Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 67: Blasting Off!

"Fine," I said, and targeted Mary with Identify.

Level: 603

Name: Mariella Soikoden

Physical Power: 343000

Magical Power: 356000

Agility: 357000

Technical Knowledge: 101000

Arcane Insight: 322000

Resilience: 255000

"Yeah, you are a monster," I said, shaking my head, but Mary ignored me as she looked over her stats.

After a moment, she looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Can you show me your status?"

I paused and then narrowed my eyes to match hers. "What's it to you?"


"Well, I am not some benevolent hero who does nothing for free!" I declared, and then poked my finger into one of Mary's large breasts, but pulled back quickly when I saw her look. "What I am saying is, What are you going to do for me? I mean, I will show you my status, but I think you want to know what your skills are, right? Maybe a list of magic? All stuff I can't quite identify yet, but I should be if other heroes can, right?"

Mary gave me a dangerous look, but I wasn't going to back down. Everyone wanted to try and hook strings on me, so I needed people I could trust with scissors. Even if that meant dancing with death to get what I wanted.

"Be careful, boy. I can still maim you and then heal you as many times as I would like. What is it that you are asking?" Mary asked, and I crossed my arms.

I might as well dangle the carrot before I ask something that was probably going to piss her off. "Look, Daryle told me about the shitty heroes. I know they are being assholes and charging a ton to identify people's levels and skills. So, what if I told you that I might be able to make something that we could sell that could do all of that?"

For the first time since I met her, Mary looked surprised, and she stepped back. "You can do that?"

"With Danielle's help, and me getting to level 100 or 200. I can't promise I can make it happen, but I can see in my head how it would work," I explained, and Mary held her face with her hand.

I had read many isekai stories, and power measuring devices were normal in other worlds. Technology, on the other hand, was not, and my hope was to create a device that was a combination of magic and tech. 

"Alright. This idea sounds good, but I don't understand what it has to do with me?" Mary finally asked and I nodded.

"I'm not asking for anything too extreme. I want you to swear loyalty to me, and let me bind your soul to me. I will not only let you be the first to test these devices, but I will design you new bodies with other skills and capabilities. If you do this, then Aria will be safe, and I can even make you a body that limits your strength," I explained, not really looking at Mary till the end, but it was not the reaction I expected.

The Five Tails had her head bowed, and it looked like she was shaking in anger with her fist clenched. The strangest part was that her face was red, but it looked like she was blushing?

Before I could react, a teal magic circle formed in front of me. Instantly I was hit with a burst of wind that sent me flying off my feet, out of the forest, and into the air!

Looks like I was blasting off, but I didn’t know why?!


After Leon had been blown away, Mary took a deep breath and calmed herself before shifting back to her grandmother's eternal keep.

"Back so soon?" Elara asked with a playful smile as she sipped tea.

"You knew this would happen, didn't you!" Mary hissed, and Elara smiled.

"But is it not what you want? Or do you wish to live and die in that world? Did you not tell me that you didn't want to watch another one die?" Elara asked, her smile still playful.

"Why would I want to be attached to a man that I didn't choose?! You know exactly what it means!" Marry snapped, and Elara nodded, the bells of her moon and sun earrings jingling softly.

"Yes, I understand the significance. But my dear, sometimes fate weaves the threads in unexpected ways. And perhaps, in this dance of destiny, you might find something more than you anticipated," Elara replied, her eyes filled with a knowing warmth.

Mary grumbled under her breath. She hated all this nonsense. The so-called destiny had already taken her from her home, and now this man was asking her to bond with him? How did he know that only a man could break the binding between her and Aria?

"The boy didn't know, he was only doing what suited him best. He doesn't understand what he is asking, but if you ever wish to walk the plains of Kittoria again, you will have to work with him," Elara said softly. "I no longer have the authority to open the tapestry to you. He blocks me now."

This only frustrated Mary more. Everything in her life had been controlled and dictated by fate and destiny. Now, even this choice was being taken away from her.

"I refuse to submit to a man, especially not one like him. Leon might be special to all of you, but he is just another harem-seeking hero! I don't want to be bonded to that for the rest of my life!" Mary snapped with her fist clenched, her frustration evident in her expression.

Elara chuckled softly. "My dear, the threads of fate can be unpredictable, and sometimes, they lead us to places we never imagined. While I cannot force you to make a choice, consider this: perhaps there is more to Leon than meets the eye. Destiny has a way of revealing hidden truths."

Mary clenched her fists, torn between her desire to protect Aria and her reluctance to bind herself to a man she barely knew. She hated being at the mercy of fate and external forces.

"I will not make any promises, grandmother," Mary said, her tone resolute. "But I will keep an eye on him. If he proves himself worthy of trust and respect, then maybe, just maybe, I will consider his proposal."

Elara nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Take your time, my dear. The tapestry of destiny unfolds at its own pace, and sometimes, we must dance along with it."

With those words, the cosmic surroundings shifted once again, and Mary found herself back in Emberfall's forest. She sighed, the weight of the multiverse pressing down on her shoulders.

As for Leon, he was still soaring through the air, wondering how he managed to get himself into such cosmic predicaments. Little did he know that the threads of destiny were weaving a tale that neither he nor Mary could escape.


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