Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Chapter 94: The Five Daemon Queens of the Warp Part 1: Update of Lore

(Laharl/Chaos God POV)

Location the Nethervoid, Open Area/Sky

After taking Chi in my arms and flying beside Kiira to the area that Scalpel, Cassandra, and Jade would enter my domain.

Soaring above my hellish domain, passing open areas of violet ground below, black forests teming with dark florrah, as well as passing several of my daemons that are roaming all my Nethervoid.

As I occasionally flap my three wings, I noticed Chi snuggling closer into my and Kiira playfully flew closer to me, allowing our wings to graze next to one another, this made me chuckle a little from my wives own unique playfulness, and expression of love.

We passed the Ambrossia lake and rivers, feeling the slumbering presence of Nidhog after it utterly destroyed the Kolbaline capital, Atlas Primoria, underneath the light violet water of pure nectar I put Nidhog to sleep until it evolved, being a giant Chaos Spawn it still was mortal just highly mutated to animalistic mindset and state so as I planned I took it from the Materium and made it submerge itself in pure chaotic essence that is Ambrossia just like Chi's ascension when she first cross into the Warp, only at a greater scale it will take time but once Nidhog becomes a true daemon, I'll use my Greater Ascension to make it the third Elder Daemon, just as I originally planned.

We soared through the skies of the Nethervoid at our ledger, even despite the Eldars still trying to pierce through the protections I've placed around my domain, they're still haven't learned their lesson, I hope Khorne is massacrering them as I speak, sighing inside my mind, I realize I need to check Khorne's status, if I have to guess on my own I'm around 75% healed my wing and eye are back in full health, majority of my cuts and burns have either faded away or are nearly healed completely.

But my insides are still tender and bruised, I still believe that until I fight any other 40k deity, Khorne is the greatest and hardest fight I've been in since Absolute Chaos reincarnated me.

Just then, Aillia spoke to me I asked her what's wrong when a red and yellow screen manifested in front of my eyes, with text in black that state's [[For proving to be a promising avatar. I bestow to you this reward, more knowledge of things that have yet to pass but are to come of not changed. Continue to spread Chaos my Avatar.]] below it was an update message <2.2> and also a percentage 0.0%, now I know what Aillia was about to tell me when newer lore knowledge was literally dumped into my brain!

The headache wasn't mayor but still painful, that it made me stop mid-flight, shocking Chi and Kiira who flight slightly ahead, not expecting me to stop so suddenly, seeing this she flapped her wings a bit before flying next to me, as she and Chi asked me "what's wrong" or "if I was ok?" with the headache lessening a forced out a "I'm fine" from my mouth, not believing me for obvious reasons to my pain covered groaning, and hissing, along with me having my eyes shut as my brain process all the latest 40k knowledge of the pact between Abaddon and Vashtorr, the Arks of Omen, Angron return along with the full might of the World Eaters and all Khorne Warbands behind the Daemon Primarch, and worse...something I didn't expect in all honesty as a 40k fan it was a awesome shock, but as a Chaos God it sucked the Lion El'Jonson, Primarch of the Dark Angels has returned!!!

Finally, the pain stopped, and I let out a breath of relief as I opened my eyes and saw the worried expressions on my wives faces.

I lower my head, resting my forehead onto their own, saying things to calm them down, to ease their worries, and once calm, I told them that "He" contacted me and gave me...a warning...of things to come in the far off future resulting in a bad headache, after I reassured them that I was fine, and checking on Chi that felt the full brunt of me stopping out of nowhere while flying, she still showed worry and concern in that light grey face of hers but after comforting her with my claws, gently brushing into her hair Chi, she finally calmed down.

Next, I comforted my second queen, Kiira, who also has worried, but after a short moment, once all was settled, I stretched and speared my wings and all of us went onward to meet Scalpel, Jade, and Cassandra that I could sence in the far western mountains of my realm.

After flying for a while, I decided to speak with Aillia and also check up on her as well, she responded in a low, scared voice sighing I comforted Aillia now, telling her it wasn't her fault, and that it was alright because Absolute Chaos intimidated me too.

Once she cheered up, I told her to rest as we continued flying to the west.

(Cassandra POV)

Location the Nethervoid, a Black Forest in the Western Mountains Area

After my sister and I crossed over through the vortex that our beloved sent for us, as we observe the daemonic landscape of our dear beloved's...our new domain.

I admit the vision my beloved showed me many, many years ago doesn't do justice of what I'm seeing it was glorious.

Seeing the violet colored landscape spread across the maroon horizon, the impressive towers that I could see partially spread across the Nethervoid, my dear, does have a class all on his own making this land a beautiful hellscape, a abundance of luscious black daemonic forests as far as I could see.

It was so much as my sight slightly turned to my side, seeing my Gobo sister Jade watched the horizon alongside Scalpel and myself, I sighed to myself after hearing Jade's bolger comments "Well now. This place looks so damn sweet!!! The rampage and carnage me, the gals and boys will make is gonna be a riot!!!" laughing away as she said that, I just know of all my sisters Jade is going to be the one that drives, more crazy than the insects that believe their worthy of my or Dear's favor.

We decided to wait in the area until our beloved comes to get us, during that time, I spended it inspecting my new divine form and blade, the beautiful scarlet aura emanating from my blade is glorious, as I gently pass my clawed finger over it's edge I sense something from the east.

A surge of pain from my beloved made me and my sisters put all our attention to the east, as we used our psychic abilities to contact him.

All of us were worried after feeling that pain coming from Laharl, tightening the grip of right hand that I actually managed to penetrate my golden encased hand underneath my gauntlet as crimson and gold boiling blood drip and sizzles onto the earth of the Nethervoid.

When we managed to make contact with Laharl, all three felt a surge of pain flow into our respected head, clutching my claws onto my head as the worst headache just surged into my brain!

It was painful enough to bring me to my knees, fortunately it seems to have been a short arche, if this what it felt for someone as glorious as I, I dread imagine what my dear is feeling.

Once all of us were relieved of that awful headache, I heard Jade curse a storm, turning my attention to my sister queen, rubbing her forehead with her right hand, while cursing, yelling, stomping around she even pulled out her shotgun at blasted a couple of daemonic trees into smithereens, I watched as Scalpel walked away from Jade with a twist of her hand she manifested a bottle, twisting the cap off a swallowing something as I watched the light blue haired, daemonic nurse sigh in relief before turning her gaze at me, reaching out her right hand to me offering the open bottle and saying "Painkillers." I guess I can't expect less from a nurse as I take the bottle, expressed gratitude to Scalpel, and took some pills.

After swallowing them, instant relief as we kept watching Jade do her own method of pain relief...involving cursing worse than a lowly guardsman and destroying dark florrah with a overpowered, daemonic shotgun...

At least it was entertaining.

(General POV)

Location the Nethervoid open area close to the Western Mountains

As the trio of Laharl, Chi, and Kiira were now a few miles away, as they can clearly see the mountains where Cassandra, Scalpel, and Jade were waiting for them, they felt a surge of anger and daemonic power from the same location but they weren't worried, as they knew it came from one of those three but Chi and Kiira wondered, what made one of three new Queens this angry as gun blasts echoed across the area.

Laharl decided to contact Scalpel, believing she could clear everything up for them, so he told Kiira to stop for a moment, which she nodded and stopped flying, just flapping her wings in place as Laharl used his power to contact Scalpel who quickly responded with excitement and eagerness to see him at last, Laharl expressed the same and told her that they'll arrive shortly, but was curious about the continuous gun blasts, explosions, and rising surge of anger coming from their location...he heard Scalpel sigh before starting to explain.

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