do was see my friend wear something other than a habit, is that too much to ask? Yes apparently, as another blade draws near to my neck, forcing me to block it and return the attack, going for his neck instead.

I mostly cleave his head off but I can never master the technique the wife has with that sort of thing, need to ignore the news and not be distracted.

Fighting alongside Nathan and the wife as Charlotte come into frame, we quickly make work of the Gods around us, slashing and slicing all that stand in our way. Guess we were concerned for nothing if this is really how things were going.

My blades cut the chest of an enemy, Petra continues her decapitation fetish, Nathan’s spear pierces the heart of someone else and Charlotte basically rips someone in half using her summoned sword. All of us fight like our lives depend on it and in the background, both Asmodeus and Dionysus support the mages and adventurers swinging it in battle too. We’ve rapidly getting things under control…

“Let’s help bring things back to normal!”

Even Hermes with his rapid speed appears to lending a hand over there, least he can do considering the portal nonsense is partially his fault. It would be nice if he learnt to wear a shirt because that physique still makes me jealous.

I’m also certain he’s boring as hell because you hear literally nothing about him. No love interests or visiting brothels or anything like that, it’s like he’s a forgotten character or something…

What at first was a bad situation quickly comes under control as we thin the herd within a matter of minutes. Until, something begins to make Dionysus quiver. I’m not sure if it’s fear or anger, he definitely is feeling something though.

“I feel a terrible sense of dread approaching… it’s her. It cannot be anyone else but her”

A few Gods and a Goddess slowly approach the battlefield with these being much more notable than the other we easily tear through. This must be the reason why Nathan had everyone retreat, those fuckers have arrived…


[Name: Hera   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1500]

[Health    100,000/100,000]

[Stamina 95,045/100,000]

[Magicka 84,010/100,000]

[Name: Ares   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    62,617/75,000]

[Stamina 41,692/75,000]

[Magicka 38,813/50,000]


[Name: Deimos   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 500]

[Health    36,912/40,000]

[Stamina 24,834/40,000]

[Magicka 16,723/20,000]

[Name: Phobos   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 500]

[Health    38,037/40,000]

[Stamina 24,015/40,000]

[Magicka 17,192/20,000]

‘We’ve got a real family get together going along. The grandmother, her son, and the two grandchildren’

Entering the battlefield, Hera leads the four armed with only a shortsword and the clothes on her back, literally spitting at the sight of us.

“Tut… if it isn’t the unfortunate consequences of my Zeusy’s affairs? Both of you were always mistakes, he’s told me that so many times before”

(Nathan) “*Sigh*… it just had to be her again”

(Dionysus) “The bitch who has corrupted father beyond belief. He was still sane while he was longing for affection elsewhere”

“You always were a waste of space, stupid alcoholic wretch. How’s Ariadne faring these days Dionysus? It was a shame what happened to her, a happy shame nonetheless. She always could’ve done better”

“You dare speak that name!? You sick woman!”

Literally raging and abandoning the formation, best friend Dio wildly charges towards the woman that has caused him grief for so many years. I know they have a history but damn, he’s normally so chill, bit depressive at times but he is an alcoholic after all… I do understand the irony considering me and Petra drink as much as him. We’ve definitely got to have a drinking contest someday when things are less tense.

I also remember hearing Dio had a mortal wife once but I’m not sure on the details, pretty sure that was one of the unfortunate myths in this world and she died. If Hera has brought something like that up, then he’s fully in his right to get pissed.

“Come now Apollo, you seem much calmer than your brother. What happened to the fancy prince obsessed with and loving his own looks more than anything in the world? You used to pose with that bow so much, people thought you had a relationship with it”

Even while fighting against her step son who looks hellbent on wanting to stab her, Hera doesn’t bat an eyelid and tries to rile up Apollo as well.

“Things change Hera but one thing never does, you. Mortality is a virtue that cleanses the mind more than you can imagine”

‘Oh no… Nathan is picking up some bad habits from Charlotte. That actually sounded like something she would’ve said during her full-on lord worshiping days’

“Always so boring Apollo. What my Zeusy ever saw in you bewilders me”

Throwing his spear towards Hera, it’s clear Nathan also holds hatred towards the woman but is able to contain it by remaining calm and composed. She does have an odd point though… I’m yet to see him wielding a bow. I know Ariza has one of his artefacts, courtesy of Loki, but for the God of archery not actually using a bow, shit’s weird I guess.

“Don’t you be stealing the show mother! It’s time to finally wreck these idiots up! The mortal’s and their screams were sweet, but this’ll be even better”

Another encounter with Ares who has bloodlust comparable to Zeki, also backed up by two younger Gods that we’ve yet to meet. They don’t look younger but I can definitely sense they are less experienced compared to the others; both do have an odd aura that would be terrifying to most mortals though.




(Deimos) “Let’s strike dread and terror in this foul smel-”

(Phobos) “She’ll be shaking with fear and panic when we’re through with he-”

“Fuck off you two! This is my battle and I will cut you down if you get in my way!”

‘It’s a shame Aphrodite isn’t here because I swear, she was supposed the mother to these two. I’d like to know how she wooed Ares into her bed but at the same time… maybe not’

In an instant, both Ares’s sons abandon his side and go off to fight against Penelope and the others. For now, it’ll be another one on one against this guy.

Almost immediately locking blades, Ares and his attacks are still not lost to me and I can see through his technique. Continuing to defend with his spear now smashing downwards, not much has changed with him it seems as I can either block or dodge most of his attacks away.

Maybe he’s a touch stronger than last time, I personally think the God of war let’s his emotions get the better of him though. He longs for a good fight that maybe he’s accidently weakened himself with that eagerness.

“This won’t be as easy as last time, little bird! I have way more to my arsenal that just this spear!”


[<Confirmed. -Plot protection mark 2- is now>]

Already witnessing one of his abilities beforehand, this attack unlike the last, shows off a lot less and simply just has a dozen or so spikes raise up out of the ground looking to pierce me. I instinctively can’t help but worry and go with my invulnerability.

Funnily enough, he nearly falls to his knees as the reflection upgrade of plot protection kicks in. Any damage I would’ve received, he gets to embrace it all.

‘Hehe… status’

[Name: Ares   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 1000]

[Health    41,183/75,000]

[Stamina 41,692/75,000]

[Magicka 33,817/50,000]

‘Ha! That shit is so broken, I love it!’

“*Coughs blood*. That cheat skill of yours wasn’t broken enough!? Don’t be a coward and fight me properly!”

“Stop babbling idiot and attack me again”

The God of war seriously has the audacity to whine and moan about the fact I’m not allowing myself to be skewered? Regardless of that, the idiot decides to activate another ability…

This time around, about a dozen spiked shields begin to spin, coming out of Ares.   Almost spinning like saw blades, all of them launch towards me once they reach peak cutting speed…

And as you might expect, they bounce right off plot protection. This time, his body ruptures a tad and blood begins explodes all over. Even his eyes appearing to be crying blood now.

“Hahaha… the irony is not lost on me. The only way you can defeat me, is me defeating myself!”

‘Please, as if I’m falling for that bait. I’ve already beaten this idiot once; this is on you to find a way’

As both of us stand proud with these odd mind games, what’s happening elsewhere is just as interesting. The two sons of Ares appear to be getting the best out of our defensive force and the mag-, scratch that. Penelope may appear bloody but’s she’s grinning like a madwoman having just landed a shock attack on them both.

On Hera’s side, Hermes is trying to back up Apollo and Dionysus, only to get kicked and forcibly kicked away. If it isn’t obvious just yet, all three of them don’t stand a chance to the bitch wife of Zeus.

Seriously though, her speed and technique even bests the literal God of speed. Any and all attacks from the brother’s don’t get close to even scratching her. Apollo’s javelin misses every lunge, Dionysus can’t even get his hangover magic to strike on her and Hermes, he’s already had his arse caved in.

“All of you disgusting offspring from my husband will have to try better than that! Pitiful really… you dare stand up to his rulership when all of you are this weak? It’s embarrassing”

Something I cannot understate is just how quick and aggressive she is with a blade, so much so I could imagine a certain black-haired Goddess would meet her match…

“I’ve got it Ikarus. She’s mine”

Sensing they need a hand from the evil step mum, Petra leaves her duty of tormenting and striking fear in the weaklings. She was cutting heads off at a lightning rate inside the crowd but now, it’s time for her to steal the show…

Very quickly, both Petra and Hera lock blades and… huh. My wife promptly slashes three times and every one is met with a block.

“Oh, so the fake Goddess thinks she can hold a blade? Like the dirty offspring that came before you, claiming she knows wisdom, your existence was nothing more than a mistake!”


‘Calm it Ikarus, Hera’s words are meaningless… the fuck? This cannot be happening’

Immense anger clouds my judgement even more when I see the sight of my wife actually losing to that bitch. Maybe I’m exaggerating a little but every swing ends up in her being countered and pushed back, she can’t even match the bitch’s speed!

To the untrained eye, both fighters move in a blur but if you stare just enough, you can see Petra has found someone more than her match. To put it in perspective, the difference is like how I fight against my wife. I may be able to win if she’s distracted once in a blue moon. Every other time, it’s obvious who will win.

Again, even in dark eyed mode, Petra tries to get a hold of the battle, swinging rapidly back-to-back, only to end up with Hera blocking every attempt. Whether it be an upwards or downwards, even sideways, attack will not land with her blocking everything. It’s almost as if Hera is impervious to everything she does!

“Pitiful, resorting to such techniques. Such a warm flame feels comforting”

Even Petra’s hellfire does nothing, just what the hell is this woman on!? It doesn’t seem like normal fire resistance where your body just ignores it, it’s like the flame is ignoring her!

As much as she’s getting nowhere, Petra can’t help but try to hide a grin. We’ve got too many battle junkies already; this definitely cannot be allowed to happen!

“Penelope… how do you feel like renovating this island a little?”

“What do you mean Petra’s lover!? Ohhh… you mean the explosion thing? Let’s do it and have some fun!”

To add insult to injury, several other Gods appear from the background, seemingly coming to aid to attacking Olympians. We shouldn’t have done this without backup, damn Penelope having a pee sized brain!

One of which appears stronger and comparable in power to Hera herself…

To be continued…

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