Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic

Chapter 21: Transformers - End of College

2nd year end:

Sam looked around the new base, "So, who's great idea was this again?"

Jazz, "It was a combined and unanimous agreement."

Bumblebee checked on his charges making sure they were warm, "Seriously though why Northern Russia? And why did we have to join you?"

Jazz huffed, "Oh stop complaining! You know you and Cliffjumper have to do drills with the army. You cannot just avoid it."

Miles, "Okay but what about Raph and I. I get why Sam is here. He is like the big host of them all."

Sam, "Currently it's Uncle Edward who is doing it but yeah. That's a good question."

Jazz, "Cybertronian instincts. Trust me, if I had my way I would have preferred you lads stayed back in college."

Sam, "I am so glad our second year ended."

Raph shrugged, "And I am glad I finished high school. Still unsure if I should accept the apprenticeship Ratchet and Preceptor offered or go to college instead."

Miles was about to say something when a soldier zipped past them, "I can't slow down! Out of the way! Help!"

Cliffjumper picked Sam and Raph up, "Woa there!"

Bumblebee blinked about to transform when the Sergeant in charge zipped past, "Slow down Private!"

Jazz, "Well it's up to an exciting start already."

Sam, "No kidding.... Will he be alright?"

Bumblebee, "Primus I hope so. You are not doing anything like that though."

Raph, "Of course not! We do not want to get in there way."

Miles nodded, "Besides this is a military area so I do not think we would be allowed on the slopes anyway."

Bumblebee nodded and placed Sam and Raph down while Jazz started to give Bumblebee and Cliffjumper their schedule for training. Sam, Miles and Raph headed towards the civilian area and greeted the other families that lived there. Most of the people were family members of the soldiers who were part of the training regiment and they were very welcoming. Sam was not complaining as he pulled Raph and Miles along into the fray with Chatter and Quickshot making quick friends with the young children. As part of the regiment the families were informed about the out of the planet soldiers who would be training alongside the soldiers. Most were skeptical while others were curious but it did not look like they were against it.

Cliffjumper, "We are back."

Bumblebee checked on them, 'No problems, good.'

Miles, "Welcome back. How was it?"

Bumblebee, "It was not that bad. Got some complaints about freezing armor but not bad all over."

Raph, "So, Ratchet's formula works for you too, Bee? I mean you are a Knight now."

Bumblebee, "Yes, it is working just fine. I was a little worried too but Ratchet really pulled through."

Sam, "That is a relief. Remember the first winter on Earth? Ratchet blew a gasket taking care of you all."

Bumblebee, "You don't have to remind me, I thought I would freeze to stasis."

Miles laughed, "Optimus drove him over the edge with his habits of sneaking out to look at the snow."

Bumblebee, "Well, we have come across planets that were freezing cold. None of those planets had organic life forms. So, it was the first time for all of us."

Raph looked at Bumblebee with curious eyes, "Can you tell us about those planets?"

Bumblebee nodded, "Alright, I will tell you about the one I had to scout. It is a planet located on the opposite direction from this one from Cybertron."

Miles, "And there were no organic life forms on that one? Not one bit?"

Bumblebee, "None, we checked everywhere but we did not find any. It was and still is a frozen wasteland."

Raph, "Doesn't Cybertron have snow?"

Bumblebee tilted his helm, "We do but not like on this planet. We have one frozen area but it is used more for training then anything else."

Sam chuckled, "I remember Optimus downloaded every episode of National Geographic about the tundra region."

Cliffjumper, "He was not alone on that part, a lot of us were very curious about how organics survived and lived in cold places."

Miles, "You looked very surprised."

Bumblebee, "We were in a good way."

Sam, "Ratchet was not happy with Ironhide trying to prove himself strong in the freezing temperature with the snow fall and rain though."

Raph, "Yeah, remember what he said, 'If the little organic creatures can do it, so can I!' Ratchet looked ready to kill him on the spot."

Bumblebee laughed, "Tell me about it."

They shared a good laugh as they talked more about the training Bumblebee and Cliffjumper would be involved with. They were planning on staying there for two months as that was how long the training would be. Sam, Miles and Raph in the mean time would be busy with internship in different areas of study. Sam joined the management department and worked along with Jazz to organize and run the human - cybertronian post. Miles had on the other hand taken up internship under Red Alert and shadowed him in security detail. Raph had agreed to accept Preceptor and Ratchet's offer for apprenticeship and would be studying under both of them.

Miles, "Red, would you relax?"

Red Alert, "I am in charge of security young one. It is not exactly a position where I can afford to relax."

Agnessa one of the other security detail watched the young man fret over the Cybertronian, "Hey Albert, what do you think about that?"

Albert looked up, "Isn't that the kid that came in with the Cybertronians?"

Dorofey another security guard, "Yep, I did not believe it at first but apparently those kids are the hosts for those guys."

Filipp the second youngest after Miles spoke up, "Well, I don't think anyone else would nag them."

Agnessa, "Want to invite him to join us for lunch later?"

Albert, "Do it. I have questions and he does not seem like the type to turn us away."

Filipp, "You think so?"

Miles, "Red, I get you worry but being paranoid will make you blind too."

Red Alert, "Impossible and I am not paranoid thank you."

Dorofey, "Considering how he sounds like an exasperated old man. Yeah, I think he needs a way to vent."

Blaster at the end of the room snickered, :I love humans. They are so chaotic.:

Red Alert, :Which is exactly why we need to be alert. Just yesterday Jazz stopped one soldier from jumping from a high place to test if the snow works as a safety net.:

Blaster chuckled internally, :They are no different from sparklings and I love them.:

Miles, "Are you listening to me?"

Red Alert, "Yes, yes, I hear you. Now, you need to go have dinner I believe. You made a promise to Raph and Sam."

Miles narrowed his eyes, "Fine but this is not over. I swear if you start acting like Sam and over working I can and I will snitch on you to Ratchet."

Red Alert was quite for a few seconds, "Is that a threat?"

Miles, "I do not do threats. I do promises with action. I am heading out."

Agnessa, "That was hilarious in a way."

Dorofey, "Yup."

Miles, 'I hope Raph and Sam did not end up with paranoid work mates as well.'

If Raph wanted, he could complete his college studies through online classes and exams. The red head teen could study alongside the other interns that Ratchet had picked. Raph had agreed after thinking about it for a whole year, he did not want to join because of adoration. Raph was not blind, he knew Ratchet and Preceptor adored him, Sam and Miles had also noticed and pointed it out at one point. The red head was flattered but did not want to become successful because of favouritism which made perceptor and Ratchet sit Raph down and talk. That was a few months ago and he decided to think about it and then he agreed to become their apprentice and learn.

It was around that time Raph was introduced to two other people who were studying under Ratchet and Preceptor. The oldest was a gruff looking man going by Cade Yeager, another was a woman called Charlie the third was a familiar face, Mikaela. Raph was not complaining however, it was nice to see a familiar face among the new ones and Miles decided they should get together at some point as kids from the same old home town. Mikaela was delighted to see her old high school mates, she had been feeling a bit out of place among the older apprentices so seeing people she knew was calming. It had come as a surprise to her when she had received the apprenticeship offer and an offer to release her Dad if she agreed.

Raph, "I am glad you got your father back."

Mikaela beamed, "Me too. This time he promised to behave."

Raph giggled, "Sounds like you had your own challenges like a main character in a novel."

Mikaela rolled her eyes, "Oh! Don't you start gossiping about those cringe novels."

Raph, "Your girl buddies talked your ears off?"

Mikaela, "Did they ever? I love them, don't get me wrong. They are my friends after all but I could appreciate talking about other genres too."

Raph, "Sam and Miles would be happy to hear you are doing better."

Mikaela, "Can we talk to Sam and Miles about this? I know they are here too but... "

Preceptor, "Of course you can. Young Witwicky is our dear host after all."

Mikaela, "Oh! ... Wait a minute! What?"

Raph laughed, "It's a long story. Do you want to listen?"

Tupac, "Mind if we join in?"

Cade, "Sorry we were curious."

Sam had been surprised but congratulated her on both her father's release and the letter of apprenticeship. He always knew she was good with mechanics and now she was learning under one of the best out there. He had no doubt in this universe Mikaela will grow into a wonderful woman and not disappear into obscurity. Plus from the look on Miles' face, there is a chance they might get together though that is for the future, not right now. Mikaela was curious about them especially about their relationship with the Autobots, her new bosses. She could have sworn the heavy yellow vehicle was a yellow camero that she had tuned before but she could not be sure. That was for later though.

Cade, "What's up?"

Tupac, "You look like you have something on your mind."

Mikaela looked at them, "Well, I met up with my old friends last night but was too excited to ask any questions."

Raph, "We were talking about what we were doing the last few years after leaving Tranquility, so yeah. You got questions."

Cade, "Funnily enough, I have some questions too. You don't have to answer all of them of course. I am mostly curious."

Tupac nodded, "Biggest being, why does the big boss treat you like his own son?"

Ratchet, "Um... That I have known Ratchet since the time he first landed on Earth."

Cade, "What? That long."

Mikaela, "I have an epiphany. Hear me out?"

Raph nodded, "Shoot!"

Mikaela, "Back in high school, Sam, Miles and you brought three cars to my family shop."

Raph nodded, "Yes, we did."

Mikaela, "After that you brought other vehicles saying they were family vehicles."

Raph, "What can I say? You were really great at your job."

Mikaela, "Were they the Autobots?"

Raph, " ... "

Cade, "Were they?"

Tupac, "Well?"

Raph, "I suppose it is safe to verify that now."

Mikaela, "They were?"

Raph nodded grinning at them, "Bumblebee and Cliffjumper. I will let you guess who is who though. I am surprised it took you two weeks to ask though. I guess, Ratchet chose well picking you guys."

Cade, "You referring to the alien war going on?"

Raph nodded, "It is not like humans war. The other side has this psychic well, as close as it can be to a psychic called Soundwave. He is the third in command and has the ability to read minds."

Tupac shivered, "Se... Seriously?"

Cade, "So, we need to be careful about our thoughts, then?"

Raph, "Sam is the only one who met Soundwave once among humans. I do not know if Soundwave can read human minds but seeing how much Sam respects Soundwave's ability I say it is possible."

Mikaela, "What do you mean Sam respects him?"

Tupac, "Isn't he the enemy?"

Raph sighed, "Sam has a soft spot for people who have been abused and abandoned as a child."

Cade gaped, "The third in command of the enemy side was what? No wonder he became evil. Fuck man! I can't even think about abandoning my daughter. She and my wife are the reason I accepted coming here."

Tupac nodded, "My dad may have passed when I was young but he did not abandon me either."

Mikaela spoke quietly, "Dad became a thief so he could feed me."

Raph, "Yeah, so you kinda see where Sam is coming from when he respects the guy."

Cade nodded, "What about the second in command? He is a third so... "

Raph snorted, "In Sam's words, dramatic as fuck. He would give a drama queen a run for their money."

Tupac, "I don't know what to say to that."

Raph, "These guys have been around longer than our countries first existed. Spend too long alive and I guess everyone develops strange quirks."

Cade, "I don't think I could live that long. It seems very tiresome."

Tupac, "Fighting that long looks exhausting too. Wait, it probably is."

Mikaela, "I appreciate you answering our questions Raph. Promise not to pry too much into the military stuff."

Cade scratched his nape, "Dang! Just knowing about this seems dangerous enough and I don't want my family to be in danger."

Tupac grumbled, "Same! Got any safe juicy gossip we could know though?"

Raph laughed and nodded telling them about the shenanigans the Autobots first got up to when they landed for the first time. The leader of the Autobots liked sneaking around the medic, Bumblebee became knighted two years ago. Hence the modified yellow vehicle they saw earlier, that had everyone gaping, the big guy was an actual knight in shining armor. Elita just became a new leader and Prime recently but she was getting used to her position as a Prime though Chromia seems to be breathing down her armor about security. It looks like Chromia for Elita will be what Ironhide is for Optimus, plus Chromia while Arced seems to be close to becoming her CMO.

Optimus was staying out of it since Primes needed to pick people they could trust whole heatedly by themselves. Meanwhile the twins loved pranking people and Sideways loved encouraging them to prank people be it human or Cybertronian. Cade recalled the loud bangs and shouts from Ratchet a few days ago and wondered about the pranks sometimes. The pranks seen targeted towards making Ratchet blow up more than anything else in his personal opinion but he kept that to himself. All in all it was nice to talk to Raph, he had a good head on his shoulder and very smart in picking up nuances and details. Cade could feel himself being protective over Raph and he saw the two ladies were too.

Miles meanwhile spent his breaks with his fellow security detail guards who invited him for lunch with them. They were a rowdy yet friendly bunch always giving him one hand hugs and saving him from developing an aneurysm over Red Alert. In the beginning, all of them thought that Miles had been exaggerating about Red Alert's paranoid habits but they were wrong. That paranoid Cybertronian was very paranoid of litera everything to the point he would stare at the snow capped mountains and fields muttering about bear attacks. Sir, while it is true bears sometimes came down the mountain to look for food they were not helpless and could take care of themselves.

Miles, "I swear between him and Sam I will grow grey hairs. Who needs kids when you have friends like them?"

Filipp, "Drink?"

Miles snatched the glass, "Add becoming alcoholic to that list."

Dorofey, "Is your friend that bad?"

Miles, "You know the two tiny Cybertronians who run around playing with the kids?"

Agnessa, "Yes, what about them?"

Miles, "He is the father."

Albert choked, "What? He got involved with a lady Cybertronian or something?"

Miles, "Nothing simple as that. He just became their father because the sparklings, that's what they call children, wanted him."

Agnessa, "Just like that?"

Filipp, "That's legal?"

Miles, "It's what the kids want. And the big Cybertronians are a real softie when it comes to children. The big boss however is the other parent for one of the sparklings and the Knight for another. You will not see much difference though, they work together to raise the two."

Dorofey, "Fascinating."

Miles, "We have one month left. Give me the strength and patience to deal with this."

Final Year:

Bumblebee rumbled, -Finally no more training and worrying about stepping on human soldiers.-

Sam pat his hood, "Indeed, back to boring old patrol and waiting in the parking lot."

Bumblebee drawled, -Yes, very exciting.-

Sam, "Did you just talk in Snape?"

Bumblebee, -Who knows ~ Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.-

Sam laughed as they headed to college, "I am going to miss Raph while here."

Bumblebee, -Ratchet adores him. Rest assured he will be taught a lot of things.-

Sam, "Chatter and Quickshot had a lot of fun the last three months. They really enjoyed hanging out with the younger kids. Usually they play around with Anna but this time they made more friends."

Bumblebee turned down the highway towards the college, -By the way, Ratchet has been giving you check ups right.-

Sam, "Yes, the Allspark was been focused on creating new sparks. It normally takes years but these sparks were being created for a while now. By the time college ends we will probably have new sparklings. Well, that is provided we have the items."

Bumblebee, -Wait then, Quickshot and Chatter.-

Sam, "Their sparks had been created before we met and would have ended up dead like the rest if you did not reach the Allspark first."

Bumblebee, -Oh! I had suspected it but I did not realize we would have lost him.-

Sam chuckled at that, "I call them lucky for a reason, you know. They were really lucky."

Bumblebee, -We are here. I will be doing patrol around town.-

Sam grabbed his bag, "Thanks Bee, yes, I will be alright. Do not worry too much."

Bumblebee, -See you after class.-

Leo, "Aye! Sam you are back from your internship."

Sam smiled, "Yup, it was fun. It was near a military area so I got to meet many soldiers who were very kind to me."

Leo, "That is really cool man."

Sam smiled, "Yeah, it was."

Leo, "Ah! The twins are back."

Sam, "Twins? You mean Vince and his sister, Alice?"

Leo nodded looking like he had hot tea to spill, "Yeah, they look okay, so I guess whatever family trouble they had was dealt with. It is just a little strange as they are our juniors now."

Sam hummed, "They did miss the second year and the exams. So, I am not surprised."

Leo, "Still I am more impressed by you. Am internship at the very beginning of the year that too with glowing remarks. Not everyone can pull that off."

Sam gave a laugh, 'More like the army pulled some strings for much needed training and team up practice. I just decided to deal with the situation as I could. I cannot say that.'

Sam, "It was a lucky draw. I was not expecting to be called to intern so early. I am just happy the college allowed it."

Leo, "Actually a few others guys kinda did what you did too. They got internship as well and I think they should be returning from their work places tomorrow."

Sam, "What about you? Did you get an internship?"

Leo shook his head, "Nah man! I was not that lucky. I did snag one for the end of semester though so I am cool on that front."

Sam, "Which business?"

Leo, "It's at the Gould Industries. It's really the hot stuff among the locomotives."

Sam eyed the phone screen, "Huh! I have heard about them. I think Mikaela used to train under one of their engineers."

Leo, "Your old classmate?"

Sam nodded, "Yup, this should be a very interesting development and experience. I would advise you not to take what they say to heart though."

Leo, "What? Why do you say that?"

Sam, "Mikaela mentioned they are very strict about their stuff. So, just do your best and they hate slackers so work hard."

Leo, "Yeah, I get it. Thanks man."

Sam, "We are here."

Laserbeak was in one of her disguises next to Maverick, "Soundwave is calling."

Soundwave, :Laserbeak, Makeshift report.:

Maverick, "Makeshift reporting in. The third objective of getting the Allspark host to join Gould industry was a failure. However one of the host's friends have succeeded in getting an internship at the industry."

Soundwave, :Unsatisfactory but it will do.:

Laserbeak, "The young host actually returned from his internship a few days ago with the yellow Knight. It seems the human military pulled some strings."

Soundwave, :The young pretender twins have been re - instated to the mission. The young host has shown a soft side for younger ones, according to your reports.:

Laserbeak, "He does Soundwave, perhaps that is the reason the Allspark chose him. I cannot think of any other logical reason."

Maverick eyed the flyer in disguise, 'She is still upset over not getting the sparklings. I do not blame her though. I want my own sparklings, it has been too long.'

Soundwave nodded, :Keep a close optic on the host. Lord Megatron has plans for him once we return to Cybertron. Soundwave out.:

Laserbeak looked outside the window after the report, "Look at them, acting like a human raising a sparkling is normal."

Maverick looked outside and saw Sam enter the modified camero, "It is quite an odd situation but we cannot blame him. The Allspark made their decision."

Laserbeak deflated, "We should be the ones to care for sparklings. Not a human!"

Maverick, "We can only blame ourselves for destroying our own home."

Laserbeak grumbled, "I am going to follow them."

Soundwave turned to another channel after receiving report from the college, 'This has Jazz written over it. That Praxian has always been too good of an Orator for his own good.'

Starscream, :Soundwave, come in, Soundwave.:

Soundwave, "Report."

Starscream, :The base on Mars is almost complete. Waiting for the shield generators.:

Soundwave, "Any problems?"

Starscream, :None so far. The Autobots have not shown any interest in Mars after the first round of fights. Hard to say how long that will last however.:

Soundwave, "Medical, stationery and damage report."

Starscream sighed, :Always so cold. Fine, fine, I will get to it.:

Soundwave despite what most thought was not exactly a patient Mech, dealing with war could do that to anyone. However if there was something he was good at was getting things done one way or another. Megatron sent a ping after Starscream's report was done, he was returning from Cybertron and would reach in a few hours. Their Leader had been very secretive and spent a lot of time practicing what humans called meditation to contact the Allspark. Unfortunately the Allspark was silent however Megatron met the Fallen, Lord Megatronus in the in - between. The Fallen explained once a Prime always a Prime and the Matrix had verified Megatron as a Prime too so he would always be welcomed there.

Megatron had spent days meditating and talking to his late teacher in the in - between that only Primes could enter. Soundwave would not admit it but he was a little envious about that, just imagine the knowledge he would have been able to access there. Lord Megatron had received information about a very interesting liquid that Quintus Prime had been working on before his passing. This liquid was special and could permanently turn any organic into living inorganic like a Cybertronian. It was however not tested and still in raw form as Quintus Prime had passed long before he could test it leaving it dormant.

That was where the scientist Shockwave came in with his genius or madness depending on who you ask. Soundwave was very skeptical about their plan as it was not even a guaranteed win and the effects might not even last long. But he could see the merit behind it, if Sam was transformed into a Cybertronian then, he could be taken to Cybertron as a Priest. No one, not even a Prime would be able to stop the process or deny the right of a Priest, provided the youngling did not protest it. Soundwave had a feeling the youngling would not protest especially if it would be in the interest of the sparklings.

Soundwave nodded, "Yes, that would be the best way to do it."

Rumble, "Boss, we are back. The bait has been planted."

Soundwave, "Good! Rest. Next mission will come soon."

Barricade who had returned from Mars already asked, "Need me to scout ahead?"

Soundwave, "Not at the moment."

Barricade, "What about the youngling host?"

Rumble teased, "Youngling host? Not a filthy organic anymore?"

Barricade, "Well?"

Soundwave hummed, "Makeshift is keeping an eye on him. Do not worry about our youngest target. The others may be a problem however."

Barricade, "I can scout them out."

Soundwave, "Perhaps you can."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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