Chapter 12: Chapter : 12 Let the Hunt Begin - 1
" Ding "
[ Emergency Quest: Kill the Enemies ]
There are Entities nearby who intend to Murder the Player, eliminate them to secure your safety.
Enemies killed : 0
Enemies remaining : 13 ]
Looking the notification i couldn't help it but thank god there is no penalty for quest failure that heart will stop after all if i go around killing everybody because they have Murder intention towards me can't right ! everybody would look at me like a lunatic or Psychopath ok we are going to off topic lets finish this first.
" You guys go to basement of museum there is something far more important than this street clowns "
Hearing my words Hajin doesn't even questioning anything dragged Suho to basement of museum were the gate is there i have used my shield to stabilize it and isolate it so it can't further absorb the surrounding mana it so even after Djinns trigger the gate to collapse and monster can not attack immediately there will be at least some buffer time before the attack.
"Hey, you..."
"Shut it, Don't just stand there, go to basement there we have real work to do so without wasting my time and your time go down i will take care of this guys here and join with you guys later"
"What? Why should I?"
"Nayun let's listen to him and don't argue any more "
Chae Nayun initial want to argue with Meliodas but Cha Hae-In who understand the situation didn't let her sister waste any time looked at her with eyes telling her
" Not now "
" Fine..."
They both gone in direction of Hajin and Suho towards the basement of museum.
When they are completely gone without wasting any more time i start to walking towards Djinns slowly increasing speed and used sprint and with in blink of an eye i am middle of them which startled them.
Releasing full murderous intent on them causing them to fall in fear state making them panic.
Their leader is my first Target i never killed someone ,at this moment my emotions are kinda numb he looked at me with fear panicked wanted to question something his previous indifferent expression and arrogance all are gone.
" who are you..?? "
Without giving him chance I used my full strength and punched his head with one punch which caused his head to explode.
For movement i thought i became one punch man that scene horrified remaining Djinns.
Remaining djinns have many questions How ? Why It shouldn't be like this but all they get is a cruel reality a countdown as an answer.
" One "
Enemies killed : 1
Enemies remaining : 12
Without giving them a chance to register what is going on using the sword from the dead guy using my full speed cut down another guy head which caused his head flying into air forming arch in midair and again the answer they got.
" Two "
Simple slash's are enough from one Djinn to other to the next one without using any special moves on Djinns shuttling through them while They attack with magic attacks and weapons dodging them with minimal movements.
The most basic type of cuts that's all it is needed and the scene anyone from Earth has seen it would only remain them about the one guy who fought an army all by himself the ghost of certain Uchiha.
Members of Djinns one after other fallen Meliodas started to compress the shield range which give the Djinns limited range, space to move that leave enmey with limited time to responses within minute Meliodas killed all them except one.
Enemies killed : 12
Enemies remaining : 1
" Your the only one remaining i already got remote control which triggers the Dungeon outbreak you can surrender or die what is it your choice both are good for me "
Meliodas could understand the Djinn .
He is scared because the first person i killed is their leader without using weapon with single punch no matter which Kind of war it is if you want to win first is to install fear in them destroy what gives them the courage to rise their weapon even a lunatic has fear it's just you need to find what he fears but no matter what living being it is it has one primal fear that is there for every living being it has been there the movement they are born in this world from the dawn of creation to till it's end and even after its end it existed and that is Death.
At this movement for the still breathing djinn and the people in museum the young man looked like the very personification of death.
In middle of the dead bodys of Djinn without even single blood stain on him with emotionless face eyes that are slightly leaking with blue hue standing with a sword stained with blood which still dripping from it not a single person made a sound in front of him fear of attracting his attention.
" You monster...!! "
" What kind of creature are you...!!! "
" I curse you ...!! "
" you will die everybody, you hold dear will di....."
" Why talk so much nonsense I am not taking a long a*s essay just choose the correct answer from following options man "
I cut down his head he is irritating me dude didn't think about twice when he is going to kill people here but now when he know he is going to die he is cursing others but still..
" Ding "
Stopping from my train of thoughts i heard system notification .
[ Emergency Quest: Kill the Enemies ]
[ There are Entities nearby who intend to Murder the Player, eliminate them to secure your safety
Enemies killed : 13
Complete conditions have met will you receive reward ]
[ Accept Or Decline ]
Let's accept it, is there need to ask for this atleast it will help with the riding dungeon down below.
Sigh!!! this my first time killing a human being but why don't i have any emotion about it not even slightest .
(Great Sage why i am not even having single slightest emotion about the people i killed no hesitation nor disgusted or any kind of emotions)
Great Sage { Mel do you want to know about it now or after clearing the dungeon we don't have much time hero association people and hunter association will be coming to museum in 20 minutes }
( Sigh –––––let's talk about it after all this is over)
I started to walk towards basement of museum doors are still locked so civilians can't go outside at least they have smile on face knowing that immediate danger is gone that they are not going to die and hajin and others must have been shocked seeing a gate on verge of outbreak well let's check the rewards
" lets see what i got for all that work "
● Quest Rewards
# 1 Status Recovery
# 2 Status Points - 20
# 3 Rune stone : Stealth
# Rune Stone : Breaking it grants a skill
Skill Type : Stealth { Your appearance and all traces of you will be hidden Instantly | 10- mana per every second }
* Status *
Name: Meliodas.
Level: 18
Job : None
Fatigue : 40
Title : Wolf Slayer
HP : 2620/2620
MP : 400.5/ 440.5
Strength: 60
Vitality: 47
Agility: 50
Intelligence: 40
Sense : 40
Luck: Error ( Golden Rule luck can not be measured)
Charm: 9.6/10 (Golden rule charm can not be compared)
Remaining points : 42
Passive skills :
(? Unknown) : Max
Golden Rule : Max
Great Sage : Unique skill
Inspection Kill : Max
Muscularity : Lv. 2
Mana Absorption : Lv. 5
Active skills :
Rock Element control Lv. 3
Intimidation Lv. 1
Sprint Lv. 3
Stealth Lv. 1
" well it seems i got the OG's skill lets add some point and leave remaining points for emergency "
* Status *
Name: Meliodas.
Level: 18
Job : None
Fatigue : 40
Title : Wolf Slayer
HP : 2900/2900
MP : 551.5/ 551.5
Strength: 60
Vitality: 50
Agility: 55
Intelligence: 50
Sense : 50
Luck: Error ( Golden Rule luck can not be measured)
Charm: 9.6/10 (Golden rule charm can not be compared)
Remaining points : 14
" Well that should do it for now let's leave the remaining points if there's is an emergency "
Without wasting time I started to move towards basement with smile on my face I need to clear this dungeon thinking about all exp I am gone get how could I not be happy.
Opening the basement door i could see everyone is nervous well except for Cha Hae-In looking at gate which is surrounded by my skill they are tense .
" Sigh "
They all turn towards in my direction ready to draw their weapons thinking of any enemy may have slipped from me seeing it is me they couldn't help but take breath in giving them normal goofy smile i approached them.
" So what now guys as you can see there is a Gate that can Outbreak and release the monsters at any time "
Kim Hajin who is still new to gate concepts or he just don't want to get involved in this unknown mess couldn't help but say
" Didn't you already taken care of the Djinn's do we need to ride it if we wait for some time professionals will and tack care it right "
Everybody in room couldn't help but look at him with a look that says " Do you really think if it is that easy to solve would we be here in first place "
I couldn't help but explain him and others so they would understand the situation we are in what is the difference between artificial and normal dungeon and i have one doubt there must be monarch help in it otherwise Djinn's doesn't have means or strength to creates Gates.
" Hajin its an artificially created gate which is like similarly time bomb its just i reduced the power output it needed to explode on set time but it will still explode it's just 1 or 2 minutes delay so if we wait for heroes or hunters to come and take care this the gate it will open by then and monsters will spawn out like ants uncontrollably "
When i am telling about it to hajin I am looking others who are looking at me to get their attention whether they would be joining with me or not in this they don't have to go on ride with me but they have to give a word for me that it is necessary situation were I have to intervene in it .
Private or unauthorised rides to dungeon is crime, I am nobody I may have some money but infront of real deal it is useless neither do I have background so dragging them is way to escape crime even though being cube cadet have benefits being monitored is annoying so my plan is to make them join in or dragging them into this only way for my escape on being monitored by higher authorities after all I am not ready yet when I get 'Shadow Monarch ' class then i can show off .
" So whether you guys are joining or not ,me and Hajin are going in "
Hajin instantly turned his head looking at me like do we have to involve in this mess and said in annoyance (  ̄へ ̄ )
" Hey when did i agree to join in raide "
Before he could argue anymore i just looked at the gate and said
" you didn't nor you got choice just follow me and I will clear monsters you can collect the drop we can sell it and you can clear your debt as usually let's divide 60-40 "
That shut him down " Money Rules "
" yeah yeah ok you win i can't probably leave a clueless guy like you and as friend how could i not help my friend whether we get share loot ....Ahem...cough... i mean we die or live we will share it and stop this monsters as heroes as we...
" STOP "
Everybody couldn't help say it this guy is really going to justify his cause it for how long who know's
" So you guys are gone join in in Ride "
Looking at them Kim Suhho is the first one to answer my question
" Well we have to do as Cadets of CUBE we are trained for this but we have to prepare with our equipment we can't probably clear the Gate but at least we can stall time until the Professional Hunters and Heroes are here we can do it right and I am in it "
Chae Nayun isn't particularly interested in Heroism or anything if she isn't stuck here she would rather avoid this all
" Me and my sister will help if it is dangerous we will leave right away is it clear i am saying it before so don't say later we didn't say it "
Cha Hae-in couldn't help about to say something but stopped by Chae nayun
" Sister we don't even know what level of the Gate its better to be careful than sorry "
I couldn't help but say something to clarify them something before going into Gate i think they misunderstood the word ride means that they have to come with me into Gate to clear monsters that would be stupid we don't even know if it is a Red Gate then we are doomed after all this not original story if they could create a artificial Gate they can use it trap Hunters or who knows what is in there and i have system with system help i can levelp every kill and always be in my peak well except for fatigue anyway i can grow strong in mid battle they are not like that, its dangerous and more than that the less people there are the more experience points and more level ups so .
" Hmm Guys i think you misunderstand something only three people will be going in Me, Hajin, Cha Hae-In and remaining will be staying here if something happens to take care of it or if association people are here they can explain them "
Cha Hae-In didn't giving her sister any time to waste she responded first .
" I Agree "
Chae Nayun gave a glare at me saying like " shut up " and try to reason with her sister trying to persuade her sister.
Kim Suhho looked at me with look saying like I will take care of everything if you couldn't make it .
Well he really have some imagination i don't know how he is thinking me as a Sacrifice Hero or something else but I am not dude.
Kim Hajin giving me look screaming " your trying to create a situation Prince saving Princess aren't you " and giving look at Suho " kid grow up he is schemeing right in front of your eyes ".
After sometime both sisters come to an agreement and Chae Nayun agreed for sister participate in ride that she must take care of her safety first.
" Well did you guys finished your talks we don't have time Hajin,Chapter Hae-In if your ready let's go i am going to Jade Shield "
Removing Jade Shield around the gate mana suddenly flared into atmosphere this the mana that is being suppressed till now it started to emiting creating air pressure.
Zhongli is really something he can attack ,defend ,control,and suppress anybody or anything really strongest of all Archons and all you have to do is throw a Rock for every problem.
Turning towards Hajin signalling him to come to me so only he could hear what I am going to say.
" Be ready the monster will be waiting at the movement we step in they will rush for to kill us so only after i entre the gate you both should come inside after sometime got don't immediately walk-in to it .
Without thinking much Hajin nodded and Cha Hae-In wanted to stop me being reckless but at the end agreed at my plan .
The blue glowing whirlpool standing in air it really gives scare for any body from previous life even if I am talking about going this is only my second time entering a gate ah forget about it let's not loose focus now.
Entering into Gate gives me same feeling as Portal but difference is here there are monster's waiting the movement we set foot into Gate the monster which resembles the goblin with stitches all over body like cheap immation of Frankenstein but this one is short atleast it reaches to my knees and the surrounding resamblying like cave .
They must have been waiting for dungeon outbreak to go outside ,without giving anybody chance the movement i stepped inside the gate the monster swunged it's wooden club towards me.
Taking Rasaka's Fang from system space seeing at monsters that are rushing at me a smile couldn't help but come on my face I am really excited after this ride I will stronger than my previous self.
Directly running at the group of monsters shuttling through them cutting down their heads one after another all i heard is system notification moving forward every step to become stronger,faster to be unstoppable no matter what not a single time thinking about turning my feet back just push forward leaving corpse on my back .
< Kim Hajin Pov >
When we entered the Gate after 30 seconds all we saw is a carnage, Pile of Monster Corpse leaving a trail from entrance like a strom has passed through them Cha Hae-In beside me couldn't help but murmur One word that I have already Accepted.
" He is Strong " .