Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 222 – Second Wave

(Temporary Perspective Change)

“Your majesty, I have urgent news. The city… it’s under attack!”

Just as we’re about to leave the palace, a royal messenger blocks our exit with a steadfast but also concerned aura.

Me and Athena were just having a drink for the road before we set back off on the long journey home, with the two leaders up on their balcony. I am now technically of age but this feeble beardless body still refuses to heed to my commands. Getting drunk of just a single tankard obviously must be a punishment for a past best left forgotten so my drink was unfortunately… apple juice.

Don’t even ask what we just were talking about and why we’ve been here so long. Inflation and trade prices are always a pressing issue that needs discussing. When the Gods finally arrive down here, there’s going to be serious problem with gold coins flooding the market, so I guess you could say this is preparation for the worst? Not like Desmond and Esmerelda have any idea of this yet though.

“Report to the emperor guard, what’s the situation?”

Captain Jekyll addresses his kneeling guard, only for him to ignore those orders and give the information to us all.

“There are dozens of attackers in the market, striking people and wreaking havoc! Most are dressed funny in white robes, but some are also magicians. There’s also something else which is strange going on”

Knowing instantly what this is about, I can’t help but shake my head and return to the emperor. I had wished the idiots in Olympus would at least take some time to prepare and maybe try to adjust to life in this world before trying to take control, guess I give our brethren too much credit. It’s been a long five years but obviously, the two phoenixes must’ve finished this stage of their task if this is now happening.

‘Huh, only dozens and not hundreds fighting? That seems suspiciously low… not too sure what to make of that’

Right as I’m going to join in and potentially reveal what this may be about, a strong gust of wind nearly knocks us down, as three flying creatures fly right above us. It’s for the best Apollo isn’t here because he’s never been a fan of dragons, even now.

“Before Des asks… one has no information of this attack or the arrival of thous right in front of us”

Already seeing her husband’s brow raise at the sight of three dragons, the empress can’t help but say something before an assumption is made. I guess she doesn’t get informed at the dragon meetings anymore since becoming empress… if that’s even a thing they do. Dragons probably have meetups, even if it’s just to count their dwindling numbers.

(Yellow) <The idiot Dermakvar promised to protect your kingdom from non-human threats. Since he’s not here to fulfil that request, we’re here to fill in the gaps>

(Cyan) <Kellearzar’s father, Aardarvar, has taken it upon himself at request of the Vikings to help defend the dwarven kingdom. We’re not even sure why the Gods are attacking, just that we need to get a move on>

(Pink) <This is going to be sooo boring, Gods are no fun. I’d rather find some mortal to hump>

‘The Norse Gods want to defend our lands? Huh, I know the dwarves worship them but never expected Ragnarök wanting to give a helping hand’

Despite not knowing a lot of who these dragons are, I can at least tell the bigger yellow one is the male, and the other two are female. Maybe the smaller pink one is their daughter? Other than the empress and Ikarus’s two parents, not much is known about the mythical beings that even us Gods can’t begin to comprehend. That’s something no number of spies or espionage will ever fix.

“Des… does one have permission to join kin in the festivities of defending capital? If other dragons are needed, than it would be wasteful to waste one’s abilities, no?”

Trying her best to hide the excitement by acting shy, Esmerelda tries to reason with her husband’s empathetic side, only to be seen through instantly. She wants to go destroy some Gods and no amount of cutesy acting will convince Demond.

“*Sigh*… so Es, you get to go screw around while I’m forced to do politics? No can do… we fight together or we don’t fight at all”

“One never said Des can’t join in. Defence of capital should take priority over all”

“True Es. I guess handling those misbehaving always takes precedence”

“Your majesties, I think three dragons should be more than enough so yo-”

(Jekyll) “Quieten it down guard… just let them be”

I can’t help but begin to hold my head at the clear site of a bunch of battle junkies wanting to fight, even if the situation isn’t as dire as the guard first made it out to be. I was all for a good battle back in the days but you tend to outgrow such needs for violence…

“It’s been a since I showed my mortal side, maybe I might get my hands dirty as well”

‘Athena wants to fight? That’s unexpected’

Even my logical sister seems to be interested basking in the ways of the old. Once upon a time, Athena did have a strong interest in war and was appreciated heavily in Olympus. Tacticians have always been favoured but she always knew how to wield a blade as well.

As for why it may seem like I’m caring little about our kingdom also being under attack, dwarves might be the most resilient of species out of them all. You don’t survive a literal volcano erupting right on your front door multiple times without some know how. Point being, if we end up being attacked by some of the more powerful of my kin that can’t be defended by our aerial defences or combat, we’ll just go further underground and wait it out.

There’s no shame in cowardice when you can watch the elves go extinct… an old expression that unfortunately still floats around the kingdom. Hatred between the species still runs deep but I’ve managed to ease those tensions a little. We do technically trade with the elves after all, stealing their money everyday if you speak to the common dwarf.

“I guess there are no objections then, care to join us… ‘Denver’? Or too young and afraid to get your hands dirty?”

“I’ll sit this one out Desmond. Much prefer arming people than de-arming them if that makes sense”

 “Suit yourself. Let’s go spill some blood and limbs then…”


‘It’s always the goddamn waiting that hurts… still though. At least we get to spend more time alone with each other, I actually like those quiet moments where both of us have nothing to say’

Back on guard duty on the coast as me and Petra patiently wait for the inevitable. We’ve been doing this for days now and the waiting around really is getting boring. It’s not like we can sneak off shift to go hump or something… that only happened once and it wasn’t worth it. Both of us used invisibility to sneak off and it turns out, trying to mate while not being able to see the other person is stupid. Visual stimulation is a huge thing after all… why am I even going there?

Ah, there were even talks about getting the queens fitted in golden suits of armour since we’ve been seen so much recently. That’s NOT happening for plenty of reasons though. Wonder if you can guess what group of people are responsible for that idea?

“Heh, can we swap Ikarus? Legs are starting to go dead”

“Sure sure… I thought Asians liked numb legs anyway?”

“Heh, I’m not a samurai Ikarus. Never understood that kneeling thing personally”

Swapping on who gets to sit on who’s lap, Petra always provides a good distraction but there is always the issue of liking her soft but firm bottom too much. That numb leg comment is because of that sitting position on your knees that absolutely sucks.

While Petra’s getting herself comfortable, much to my dismay of course, alarms start to ring from behind us but that wouldn’t make much sense. There’s nothing in front of us apart from the mountains across the channel, not a single boat or winged creature in sight so this must be a mistake… unless. They’re coming out from the mines like with what happened with the demons but even then, we made preparations for that as well.

‘False alarm or something serious? Regardless, should probably go check’

Both of us get into our feathery bodies, then head off in search of the rogue alarms. Very quickly as we glide across the island, the alarms get louder and more frequent as the entire area sounds like a world war air siren. Those alarms really get everyone’s attention and sound scary as hell.

‘Oh shit… things have gone zero to a hundred real fast. Poor cultists’

Getting to the marketplace as fast as two winged creatures possibly can, shit’s really hit the fan as this is something I feel like we should’ve prepared for… even though I don’t know how we could’ve. The mines we blocked off and we’re under a military lockdown, this shouldn’t have happened.

Down and around us, the market is in disarray as a chaotic battle between the Gods and our citizens goes down. Buildings crumbling, magic and arrows flying all around, human bodies littering the place, I can’t even make out who’s who as things are just that chaotic. Even our golden statues are now becoming blackened and bloodied with all what’s going the place.

All of it originating from an arched portal, centred between the statues. When and how did that get there?

“Of course they arrived using a portal… how the hell did it even get here though? Did those visitors set this up?”

Locked in combat among the crowd of fighters, Asmodeus finds the time to answer as me and the wife fly in, landing and crushing a couple of Gods as we make our entrance. Also, it appears best friend Dio is by his side backing him up as they swing their blades right into the back of an unknown Goddess… we are all for equality around here it seems.

“You can blame the God of speed and the Goddess of witchcraft for that sister. Both of them have a history with portal mak-… too slow Olympian God”

Literally ducking under an incoming blade, I can’t help but find it’s funny how unattached to this battle Asmodeus actually is. It’s making me think there’s nothing to worry about but then again, the demonic dickhead has a history of being vague and downplaying things. This might be our last day of existing!

“He’s talking about Hermes and Hecate if it’s not obvious Ikarus. They both worked together on creating portals that could be accessed at lightning speed”

“But wait, Hermes is supposed to be on our side… isn’t he?”

(Dio) “He is Ikarus. Hecate must’ve had some portal kits left over… damn”

Dionysus receives a slicing cut to the stomach, forcing him to retreat a little and go for more of a distance approach, using that purple hangover magic of his to full effect.

Many of the attacking Gods look to become dizzy but because of the still raging battle, you can’t really tell that much of what’s going on. Things are just that hectic right now.

‘That looks like it hurt… status’

[Name: Dionysus   |   Species: Olympian   |   Level: 650]

[Health    46,193/50,000]

[Stamina 23,912/30,000]

[Magicka 44,924/50,000]

[Name: Asmodeus   |   Species: Demon Lord   |   Level: 1,000]

[Health    160,429/166,666]

[Stamina 162,052/166,666]

[Magicka 124,901/166,666]


[Name: Derrick   |   Species: Human   |   Level: 54]

[Health   2,090 /3,000]

[Stamina 2,138/2,400]

[Magicka 0/0]

[Name: Eiden   |   Species: Elf   |   Level: 62]

[Health    2,500/2,500]

[Stamina 2,593/3,000]

[Magicka 883/1,700]

[Name: Tyrone  |   Species: Human   |   Level: 31]

[Health    421/1,500]

[Stamina 929/1,600]

[Magicka 0/0]

[<And literally dozens more that Aesa has to filter for the viewer>]

‘My eyes! This is why status scans suck in large scale battles!’

[<Aesa really needs to install a patch to how many targets can be seen at once>]

Despite it seeming like me and Petra are purposely trying to sit this fight out and me now having a migraine, she’s already switched form and widely swinging her blade decapitating any who stand before her. Why I haven’t joined it just yet is for one simply reason… and it’s not to admire her handiwork.

There has to be a more efficient way of killing then just resorting to this. Even though we seem to be holding up with additions like the batshit crazy Penelope now joining the battle, we’re losing countless soldiers by the seconds. The regular folk don’t stand a chance against Gods.

Avoiding friendly fire or not, nuking our own civilization sounds ludicrous. If you need someone to wipe out a city clean, then I’m your gal but this doesn’t make use of my abilities at all. Last resort can be nuking them all again but I’d rather have a place to sleep at the end of the day… if these fuckers destroy our home, I may become unstable. Oh well, the market is already in tatters already, what’s the problem with making everyone homeless anyway?

<Die you bastards! How dare you attack sister’s town!>


While I’m still pondering on what to do, two dragons swoop down and the brown one in particular starts ripping off limbs while the navy one fires water knocking a load of them down. Say what you want about Minos but damn, he fights as dirty as me! I’m not even sure if bruv can use dragon magic yet, but when he can, he really will be a monster.

‘Aesa, do I have anything that can thin the herd without destroying too much? There’s got to be something I can do’

[<May Aesa suggest using a combination of -magma walker- and -sun kiss-? First ability to temporarily stop forces coming out of portal and -sun kiss- doesn’t cause destruction>]

‘Thanks Aesa… I’ve become a little stuck with this right now’

[<Both abilities are now in effect Ikarus>]

Activating both of Aesa’s suggestions, the ground beneath us turns into gloopy magma, perfectly up for the job of frying a few weaker Gods. I’m not so fussed if this marketplace ends up in further ruin and those statues ‘accidently’ end up being completely destroyed as well.

(Olympian God) “It burns!! ARGHHH!”

(Cultist) “What’s goin-, ah, it’s one of Queen Ikarus’s famous abilities! Make sure you bask in its brilliance!”

Both our forces and the enemies get stuck in the fiery pits as one side begins to burn and the other looking like they’re stuck in deep mud. The portal also shatters as the attacks appear to completely cut off the connection to the other side. I’m doubtful this is the only one they’ve set up but for now, it’ll have to do.

Once the magma very slowly beings the process of hardening, the heavens open and the Gods rays begin to fall all around…

“Praise Helios, he’s here to hel-, arghhhhh!”

“Have we been betrayed? This light… it comes from the sun itself!”

The rays start to pierce and purge the entire area clean, starting with the weak ones but making sure to damage all that don’t have resistance or aren’t friendly to our cause.

Us defenders take this opportunity to get back on the front foot, also helps I’ve just charged through a bunch of them like a bull hooked up on steroids. Doesn’t really look that cool when you are chubby ball of fluff though.

Using my falco-, phoenix kick, I knock a load the bastards back and spit flame all over their arses, just as reinforcements arrive. We can finally stop the ceaseless killing of the weakling cultists now, fight people of your own or stronger strength you bastards! I’m right here!

(Artemis) “Get fucked! Hahahaha… all you fuckers can die for real!”

(Uriel) “*Sigh*, you never learn to keep it calm Artemis”

(Aphrodite) “This fight is so bloody… the colour of love is everywhere”

My God rays finally fade just as another joins the fight, only this person is more in the business of worshipping a God and flying a wyvern apparently.

“Ikarus-sama, I’ve just received word the other islands are under attack as well. Nat is helping the mages on that island and Aesa-sama is helping the cultists defend their tents? Whatever that means”

“Thanks Charlotte… surprised Aesa didn’t give me any update”

[<Isn’t necessary Ikarus. The cultists over here are happy enough to sacrifice themselves for us so this island will easily survive>]

‘Aesa… you are trying to limit causalities, right?’

[<Ikarus worries too much. Cultists don’t care if Aesa ‘accidently’ switches off friendly fire, nukes their church and lets them burn to salvation. Cultists even have a holy tome about something similar>]

‘The fuck? That better be a joke’

Back to Priestess. Jumping off the flying rat, everyone’s favourite succubus arrives wielding that huge summoned sword. It’s been too long since I’ve witnessed her using that. Considering the fact it came from Apollo to begin with, I guess she can use most of her power again?

“It’s to repent false Gods! This is for my lord and my lordship!”

‘Nathan is going to be mad if he hears you calling him that again Charlotte’

Instantly answering my question, a huge flashbang attack lights up the battlefield, then rapidly fades once we’re all blind, destroying even more of the enemies as they fall to the ground when visibility appears. That attack has never made sense, but since Apollo is somewhat related to the sun, I can see the small connection.

Nathan may only be a level five hundred but it’s obvious most of his power flows through the pillars and priestess via Dionysus’s earlier meddling. It really is an odd love story.

“You are all going to feel my wrath! Behold, the true unfiltered power of electricity!”

Penelope somehow surfaces behind enemy lines, shocking a load of Gods and also getting drenched in Olympian blood. I’m trying to ignore that dopey smile because I’ve spent enough time around people who love inflicting pain to last a lifetime now.

From within the crowd on my side of the battleground, a god completely unarmed and unaffected slashes his way through to stand several feet in front of me. This, I didn’t expect.

“You dare steal the power of my sun, demonic scourge!?! I’m going to wipe the floor with you!”

‘Idiot must be resistant to light magic then, I guess. Let’s see how he fares against fire though…’

To be continued…

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