Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 849 - I used to be kind

? Shouyun,” Just when Khodorkovsky wanted to understand these issues, t+Radov also thought about these aspects. On the contrary, he even thought more than the former, because he also considered a The problem is that Guo Shouyun went to Moscow this time, since he wanted to put pressure on the Kremlin, and behind this pressure, there is a hidden topic, which is compromise. , qв5,

There is no doubt that if Guo Shouyun intends to enter the Kremlin, does he still need to negotiate with the current rulers? This is obviously not necessary. After all, negotiation needs to be paid. Even the victorious side has to pay a more or less part of the price to the loser. Judging from the current situation, Guo Shouyun, who has the absolute initiative, has With the federal election on the horizon, there was no need to pay such a price, he could continue to hide, and then hit a perfect home run at the last minute to kick those people in the Kremlin into the gutter. To put it more insincerely, he could even do a counter-offensive, push all the losses suffered by the Federation since the disintegration of the Soviet Union on the opponents, and give them a never-ending “Best Supporting Actor Award”.

There are many advantages to doing this. Vinogradov doesn’t look like a kind and friendly old man on the surface, but if he wants to make a move, he will definitely not be softer than the young people like Guo Shouyun. He has even considered it a long time ago. , these giants were all achieved during the disintegration of the Soviet Union, in other words, none of them was so clean. Under such circumstances, if these people want to enter the political arena, and at the same time avoid being “counterattacked” by others in the future, they must completely distance themselves from the various past histories before taking the stage, and in order to achieve this One step, picking a ghost with the biggest head is obviously the best choice.

“Well?” Guo Shouyun obviously didn’t know what the old friend was thinking. He was distracted for a while, and was attracted by the beautiful photo with his head sticking out from the corner. When Vinogradov When calling him, this kid was thinking that this woman seems to be good-looking, she wants a face with a face, and a chest with a chest. When the wound on the **** gets better, it is impossible to find her for a tooth sacrifice.

Seriously, if the two of them knew that he was still thinking about these things, they would probably be able to go crazy. Nowadays, the sperm is full of thoughts, but the expression, the eyes and even the slightly raised eyebrows can give a deep feeling, and it is not too much to say that it is associated with the sculpture of the thinker.

“It can be seen that you are going to Moscow this time to have a final showdown with those people in the Kremlin,” Vinogradov didn’t mind being a little ruthless, but he never wanted to be a villain, so he said When testing, he still carefully organized his language, “I guessed right at this point?”

“Hehe, I guessed right,” Guo Shouyun turned his attention away from the photo of the woman and smiled, “Why, do you think the time is not ripe enough?”

“That’s not true,” Vinogradov shook his head, “I’m just thinking about what purpose you want to achieve with this showdown with them,”

“Oh?” Guo Shouyun obviously got the wrong idea. He tilted his body on the bed and pushed the pillow under him towards his armpit before saying, “I understand what you mean, you are worried about my ambitions. It’s too big, so you lose your grasp of your own situation. Oh, at this point, don’t worry. If I say something from the heart, you may not believe it. My ambitions are not big, and I’m not polite. Said that I, who had just stepped into the Far East, almost never thought about controlling the entire Far East.”

Neither Khodorkovsky nor Vinogradov spoke. In their opinion, what Guo Shouyun said was most likely the truth, because what he said was basically the experience shared by everyone.

“Back then, when I first went to the Far East, I just hoped to expand my smuggling business,” Guo Shouyun said with an intriguing smile, “Initially, in Blagoveshchensk, What I hope is to monopolize the bulk smuggling trade from Heihe Port to the Far East, hehe, earn him tens of millions of RMB a year, and then arrange a good future for Shoucheng and Dongting. Hey, you don’t know, at that time I even still I thought about sending Shoucheng and Dongting to go to school, university, or a prestigious university. In the future, I will invest in Harbin and try to find a way for them to get a position in the government department. The deputy chief should be fine, right?”

Howe looked at each other. A knowing smile flashed in each other’s eyes. It’s safe to say. Guo Shouyun did not have such ambitions back then. Seriously. If he had only held such an ambition back then. That

There are two possible outcomes. First. The Guo family has always been anonymous. second. )] has no bones left. And relatively speaking. The federation will be much quieter. At least there are fewer corrupt officials. There may be more dead people.

“But later. I found this idea unrealistic.” He reached out and groped for Khodorkovsky’s pocket. Find a pack of cigarettes. Guo Shouyun ordered one for himself. He continued in a hollow tone. “That’s how things are in this world. You want money. But some people can’t see your money. You want to live a better life. But others can’t see you live a good life. And people like me are not very clean in getting rich. Especially I can understand this. It was at that time. Nina appeared. She put me in the dark prison. And it lasted for a few days. Hehe. Have you never squatted in the dark prison? You can’t lie down or stand upright in it. No water to drink, no food to eat. Not only do you not know when you’re going to be locked up. You don’t even know if the time is still running. At that time.** on The pain has become the only reason for you to persevere. And that kind of spiritual fear. It is a place that a person who has not experienced it will never be able to imagine. But then again. After so many years. I have never been because of this I’ve complained about Nina. On the contrary. I’m very grateful to her. And I feel her from the bottom of my heart. Because it was those days in the dungeon. It made me understand a truth: in this world. It will never exist Opportunity to make a lot of money. You make a million. There will be people who take a million as money to deal with you; you make a million. There will be more people who want this million. ; Then when you turn to 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion? The most important thing is. My financial and land means are not clean. Anyone with a bit of power in their hands can place me anywhere and anytime. Death. And the more wealth you have, the more miserable you are when you die.

So how can this result be avoided? no doubt. There are only two ways. The first rule is to do business legally. no doubt. I am not a person who wants to be down to earth. I want money. I want to live a prosperous life. At the same time. Not going to wait too long. Life is so short for decades. I don’t want to wait until the seventies and eighties. Become a billionaire again. hehe. Don’t say anything else. By then I couldn’t even handle sex. What’s the use of holding so much money? “

“Your idea is very realistic.” I don’t know why. Khodorkovsky felt a little sour in his nose. Eye sockets are a little wet. To cover up. He hit haha. Opened the mouth and said such a nonsense – unrealistic. If not realistic. Can Guo Shouyun still be Guo Shouyun?

“As for this second way. It’s a bit complicated to say. Of course. I was young and energetic at the time. I didn’t realize that this was a road of no return.” Guo Shouyun smiled. He continued to speak to himself. “At that time my collaborator in the Far East was a lieutenant. He got a lot of benefits from here. But when Nina showed up. He was completely soft. Honestly. He was not even as good as me. So tough. So ah. I was in the dark prison for a few days. I was thinking. I can buy a lieutenant. Let him pave the way for me. In the end, I was beaten back by a school officer. I ended up in an unpredictable situation. So what if I bought a school officer? No doubt. If that is the case, I will definitely pay more. But at the same time, I can also get more The reward. The most important thing is. The lieutenant catches a lot. The colonel is far less in comparison. That means. There are also a lot fewer people who can send me to the dark prison again. Power will always appear in the form of a pyramid. The higher you climb, the fewer people there will be on it. It’s not hard to understand this. So, if I want to make a fortune, it will be ill-gotten wealth. At the same time, try to keep it yourself. Then you have to climb up. Buy those with more power. Pull them into the camp. Become my talisman. I turn to one million. You must grasp the power of the equivalent and one million. Step on those who might want this million. Let them know. This million is not a place they can watch. I am a tiger not a sheep. Who wants to eat my million. Must Pay two million or even more. And so on. Ten million. One hundred million. One billion. Ten billion. It’s such a logic. Let me start with buying the 16th independent division. Go to a few in the Far East The second group army. Finally to the entire Far East Military Region. And then to the entire Far East for so many years. I have walked on this road step by step. But the problem is. When I feel tired, I look back occasionally. This is impressive. There are cliffs behind me. And the cliffs are still alive. I take a step forward.

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