Reborn After A Death March

Chapter 83: Chapter 82

"Hey! Miss Hero! Welcome back!"


Just as we exited the labyrinth, we met Jena of the Lovely Wings, leading a group of explorer school students.


"Are you on your way to field training, Jena?"


"Yes, it's our first time,"


Jena's nervousness rivalled that of the students behind her. I was a little uneasy about her being the sole leader for her first attempt. Luckily, a solution was close at hand.


"It's Usasa and Rabibi?"


"And Gaugaru, sir."


Bursting from the labyrinth, Tama and Pochi spotted some familiar faces among the scholarship students. The students, however, were too on edge to manage more than a quick, nervous wave. Satou and his group were a bit behind ours since I didn't have to sell my cores while Satou did. But when Satou emerged, he seemed to understand the situation as he asked:


"Do you want to go with them, Tama and Pochi?"


"Can weee?"


"I wanna go, sir."


After they removed their combat gear and switched back to normal equipment, we used 'Return' to return to section 1. It was probably safe for them to participate in combat. Still, Satou ensured they understood they would only fight if their lives were in danger.


"Sorry, Jena, but would you mind taking these two along?"


"I'd be more than happy to have them, but are you sure? Don't they need a break after being in the labyrinth for so long already?"


"We're fine?"


"Pochi could stay in the labyrinth for months, sir."


Drool wiped from their chins, Tama and Pochi puffed out their chests, their eagerness almost palpable. The thought of facing the labyrinth, and more importantly, the daily grilled meat within, had them in a state of happy frenzy.


"We're bringing kids who aren't even students...?"


"Do they think this is a game?"


I picked up on the sound of some students voicing their complaints.


"You're gonna eat those words later, you idiots."


"Yeah, you have no idea how amazing Miss Tama and Miss Pochi are!"


Those who knew Tama and Pochi's capabilities smirked at the unsuspecting faces of the others.


"We'll be back!"


"I'm gonna do my best, sir."


Undeterred by the students' remarks, Tama and Pochi offered us cheerful waves before entering the labyrinth with Jena and the others.


When we returned home, we visited Iruna and her students at the explorers' school. Then, we brought frog meat as a souvenir for the orphanage. There had been disruptions at the mansion while we were away. Some sought to join Satou's floormaster expedition, while others attempted to rob us. During a training exercise, the viceroy's guards dealt with the former. Impressively, the student explorers apprehended the latter.


The next day at lunch, Miss Iruna of the Lovely Wings arrived, accompanied by a small group of beastfolk: two rabbitfolk and one ratfolk.


"Mister, this sorry bunch of losers is the Runaway Arrow party I told you about."


"Don't call us losers!"


"Why not? Anyway, mister, they're up to their ears in debt after that chain rampage incident, just like we were."


Iruna told us they were around when we first ran into the Lovely Wings during that whole maze-ant chain rampage. Honestly, I don't remember who they are or what they look like. Still, unlike that terrible Besso and his bunch of awful explorers, I remember them telling us to get out of there as they went by.


"So, we could talk about the possibility of long-term employment at..." I began, but something made me pause.


A strange feeling hung in the air, an unsettling shift I couldn't quite place. My attention drifted to our surroundings just as a flock of birds exploded from nearby trees with a startling rush.




"What was that?"


"The birds"


Iruna's words were cut short as the ground started to shake. A small tremor, probably a three on the Richter scale, I guessed based on Earth's knowledge. My "Sense Danger" skill didn't register anything, but I couldn't shake a feeling of apprehension. I quickly surveyed the area to determine any potential cause. Nothing seems out of place, and neither do the buildings look damaged. Apart from a few crying kids in the orphanage, I can't hear anything but silence for a few moments.


"Whoa, that was a big one."


"Are earthquakes common around here?"


"Earthquakes? If you mean earthshakes, there's only one every few decades."


That tremor... what did it signify? It felt like an ill omen, a prelude to the rise of a demon lord. I activated my "Miasma Vision," fearing the worst, but the air was devoid of miasma. The absence was almost unnatural, as if the labyrinth had somehow vacuumed it away from the outside.


I spotted a patch of purple fur disappearing behind a tree. A fleeting glimpse revealed a dogfolk boy with the same unusual colour. Yet, when I reached the tree, he was gone. I questioned my own eyes – no one could have moved that quickly.


"Kura?" Satou was quickly by my side.


"I thought I just saw that purple-furred kid," I tell him.


"I don't see him anywhere on my map," Satou told me after checking.


Perhaps his ghostly disappearance wasn't an accident; maybe he'd been drawn into the labyrinth, pulled along with the miasma it consumed. It was a wild theory, completely unsupported by evidence, yet inexplicably, the thought surfaced in my mind.




"Oh, sorry. We just got a little lost in thought."


We shook our heads, dismissing the unanswerable questions swirling in our minds, and focused again on the task.


"As you may have heard from Iruna, your first week will be a training period. As long as there aren't any issues in that week, you'll be hired as instructors. If you decide to quit, please let me know two weeks in advance."


The three Runaway Arrows nodded. Considering their debt situation, I'm reasonably confident they'll teach for at least three months. With our instructor needs met for now, my next priority is to hire essential support staff like secretaries and a principal before our grand opening. I think I'll reach out to the guildmaster for help with this.




"Red Dragon's Roar has defeated a floormaster!"


News sure travels fast. Three days after our return to the surface, I heard the announcement outside as we discussed hiring a principal for the explorers' school in the guildmaster's office.


"Looks like they beat you to the punch, Kura."


Turning from the window, the guildmaster's grin was the first thing I saw.


"I didn't come here to compete,"


The guildmaster tried to rile me up, but I maintained my composure and didn't react. It's a relief. At least now, people will have someone else to stare at as they walk down the street. I should have more breathing room now that Jelil has achieved something great.


I let her be for the next few days, focusing on my tasks. Afternoons were dedicated to training Mia and Nana to catch up to the group's level of 60, while my nights were spent with Satou, developing new equipment for our companions. Despite Arisa and Mia accusing us of doing something more, we did nothing more than work.


Several days passed before Jelil's triumphant return to the city. The plaza surrounding the labyrinth gates was a sea of faces, all eager to witness his arrival. The swelling crowd spilled into the nearby food stalls and even blocked the entrance to the guild. Then, a roar erupted from the front lines as Jelil and his expedition emerged from the labyrinth.


We had a pretty good view from the top of a nearby building. We couldn't hear from it, and Pearl was nervously staring at the drop-down to the street, but at least we could see everything. Above, we observed Jelil and his companions approach a freshly constructed platform. Jelil was a sight, clad in gleaming new armour and a vibrant crimson cloak; he had changed before emerging from the labyrinth.


Nobles who had supported the group's venture were given prime seating in front of the platform. The viceroy's wife, another key backer, wasn't among them, likely because Jelil would visit her and the viceroy later.


"Everyone, thank you so much for gathering today to celebrate our return!"


My "Keen Hearing" skill picked up what Jelil was saying.


Seven elite explorers stood tall behind him, likely the key members who had spearheaded the defeat of the floormaster. The remaining participants lingered behind the platform. Their ranks are noticeably thinner than when we first witnessed their entry.


"We've successfully defeated the Middle Stratum floormaster known as the Ice Ivy Emperor." As Jelil spoke, one of the core members held up a crimson sphere the size of a beach ball. "Behold! The core of the ice ivy emperor."


The crowd's roar was deafening, drowning out Jelil's voice completely. Even with my "Keen Hearing," I couldn't decipher a single word he said; I was forced to read his lips to understand him.


Following an introduction of the participating parties and a tribute to their dedication, Jelil somberly read the names of those who had perished in battle. He spoke with reverence of their valour, and then a priest from the expedition conducted rites to honour the fallen.


"Now, for those who wish to hear the details of our valiant battle, we will let the minstrels cover that later. For now, we shall reveal what most of you are waiting for: the spoils we won from the floormaster." An elegant, one-handed sword was the first thing Jelil produced. The fire-attribute Magic Sword Satou had lent him remained at his hip. "This is an Ice Sword, the Icetree Fang."


Magic surged through the sword, transforming its silver blade into a conduit of winter. A flurry of white snow erupted, delicate ice crystals blooming in its wake. The crowd's reaction was a chaotic roar, a mixture of cheers and possibly jeers I couldn't decipher. I couldn't help but wonder if wielding such a weapon would lead to a nasty case of frostbite. Perhaps a thick, frost-resistant glove would be necessary.


"This next item is a big one..."


Jelil's presentation concluded, and another explorer stepped forward to unveil the remaining treasures. These included a collection of fascinating weapons, notably a halberd crackling with lightning and magical artefacts of diverse forms. The noblewomen gasped at the sight of extravagant jewels like an egg-sized ruby and a tiara adorned with a massive emerald. At the same time, the more practically-minded merchants roared their approval at the sight of ingots forged from adamantite and Damascus steel.


"Next, we have three scrolls: the Summoning Magic spell Summon Vision, the Ghost Magic spell Create Lesser Undead and the Space Magic spell Material Transfer!"


The crowd didn't seem too excited, but I could always use more scrolls to expand my arsenal of spells. It looks like there are some Gift Orbs next. With three of them present, there was a chance one contained a useful skill.


"The first orb contains Poison Resistance, a hot commodity for anyone concerned about their health." Nearly every noble showed a keen interest in that one. "The second orb contains Light Magic, the famous signature of Holy Knights."


The announcement sparked enthusiastic applause from explorers, merchants, and nobles. A few nights ago, while sharing drinks with Miss Helmina of the Eight Swordsmen of Shiga and her Holy Knights, I learned the reason for the celebration: Light Magic was a prerequisite for joining the Holy Knights, driving the price of Light Magic orbs to exorbitant levels.


"And the final orb is..." The explorer stiffened, halting their presentation. The object in their hands must have been something significant, judging by their reaction. "It's the mark of a true master swordsman, a 'Spellblade' ooooooorb!"




The explorers and merchants erupted in a deafening roar, a sound so immense I feared the very ground would tremble. The nearby birds scattered in panicked flight, and Mia, overwhelmed by the noise, buried her face against me, her small hands clamped over her ears.




"We're here!"


Following the presentation of the spoils, a celebratory parade commenced. We linked up with Satou and his group to watch the spectacle. First came a procession of stunning young women, lavishly dressed and showering the crowd with rose petals. Then came Mr Jelil and his entourage, magnificent in gleaming armour, drawing cheers and envious glances from the young explorers among the onlookers.


"This is quite a reception."


"Sure is. But you realise you won't always be watching from the sidelines, right?"


"...What?" Lulu blinked at Arisa.


"Once we defeat a floormaster in the Upper Stratum, we'll be on the receiving end of all this. So we have to start thinking about our outfits now!" Arisa grinned.




"We're gonna be like that, sir?"


Tama's and Pochi's eyes widened.


"But of course!" Arisa exclaimed in an old-timey voice.


"Très bieeen?"


"That's amazingly amazing, sir!"


Tama and Pochi threw up their arms.


"We shall have to work even harder in the meantime, then."




"Yes, sir!"


At Liza's words, Tama and Pochi struck dramatic poses. As I was watching, I felt a tug on my sleeve.


"Kura, I want to fight one too," Sara said, looking surprisingly determined.


"We shall absolutely succeed, I declare."


"Mm. Agreed."


"I want to test myself against one,"


Nana, Mia, and Pearl also spoke up. I can only repeat what I told them earlier.


"Once the situation with the miasma is settled, we can give it a shot,"


I don't want them to get injured or lose their equipment while a possible threat is about to appear.




"This should be the place,"


In the end, I compromised with my group by letting them fight areamasters in the Middle Stratum while we waited and saw if anything happened to the miasma. Since it will let Nana test out her new sword, Satou had just finished making everyone was happy with this outcome. Satou, so far, had only made new swords for Nana, Pochi and Tama.


Nana's sword now matched the gleaming brilliance of her armour, thanks to a new orichalcum-rich alloy in its construction. While this upgrade meant they demanded more magical energy to manipulate its size, the trade-off was significant: a thirty percent increase in strength. Satou further enhanced the sword with blue magic circuits, lending it a visual similarity to a Holy Sword.


While everyone else wasn't left empty-handed, Satou ensured their safety with protective measures. He added veils to all the party's helmets. For those in the rear guard whose heads weren't helmeted, Satou crafted circlets adorned with long veils designed to guard against hypnosis, evil eyes, and other similar threats in battle. This was no fragile lace veil. Woven from strands of golden orichalcum, it possessed a beauty matched only by its resilience against both physical blows and magical assaults.


"I'll be back in a few hours," I tell everyone after putting the supplies away in our base.


I only came to drop them off and help carry the supplies. Hopefully, I can get some answers today, even if it is a long shot.


I made a little visit to Paradise Island to chat with Rei. Rei, the last survivor of the Lalakie dynasty, lived around twenty thousand years ago, right when the Dog-headed Demon Lord was still around. I admit I don't think it could help me with the miasma problem, which was why I left it so long to ask her, but maybe she knew something after living for so long.


"I'm sorry, but I can't help you with the miasma," Rei said, shaking her head. "I have never been to a labyrinth before, and I doubt we have any records."


"It's fine." I already knew not to expect a miracle answer from her. "I knew it was a long shot to ask anyway."


"But I can tell you about the Dog-headed Demon Lord," Rei took a moment to prepare herself. It can't be easy to relive the events that led to your kingdom's destruction. "I was never on the battlefield, so I can't say for sure how strong he was. But from what I've been told, he was strong enough to easily bring down even the floating castle in spite of its Heavenslight Protection and Divine Wrath Cannon."


This guy must be as formidable as the legends claim. Satou got through the Heavenslight Protection, but even accounting for his…unique abilities, the fact that Heavenslight Protection could block the physical and magical assaults of someone like the Sea Lord speaks volumes. It was seriously powerful, even by this world's benchmarks.


"I'm sorry I couldn't be any help..."


"Thank you; that was more than sufficient,"


Rei hung her head, so I thanked her.


"I wonder if you're still suffering, longing for freedom... Cr..."


Turning away, she murmured something so faint that even my 'Keen Hearing' skill struggled to register it. I only caught a fragment of a name: "Cr...." The mention of the Dogheaded Demon Lord must have stirred memories of an old friend. A silent prayer escaped my lips for this "Cr__," likely a victim of the demon lord's ruthless attack.


"Sister? Are you all right?"


"Don't worry... It's nothing."


Yuuneia's closeness didn't break through Rei's reserve. A forced smile and a shake of her head were all she offered. Whatever the unspoken issue was, Rei wasn't sharing it. I took my leave of Paradise Island and headed to the Royal Capital. Satou asked me to deliver some airships and Magic Swords.


Along the way, I defended livestock from monstrous attacks, intervened in the raid of a noble's carriage, and dealt with crises similar to those that arose. I'm sure I heard people telling stories of floating swords saving them when I passed through those areas. I didn't want to be seen and stopped, so I used Claidheamh Soluis to deal with everything.


The Echigoya Company team was bustling with activity when I arrived for the delivery. They were deep in preparations for their storefront launch, managing tasks such as arranging carrier contracts between Labyrinth City and the royal capital. Seeing their focused efforts, I kept my visit brief, confident in Miss Manager and Tifaleeza's ability to oversee everything.


In Labyrinth City's tenement houses, girls started working at the Echigoya Company's Celivera Branch. Satou had previously registered Polina, formerly a carrier, to lead this branch.






As usual, Mia was the first to notice my return with souvenirs from the royal capital. I understood that teleportation spells disturbed the spirits, giving her a short advance notice. I'd expected to meet the group at the hunting grounds, but they had already finished fighting for the day and were back at the Labyrinth hot springs base when I arrived.


"Come on, Master!"


Since I heard Arisa calling, I take it Satou and his group finally made it down here. It didn't take me long to spot Satou walking by with Arisa clinging to his waist, clad only in a towel, trying to drag Satou towards the bath.


"Arisa, you shouldn't bother master,"


Lulu was chasing after her sister, who was wearing a bathing robe. Satou's group must have only just gotten here because the rest of the girls all turn up wearing bathing robes.


"No. I'm going to have my mixed bathing scene even if it kills me,"


"Arisa, I'm sure Master is very busy,"


Finally, Liza walked over and picked Arisa up.


"But my mixed bathing…"


I could still hear Arisa complaining even after Liza dragged her from sight. It might be worth soundproofing this place so we don't attract monsters. But that could wait for another day since the smile of dinner cooking has got my attention. With Mia in tow, I head towards the kitchen. I ended up helping Sara and Pearl cook that night.


"Ooooh! Is this marbled beef? Where did you find it?"


"While returning from the royal capital, I spotted a ranch under attack by enormous monsters. I scared them away, and in gratitude, they gave me some."


The ranch had the honour of serving the royal family, and in a delightful gesture of appreciation, they gifted me meat from the Ohmi cattle that the monsters had been enjoying. The owner apologised for the "damaged goods," yet I couldn't help but admire the stunning mix of lean and fatty meat right before me. I felt grateful for the man's high standards, as they meant I received lovely goods instead of gold for my services. Ten large platters of thinly sliced meat adorned the table beside a uniquely shaped, steaming pot.


"Mmmgh... I never thought I'd get to eat shabu-shabu again when I came here!"


"Mr. Meat is so flat, sir?!"




Pochi and Tama peered at the thin meat slices, their quizzical looks suggesting they preferred a heartier cut. A mischievous chuckle escaped me. I was about to show them the joys of delicate thinness.


"So this is called shabu-shabu, and it…"


"Forget about that! Let's just dig in!"


Arisa urgently cut off Satou's explanation, so we let the meal begin. Large platters of meat were flanked by an array of condiments: sesame and ponzu sauces, grated daikon radish, carrot, and ginger, minced onions and green onions, perilla, leftover sesame seeds, crushed nuts, wasabi, and more—all served in individual bowls. The abundance of choices made the meal even more enjoyable. I considered adding crab and sashimi to the menu alongside the beef. However, since it was our first shabu-shabu experience, I kept things simple and concentrated solely on the beef.


"You pick up a single piece of meat with chopsticks like this, dunk it quickly in the hot water, then dip it in sauce and eat it," Satou demonstrated each step as he explained.


My first bite, dressed with ponzu, revealed the extraordinary quality of this Ohmi beef. I instantly understood why this ranch supplied the royal family. It's quality rivalled even the famed Kobe and Matsusaka beef I'd enjoyed on company trips. While some tuna from the South Seas approached its melt-in-your-mouth texture, only this beef offered such a uniquely delicious flavour.


"You can use whatever condiments you want, but try it with just the sauce first."


On Satou's suggestion, Liza selected a piece of meat to dip in the water. Her brow furrowed in concentration as if the task were incredibly important. Seeing that Pochi and Tama, among other girls, were still struggling with chopsticks, I offered them thin tongs as an alternative. After all, on a fork, the beef seemed likely to slip and fall into the water. Satou crafted four sets of tongs, each uniquely decorated with a different animal pattern on the handle: a dog, a cat, a chick, and a rabbit. Nana instantly claimed the chick-patterned set for herself.



"Mmmm. That's gotta be at least an A5 rank! I could eat this stuff forever."


"It's delicious, sir. Ay-five meat is as strong as whale and tuna, sir!"




"The sesame sauce is invincible, I report."


"Miss Nana, it's delicious with ponzu and grated daikon radish, too."


"Mm. Yummy."


As they ate, a chorus of praise erupted around the table. Even Mia, a known meat-avoider, seemed to relish the meal's delicate flavours. Only Liza remained silent, but her eyes were squeezed shut in apparent bliss, suggesting she was simply lost in the taste. I was content to let her savour it in her own way. Meanwhile, Arisa, Pochi, and Tama were busily filling their cheeks, chipmunk-style. With over two hundred pounds prepared, I encouraged them to indulge, though I hoped Arisa wouldn't overdo it.


"Aaaah, sesame sauce still reigns supreme, but ponzu is so good, too! And who knew condiments could totally change the flavour like this?"


"Arisa, you can't fool me by pushing the wasabi toward me while you say that, sir. Even I learn from experience, sir."


Pochi expertly anticipated Arisa's scheme, but her triumph was short-lived. A piercing shriek erupted as she bit into one of my meat stuffed with green peppers. It seemed she'd stumbled upon the deliberately fiery one I'd included as a surprise.


"Sesame sauce, yummy."


"All so tasty?"


"Weh, it's so good. I'm afraid I'll eat too much."


Lulu hesitated, desperately trying to resist the temptation. The fear of weight gain warred with the irresistible allure of the Ohmi beef, threatening to shatter her resolve.




Liza had a peculiar way of enjoying her sushi. She dipped each piece in hot water before adding a touch of wasabi and a drizzle of soy sauce. I dared to try it, even though I'd typically only use that preparation method for sashimi. Surprisingly, it was quite delicious.




"Spaishee, sir."




Despite my best efforts to contain it, I burst out laughing when Tama, Pochi, and Mia copied us, collapsing to the ground and clutching at their faces. My amusement was short-lived, however, as the three immediately turned on me, pelting me with their small fists.


"I'm sorry. Here, have a drink."


To soothe the teary-eyed trio after their wasabi ordeal, I offered them mugs of comforting hot chocolate, extra milky to tame the lingering heat.


"Mmmm, I'm so full. Is that hot chocolate? Let's make chocolate fondue and cheese fondue sometime!" Arisa's eyes lit up when she spotted the hot chocolate, and she immediately turned to Satou with a fresh idea. "You know," she began, "back on Earth, I ate tons of cheese fondue, but I never had chocolate fondue! Maybe we could try making it sometime? It could be fun!"


"What's fun-doo, sir?"


"It's when you put chocolate or cheese on fondue meat. The fondue bird is only found near the clearest of mountain springs, so it's considered a mythical dish."


"Fondue hunting?"


"Let's find some, sir!"




Pochi and Tama were completely taken in by Arisa's elaborate story, unlike Mia, who instantly recognised it as a fabrication. Daisaku the Hero also shared his knowledge of cheese fondue with the inhabitants of Bolenan Forest.


Satou, hoping to soothe stomachs after the previous night's rich shabu-shabu, prepared a simple, medicinal meal. Yet, despite his good intentions, his efforts were met with universal rejection.


"No meat!"


"Pochi is sorry, sir. So please give us a liiiiittle bit of meat, sir."


Tama and Pochi gazed up at Satou, their eyes wide and brimming with hurt. They clearly interpreted whatever was happening as a form of punishment. Pochi, in a particularly endearing gesture, pinched his tiny fingers together to emphasise the "liiiiittle" part, driving home her distress.


"Tama. Pochi. It is far beyond our station to make demands of the food master so kindly provides us."


Liza scolded them, but her voice lacked conviction, betraying her own surprise at the missing meat. Hopefully, the broth wouldn't be too bad, considering Satou had made it with chicken bones.


"I don't want this New Age vegetarian cuisine when I'm not even on a diet! Come on, give us some protein, please! WHERE'S THE BEEF?!"


To my surprise, even Arisa was upset despite Satou's inclusion of tofu and beans, which ensured ample protein in the meal. Everyone else liked vegetables to begin with, and they ate without complaint. When the four meat-loving diners requested a protein boost, Satou responded by cooking whale steaks, ensuring they had a generous portion.




"Can you explain why a small army was marched through the city?"


I found myself in the guildmaster's office a few days after we left the labyrinth. And she is upset with me even though Satou was at fault. As part of Satou's fake army to fight the floormaster, the elf teachers had arrived yesterday along with trolls, disguising themselves as little giants, spriggans, leprechauns, and other assorted races who were escorting them. The total was near a hundred people.


"They said something about a debt. What in the hell did you do that they'd be willing to help you fight a floormaster?"


"Enough with the ridiculous interrogation, Lilian."


As the guildmaster crumpled from a blow to the head with a wooden staff, Miss Sebelkeya made her entrance.


"Don't call me that," The guildmaster groaned. "And I'm not just asking out of curiosity here. This kid assembled a force that could easily take down the whole city like it was nothing, okay? You know I can't just let that slide after she gave that army to another kid."


"Talk about being paranoid."


Miss Sebelkeya playfully tapped the guildmaster's head with her staff several times.


"Cut it out. I know as well as you do that Satou isn't that kind of guy." The guildmaster brushed Sebelkeya's staff away. "But not everyone knows Satou's lack of ambition as well as we do."


Satou had arranged for stand-in reinforcements to hide his group's strength and equipment, but I never imagined that would be a problem in itself. Still, some of Sokell's noble friends have been spreading rumors that I have been trying to overthrow the city since that army arrived. Even the viceroy's wife questioned me on the subject.


"The elves and company are only for fighting the floormaster and are planning on leaving as soon as the battle is over," I tried to assure them, but no matter what I said, the guildmaster kept questioning me.




"I don't want to go back to the city,"


I collapsed onto the bed with a moan. The guildmaster questioned me for nearly an hour, even while Sebelkeya tried to stop her. At least the bed is nice and soft and whoever is patting my head is comforting. I only came to Twilight with my group to inspect the finished rooms, but after everything that has happened, I don't want to get out of this bed.


First, the guildmaster and then the viceroy wanted an update on that force Satou assembled, so I had to make up a story. Then, people kept bugging me to talk Satou into letting them fight the floormaster with him. I haven't felt this tied since Henry gave me noble lessons in Seiryuu City.


Satou and his group should be about to fight the floormaster anytime now, so maybe watching could cheer me up. I shouldn't worry since Satou is with them and he gave everyone new equipment, but I can't help it. Yeah I should watch. Otherwise I will pointlessly worry about them.


"Is everything to your liking?" Central appeared in the room phasing through one of the walls.


"Yes," Sara replied after I grumbled a reply. "Everything is perfect."


"Mm. Perfect,"


"I have no issues, I report,"


"The training area is very convenient,"


At least everyone else seems to be in a good mood. In a day or two, Twilight should be ready to fly again. It can already fly, but I told Central to hold off launching until the clocking is ready so we wouldn't draw too much attention.


"By the way, Master Satou visited while you were out and left your new equipment," Central says after a while, causing me to raise my head finally. "Shall I have it brought here?"




Satou worked hard, so I'm sure it will be something amazing. Though he mainly worked on his party's equipment to defeat the floormaster, I'm sure Satou didn't cut any corners with our work. When the creepy manikin golems brought it all in, it looked good. It felt strong and comfortable too when we put it on.


Pearl, Nana, and I were decked out in shining orichalcum-alloy plate armor, with a bodysuit underneath made of orichalcum fiber reinforced in vital places with a layer of hides from the giant monster fish Tobkezerra. Despite how heavy it looked, it was surprisingly easy to move around. It was even enchanted with our boots, creating a similar effect to the 'Cube' spell, allowing us to create small footholds midair while the plate armour had a 'Body Strengthening' effect. It costs some MP to use those but no more than it would have to cast the spells themselves.


Our helmets were also made of orichalcum with a thin layer of Tobkezerra hides. They came with the same golden veil we wore before, resistant to physical blows and magical assaults and designed to guard against hypnosis, evil eyes, and other similar threats in battle. On top of that, we also found that Satou had given us rings found in the labyrinth that recover stamina.


We were all still using the same weapons as usual, but Satou had given Nana a new orichalcum shield, and her armour also included a 'Fortress' function.


Mia, meanwhile, was still wearing a magical girl-style outfit with green orichalcum fiber to enhance the look. She was also wearing a breastplate made from orichalcum, a ring that could restore her MP, and a bracelet that could create a small shield. She was still wearing a golden veil attached to a circlet.


Sara still looked the same; only her habit had been woven from orichalcum fiber. She is now wearing a breastplate made from orichalcum, a ring that could restore her MP, and a bracelet that could create a small shield like Mia. She also wears the same golden veil, only hers is attached to her habit instead of a circlet.


It's great—no more than great. Even without testing this new equipment in battle, I can tell it will work well. We could all probably survive a direct hit of an attack from a greater hell demon while wearing this stuff.


"O king, I'm detecting movement on the surface… it's coming this way!" Central reported with a look of alarm on her face. "I'm readying all golems for combat, O king, but the target has resisted my attempts to analyse it so I can't guarantee a victory."


"How long till it gets here?" I ask while trying to contact Satou to see if he can help figure out who this is, but I can't get through to him.


"Ten seconds,"


"Teleport us to where it will appear," I told Central. "Get ready, I don't think whatever this is will be friendly."


I feel in my gut that we are about to be in trouble. I tried to call Satou again, but he still hasn't responded.


"Comancing teleportation… You should arrive just as the unidentified target," Central said before we were transported to the garden in front of the manor.


My blood froze. I could tell this guy was strong even before I finished using my 'Analyse' skill. Even without the crushed combat golem in his hand or seeing the effortless way he crushed it, I can feel the roar power radiating off of him.


A humanoid figure… a gentleman, a little less than six feet in height. He wore a well-made three-piece white suit with a matching coat and held a three-foot-long walking stick in one of his white-gloved hands. He tucked his silk hat under his arm and turned to face us.


"A demon lord," I muttered.


The gentleman's attention snapped onto us, and the composed facade vanished. A raw, murderous hatred surged from him, so potent it seemed to chill the air itself. His violet eyes, previously serene, became glacial and cruel, like a raging blizzard. Gazing into them sent shivers down my spine. Without my "Fear Resistance," I'm sure I would have screamed.


"N-no… it…" Sara gasped, her face pale as she fell to her knees.


"Sara, you need to stay calm," I said not taking my eyes off the demon lord. "Nana, Pearl and I will keep him away from you and Mia. You need to focus on supporting us."


"B-but you don't understand… this demon lord will…"


"Ah, so you know of me," The demon lord smirked wickedly. "That makes things simpler. I will make a deal with you. Hand over that worshiper of those malevolent gods and I won't harm any of you."


"As if I will let you," I told him, stepping in front of Sara. "Mia. Don't hold back."


Nana and Pearl also get ready to fight. Mia understands exactly what I want her to do and quickly starts chanting.


"Another foolish hero," The demon lord shook his head. "But you do have something I could use."


The AR overlay flashed his details across my vision, and a cold dread iced through me. The information was…dire. His name was blank, followed by a string of titles: True Demon Lord, Demon Lord, Emancipator, Slaughterer, Savior, False God, and Enemy of the Gods. He was level 140. Worse, I couldn't view his skills. So this is the legendary Dog Headed Demon Lord.


"Yes, you may be a foolish dog of those gods but you still have a use," With a possessive stroke of his purple-furred chin, the demon lord addressed us, his voice dripping with the self-assuredness only true power could grant.


I don't like how he is looking at me. I don't like how he has Sara looking like she might pass out from fright at any moment. And I really don't like how I still can't get a response from Satou. I don't like this one bit.


"Yes, I made up my mind," The demon lord nodded. "First I will take the unique skill from Parion's hunting dogs to kill the worshiper of those gods. As long as the rest of you don't get in the way, I promise not to harm you."


"Like I will let you,"


"I will protect Maste, I declare,"


Pearl and Nana were quick to turn him down. But the demon lore merely cackles and shakes his head as he glances at them.


"Central!" I call out as the demon lord started to step towards us.


In an instant, the demon lord was surrounded by combat golems and struck from all sides, but he didn't flinch. He just took them all out one by one as he continued to walk forward, destroying each golem with a single swing of his cane.


"Nana protect Mia and Sara!" I said as I ran forward, and Pearl quickly fell beside me.


Sara was still too scared to move and Mia needed time to finish her chant.


I timed my attack, firing off a space magic spell 'Dimension Cutter' just as the demon lord was preoccupied destroying a golem. It was a direct hit, but all it did was cause the demon lord to stumble momentarily before glaring at me and brushing off his suit. But despite this setback, it was too late to stop now.


Pearl attacked from his left while I took his right. The demon lord blocked my sword effortlessly with his cane, but Pearl had better luck. Her blade sliced right through his hand when he tried to catch Pearl's sword.


"Interesting," The demon lord mutters as he watches his hand heal. "Maybe you guys are more than foolish dogs after all."


"We can hurt him," I told everyone. "We can win."


"I doubt it,"


His cane connected with my sword when the demon lord said those words. Even with 'Body Strengthening' the impact still pushes me back. Pearl tried to attack again while I was blocking, but she only managed to fall into me when the demon lord side stepped her attack.


"…Create Behemoth!" Mia finished her spell just as the demon lord was about to stomp on us. "Go!"


A pseudo-spirit emerged, resembling a cross between an elephant and a hippopotamus. It charged and tackled the demon lord, pushing him away from us, but the success was short-lived.


"I must apologise," The demon lord calmly said as he snapped the spirit's neck destroying it. "I thought you were a bunch of weaklings but it appears you possess some strength so I shall stop holding back." Pearl and I quickly regroup with the others as the demon lord spreads his arms wide. "Absolute Physical Defense, Absolute Magical Defense. Now I should be able to obtain what I desire."


"Don't hold back,"


I rush forward again with Pearl but the demon lord didn't even bother to block our attacks this time. He didn't even dodge. He just stood there as our swords bounced off him. Even the magic arrows Nana fired in support vanished when they hit his face.




Pearl cried out as a kick from the demon lord sent her flying.


"One down,"


Pearl was slowly getting to her feet with a look of pain etched into her face. The armour that once covered her stomach is now cracked and missing in some places, but I couldn't help her now. The demon lord disappeared and…




He reappeared behind Nana and delivered a punch to her back causing her to land near Pearl before throwing his cane and…




Striking Mia the cane hit her with enough force to send her crashing into the ground a few feet away.


"Now it's just the three of us," The demon lord grinned as he walked towards Sara. "Don't disappear. You may have wasted your life worshiping beings who are unworthy of it, but I am not a monster." The demon lord raises his fist. "I will make sure your death is swift and… foolish."


I… I made it… in time…




I heard her scream... I saw the blood coating her… but at least she's safe…




I can still hear even after everything went dark.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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