Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic

Chapter 20: Transformers - College Years

1st year:

Sam, "Will, how is the moon base like exactly?"

Will looked at Sam, "It is different I will tell you that. Getting used to a different gravity took some time but now it is no different from any other base on Earth."

Miles, "Seriously? Huh! That is convenient if it is not different from other places. I heard they were planning on opening an Academy on the moon base."

Will nodded, "Yes, they are. I reserved a spot for Annabelle once she completes her high school education. Well, provided she is still interested and fulfills the required conditions she will be attending it."

Raph, "Ooh! Studying on the moon sounds like a fictional dream. Is the Academy on base or off base?"

Will smiled, "It's on base for safety and practical reasons. Why the interest? You kids will have finished your education by the time the Academy is actually complete."

Sam, "Well, Optimus suggested I should join them on the base due to the Decepticons coming back."

Miles crossed his arms, "I am not leaving my brother from another mother to deal with them alone."

Raph, "Yeah, on top of that Cliffjumper, Jazz and Bumblebee want us next to them too."

Sarah entered with Annabelle, "Can you blame them? You were kidnapped a few hours after Megatron returned, right? So, of course they want you close by. No parent wants to deal with the nightmare or fear of losing their kids."

Raph, "Parent?"

Will's lips twitched amused, "They love you kids like one of their own. You may not have noticed this but the Autobots are more open with you three more than anyone else."

Sarah placed Annabelle who wanted to walk down, "I believe they keep what they call a professional distance from the soldiers but with you kids it is a different matter."

Annabelle walked over to Sam, "Chatter, Quickquick, play."

Chatter, "Play dress up. I love the pretty dresses with sparkles."

Quickshot, "Dragons and princesses."

Sam grinned as he watched the three started to play pretend, "You three are just adorable, though I am not sure about the kid part, Will. I have noticed Ironhide and Chromia are pretty close to you and Sarah."

Sarah beamed, "It is nice to have another woman to talk to, plus I can trust her to keep my boys safe."

Will laughed, "Ironhide has many interesting stories to share. He is like a brother I never thought I would have. He is family."

San grinned, "Want to hear about his sparkling days?"

Will's eyes twinkled, "Ooh! Spill the beans!"

Sarah, "Chromia's too, if there is any cute stories."

Cliffjumper outside, -Should we stop them?-

Bumblebee, -Shush! Let me listen. This is gold.-

Cliffjumper would sweat drop he could, Jazz had left with Ironhide and Chromia after they had reached the farm and had not returned yet from their mission. As much as Will worried about then, he did not push for details knowing this was one of the few down times he was getting with his family and especially his daughter. Sam, Raph and Miles spent the free says at the farm with occasional calls to their parents who worried about them but trusted Will to watch out for the kids. A few days after they returned to their classes, Sam's batch received a new Professor who was a little strange to him but he decided to observe.

The first semester luckily ended without any more incidents or kidnapping attempts though Bumblebee would from time to time bristle and glare at red cars. Sam could only oat his hood in comfort at that assuring him it was just a normal car, though Raph and Miles did not help with their own protective behavior that only eased after one month of him returning to college. One good thing was the college Professors made things clear for everyone as to why Sam was missing from class for two weeks. Sam was a little surprised when he realized he was gone for two weeks plus the weekends he was missing. Leo was suspicious of the reason but dropped it after a while especially when exams came around.

The second semester started by Sam meeting Elita and Optimus at the Witwicky warehouse that was now styled to be a rest stop for Cybertronians. Before that however Sam had Cogman deliver the order Sam made for the two leaders of Autobots, it would be a while before they become leaders of Cybertron. The Allspark was very chatty as Sam checked the items and the Matrix was curious about it and asked about the items. Sam simply smiled and headed to meet Optimus and Elita who were already at the rest stop according to Bumblebee who was now looking more and more like a heavy duty car.

Sam, 'Like one of those modified cars from Fast And Furious.'

Bumblebee, "We are here.... Who are they?"

Sam, "Come on! I have a treat for you all."

Cliffjumper, "Me too?"

Miles, "Yes, let's go."

Chatter, "Gifts, gifts, gifts."

Quickshot, "I am very curious too."

Optimus, "Sam, Bumblebee, Quickshot, Chatter."

Elita, "Raph, Miles, Cliffjumper. You are here, though why the extra people though?"

Sam grinned, "I called in some favours, come on. You are getting Cybertronian equivalent of spa day."

Optimus, "You have been talking to Ratchet and Nautica, haven't you?"

Elita, "Sam, Raph, Miles, you did not have to do this."

Miles huffed, "You are already working hard and pushing yourselves a lot. Do not deny it, we listen to Nautica and Ratchet rant at Sam about you every check up."

Raph nodded, "Let us spoil you for the next few hours, okay? Think of it as a surprise reward for all the work you have been doing."

Sam clapped, "Alright then, there are two areas prepared for the wash. So, head there first, gents and ladies, please make sure they are thoroughly washed."

Cliffjumper snorted amused, "We are not sparklings Sam."

Sam, "Shush! Everyone deserves to be pampered from time to time. Let us pamper you. Now, if you will not decide who goes first, I will pick. Elita take the one on the left and Optimus to the one in the back."

Optimus chuckled and decided to go with the flow curiosity winning out and honestly he did relax under the warm water and gentle cleaning. Elita contacted him through the comm asking if humans had always been this amazing when it came to washing and cleaning. Optimus rumbled amused by the questioning, Elita and her group mostly used the facilities in the base for a quick wash instead of the wash service the humans would provide. After having his armor waxed and gleaming like brand new Optimus went to meet the kids who were pushing Cliffjumper to get cleaned too. The red scout was protesting saying they already washed him a few days ago so Optimus decided to step in.

Optimus, "Cliffjumper, the children prepared these services for us. Please, consider using them once at least."

Cliffjumper, "I... Very well, just once, though seriously speaking I should be the one caring for you."

Elita, "I for one would not mind these cleaning services. I have not been this clean since well the war started."

Bumblebee, "Come on Cliff, let's go get pampered. We deserve the treat too."

Sam watched them go, "Now, we have some gifts for you."

Elita, "More stuff?"

Sam, "Well, it is mostly a congratulatory gift that the Allspark wished to give you. It took a while to prepare them."

Optimus looked at the boxes, "I see, the Allspark burdened you again."

Sam, "On the contrary I learned a few interesting things about ascension to Prime through the Matrix and Allspark."

Elita, "These are for us?"

Sam, "Courtesy of the Allspark and Matrix, they have not done this in a while so please excuse the rushed gifts."

Optimus, "I have heard of this before but this responsibility was normally given to the priests of the temple before it fell."

Raph smiled, "Well there are no priests around here."

Miles, "So, we decided to give you the gifts with a little bit of something added from us too."

Elita crooned softly, "Thank you so much children. You are too sweet."

Sam, "Do you like them?"

Elita, "These are made in the style of human jewelry. It is different from what we use."

Raph, "We can help you put it on."

Optimus, "Of course. We would love it."

Bumblebee entered, "Phew! That felt good."

Quickshot, "Yes, that was fun."

Cliffjumper, "What are you all up to?"

Chatter giggled, "You are opening the presents. Do you like them?"

Elita, "Yes, Sam, Raph and Miles were about to help us put them on."

A throat cleared, "We cleaned up everything and everyone."

Sam snorted at the pun, "Yes, you did it very thoroughly, Max. We appreciate it."

Max, a brunette smiled, "It was a pleasure and a very interesting experience cleaning up Cybertronians. If you need washing, waxing or any other services again just give us a call."

Miles nodded, "We will, thank you."

Later Sam, Miles and Raph helped a very bewildered Cliffjumper, an exasperated Bumblebee as well as very amused Optimus and Elita with the gifts. First were the one for the pedes Bumblebee got magnetized Citrine anklet while Cliffjumper had one made from Rubellite. Optimus had received a Sapphirine while Elita got a Kunzite for her pedes according to Raph's explanation which they listened to. Next was for their wrists and servos to which they received adjustable rings and bracelets. Bumblebee received a ring with a yellow diamond, while Cliffjumper got one with a red diamond, Elita got a ring with a pink diamond and Optimus received a blur diamond.

The Cybertronians stayed quiet as they received a waist belt and a collar piece as well that matched their colours. They became a little alarmed on seeing the stylized head pieces that were in the shape of fancy communication devices. Sam then calmed them down saying these stones had been in the Witwicky vault for ages and the gems were too large for human use. It would have been a pity to cut the large stones to make jewelry for humans, though Sam did sometimes he wonder about his family's hobbies. Optimus rumbled in agreement to Sam's thoughts that he spoke out loud making him grin a little embarrassed.

Sam, "Anyway this is a nice way to end the 1st semester."

Miles, "No kidnapping."

Raph, "No stalking."

Bumblebee, "You better not be planning on those for the 2nd one."

Cliffjumper, "Yeah, gave us all a spark attack."

Sam, "I will behave."

Optimus, "You better Sam."

Elita nodded, "Yes, or we will take you ourselves back to base. You can finish your studies there too."

Miles snorted, "You heard them Sam."

Raph, Chatter and Quickshot laughed while Sam protested and defended his actions much to everyone's amusement before returning back. The classes went by as any other college semesters did with everyone getting more into the honors subjects they picked or going on parties or deciding to pick jobs over classes and so on. Sam unlike the movies decided to focus on politics and history, though he had to wonder if his choice was influenced by the Matrix and the Allspark inside his head. The two protested saying biology and human psychology were more interesting making Sam snicker, he had not expected those interest.


Sam turned, "Professor Maeverick. Is there something the matter?"

Maeverick was a tall bulky man who started teaching Sam's class on the second semester, "Your assignment was very interesting as always. Your paper or I would say your introspection of the Boudican revolt was fascinating to read. It stayed true to the incidents and yet was insightful."

Sam, "One of my family is from there. She helped in collecting information on it."

Maeverick hummed, "I see, I am happy you remembered to site the resources, most forget and their papers get rejected."

Sam, "You mean fail, right?"

Maeverick, "I mean you should considered doing a thesis on this topic. It will give you extra credit and yes I know you are majoring in politics. But as they say, it never hurts to keep a back up."

Sam, "Alright. I will consider it. But if it is going to be a thesis, I will need to fine tune it more before submitting it."

Maeverick, "If you wish I can file this under your name as a rough draft. No one can say you copied it off from someone else."

Sam's eyebrows rose bewildered, "I am pretty sure most would be doing thesis on other areas, Professor. No one has the time to go around enacting a college drama from the television."

Maeverick, "You never know. Now, come with, we can file the first draft now."

Sam, "Um... Okay, I suppose you have a point about back ups."

The Decepticons were being quiet so far and that made Ironhide bristle in suspicion, his instincts were screaming at him to be prepared for any attack. Chromia mostly alternated between staying with Sarah and Annabelle and doing her duties for Elita, they had already decided on which Prime the different groups would follow during their down time. During a battle however they would have to answer both Primes though so far things had been very peaceful. They even received a new human liaison from Egypt this time, he was a no nonsense type of guy when it came to work. But aside from that he was a polite company that the Autobots preferred having around compared to someone like Galloway.

Soundwave went through the daily routine of maintaining the Decepticon army in top shape, well as tip top shape they can be with limited resources. While the solar system had the required items to create Energon it was not the same as having Energon mines back on Cybertron. Soundwave looked at the progress they had made so far after the Fallen had passed away, claiming Megatron as his successor. That made Megatron a Prime in a way, in Soundwave's humble and silent opinion, though no one seems to admit it aloud. Soundwave was not sure about Megatron's idea of sending Makeshift to Earth and pretend to be a human to get close to the Witwicky.

Makeshift had been bewildered by the mission, while he had pretender to be a High Council member or an Autobot warrior to spy on them, an organic was new. Now, here he was pretending to be a teacher teaching young human adults and keeping a close optic or rather eye on the Allspark host. The young host was a normal child, well as normal a host of a powerful artifact could be and Makeshift or rather Maeverick used his position as a Professor to keep tabs on the child. The copy of the boy's schedule was more helpful then anything else as it gave him a good idea of where the young human would be on certain days.

Maeverick, -That's all I have to report Soundwave.-

Soundwave, "Report accepted. Mission perimeter remains the same. Get close to the young host."

Starscream, "Soundwave my Seekers found an Energon deposited on planet Mars of all places. I need a team to take it out."

Soundwave nodded, "Rumble gather your digging team and assist in extracting Energon."

Rumble, "You got it boss."

Megatron, "Report!"

Soundwave, "Missions running smoothly, however caution is advised. Scout has been promoted to Knight. Senses stronger than before."

Megatron, "Interesting, I knew that little bitlet was tenacious. So, it has been confirmed then."

Soundwave nodded, "Bumblebee, a new Knight of Cybertron."

Megatron grunted, "I see. Report on the humans that you have under your control."

Soundwave, "Gould is currently increasing his influence across the country. It is not slow but not as fast as I was expecting either."

Breakdown left the bridge after submitting his report, "Knockout, what are you thinking?"

Knockout, "Just old memories, do not fret too much about it."

Breakdown looked at the holo pic Knockout was staring at, "I get it. I miss them too and I can't help but wonder if there boy.... If Sam truly knows of their last moments."

Knockout, "It would be risky to search him out at the moment. Bumblebee is acting like a ruffled up overprotective Sire."

Breakdown, "Perhaps one day, from what I saw, he did not exactly hate us. He was mostly curious, mouthy and soft like a sparkling would be."

Knockout, "I was planning on going for a drive on Earth. Who knows I might be lucky."

Rumble, "Sorry to ruin your date night but we got new orders."

Breakdown, "What orders?"

Starscream, "You are to be back up for our mission to Mars. It seems some Autobots also detected the Energon we did."

Knockout, "Ugh! And to think we were having a wonderful little break just a while ago."

Starscream huffed, "Yes, yes, you can frag later after the mission. Do not think you were quiet back then."

Breakdown, "It was a celebration for getting Megatron back with us."

Knockout, "No need to be jelly belly Starscream."

Starscream, "Is that supposed to be an insult?"

Knockout, "Just a term of endearment."

Rumble snickered at the flat lie coming from their only capable medic that any of them trusted with their lives. Scalpel was mostly reserved to torture prisoners and would have committed treason if Knockout had not stopped him. Rumble was still flabbergasted by the fact the Allspark chose a human host, though with all the constant war going on, he supposed the Allspark wanted a more peaceful place. Earth may have wars but the destruction was nothing compared to what Cybertronians did to their planet though some acts of war by the humans were gruesome even for him. Luckily he was already disentized to the cruelty of war thanks to Soundwave and he did not pale like Starscream did.

Soundwave, -Ready to embark.-

Starscream, "Ready to go anytime Soundwave."

Soundwave, -Objective, collect Energon and return. Avoid casualties.-

Starscream, "Yes, yes, understood. Can we go now."

If Soundwave could he would sigh at the very obvious impatience coming from the seeker who was leading the mission. The third in command suspected the seeker's desire to fly freely made him more impatient then usual. Either way Starscream left with his team for Mars and Soundwave sighed at the peace that now fell over the command center except for the clicks from the other Cybertronians at the screen. The third in command went back to monitoring Earth while also keeping an eye on the rest of the Decepticon activities that were happening around the planet. Laserbeak returned after a few minutes carrying report on the humans leaders that were under their command, it was a nuisance dealing with them but it was a necessity.

Laserbeak, "Soundwave, will we have sparklings join us too?"

Soundwave paused for a while then continued working, "Perhaps, if things go according to plan. Why?"

Laserbeak, "It would keep the Seekers busy and out of trouble. Primus knows how cranky Starscream became after he became aware of the sparklings the Autobots have."

Soundwave snorted, "Their jealousy is amusing though lately it has become a nuisance to working."

Laserbeak, "Ravage is pretending to be an Earth toy cat. Latest report says Chatter and Quickshot are excited about becoming older siblings."

Soundwave, "You sound a little envious, Laserbeak."

Laserbeak, "Of Ravage, a little bit. She gets to stay close to the young sparklings. Now there are new sparklings who might appear soon."

Soundwave, "It is good news though a little frustrating that the Autobots have this privilege. We should have made contact with Witwicky first."

Laserbeak, "Not sure how that would go down for Starscream. That arrogant seeker would have made things really hard to win the human's trust."

Soundwave, "After the Fallen passed Megatron has become more contemplative and secretive. I am loathe to admit I for once do not know what his plan for the boy is."

Laserbeak, "You don't think he is planning on crystallising the boy, do you? He is a human, I am not sure how it would work and the Allspark might become furious too. The relic adores him from what I have observed so far."

Soundwave, "Either way, one thing is for certain, Megatron plans to attack the Autobots first so we better prepare for the attack instead. Samuel can be abducted in the middle of the chaos, I believe Makeshift is already building up a good repute with him."

Laserbeak grumbled, "He us enjoying his role as a teacher a little too much if you ask me. I saw him get close to other human younglings and guide them. Those human younglings have nothing but respect for him which is something else."

Soundwave nodded, "Yes, Gould Industries accepted their job offers. As long as it helps us in the future, I will not interfere."

Starscream, -Over there, that is where the signal is coming from.-

Knockout, -Well, you lot go search for the Energon. Breakdown and I shall set up a temporary medical facility. Who knows it might become a permanent Decepticon base in the future?-

Breakdown, -Ah! You want to do what that kid's movie did. Build one brick at a time, or in our case one facility at a time.-

Slipstream, -It is a pity that Thundercracker could not join us. This was his kind of thing.-

Starscream, - ... We can get something for him later.-

Blitzwing, -Thank you Starscream.-

Starscream huffed, -Yes, yes, now get to work. While we did received signals from this area, it is still a very large mountain range. Spread out and start searching for the Energon.-

Slipstream, -You got it Commander. Seekers groups of three. Group Sig check West, group Fol check East, group Lnx with me.-

-Yes ma'am, understood.-

Knockout landed, "Breakdown help me."

Breakdown, "Will that be a good place?"

Knockout, "Have to start somewhere and at least there are no scraplets around like back on Trypticon."

Breakdown nodded, "That is true."

Starscream, "Knockout, Breakdown, I will be heading out to patrol to keep an eye out. I hop nothing happens but still, be prepared."

Knockout, "Leave it to us, dear glorious Commander."

Starscream transformed, "Hmph!"

Breakdown, "For all of his peacocking he is very serious about this."

Knockout, "I mean it has been a while since the seekers had a chance to fly. That should do it, I think."

Breakdown, "I am activating the holo shields."

Leo called after Sam, "Sam, Sam, Sam."

Sam, "Where's the fire?"

Leo, "Mars."

Sam paused then snorted as he started walking again, "Good one."

Leo started walking beside him, "No man, last night we were sky watching as there was no clouds and it was a clear night sky. "

Sam remembered that, 'We had a nice movie night together.'

Leo, "We were able to observe Mars and I swear we saw some sort of fires or was it blasts going off on Mars."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Well, I believe many countries have sent many rovers to Mars over the years. So one of them could have malfunctioned and blown up, do not worry about it."

Leo, "Maybe, but wouldn't it be more fun if it was an alien?"

Sam, "Have you seen what is happening in Syria? Do you think any sane alien would come here?"

Leo pouted at that, "Let me dream, man."

Sam chuckled, "We are in our second year now and you are still obsessed with aliens."

Leo, "There are many clues about aliens being real but I swear man, the government keeps wiping my page. Well, someone does and no matter how many times I secure my page it keeps happening."

Sam, "Interesting, keep trying Leo. The fact someone goes out of their way to erase it means you are on to something. I do have to tell you to be careful though. Humans can be very terrifying. Our history proves it."

Leo sobered, "I know, I am being careful."

Sam nodded, "I have to go. I promised Raph I would go with him to pick up a few things for his project."

Leo, "Your little brother right? He is a cool dude. You should bring him around man."

Sam rolled his eyes amused, "You are not using Raph to get extra points with the ladies, Leo. They can see through that act."

Leo, "Can't hurt to try. See you tomorrow Sam, Raph my man. Good to see you again."

Raph, "Hi Leo. Good to see you too."

Bumblebee watched the interaction humming under his denta, Leo was a good kid and smart too when he put his mind into something. But he was too nosey in the Knight's opinion and a little terrifying too considering how many time he manages to almost find them on the internet. Maybe he should consider taking his resume and sending it to either Glenn or Maggie in the future after he finishes college. Primus knows their division could use more humans joining them, it was just Glenn, Maggie, Toshio, Yingyi and Arnab. Yes, sending Leo to that division would be a good idea, he could learn about aliens safely and work with like minded people.

Bumblebee, 'It's only one and half years before they finish college anyway."

Sam, "Something in your helm?"

Bumblebee, "Do not worry too much about it. Just some plans for the future."

Raph, "Hmm... If you say so Bee. Ooh! Let's stop there to get my stuff."

Sam, "What are you working on exactly?"

Raph, "I have to do a project for extra credit I was thinking of replicating your frog growth video."

Sam, "That was fun. Sure, why not!"

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