Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 848 - forcing the palace

?A simple meeting finally reassured Khodorkovsky and Vinog TT that they knew that in the past few years, their old friend from the Far East was not sleeping, and with this On the contrary, behind his back, in the dark corners that cannot be seen by ordinary eyes, he planned things that many people do not know. , qb5, although the Chinese people have known for a long time that “hide your strength and bide your time”, the two giants have never thought about this in depth, but now they can see that this kind of Although the means may seem awkward, once the time comes, there is no need to keep a low profile. The power that bursts out is truly lethal. To put it bluntly, this power is even unstoppable.

Although Guo Shouyun didn’t say what his purpose of going to Moscow was, the two of them could already guess. There is no doubt that he was going to a showdown with the Kremlin. In the past ten years, the Far East This Mr. Guo Da, whether on the surface or verbally, always shows that he only pays attention to the Far East and does not care about things outside the Far East, especially Moscow. But in fact, from the very beginning, his ambitions were probably not limited to the millions of square kilometers of the Far East. However, he has already stretched his tentacles beyond the Far East. Now, all his preparations have been done. Therefore, it is time for a complete showdown with the Kremlin.

Imagine, when Guo Shouyun set foot on the land in Moscow, what kind of situation would be presented to the leaders of the Kremlin? On the big chessboard for state power, Guo Shouyun is not afraid to hold formal democratic elections. The achievements of economic construction in the Far East in the past ten years are obvious to all. As the current Federal Prime Minister Chernomyrdin himself said, “Moscow is actually It is no longer the economic, political and cultural center of the Federation, it is more like a purely political center, which has only a symbolic meaning in the social life of the Federation.” Of course, in these remarks, Chernomyrdin deliberately avoided a problem, that is, the problem of culture. You must know that with the economic development of the Far East, the senior intellectuals who came out of the universities in Moscow have already regarded that area as a The choice of employment target, although the tendency of foreigners in the Far East to be more and more strong, but after all, there are more favorable development conditions, and the most important thing is that there is really money to be made. Not to mention the problem of talent flow, just talk about the development direction of an educational institution. In the past few years, there has been a huge loss of teachers in Moscow’s higher education institutions, especially those related to humanities research, because they Their research work cannot bring direct economic benefits to the country and society, so under the conditions of economic difficulties, they have an embarrassing trend of being stretched thin in the application of research funding and other aspects. In contrast to this, the conditions for humanistic research in the Far East are improving day by day. Because of the existence of special funds for education and the backwardness of humanistic research in the Far East itself, a large number of experts and scholars in this field have developed over several years. In the past few years, it moved to the Far East and Khabarovsk, and several scholar clubs, such as the Russian National History Research Society, the Modern History Research Center, and the Pathology and Clinical Medicine Research Society, have all moved their headquarters to Khabarov in the past few years. Vsk and Blagoveshchensk. For the federal education and cultural departments, this kind of migration is obviously a very painful process, but the problem is that they cannot stop this process. The Russian National History Research Association moved to Vladivostok, and the Far East Education Department once They paid them 70 million rubles for their operation, and in Moscow, the research society with more than 400 ethnographic researchers received only 4 million rubles in two years. As for those scholars who specialize in ethnographic research We have to put down the shelf for some tabloids to write inappropriate articles to make a living. With the growth of its own economic strength, the independence tendency of the Far Eastern Republic is expanding and spreading day by day. Everyone knows this, but an even more embarrassing situation is that the Far Eastern people are becoming more and more self-reliant and gradually separating them from the Russian nation. At that time, Russia’s national culture and historical research center was gradually relocating to the Far East.

Regarding this phenomenon of cultural migration, it is not that Moscow does not know how serious it is. These scholars engaged in cultural research seem to be of no use at ordinary times. Without financial resources, they have no chance of success even if they want to rebel. But then again, if these people are controlled by some ambitious country separatists, then their power will double up like a catalyst, and these people throw out an academic paper , often more impactful than government-issued policies and decrees

In other words, whether Guo Shouyun wants to achieve independence in the Far East, or to Moss)), although he cannot obtain effective legal basis from these scholars, he can obtain historical or social ethical basis. . It’s like a minister of a ministry and a research expert sing opposites in a newspaper. The former’s words undoubtedly have government authority, while the latter’s words have more academic authority. For ordinary people, is the government authority credible or academic authority? credible?

In retrospect, when Guo Shouyun spent a lot of money to invest in education fund projects that could not see any output in the short term, Khodor Erkovsky shook his head. It’s really wrong, but now that I think about it, this decision of the Guo Group is obviously paving the way for today’s plan. . Let go of this layer without thinking, . and then consider another question. At the beginning, the current Kremlin rulers can basically be considered as having come to power through rebellion, so since they were able to use non-democratic means to come to power in the past, today, in order to maintain their status, is it possible to use this kind of non-democratic means again? What about the means? Judging from the current situation, Guo Shouyun is obviously no longer worried about this issue.

First of all, the resources at the hands of the rulers of the Kremlin today are obviously no longer comparable to those in 1991. At that time, due to Gorbachev’s new thinking reform, the thinking at all levels of the entire federation was in chaos. Some people are trying their best to amass wealth and seek power. Some people are full of longing for the so-called democratic life in the West. In addition, some people are purely hostile to the rule of the Bolshevik Party. Of course, for those with the largest number but the most For ordinary people without a voice, what they want to see is a radical improvement in their living conditions. Now, nearly ten years have passed, and the once surging blood has gradually cooled in the days of indifference; the longing for Western democratic life has also been replaced by another deeper national sentiment; hope to obtain more through reforms Ordinary people who live a good life are also suffering from the continuous so-called shock-type economic reform policies; as for those who hope to fish in troubled waters, they are now dead, old, and silent. What is really left is only Guo Shouyun is the most powerful crocodile who scavenges the most, gathers the most, and has inflated ambitions in the chaos. Under such circumstances, if the masters of the Kremlin climbed up and shouted, could it still produce the turbulent situation of the year? For this, I believe that as long as a person with a little brains, there will be no too optimistic ideas, right?

Secondly, even if this part of the transformation of public opinion is not mentioned, just talking about the country’s violent machine, Guo Shouyun has now clearly obtained the approval of most military forces. In the past ten years, he has rarely left the Far East, and as his military cronies, Liaomenko and Sironov dare not even go out to the gate of the Far East, but now, Guo Shouyun not only wants to go to Moscow by himself , but also to bring these two generals together, what does this mean? Undoubtedly, this shows a kind of confidence, a strong confidence, and the message he wants to convey to the Kremlin through this confidence is, “You are finished, you have not officially controlled the power of the military for nearly ten years. , but now I have them in my hands… What are you going to do next?”

Finally, one issue to talk about is international support. At this point, it seems to be the least suspenseful. After all, the Americans have already conveyed their meaning implicitly through Tokyo: Washington is very dissatisfied with the current situation in Moscow, Relevant countries are also full of fears about the rise of Moscow’s military power. Therefore, if possible, Moscow is better to change. As for how to change, it depends on what you do, Guo Shouyun, and we will not take responsibility for it. , but do it well, we have your back. Of course, today’s Kremlin also has a diplomatic focus, but their choice seems to be biased. It is rude to say that under the current situation, Guo Shouyun instigated a military coup, and international comments may say that this is ” Further deepening of the democratic situation in Russia”, on the other hand, if the Kremlin adopts such extreme measures, there will definitely be a wave of international criticism. In this big environment, the role the Chinese can play is too small. Apart from protests and criticism, they cannot provide more practical and effective support elements, while the Americans really dare to use force.

The Far East is not afraid to engage in elections, nor is it afraid to engage in public opinion. Even if it is a military coup and talk about international support, the Far East has nothing to fear. In this case, the situation the Kremlin will face will be quite embarrassing. There seems to be no better way for them than the necessary compromises.

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