Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage

Chapter 93: Nidhog's Wrath Final Part: Destroyer's Requiem

(General POV)

Location the Hiveworld Kolbaline, Capital Hivecity, Atlas Primoria-Three months ago...

With the last ditch attempt of the Guard failing to stop Nidhog's attack, instead they only temporarily wounded the titan chaos spawn which was already regenerating the damage but they did enraged the titanic mutating monster which has its outer mouth halfway opened and the thirteen tips of its outer mouth was surging intense, massive sized, and extremely powerful violet, purple, and black lighting forming a still growing giant sphere of electricity made from three swirling colors, the eminent doom of Atlas Primoria grew literally ever closer as time goes on.

The CO within the dark chamber that is he still demanded more out the soldiers and the systems within the capital hivecity all the operators reported the same they can't do both defend and attack with the brave guardsmen having failed their last trumpcard to end the grey titanic monster they have to hope that the force shield, using all the power of the entire hivecity can willstand what was coming as they were also scanning the power emanating from Nidhog's ever growing attack, as it grew in size and power and already it was unbelievable the level of power it was releasing and augmenting.

Nidhog was at its final stages of charging attack, only fear, despair, and doom were all the refugees and guardsmen were feeling at the moment.

At the same time, within the Warp, the Nethervoid Laharl was watching the titanic Chaos Spawn that once was a powerful rising Warp Sorcerer overcome with greed and lust for more power that his vassal could handle, now become a all powerful destroyer, far greater then what he could have accomplished as a simple mortal.

Laharl was reminded of a famous Khorne Character from Old World with a similar fate as Nidhog, his was Scyla Anfingrimm, and like the Dark God planned before once Atlas Primoria falls and all the souls of the hivecity are his, Laharl will ascend the titan chaos spawn into one of his Elder Daemons at the same level as Ba'al and Mordred, the third of thirteen elder daemons of Chaos/Carnage serving as the highest ranking being in his realm right benighted his beloveds, as Ba'al is his strategist and advisor, Mordred is his military juggernaut and anti-melee champion, Nidhog shall the ultimate protector of the realm, and destroyer of worlds mortal shall wallow in utter fear and despair at the meer mention of Nidhog just like Khorne's loyal beast, Karanak.

In truth, Laharl was fortunate that Khorne wasn't able to spawn Karanak yet when they first wage war, but now even the "Hound of Vengeance" doesn't seem as menacing as the "Pale Destroyer of Ruination" that is Nidhog.

Returning to Nidhog's attack on Atlas Primoria, the shield was charged to it max output and beyond, now all they could do is watch...and hope that the force shield could save them from the monster.

Nidhog's outer mouth was now fully open, allowing all to see its maw clearly the reddish skin with rows upon rows of razor-sharp curved teeth, many of them stained with blood and gore from it regenerated wound that the previous attack that the Guard manage to hit in its mouth caused, the three colored electricity was more erratic, and violent surging through each fang making a spider web like patern of violet, purple and black electricity all surging towards the same center point which is the now colossal titan size, electrical three colored sphere with multiple bolts, coming into contact with it, then Nidhog growling started opening its inner mouth, as wrighting shadowy figures were shown behind its teeth, soon the shadows came out into the light, revealing the deep burgundy colored multi-barbed tentacles that were it's tongues reaching out, stretching out in incredible lenght and still coming out its inner mouth around twenty-six in total, surrounding the electrical energy sphere.

The tongues' tips, all twenty-six of them, started to split open, revealing them to be a four split mouth with short sharp-teeth all hissing as they started to breathe out some violet, and maroon semi-solid substance onto the colossal sphere, unknown to the Kolbaline cowering even more after witnessing the monster's twenty-six tongues, what these tongues were spraying at the orb was pure, raw Chaos energy not making the upcoming attack more violatile in the physical plain, but also the soul once they stopped spraying the sphere, Nidhog's tongues closed themselves back to their barbed tentacle state as slowly retreated back into its inner mouth, as Nidhog slam shut the sound that the jaws made was great especially with taking account of Nidhog's overall size once ready...

The monster slammed shut it outer mouth over the colossal sized sphere of energy and chaos, using all fours to push itself straight up, its head pointing at the now maroon and black clear sky, there was a deep silence as they watched the grey titan stand there motionless for a moment.

When a bright, shining light started to burst out the gaps between the thirteen splits of its outer mouth, at first this blinding light was pure white, then started grading into a medium grape color, which the Nidhog open wide it's outer mouth unleashing a humongous, dark grape colored beam that pierced through the sky and out to darkness of space, and in a wild sway downward of its head burning and destroying everything that the death beam came in slight or direct contact with it, it clearly seems that the beam was so powerful that even a titanic monster needs all its strength to not only fire but direct Atlas Primoria.

From the right side, the beam that Nidhog charged and fired immediately came in contact with the force shield covering the capital, and when the beam hit the hivecity shuke, and only shuke worse and continuesly as the shield was trying to willstand the power of the Nidhog's attack.

All throughout Atlas Primoria was in a state of chaos and anarchy, all systems were critically failing as all warning alarms and red screen blared in intense color and sound, especially the station that CO was in, the attack was still forcing itself against the force shield drastically damaging the systems, as one of the operators trying to keep the systems in order and watching the now bright red holoscreens display the hastening, dropping number representing the amount of energy and power, that the shield were losing...currently there at 78% and dropping.

The CO, once again trying to restore order and chain command, could barely stand still from all the shaking and various machines along with their parts were exploding causing sparks of electricity or fire to burst all over the station chamber, and obviously other areas within the capital the CO yelled out to the operators many were dead along with some guardsmen that were assigned to the chamber were killed by close proximity to explosions, or impact littered the chamber, while the ones that were still alive were either injured, or could barely stand from the quaking and shaking the same operator that was holding onto the edge of his console heard and responded to the CO's order of status report, and the operator answer "Sir! Multiple fires and systems failure occurring across the hivecity, Lord Commander! Vox system is down! And..." the CO yelled at him to continue with a voice filled with anger and desperation, and the operator responded "And force shield is now at 49% and dropping sir..." hearing this and clearly from what the holo was displaying the monster's attack was far from over, he growled and ordered "Have all power rerouted from non-essential systems unto the shield!"

Upon hearing this, they were shocked that meant many systems such as lifts, bridges, lights, and energy that powers purifiers, filters, and more would be shut down, which will result in massive loss of life even if they could hold off the monster's attack when they tried to reason with their commanding officer, once again using his bolter pistol to shot and kill everyone except one operator, who he was aiming his gun towards, and said with a low, clear voice that would not budge "Have all power rerouted from non-essential systems unto the"

With a heavy heart, and his life being threatened the operator did as he was order with some screen pressing and swipes all power from non-essential systems was deburted to the shield, boosting them back to 80% but just like before those numbers started drop again, quickly to a 69%.

Nidhog continued to fire its beam, as said beam was more than cracking the shield, the Carnage corruption in the area was spreading and drastically intensifying just like Aisther maroon colored black leaves and sharp needle covered vines, and trees were sprouting and growing all around Nidhog quickly transforming the area like the Nethervoid which only serve to please more then just the Carnage forces watching everything from a far but also the denizens in the Immaterium as well.

The Dark One and his Wives were greatly enjoying this display, and with the Carnage corruption of Kolbaline being high past the 50% mark, he can easily start manipulating the world with little issue plus the huge flux of souls that was about to happen made him quite happy.

The beam didn't stop or weaken, but the shield did no matter what they CO or anyone did in the end it was inevitable what was going to happen.

The cracks on the force shield were spreading all across the shield until in its center, where the Nidhog's beam was being concentrated on, started bending inward turning burning white, edged in yellow and crimson before...

It completely shattered like glass, with nothing holding Nidhog's beam in a flash of bright dark grape color the beam flowed through.

Utterly destroying the towers, bridges, docks, and more, there was no sound, just fire, energy, rubble, and ash as Nidhog continued, the attack no longer resisted it swayed it head side to side, destroying everything it could see and sence in a few moments not even ruins remained only a deep, burnt crater that the dark florrah reached into, with nothing left Nidhog it started lessening its power resulting in the mouth beam to decrease in size, until it was able to close its outer mouth.

Having destroyed the last bastion of Kolbaline, the Nidhog grouned before roaring up to the maroon sky, as the entire area has been destroyed and corrupted just as Corex plan when he unleashed Nidhog upon the capital.

Please, the Dark One manipulated the area that the titan chaos spawn was on, up in the sky that once was cloudless, black violet and burgundy colored clouds started to gather, taking the silhouette of Laharl in his humanoid form with all three wings spread wide, in the face area two eyes with surging violet lighting as the laughter of a dark, and please god watched down to Nidhog.

Nidhog feeling the Dark One's emence dark presence lower its head as a sign of submission to a superior creature, the silhouette of the Dark One reached out with it massive claw left hand and light violet rain started to downpour heavily onto the earth, causing everything to further mutate and grow for what Laharl has summon is Ambrossia from the river Styxs in the Nethervoid, the Ambrossia rain quickly filled the crater making a filling pool of Ambrossia that drew Nidhog in as the titan chaos spawn walked to the edge lowered its head and drank, filling the powers of Carnage surge and enhance it dove into the light violet waters disappearing...

But in reality, that pool has become a gateway into the mirrored pool in the Nethervoid, where Nidhog now roams and soon will be ascended as the third Elder Daemon of Carnage.

(Corex POV)

Location the Hiveworld Kolbaline, former position of the Capital Hivecity, Atlas Primoria, turned into the Chaos Forward Stronghold-Present Time...

As I walked through my stronghold, that used to be the pride and joy of the weaklings of Kolbaline.

I still remember watching Nidhog destroy and remake this location, reaching out my right claw towards one of the dark florrah that welcomed my caress, the maroon vines coiled playfully around my arm, it remember vividly the holy descent of our God in the clouds and further made this landscape beautiful, only us the loyal servents of Laharl are able to enter and use this area turning it into our forward base into deeper enemy lines.

Right now, as I speak, my kabal is performing and finishing another ritual as I look to the altar at the north, at the other side of the "Lake of Primoria Desolation" the next rift is opening meaning more of our Dark God's legions are coming, while curious as I look down into the pool where that beast Nidhog has dissappear to for these months it at least served its purpose as this war is reaching its inevitable victory.

Spreading out my arms, holding tightly onto my weapon, the Carnage Maker I can feel the benevolant gaze of my god watch over me, my moment of greater triumphs in the name of Chaos, swiftly approaches.

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