Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 66: The Multiverse’s Tapestry

I hesitated for a moment, glancing at Daryle still sitting on the ground in his defeated state. Then, I looked back at Mary, curiosity overcoming my reservations. I reached out and took her hand.

Suddenly, the world around us shifted. The training grounds disappeared, and we were standing in a vast, cosmic space. Stars and galaxies surrounded us, forming a breathtaking tapestry of the universe. It was a surreal experience, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the cosmic display.

"Where are we?" I asked, my voice echoing in the cosmic expanse.

"We're in a space between worlds, a realm that connects the different dimensions of the multiverse," Mary explained, her eyes reflecting the shimmering lights of distant galaxies.

"The multiverse?" I repeated, trying to comprehend the enormity of the concept.

Mary nodded. "Yes, there are countless worlds, each with its own unique history, magic, and inhabitants. Your arrival in this world wasn't an accident. Many are watching you because he granted your wish."

"He?" I asked, but then the space around us distorted again and we were sitting under a veranda in a courtyard. 

"He is what we refer to as the entity that decides everything," A female voice as smooth as honey and as soft as a summer rain said, and I looked at the sound.

As I did, my breath caught in my throat.

If Shelli was an 8/10, and Aria a 9, then the creature before me transcended the use of numbers. She looked similar to Mary, only in her fox-like features. 

Everything about the woman enraptured me.

Rather than five tails, she had ten, and all of them were white-tipped in a blood-red color. Her face was a blend of elegance and allure, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold the mysteries of the universe. Her long, silver hair flowed gracefully, and she wore a robe that seemed to shimmer with the colors of the cosmos.

"I am known as Elara, the Weaver of Realms," she said, her voice carrying a melodic quality. "I oversee the threads of existence, weaving and connecting the tapestry of the multiverse. Your presence here is a result of a unique convergence of threads."

"Convergence of threads?" I echoed, still trying to grasp the cosmic scale of the conversation.

"Yes, your wish for a peaceful life intertwined with the threads of fate and destiny. It resonated across the multiverse, drawing the attention of beings like myself and many others like me," Elara explained. "Your journey is not limited to this world. You are connected to the larger tapestry, and your actions may have far-reaching consequences."

Ugh, this bullshit again. Eldros, the Observer, had said the same thing, but I wanted no part of other worlds. Hell, I didn't really like the one I was in now! I mean, I like the people around me, but I knew there was a shit storm brewing down on the surface. It was just waiting to pull me in, I could feel it in my damn bones!

"Do you know Eldros, the Observer?" I asked, and Elara nodded.

"Yes, Eldros is one of the beings who observes and records the events across different worlds. He and I, along with others, are connected by the threads of existence. We play different roles in the vast tapestry of the multiverse," Elara explained.

"But why me? Why am I connected to all this?" I asked, feeling a mixture of curiosity and frustration.

Elara smiled gently. "Your wish for a peaceful life, while seemingly simple, resonated deeply with the threads of fate. It created a unique pattern, a convergence that drew the attention of those who watch over the multiverse. Your journey is intertwined with the destinies of many, and the choices you make will ripple across worlds."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I just wanted a quiet life. I didn't sign up for multiverse drama and cosmic destiny."

Elara chuckled. "Fate has a way of unfolding in unexpected ways. Your journey may be challenging, but it also holds the potential for great growth and impact. Embrace the threads that bind you, and you may discover the strength within you."

I wasn't sure if I was ready to embrace any threads, destiny, or cosmic tapestries. All I wanted was to live peacefully with the people I cared about. However, it seemed like the multiverse had other plans for me.

"As the Weaver of Realms, I offer guidance and insight to those whose destinies are entwined with the cosmic tapestry. If you have questions or seek clarity, feel free to reach out to me," Elara said, her eyes filled with a serene wisdom.

"Thanks, I guess," I replied and then sighed. "So, are you and Eldros like Garland?"

"That pathetic excuse for a god? No, we are not. While there are infinite numbers of realities, very few of them actually have a god. Not all of them want one, yet He creates them. Some try very hard, yet He refuses to grant their plea and will take the Magic completely from the world. Very few worlds how both magic and technology."

"So then what are you and Eldros? Are you like higher authorities?" I asked, and then looked at Mary who had remained silent. "And who is Mary to you?"

"Mary is my granddaughter. I sent her to Horus, or Garlandia as it is known now to wait for you, and to connect with a certain host to be passed down to the current one that you have fallen for."

"Wait, Mary is your granddaughter?" I asked, a bit surprised by the revelation.

"Yes, she carries a portion of my essence, allowing her to traverse between realms and assist those whose destinies are entwined with the threads," Elara explained. "As for Eldros and me, we are beings of a different nature, not gods in the conventional sense. We exist to maintain balance and oversee the flow of the multiverse."

I scratched my head, feeling a mix of confusion and acceptance. "So, what am I supposed to do with all this information?"

Elara's eyes held a gentle warmth. "Continue your journey, live your life, and make choices that resonate with your true self. The threads of fate may guide you, but in the end, it is your actions that shape the destiny that unfolds. If you ever need guidance or have questions, you can reach out to me through Mary."

With that, the cosmic surroundings shifted again, and we found ourselves back on Emberfall, but in the forest and away from everyone else. 

"So, now you can see why I think you are the answer everyone has been looking for?" Mary asked, and I snorted.

"Are you sure there isn't more cosmic bullshit you missed to cram down my throat? Or is there even more that I don't know about?" I asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer.

"Of course there is more you don't know about! Do you think that I like my position? You have a choice in what you do, even if the fates wind around you! I had to leave my home for you! I had to watch people I loved die, only to transfer onto the next girl to be fated by death!" Mary snapped back at me, and I put up my hands.

"I didn't do shit," I said, and Mary nodded.

"Neither did I, but here we are! Now show me my damn status!" She snapped, and I sighed.

This life was not getting any easier, but I was not going to give up my dream. I would pave my path to a peaceful life, and stomp down every stupid stone that popped up on the way!

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