Reborn in Novel's Extra as Shadow Monarch

Chapter 13: Chapter : 13 Let The Hunt continue- 2

< Kim Hajin & Cha Hae-In Pov >

When Kim Hajin and Cha Hae-In further moved into dungeon the sight before them made them amazed one man fighting against monsters which are at least 40 in count one after other bodys of monsters are flying in every direction using basic movements like a killing machine.

Every time he moves his dagger one enemy falls every step he takes the number of monsters are reducing.

When Hajin turned his face to look at at Cha Hae-In she has look of surprise Hajin thought she may be shocked by Meliodas strength but what he didn't know was the reason for surprise on Cha Hae-In face isn't because of Meliodas strength How can Cha Hae-In who has seen and lived with S-Ranks could be shocked by the Meliodas strength.

She has seen S rank Hunters her own uncle Choi Jong-In is one with title of ''THE ULTIMATE HUNTER '' and even met with Korean Hunters Association , Chairman Go Gunhee " The Sky Above The Skies ".

Her grandfather's friend and he is one of The Nine Stars he is stronger than other hunters if he is at his prime he may be strongest national hunter he can go head to head combat with Thomas Andre " The Goliath " the current strongest hunter known to world but he can't uses his strength anymore after all Go Gunhee May used to be strong but time doesn't show mercy to any one his age is what hinders him to use his power & one of the side effect which uses his life force for greater strength.

There is still her grandfather " Chae Joochul " " The IMMORTAL" is also member of The Nine Stars of older generation because of his power he is inability to perceive emotions is a side effect of his gift due to this he never interacted with family even when her mother died at the funereal he couldn't even show trace of sadness on his face only when her grandfather is with her or with her sister he could show a slight smile on his face when we asked him why all he said something that i will never forget.

" Others may think that being strong is all good but Every strongest person in this world will and always pays a price for their power if they didn't paid anything for their power then it is never belong to them and One day it will be taken away from them and his price was his emotions unlike Chairman Go Gunhee who pays his life for ultimate strength his is to suffer this curse for entire life as long as he is alive he will be like this and it is only goes worse"

The older generation when they first awakened their gifts have side effects because they are too powerful,their gifts are so outrageous it's like that world itself deemed they need to be on check but their gifts also so much stronger than current generation at present there are only handful of people with that kind of gifts which can be counted on fingers and she is one of them she herself is S Rank Hunter because of The side effects of Her gifts Her family has sealed her power only when desperate life and death situation she can remove the seal.

And now she is seeing another one Meliodas at this movements his face is expressionless there is no emotion and every time he kills certain number monster he is getting faster stronger and his movements are getting better and better he must have a gift that is really powerful.

'I need to have a word with him after all of this is over '.

When i am thinking about all this then i heard him asking for help no matter how strong he is there are indeed too many of them.

" Oi what are you guys doing there staring at me like that do you need invitation or what "

He is signaling us to join the fight while as Kim Hajin is collecting magic cores of monsters with a silly look on his face without leaving single one behind.

< Kim Hajin & Cha Hae-In Pov End >

Seeing that Cha Hae-in and Kim Hajin are here taking care of remaining monsters i let them deal with any way i need to be ready for boss room Within a few breaths we completely eliminated the monsters and after seeing the monsters which are chimeras created by djinn's and 'Yogumunt the King of Demonic Spectres and the Monarch of Transfiguration '.

[ Chimera Goblin #!!*%*### Failed ]

[ Creator : Yogumunt The Monarch of Transfiguration ]

When i scanned the monster ahh!!! wrong Chimeras which created by using mixing several monsters like Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres and some Demonic Spectors and they all are failed experiments.

I couldn't help but think about cliché thing that the experiment must be done on the monsters and djinns if monsters failed than they must be at testing phase or already failed but passed one must be strong and they must be in boss room or trying to create an army of them and more than that One of Monarchs is already entered into the field i really need to level up and start the job class Quest otherwise i will be cooked really i never thought i would find the traces of monarchs already its really going to be wild.

lets see how much i gained before entering to boss room.

* Status *

Name: Meliodas.

Level: 28

Job : None

Fatigue : 40

Title : Wolf Slayer, Harbinger of Death

HP : 3900/3900

MP : 615/ 615

Strength: 70

Vitality: 60

Agility: 65

Intelligence: 60

Sense : 60

Luck: Error ( Golden Rule luck can not be measured)

Charm: 9.6/10 (Golden rule charm can not be compared)

Remaining points : 59

Title :-

Harbinger of Death :

A harbinger of death is a person or thing that indicates or foreshadows a future event or become embodiment of death .

Player has met requirement by killing 50/50 Undead spectors .

Title effect :

Passive Effect : Perceiving the death & life ( Sense the murderous intent and breath of life will allow player to sense the emotion intention of other living or non living ) 

Active Effect : Every time player is in life & death situation all stats have 30% increase for duration of 5 minutes and enemy's stats will be reduced by 30 % if it is undead creature the stats will be reduced by 50 %.

....." Speechless ".....

Meliodas couldn't help but ask great sage.

{ Hey Great sage i am not under special illusion right the title is really overpowered right }

{ Great Sage : No you are not seeing things it is real }

I couldn't help but say it out loud " Damn That's cool (⊙ˍ⊙) "

The title pretty much giving me domain like skill effect it just not mentioned the radius and the title itself is cool and i can imagine in future it turning into God of Death or something like that.

Chae Hae-In and Kim Hajin looked at me like weirdo without reason exclaiming like that startled both of them i just smiled goofily and walked in front of them without turning back and within few minutes we are standing in front of boss room.

Kim Hajin : look man i don't want to say it but i am not cut for it i will just give you guys long range support.

Looking at Hajin who is really sweating cold i couldn't help but say it.

" Don't worry i know your limit just be sure after this i will make you work until not single muscle has the strength to complaint "

Hajin is right he is not at that stage where he can go to raids like this in future he can but now we don't have time for it anyway let's see what is inside.

Putting my hand on the boss room sending mana into the room i could get information feedback.

{ Great Sage try to sense how many chimeras are there in and their level }

{ Great sage scanning mana in air is concentrated single entity is detected level is fluctuating between level B rank and semi B rank}

" well it is B rank monster at max what do you think we should do if your thinking about any plan i would say let's just attack head on"

Hajin looked at me like caveman

" Tch..only you would say that walking cheat "

He muttered under his breath Cha Hae-In didn't say anything for some time and think about it and said.

" we don't know what is inside we cant blindly attack on it we should observe its speed and defence Kim Hajin can attack it and test its speed and defence "

Well that's a good plan but we would not have that much time Korean Hunter association must have send someone and local Hunter guild must be approaching it's better to finish this thing and level up must be at least 2 levels then i only need 10 levels for job class quest and before the Yi Byul the Boss of Chameleon Troupe will entre the field i can get Shadow monarch class it will be easy to quit cube within a year and ride dungeons it's better to increase the shadow solder's .

" Nah that's all long process i will first enter you guys follow me "

without their response i just opened the boss room door and tilted my body because of senses to my side then something passed me by hair length its freaking Giant a*s Axe which is embedded in the wall this startled both Hajin & Cha Hae-In but i am really pissed me off this guy when did dungeon boss this intelligent .

" Well Hajin you sure are lucky guy if it was you i think we could have attended your funeral "

Cha Hae-In is really angery she repeardeme me like mom.

" Be serious Meliodas "

" yes mam "

I just run into boss room like Javelin and then scanned the monster it looks like pretty much human like with four hands 10 feet Height with face resembling pretty much common Orcs in game but slightly different with hair somewhat resembling like Golden lion Shiki and face has more human like look.

Seeing it's prey is coming towards him wanabe Benimaru also moved towards me with weird smile or may be it looked down on me or it must one or two brain stitches must have loosen.

[ Chimera Demon Ogre #*%*!! Failed ]

[Combination of Djinn , High Orc , Ogre , Humans]

[ Magical resistance , Physical Resistance , Higher strength , Regeneration, Aura (unawakened) ]

[ Current State : Unstable magic core and spirit core ]

(Hey Great Sage what is unstable Magic core is it useful for me during this situation )

{Great Sage : Mel it means it is going to self destruct if you don't hurry up you will be seriously injured }

Well what to do let's go All Might style punch it to pulp or let's cut it down but it is undead categery let's do both first beat to pulp and let's destroy its core by cutting it down and let's use this time train my body.

(Meliodas :Great Sage can you make a calculation how much time it has and show it to me as timer )

{ Great Sage : Done }

(56 seconds)

All this conversation happened within second all thanks to Thought Acceleration sub skill of Great Sage .

Using sprint skill and activating new title ' Harbinger of dead ' suddenly increasing my speed and overall strength I am already infront of it's head with wide smile on my face and it's face shown me suprised eyes because of it's sudden weaken state after all more than 50% of it's strength is decreased I think it realised it is basically cooked.

(55 seconds)

" Look at you so you can show other exprsion other than that arrogant smug and your face is really punchable "

Grabbing it's head smashing it hard on the floor forming gaint crater jumping into sky dragging it's body Swinging it down grabbing it's leg it fell like meteor forming another gigantic crater .

( 52 seconds )

Let's continue to beat him up throwing continuous punches sending it again into air and kicking to ground making his four arms bend into four different direction monster just stayed in the newly formed crater he must have understood his position.

Even if it has regeneration the damage I cause is basically exceed its limit of healing let's use shinigami skill and cutting down all it's limbs now for final round.

( 25 seconds )

Kim Hajin looked at the guy within seconds brutally beaten down a boss monster like that to be honestly he don't know why he is even here is he just here to collect the monsters drop forget it he just chuckled saying .

Cha Hae-In looked at him with questioning face at Kim Hajin

Kim Hajin just shook his head pointed at the ongoing one sided beating .

" I just don't who is the boss monster here "

Cha Hae-In didn't care about that but she asked a question which made Kim Hajin confused.

" What is he still doing in air like that "

When Kim Hajin looked at meliodas he is just about to fold his hands to his chest .

" I don't know may be posing like that to show off he is quite narcissist guy ah...! what the hell...!! "

Meliodas got great idea when he still in air.

While i am still in air why don't I impress Cha Hae-In activating Power of Rock God which brightening the whole room with gold colour that illuminated everything around me as centre.

" Let's finish this boring game shall we "

" Wrath of Rock "

Instantly around Meliodas as centre rock spears with golden lines on them formed they are not huge but they are at least 8 foot in length and scariest thing is they are at least 40 of them .

Kim Hajin looked at this scene with awe even Cha Hae-In never seen anything like this she has hunch that the rock spears has property of suppress anything or anybody when they face it .

" Rock Fall "

At that movement meliodas said that word all rock spears launched like judgment on the monster overwhelming strength that is all they could say .

Meliodas just landed on the ground breathless after coming into this world first time he has felt the mana rushing out of him using mana as step stone in air and using rock spears really costed him a lot of mana.

Mana : 60/615

Seeing the remaining amount of mana i couldn't help but sit on the floor even it is. All rubble without thinking about my image.

" Sigh...I am really tired and deserve a break "

[ Level up ]

[ Level up ]

It is like a music to my ears al this hard-core work it really paid off all I need is 8 levels and I can get job quest and there still 4 senerios befor the holidays and weekend huntings,dungeons.

I have to abuse system function to improve my stats more than my level in this way only can I be stronger than original Sun Jin Woo I can only stay in cube for 1 year 3 months at max and I have to apply for S rank hunter to go to jeju Island and other dungeons to get as much as army.

( Status recovery )

* Status *

Name: Meliodas.

Level: 32

Job : None

Fatigue : 00

Title : Wolf Slayer, Harbinger of Death

HP : 4400/4400

MP : 670/ 670

Strength: 74

Vitality: 64

Agility: 69

Intelligence: 64

Sense : 64

Luck: Error ( Golden Rule luck can not be measured)

Charm: 9.6/10 (Golden rule charm can not be compared)

Remaining points : 79

" Huu.. That felt a lot better by the way about the core problem Great Sage "

Meliodas almost forget about the another point of fight after seeing 2 level ups and all accumulated free stats.

{ Great Sage : Chimera is dead,core has lost it's function it has great use it can be used to strengthen your mana or used in wepon manufacturing but it need to be processed it's better to place the body in system space and don't have direct physical contact there are still negative effects }

( Well let's store the body before dust disappear )

' step '

' step '

I can hear their steps they are running to my direction well lets get out of from here before this dungeon is collapsed .

" Well can't sit on the floor my image will be ruined "

Kmi Hajin,Cha Hae-In looking around the ruined place without leaving anything intac.t

Kim Hajin has gone looking for remains of monsters if there is drops instead of checking me how i am this guy really desperate to pay of his debt .

Cha Hae-In is first to speak to my astonishment .

" Are you alright do you got any injury during the fight "

" Why bother asking that guy for sake of asking i would pity the monster's in the dungeon must have been traumatised by this guy even in their next life they would have nightmares "

Before i could answer to her question Hajin has ruined the atmosphere successfully this single dog who couldn't even have single girl get married with this guys EP(Emotional Points ) is bottomless abbeys no wonder not a single girl has continued good life with him till to the end.

" sigh..!! i am fine thanks for asking and Hajin don't look for monster drops there is noting the monster is pretty much disintegrated not a single thing is left behind lets before the Gate closes "

Grabbing him by collar i just started to jog towards gate entrance Cha Hae-In also followed us behind after stepping outside the gate only then did we are relaxed our bodys.

" Finally it has ended "

" Yeah "

I have to agree on this one with hajin it really strained more mentally than physically looking at Kim suho also relaxed and Chae Nayun directly gone checking her sister for any injury's and hugged her well no matter what its first time for us anyway let's just hope everything goes as planned.

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