Reborn After A Death March

Chapter 82: Chapter 81



I returned to the manor to find Sara, where I had left her. She is still curled up in bed and clutching her head. However, why she must have rolled around in her pain has caused the blanket to suggestively tangle around her body and the sleep shirt she was wearing to ride up, revealing her lack of underwear.


Stepping closer, I set the tray containing a light breakfast and a small potion vial to treat her hangover on the bedside table. I was hoping she would have learned through the pain of a hangover by now not to drink so much. However, even after leaving her to suffer for a bit multiple times, Sara still goes overboard and drinks too much.


My cheeks heat up at the memory of last night. Sara and Miss Helmina practically climbed all over me as they insisted I try whatever drink or snack they found. Even after we fell out of my chair and they spilt their drinks, they wouldn't get off of me. I could have spent the entire night under them without Pearl pulling Sara away and the holy knight she was drinking with grabbing Miss Helmina.


"Sara," I gently call her, but she still winces.


Hopefully, this is the time she will learn her lesson about overdrinking.




Slowly, Sara sits up, shielding her eyes from the sunlight that floods the room as one of the young maids opens the curtains. As warm as it is in this city, I told them to keep the windows closed for now. Outside, a sea of explorers shouting out for Satou to let their parties join him when he challenges a floormaster. Letting Sara hear the racket they are making would be just torture for her.


"I brought you something to eat and a potion to make you better,"


"Th… thank you…"


It's hard not to think I went too far with this punishment when even her own voice causes her to recoil in pain. But it's for her own good. One day, I'm sure she will learn to drink less. At least the potion is fast-acting, so I don't have to see her suffer for long.




Yeah, Sara's fully recovered. But now she's bright red, struggling to fix her clothing, so I leave her in the maid's care and go back downstairs to join the others.


"If you take our party, Falcon Beak, with you, the floormaster won't know what hit it!"


"Sir Gusto of the garnet-badge explorer party Sovereign is offering to lend you his aid! You'd be a fool not to take it!"


"Please include me in your expedition, too, Sir Pendragon!"


A cacophony of voices erupted outside the mansion. Since news broke a few days ago of Satou and his group defeating an areamaster, people had been flocking to our home, each eager to promote themselves and their services.


Though many wore the garnet badge of experienced explorers, they largely lacked the strength of Jelil's group, who were tackling a floormaster or even Zarigon's rival team. A few true contenders were scattered among them, but these individuals often possessed difficult personalities. Frankly, I wished they would all just move on. While pondering this, the sounds of a quarrel abruptly ceased, followed by an eerie silence outside our home. The guards, likely sent by the viceroy's wife to patrol, had probably dispersed the crowd.


"Finally," I muttered.


It was peaceful outside at last. Pearl and Liza had volunteered to take care of the crowd, but Satou and I were against it. I had no doubts that they could have gotten everyone to leave, but that might have given off the wrong impression. The last thing either of us wants is to have a bad rumour going around about us. Some people still believe the lies that Sokell has spread about me.


"Oh, you're just in time," Arisa grinned as I found her and Satou preparing to leave. "The carpenters finished hanging up curtains at the site for the explorers' school."


My nighttime plan was to efficiently build the explorers' school buildings and dormitories with 'Stone Object'. For the pre-existing house, I'd leverage 'Earth Magic' to dig it out, 'Dimension Cutter' to separate it, and finally, place it in 'Storage'. Simultaneously, I'd use the 'Wall' spell to quickly flatten the schoolyard for training. Although the primary goal was to build a school with this method, I planned on using it to sharpen my skills. I just wanted to be able to build a base as great as Satou can.


"What are you drawing?"


"A map of the area I want to use for field training."


On the other hand, Satou was devising a plan for section 11. Although conveniently located near the labyrinth entrance, explorers didn't frequent this area. Satou aimed to transform it into a valuable training ground for field experience. This area, incidentally, was also the site where Princess Meetia, the viceroy's son Gerits, and other noble children had been attacked by the Plunderer King Ludaman.


Section 11 was a place of deadly encounters. Not only did "knight killers" such as horn hoppers and rock-head bees present a considerable danger, but even more menacing predators like soldiers and war mantises also hunted in the area. It's no surprise that few explorers chose this as their stomping grounds.



"Wow, talk about detailed. You've got the nests and distribution maps for horn hoppers and rock-head bees, plus the patrol routes of the mantises? This mark must mean watering holes… yikes, and you've even marked off an area to make into a safe zone for resting and camping?!" Skimming the map, Arisa exclaimed in surprise.


"Well, yeah. It'd be possible to make a day trip, but the travel time would be longer than the actual hunting."


"Hmm. So it's more on the scale of an inn than a mini labyrinth town, is it?"


"Why make it any bigger than necessary?"


Listening to those two talking only makes me want to sharpen my own base-making skills. It would be nice to make a luxurious base without much effect like Satou can one day.




"Central," I teleported back to the floating island. "I've brought the supplies you asked for."


"Thank you, O king," Central materialised out of thin air. At first, I found it scary how should could just appear like that, but I have grown used to it. "Please leave it anywhere you wish. I will assign some worker golems to collect your gift."


The supplies were mostly lumber. Central said it didn't matter if it had been caved into planks or was just the trunks of trees since she could process them herself, so it didn't matter if I dumped the supplies out here. Apart from wood, I also brought silk, iron ore, coal and a bag of magic cores.


"Is the reconstruction going well?" I ask, trying to ignore the manikin-like golems walking closer.


I swear you play one horror game where manikins move when you don't look at them, and they scare you for life. I don't think I have played a horror game since where I didn't suspect the manikins of secretly being alive.


"Restoration of Twilight has been proceeding on schedule, and the city core has absorbed enough mana to operate," Central replied, sounding pleased with herself. "Twilight should be fully restored with the supplies you generously gifted us in two days. Would you care for a tour?"




We start the tour with the farm. I asked Central to make one in one of the gardens. It may be small, but the golems should be able to grow enough ingredients to make nearly two hundred intermediate potions with each harvest. But we are growing some wheat in the field next door, along with tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and cabbages. We weren't planning on eating it, but Sara suggested we grow stuff to help with soup kitchens.


The power of a city core sure is something. Only because of its power can we grow things in these fields. We watch momentarily as golems begin planting the fields. Central tells me what is growing, where, and when everything can be harvested.


"The area chosen for animals is over there," Central points to a small barn and chicken coop.


"Your golems sure move fast,"


This addition was added only yesterday, but everything has already been built. We weren't planning to have a lot of animals, just a few cows so we could have milk and cheese, as while as a dozen or so chickens for eggs.


Once we looked around the barn, Central took me to the main building. The three-floored structure was like a noble's manor now. The ivory had been cut away, and most of the windows had been replaced. It's still mostly unfurnished inside, but there is enough room for us all to have one. An unpopular suggestion for some reason. I guess everyone has just gotten used to sharing a room since none of the inns we visited usually only had one or two rooms spare.


Right now, the only rooms completed are the kitchen and dining area, the storage room in the basement, the bathroom, the room we all agreed to share and a large room on the ground floor that we agreed to turn into a training room. Two more of the rooms are still being worked on. One will be a room for alchemy, while the other will be an office. The rest of the rooms will likely become guest rooms, but I figured Satou and his group would come to stay.


The backyard has become a place to relax with an area to eat, a small swimming pool, and some lounge chairs. Slightly further back is an area to practice magic and archery. We haven't gotten any targets yet, but Central mentioned they are nearly done.


Central leads me to the production area next. Buried inside the island, golems are hard at work. Furnaces burn bright as they process my iron ore while other golems are hard at work with anvils or other workbenches.


"From here, we can build anything required to repair, maintain and defend Twilight," Central explains, leading me through the room. "As long as we have the appropriate supplies, of course."


It certainly looks like you could make whatever you want here.


"Do you make your golems here, too?"


"No," Central shakes their head. "They are made and maintained in the room up ahead."


We head towards a cent of double doors guarded by a pair of combat golems. Seeing us approach, they push the doors open for us. The room isn't big but has workstations, tools and equipment that I have never seen before.


It appears that each limb of the golems is built on one of these stations before they are combined on a central table. I suppose it was set up this way so they could replace missing limbs from damaged golems more easily.


"This place has come a long way since I first found it,"


"Indeed it has," Central nods. "Thanks to your support, we have been restored and are ready to return to the sky. Though it is not my place to question your decision, I ask that you give the order soon."


"I promise I will,"


I just need to think of a way to explain the situation to the king and convince him to let me keep Twilight.




The next morning, a voice pierced the air.


"Do you want to be explorerrrrrs?"


""" Yeah!!"""


Arisa spoke into a magical voice amplifier, her words echoing off the walls of Labyrinth City near our temporary tent by the north gate. The reason for the large gathering – well over three hundred children – was their desire to earn scholarships for the explorers' school. It appeared the minstrel, hired by Satou, was particularly talented in attracting them.


Based on my observations, the group skewed towards boys, with an estimated 70% compared to 30% girls. Given the typical population distribution, I was surprised to find a higher proportion of demi-humans (roughly 60%) compared to humans (40%). While the majority seemed to be middle school-aged, I noticed a spectrum of ages, from young elementary pupils to some who appeared middle-aged. We mainly aimed for kids who were either bag carriers or out of work. But we also saw some who had earned wooden or bronze explorer badges and even a few people we recognised.



"Hey, mister and misses! We're gonna be scholarship students; just you watch!" The rabbitfolk boy Usasa and his friends came running up to us.


Our paths initially crossed when we rescued Zarigon's Hellfire Fangs, a garnet-badged party, from a perilous situation. While Satou recused them, I just fell into a hole.


"Listen up!" Without even reaching for a magic tool, Iruna, who was beside Arisa, began shouting an explanation intended for the children. Usasa, his friends, and the other kids turned their attention towards her. "Sir Pendragon's explorers' school scholarship student competition is about to begin!"


Iruna was really pumped up, probably because we were picking her first students from this group. She'd even put on her armour, which was a bit much since we wouldn't be fighting. The Lovely Wings were decked out in newly acquired equipment – crafted from mantis materials. I'd given it to them as a reward for hitting level 20, and they'd responded with enthusiastic cheers. It turned out, I learned later, that mantis armour held special weight in Labyrinth City, signifying a hardened veteran.


"Let me make one thing clear, since some of you seem to have the wrong idea! Those who pass will not be invited to join Sir Pendragon's expedition to defeat a floormaster. If that's why you're here, just leave now!"


Disappointment etched on their faces, a few explorers slouched away. They'd clearly hoped to impress Satou and earn a spot in his party with their demonstration of skills.


"We'll be choosing eighteen people," Arisa explained. "First, we'll choose the six fastest competitors. If you're fast enough, you can serve the valuable role of a scout, luring monsters for your party to battle. When I give the signal on this flute, start running! The first six to make it all the way around the outer walls of Celivera win."


Arisa's shrill whistle, piercing the air from her flute, set the children into a chaotic sprint. Laughter and shouts mingled with the sounds of scrambling feet as some tripped each other while others tumbled on their own accord. Despite the tumbles and near misses, no tears were shed; each child dusted themselves off and rejoined the race. Even Pochi and Tama joined the fray, likely drawn into the action by the surging crowd.


"Master, we'll head out as well."


"Rider mode engaged, I declare."


Liza followed the children on horseback while Nana guided the wagon. We had instructed them to gather any kids who faltered on the journey. And if anyone dared cut through the south gate, Skopi and his gang, the Mud Scorpions, would be waiting for them.


To pass the time while we waited, I cast 'Clairvoyance' and watched the marathon unfold. I saw a couple of children collapse, victims of anaemia, and several boys succumb to exhaustion. Fortunately, Nana's wagon was there to quickly gather them up.


"Looks like they're coming back." Lulu waved from where she was observing through the scope of her rifle.


"I win, sir!"


Pochi crossed the finish line well ahead of everyone else. Tama had been a strong challenger, but Pochi's endurance made the difference in the long run.


"Mrrr, I'll get you next tiiime?"


"Pochi accepts all challengers, sir!" Getting worked up for a change, Tama demanded an eventual rematch.


Soon after they had finished, the first competitors began to return.


"Dammit, we lost to dog and catfolk! How will we face other rabbitfolk now?"


"I can't believe I lost to someone besides you, Usasa."


Pochi and Tama became the focal points of two frustrated stares. It was Usasa, the boy who'd approached us earlier, and the rabbitfolk girl Rabibi, who stood beside him.


"You win! These two aren't in the running, so you get first and second place." Arisa handed the first- and second-place medals to Usasa and Rabibi.


The wait was long before the next finishers arrived. Finally, a young dogfolk child secured third place, with three human boys trailing behind to take fourth through sixth.


"Once you cross the finish line, take a break."


"Make sure you drink lots of water, since you just sweat a lot of it out."


Jena and Iruna called to the kids as they reached the goal. We paused for a short break before the second test, ensuring the kids had water and some baked treats to replenish their energy. None of us wanted them to feel faint from running around on an empty stomach.


Ten students dropped out after the first test. They were moved near our temporary headquarters, where Lulu and Sara instructed them in strength training and callisthenics.


"Next is a test of endurance. The first six to complete five laps around the Celivera walls will be accepted. Anyone who completes at least two laps will be rewarded with lunch. Good luck!"




The kids' cheers were even louder for Arisa's second announcement. We would give everyone lunch anyway, but it seemed like a good motivator, so I didn't speak up. Still, many kids who weren't leading the pack stopped after only two laps.



"The one leading the pack is a girl."


"Huh. She's a very evenly paced runner."


A closely contested race saw a young woman with a rich, dark complexion take first place. She was followed closely by two other young women who appeared to be from the same region. The remaining three finishers were beastfolk. The children who didn't win were visibly disappointed, but their excitement for lunch was undiminished.


In addition to Miss Miteruna and our established maid staff, we recruited around fifteen young individuals, aged fourteen to eighteen, who had experience in cooking. These earnest and unassuming young people were intended to be trained by Miss Miteruna so we could offer them long-term employment in either the orphanage kitchen or our soup kitchen.




"More skewers than I've ever seen!"


"I'm gonna win the next round for sure."


"Me too!"


The children devoured the meat skewers, their slightly sweet sauce clearly a hit. They were gone instantly, proving that many kids have a real fondness for meat that could rival Pochi and Tama.




"This meat's giving me a wunnup, sir."


Was Pochi trying to say 1UP? Sadly, those meat skewers didn't grant any extra lives despite what you might hope. I had a Unique Skill that could, but unfortunately, I can't use its effects on someone other than myself.


After lunch, we narrowed down the field to the final six contestants.


"Now, this is the last test. Please hold the branches we handed out like you would a sword. Yes, elbows straight, just like that. Now, whoever can hold that pose the longest without lowering their arms will win."


A wave of groans washed over us from the children. They voiced their dissatisfaction, arguing that the challenges weren't about martial arts. However, we remained resolute in our course and paid them no mind.


"Now, let's begin. If you've got a problem with it, feel free to leave."


Iruna's sharp tone compelled even the reluctant children to begin the test. The goal for the final six was to find students with the necessary courage and perseverance. Only those who could handle the rigorous training before entering the labyrinth would be considered.


Though most of the group gave up within an hour, eight individuals held on much longer, eventually concluding when the final person surrendered three hours later.



"Thank you for coming today, everyone! We'll hold this competition again next month, so even if you didn't get in this time, don't give up!"


When Arisa wrapped things up, the kids who didn't qualify began the trek back to the west gate. We'd made sure to give everyone a participation prize of three baked treats, wanting them to inspire those who sat out this time to come to participate in the following competition.


"All competition winners over here, please," Iruna gathered the winning kids: twelve boys and six girls. "All right, let me explain some things. You can ask the other kids or us if you miss anything later. Just make sure you fully understand everything, all right?"


With that warning delivered, Iruna and Jena laid out their training program for the incoming students. The first phase would involve ten days of foundational training aboveground. Then, the students would be divided into groups of six and brought into the labyrinth for three five-day rotations, totalling fifteen days per group. The goal was for each student to reach around level seven.


"The school will lend you equipment, armour, and so on for your training. Remember, they're on loan, so be careful with them."


The children obediently gave their full attention.


Satou intended to provide them with ant armour, but Arisa quickly voiced her concerns. She felt it was unwise, reasoning that since they would soon embark on their own journeys as explorers, not remaining under his direct protection, they didn't need and shouldn't have such powerful equipment. Iruna and Jena also opposed the idea, arguing that strong armour could lead to dodging attacks recklessly. Furthermore, they believed that avoiding injuries would hinder their learning of essential skills like wound treatment and the proper use of tools.


Satou asked the Lovely Wings for suggestions. They suggested bone armour, similar to what they used to wear. This armour comprised grass woven into jackets and pants, reinforced with strategically placed goblin bones. According to them, Labyrinth City explorers typically followed a set progression: beginning with bone or grass armour, advancing to ant armour, and finally, donning beetle armour. They'd start the kids with goblin leg bones for clubs and then switch them to ant-claw swords after the first round. The tank trainees would get leather shields.


Iruna and Jena secured a bulk order of equipment cheaply produced by apprentices in the artisan district. Satou then improved the gear's weak spots, designed to prevent significant injury when encountering weaker enemies.


"Because you'll be staying at the school dormitories during training, there won't be any charge for lodging. We've prepared bedding for you, but please bring your own pyjamas." The children's faces showed clear confusion; they seemed unfamiliar with pyjamas. "You'll be fed three meals a day, with second helpings if you want them. There'll be meat at least once a day."




The children erupted in cheers at the mention of second helpings and meat. Knowing they needed comfort after their rigorous training and, more importantly, plenty of calories and protein for healthy growth, Lulu and Satou had carefully planned a nutritious and budget-friendly menu.


Once the explanation was finished, the staff began dismantling the tent. At the same time, we escorted the excited children to the explorers' school. We would likely work exclusively with scholarship students to train the teachers until the end of the year. After training the scholarship students and developing our teaching skills, we decided to expand and open the Explorers' school to tuition students as well.


My role in developing the explorers' school curriculum was complete, covering everything up to the hands-on field training. Knowing that Mr Kajiro, Miss Miteruna, and several others were available to help, I could delegate the remaining responsibilities to Iruna and Jena.




"That's better," I breathed deeply as my blade sliced through the sand golem I made to practice with.


I've been fighting only monsters and sparing only with Pearl so much lately that I was worried I might start to forget what it is like to fight with someone else. Pearl is not a bad fighter; she is actually too good. When I spared with Nana, I anticipated how Pearl would fight instead of Nana. Thus, I came to the desert to practice fighting opponents other than Pearl.


So far, I have beaten golems with swords, axes, spears and daggers controlled by Central. I thought about asking Lord Ban and his wives for a sparring match but decided against it since those guys would probably ask for one match after another until I collapsed from exhaustion. Still, what I am doing is working.


I am starting to see how each weapon can be used against me and the best way to stop that. It also helps that Central can be pretty sneaky when she wants to be, and occasionally, she pulls something off that manages to catch me off, guard. Sometimes, it came in the form of a golem other than the one I was fighting, throwing something at my back or the golem detaching a limb to use it as a makeshift weapon.


"That's enough for now,"


Central appears by the side of the makeshift training area as some of those creepy manikin golems bring me a bottle of water. Meanwhile, Others were busy cleaning up the remains of the golems I destroyed.


"Your reflexes and speed are good, and you have surprising strength, O king, even if you do not appear to do so," I have heard that plenty of times before. It must be because of the levelling system somehow that I don't look like a bodybuilder despite being able to easily lift things they couldn't even dream of. "But you tend to hold back too much. You could have used magic during our fight but restricted yourself to using your holy weapons."


"I have other ways of practising my magic,"


I could easily let it off in the desert or find some monster if I want to practice hitting a moving target. Besides, using magic is overkill for a sparing match when it comes to me. Pearl and I were lucky that the time we had a sparing match while using body-strengthening magic happened far away from any town, or someone would have been hurt.


"Understood, O king,"


"By the way. How's that group doing?"

"The scout golem is still watching them, but so far, they haven't encountered anything they couldn't handle,"


The scout golems Central mentioned are made of lightweight wood and look a lot like birds, allowing them to fly. They must really be something because even Satou couldn't replicate them even after taking one apart. I have one of those golems tracking Miss Helmina and her group through the desert just in case something happens.


"That's good," They probably won't need any help, but I should still be ready. "Let me know if something happens to them."




"Are your wings just for show? I ask,"


The next day, we were back in the maze to get some training done. Our opponent is some kind of chicken with scally feathers that happens to be an areamaster on the labyrinth's middle stratum. Normally, its petrifying stare and poisonous breath would be a problem, but we all equip items to counter the effects of the petrifaction, and Sara is easily able to deal with the poison. The only real problems are the monster's ability to create magical shields and its twin tails that can strike with surprising speed and flexibility.


"Nana, try and get it to activate its shield," Pearl says, using 'Blink' and 'Warp' to dodge the rapid strikes of the monster's tails. "When it does, Mia, Sara hit it with magic."


The areamaster name is the King Rooster, and it has one big weakness. While the magic shield it creates may stop any attack, it leaves the monster unable to move for a few seconds after the effect fades. Normally, the King Rooster's spawn, Knight Roosters, would defend it during that time, but a spirit summoned by Mia is keeping them at bay.


As I watch them fight, I keep the other threat at bay. Though they are not allies of the King Rooster, some giant lizards with Chameleon-like abilities are common in this area. They also have a nasty habit of ambushing explorers during a fight. A few had tried to sneak up on us while we thought the areamaster, so I am staying back, keeping a lookout for them.


"Try and block this, dare,"


Nana fired a 'Spellblade Shot' at the King Rooster, but it quickly raised a shield and froze in place as Nana's attack was completely blocked.


"…Sacred Javelin!"


"…Splash Needle!"


Sara's and Mia's spells hit the King Rooster as soon as its shield drops and before it can move again. The monster reels in pain and throws its head back as the spells punch multiple holes in its chest, causing dark black blood to pour from the openings.


Before it can recover, Pearl launches her own attack, aiming a slash at the monster's throat, but the areamaster sees it and dodges, escaping with only a light scratch. With a poisonous purple cloud seeping from the monster's mouth, Pearl was forced to jump back before it reached her.


"Face me, you featherless chicken, I challenge,"


Nana's taunt was followed by a 'Magic Arrow', and a 'Spellbalde' shot that hit the monster's head got its attention as it was about to attack Pearl with its twin tails. It turned to her just in time to dodge a second magical arrow before it charged towards her.


"Fortress mode engaged,"


I was about to stop it when Nana activated a defence function, stopping the monster in its tracks. The force of the impact does punch her back, with Nana's heels digging groves into the ground. Still, her defences hold even after the twin tails begin a lightning-fast assault.


"I won't miss this time," I heard Pearl mutter under her breath just before she appeared behind the areamaster, and her sword cut through the back of its head.


"It over…"


"Too bad,"


Sara and Mia sound disappointed as they cancel the spells they are in the middle of chanting. They should be proud. From what I saw, those two did most of the damage as the King Rooster kept Nana and Pearl on the defensive for most of the fight.


"Are either of you two poisoned?" Sara asks, rushing to Pearl and Nana.


"Not in the slightest,"


"My health is perfect too, I report,"


"Kura," I felt a tug at my sleeve. It was Mia. I half-expected her to announce she'd levelled up, but her expression hinted at a different story. "Miasma's weird."




I stopped and engaged my 'Miasma Vision', my gaze sweeping the surroundings. The dense miasma enveloping the King Rooster's body was being pulled away, vanishing into the labyrinth's floors and vent holes at an alarming rate. Mia must have observed it, too; I knew her 'Spirit Vision' could see the spirits, and they always steered clear of miasma.


My 'Clairvoyance' skill allowed me to follow the miasma's trail, revealing its destination: a spawn-hole. The labyrinth seemed intent on pulling the miasma back, desperate to prevent its evaporation. Still, it's not anything I haven't already learned from Central.


"It's probably just the labyrinth preparing to summon a powerful floormaster," I said, trying to convince myself to ignore the nagging thoughts that I might be wrong. "Nothing we should have to worry about."


I really hope that it is just a powerful floormaster.


"Hero Kura, it is treasure-hunting time, I report," Nana seemed excited to look for treasure chests.


A giggle escaped Sara's lips. "I hope we find something pretty or rare."


After the section was cleared, the two were practically bouncing with excitement for our traditional treasure hunt. Even Pearl looked just as excited even though she didn't express it as much. In the end, we didn't find anything, particularly of note, in the treasure chests. Finds like some butterfly-like masks and a risqué dress made of a lamé-like fabric were the only things worth mentioning.


"Nothing rare," Sara pouted.


"It seems that is the way things are,"


While cursed equipment was a common find, appearing about 30% of the time, truly remarkable weapons like mithril and magic swords were incredibly rare, showing up less than 10% of the time. Magic shields were more prevalent, but magic armour was scarce; we'd only ever encountered it twice. While ranging in power from ordinary iron to Satou's early Magic Swords, the Magic Swords were merely imbued with an attribute. Lacking any additional functionality, I stored them in 'Storage' as trophies or collector's items.


Finding spell books or funny little things like these was a much bigger delight for me.


"Didn't you find the sword you lent me in a labyrinth, Master?"


"I guess I was lucky," I shrugged, trying to brush off Pearl's question.


It was probably safe to tell them how I really got it, but it wasn't a complete lie. That cave I found myself in when I first came to this world certainly did share much in common with the labyrinth we find ourselves in today.


"I sure the gods must have blessed you late day since you were destined to become a hero,"


For some reason, everyone nodded to Sara's comment. I sure as hell didn't feel blessed with how many times I died back then.




"I think we should check out the place where the miasma's gathering after we eat,"


I make that suggestion as we all eat pawns for lunch. Nana was the one to pick the dish, saying she felt like eating cute seafood today. She really finds the strangest things cute. Since everyone agreed to the idea, I teleported us to the closest point after eating.


"So, where exactly are we?" Pearl asked.


"Roughly half a mile from the Celivera Labyrinth's western border," I replied. "If we could see the surface, I'd guess we're beneath the spot where we built that stone shrine after our desert excursion."


After a two-hour trip from the closest teleport point, we finally reached the vast cavern. This chamber, containing the pit leading down to the Middle Stratum, was situated deeper west than even the Labyrinth City Celivera basin and the mountains beyond. Patches of sand, leaked through the vent holes, had drifted across the floor, some even trickling into the pit itself. My 'Map' skill may not be as overpowered as Satou's, but it still tells me enough to let me know where I am at all times.



"We really came that far?"




Both Mia and Sara seemed just as surprised as Pearl looked when I answered that question. They probably realised just how ridiculously enormous the Celivera Labyrinth was.


"I can't see the bottom, I declare," Nana said, leaning over the weak-looking wooden railing surrounding the pit.


"Nana, that's too dangerous," Luckily, Sara quickly pulled Nana back before she fell.


"Master, it looks like we can get down that way," Pearl calls out.


"There are no stairs, I declare."


"Mm. Downhill."


Where Pearl pointed, Nana and Mia saw a spiralling slope that traced the edge of the pit. A large, round depression interrupted the smooth path, creating a noticeable dent in its middle.




Sara had just finished casting a light spell when she screamed, pointing up at the ceiling. About ten large, curled-up pill bugs dangled from the ceiling on slender threads, resembling bagworms. Their staggered arrangement suggested they were likely to fall onto the dent below one after the other. Since they weren't useful for levelling up, I took care of all of them.


Nana led the way down the stairs using 'Mana Light' to guide her. Pearl was at the rear of the group, holding a torch, while Sara, using her own magic to create light, took the position in the middle.


"There are a lot of tunnels," I muttered.


"Mm. Lots," Mia nodded.


Moving downwards into the pit, we noticed that the walls were dotted with tunnels in a seemingly random pattern.


"Nana, make sure to check the holds we pass," I call out.


"Orders accepted, I declare,"


"Mia, can you keep a look out above us in case something crawls from those tunnels,"


"Mm," Mia nods her head.


My mind conjured up horrifying scenarios: explorers venturing into the tunnel, only to be struck down from behind the moment they believed it safe, or establishing a camp within, then suffering a brutal ambush in the still of the night.


"There is a lizard up ahead, I report,"


The lizard Nana spotted was a monster known as a 'Maze Gecko.' I only caught a quick glimpse of it before Nana killed the monster with a magical arrow. Our journey was marked by a diverse array of unsettling encounters. We faced occasional attacks from 'Maze Geckos' and 'Maze Bats', navigated through eerie patches of glowing moss clinging to the walls, and, most chillingly, witnessed a wight rise from the skeletal remains of a fallen explorer.


"I didn't expect to find evidence that other explorers had reached this depth," I put the explorer's remains into 'Storage' and quickly looked over the mostly destroyed documents I found on the body. The language used was that of the Flue Empire. "It seems this explorer lived during the Flue Empire."


Dating back six to seven hundred years, this person appears to have been a scholar rather than a fighter. He cleverly used the less common ability called "Obscure" to navigate past dangerous creatures, eventually reaching this place before unfortunately falling to a fever.


"What was his purpose in coming here?" Sara mused.


The answer was found in his journal:


"I shall meet the ancient king in all his boundless wisdom, acquire life that never ends, and continue my research for eternity," I read aloud for everyone.


Based on his writings, he appeared to think that this alleged ancient king lived within the labyrinth's Lower Stratum. I wonder if he is talking about Lord Ban.


"Eternal life, huh? Is that something you'd actually be interested in?" Sara asked, but everyone seemed interested in my answer.


"No," I shook my head. "And I'm pretty sure I know what kind of eternal life the man sought. If I were to take it, I'm pretty sure there was a good chance I would never be able to leave the labyrinth."


Lord Ban and the others looked happy, but I'm sure I would go crazy being trapped in Lower Stratum for all eternity. The kind of immortality the high elves have was more tempting since I wouldn't risk dying whenever the sun came out. Still, I'm sure I would eventually grow bored of life after a thousand years or so. Besides, I didn't think the human mind was meant to last that long.


Around the halfway point was an area where white steam rose from the path's centre.


"It's surrounded by slimy moss," Nana says, looking closer. "It does not appear to be an acid trap, I report."


Nana and Pearl retrieved poles from their Fairy Packs and used them to poke the steaming puddle. A faint, unsettling odour of rotten eggs drifted from the water.


"That sulfur smell... I'm starting to think there's a hot spring somewhere in this labyrinth," I mused. "Wait here."


Using my 'Skyrunning' skill, I start looking for the hot springs. It didn't take long to find, even if the journey there was a hassle. A white, churning cloud of steam filled my view. While the hot springs were a short distance from the pit, getting to them demanded traversing a labyrinthine route across seven diverse zones. Fighting through monsters to get there would've taken too long, so I set up a teleport point and went back for the others.


"We gotta wipe out the monsters around here," While hot springs dotted the area, this location was unique in that a spawnhole couldn't form here. "None of them has any traits that inflict poison or petrification, but a few flying ones can paralyse you, so be careful."


While the Middle Stratum's ordinary monsters presented a slight increase in level over those in the Upper Stratum, the areamasters and their ilk remained largely unchanged. Ironically, the lower-level creatures proved more perilous, boasting a wide arsenal of debilitating abilities. Poison, Paralysis, Curses, Plague, Evil Eyes, Magic Absorption, and Physical Resistance were common threats. Fortunately, at least the poison-wielding ones were absent at present. The monsters in the Middle Stratum also frequently displayed magical abilities, making them far more challenging despite only a small level difference.


I watched them depart and then turned my attention to the fallen monsters. Sorting their remains by species, I carefully placed them in 'Storage'. With 'Clairvoyance' and 'Clairaudience' online and 'Parallel Thoughts' linking me to the girls' fights, I finally began building a new base at the hot spring.






The group stood on the rugged overlook, gazing at the finished hot springs. Pearl, Nana, Mia, and Sara were speechless, their towels clutched tightly around them. A wave of contentment washed over them – all the hard work had been worth it. Meanwhile, as I had toiled away on the project, I'd somehow accumulated the titles of Hot Springs Engineer and, bafflingly, Hot Springs Admiral. The latter was still a complete mystery to me.


I wouldn't have been so fast without helpful magic and Storage, but it didn't make me a god. I'd only managed to build the tubs, dressing rooms, and restrooms; the actual vacation house was still to come. The tubs weren't anything special, just normal ones without jets or saunas. Down the road, I wanted to add all those cool things, plus some extra fun like a midair bath, a flowing bath, and other ideas.


"This is amazing. There are so many!"


"Mm. Magical."


Sara and Mia stared, eyes wide with amazement, at the array of open-air baths I had created. Initially, my goal was simply to have multiple areas to meticulously adjust the water temperature. However, the project took on a life of its own. I found myself adding a Roman-style bathhouse, a foot-soaking fountain, and other unique features.


"May we enter now? I inquire."


Nana didn't wait for a reply, and the towel fell from her grasp. The suddenness made me pause. "She's gotten so much bigger," I realised. Looking down, I can't help but wonder why. We've been eating and doing the same things, but nothing has grown for me. Life really isn't fair. With a sigh of disappointment, I told them the bath temperatures rose further upstream. I advised them to go to the third level or lower to avoid being burnt. I'd already covered the top level, which was dangerously hot.


"Wow, battling all those monsters must have made you work up a sweat! Why don't you go relax in a bath?" I say, sounding more cheerful than usual to hide my frustration and the cruelty of nature.


I turned around and headed to the changing room and contacted Satou along the way to invite his group to join us. They couldn't join us right away but sounded excited to come to take a look at the hot spring once they had time. Arisa, in particular, was sprouting lines like she was plotting some adult-related activities during their visit.




A cry echoed as soon as I left the changing room, and I saw Mia with tears in her eyes and her skin bright red.


"Mia, I am sorry, I apologise,"


Nana was panicking as Sara completed the chant for a healing spell. Once everyone had calmed down, I found out what had happened. Mia and Nana were in one of the third-level pools. When Mia got out to try another bath, Nana accidentally knocked her into one of the hotter baths as she stretched. No one was injured, but maybe I should add some kind of railing between the safe and too hot baths.


After that incident, we got to enjoy a nice relaxing bath together. After spending time in the same tube together, we spread out to our preferred bath.


Sara prefers the pure-white bath. It's a milky colour thanks to the nutrient-rich bathing powder I used. The powder is fantastic for the skin. I know many Japanese people wouldn't dream of adding anything to a hot spring. Still, I had a recipe for a sulfur-spring bathing powder specifically, so I felt compelled to experiment.


As for the others, Pearl is in a bath from the fourth level, while Mia is sticking to one on the second level after her recent accident. Strangely, Nana prefers the hottest bath I had kept covered, saying it gives a pleasant tingling feeling. She didn't seem in pain, so I let her do as she pleased. As for I found the third layer of bathes is for me.




"Wild-plant tempura,"


Mia was clearly thrilled about the dinner I had planned. I'd envisioned a meal reminiscent of those served at a traditional hot-springs inn. However, Pearl and Nana's disappointment was palpable when they saw the lack of meat, so I decided to grill some hearty steaks later.


"Well, they are lobsters sourced from Ganika Bay, but..." I let the sentence hang in the air for a moment. Then, a grin spread across my face as I revealed my secret, "I made this, too."


"Boiled eggs?" Pearl asked.


I could hear the rumbling of hungry bellies, so I figured it was time to get this party started. The feast began.


"Tempura, yummy."


Mia, not a fan of the soft-boiled texture of onsen tamago, quickly passed the bowl to Nana. She instead eagerly reached for a plate of tempura-fried mushrooms, their texture reminiscent of chicken of the woods. While she was content with hard-boiled eggs, the delicate, slow-cooked softness of eggs prepared in hot springs simply didn't appeal to her.


Pearl and Sara examined the onsen tamago.


"It's like a soft-boiled egg," Pearl mused, "but not exactly."


Sara added, "The yolk's definitely similar, but the whites are barely set, aren't they?"


Meanwhile, having quickly finished her eggs, Nana moved on to the lobster and tempura.


"The 'chawanmushi' has cute chick shapes in it, I report."


As I watched the others enjoy the dinner, each in their own way, I was eager to try the onsen tamago. I started with a plain taste, then dipped a piece into the special dashi stock. The subtle sweetness of the dashi was a wonderful match for the creamy egg. I'd made enough for a few portions each, but now I wished I had doubled the batch. I could already imagine how good it would be on a salad - maybe I'd convince Mia to try it that way another time.


The creamy richness of onsen tamago makes me crave ajitama next. This other Japanese egg dish features soft-boiled eggs marinated in a flavorful, sweet soy sauce.




"I hit Level sixty," Sara cheers before turning red and covering her face as we defeat the last monster in the room.


"I hit level fifty-nine, I report,"


"I reached level sixty-six,"


"Mm. fifty-six,"


Mia was the only one who sounded disappointed when reporting her new level. Due to elves needing more experience points to level up, I have been taking her on extra training fights to help her keep up. She has still grown more than I have. Due to the fact I have only been supporting the others and spending more time practising crafting skills than fighting it was a miracle I even grew a single level at all. As of two days ago, I am now level eighty-six.


It was our last day in the maze, and I was hoping that everyone but Mia would have reached level sixty, but it would still take Nana an extra day to reach that point. Still, everyone has gotten a lot stronger, so even if we didn't hit that goal, it's hard to call our training a failure. Maybe I should take Nana and Mia out quickly while Sara and Pearl pack up our camp.


"Master, have I gained a new skill? I inquire."


"Not yet, but you've got three new Foundation slots."


"Please install additional techniques when we return, I request," Nana latched on to me urgently.


It's hard to ignore how much bigger Nana has gotten when she does things like this.


"Mm. Lewd,"


Mia came to my rescue pushing herself between Nana and my arm she had trapped in a soft warmth.


"Master!" Pearl calls out. "Master Satou and the others have arrived."


We arranged to meet Satou and his group at the Room of Trials. Since most of my group had reached level sixty and Satou's girls had all reached level fifty, we were celebrating with a field trip to check out the Room of Trials in the Upper Stratum.


Section 66, designated the Room of Trials, comprised this immense chamber. Its sheer scale was evident in its capacity to house five giant monster fish simultaneously, with a ceiling that reached a breathtaking height of over 150 feet. An altar dominated the room's centre, intended for summoning the floormaster using an areamaster core and the appropriate incantation. What initially appeared as a flat, open expanse revealed itself upon closer inspection to be punctuated by numerous seven-to-ten-foot rocks scattered across the floor like colossal pebbles. These offered potential cover, though their sturdiness against a floormaster's onslaught remained a question. Stone steps, arranged like tiered seating, encircled the room's perimeter.


"So this is the Room of Trials where one fights a floormaster? I inquire."


"It's pretty big, huh?" Pearl muttered.


"We could probably take on a floormaster…" Sara started but stopped. "No, sister Rin defeated an Upper Stratum and if I were to defeat a middle…"


"You guys must have run into some tough monsters to level up so quickly,"


Arisa approached me just as Sara started thinking of ways to outdo her older sisters' achievements. Still, considering Satou and his group's growth, I can tell they probably had gone through a similar number of fights with monsters as we have.


"Well, there were a few strong ones around the hot spring," I say teasingly, making Arisa grumble.


"Master had to keep getting distracted and cost me the chance of experiencing a mixed bathing scene," Satou and his group never did get to experience the hot sprin after they stumbled into a forest full of stuff that caught Satou's eyes. "I swear when we beat a floormaster, I will make him strip down and jump into the hot spring with me if it is the last thing I ever do."


"You're only fighting a floormaster as long as it's a good match for your abilities," Satou said, joining the conversation.


Guild records indicate that Upper Stratum floormasters are approximately level 55. Satou's group should be capable of defeating one, provided the encounter isn't unfavourable.


"Want to take a look?"


"Huh? You mean, summon a floormaster right now?"


Arisa looked panicked, But Satou smiled reassuringly.


"No, no. Jelil's team is fighting the floormaster of the Middle Stratum right now. I thought we could go observe if you'd all like."


"Let's gooo?"


"I want to see, too, sir."


Pochi and Tama suddenly jumped on my shoulders, and soon, everyone else expressed their interest in watching the fight. With everyone in agreement, Satou led, guiding us through section 1 to the Middle Stratum. Since this journey required secrecy, I gave each of us a transparency cloak sourced from the City Core's treasure room in Twilight for concealment.


We arrived at the Room of Trials via a somewhat circuitous path, finding Mr. Jelil and his companions locked in combat with the Middle Stratum's floormaster. Our initial view revealed the ice ivy emperor, a plant monster adorned with frozen snow crystals, violently struggling mid-battle. At level 55, it was likely the weakest floormaster possible for this stratum.


"Ooh, they're really going at it."


"Looks like they changed the whole setup of the Room of Trials to work to their advantage."


"A long, thin pit?"


"That's a trench. We use those sometimes when we make encampments, no?"




"I agree with Mia, I declare."


The girls' expressions suggested their admiration for the group's clever use of the terrain to gain a long-term advantage in the fight.




"It seems kind of faint, sir."


"Looks like it has a special phase-through ability."


Tama and Pochi pointed out the ivy monster's semitransparent state. Magic swords and spells were effective, but conventional attacks like catapults and crossbows seemed to pass harmlessly through. The battering ram and wrecking ball at the back of the room would be of little use.


"Jelil's pretty amazing."


"Powerful." Mia nodded.


Jelil's courage was evident on the front lines as he brandished the Flame Sword Satou had loaned him. The ice ivy emperor showed a distinct weakness to fire; its vines retreated every time Jelil's sword came close. Importantly, the emperor's phasing ability seemed to break down when it flinched, opening it to attacks from everyone, not just Jelil and the mages supporting from the rear. The health gauge for the monster in my AR display was critically low. It seemed their triumph was close at hand.


"They're all awfully low on stamina. Wonder how long they've been fighting?"


"Well, I know the Ice Ivy Emperor already appeared when Kura was building the hot springs."




Just as its health reached 30 percent, the ivy monster made a shrill noise like a flute.


"Magic gone."


"Geh, does it have some kind of magic-dampening skill?!"


Mia and Arisa exclaimed in surprise.


"No, it's a race-specific skill that neutralises magic."


Satou pointed at Mr. Jelil's Flame Sword. The fire was returning to it as he fell back.


"That's a nasty ability. If a flying monster had something like that, Lulu would be the only one who could fight it."


"Yes, we'll have to devise some sort of counter-measure."


Never ones to delay, Arisa and Liza were immediately strategising.




The monster bellowed another piercing shriek across the battlefield, a sound that seemed to mock the pandemonium it had created.


"The roots over there are moving, sir."




"Why's the ground shaking?"




A collective gasp rippled through the younger children as the ground beneath Jelil and his party seemed to explode. Vines shot up, ensnaring their feet, while others emerged among the middle and rear guard, spewing ice thorns that shredded their meagre protection.




"Extreme danger warning, I report."


"There will be no avoiding casualties at this rate."


As Nana and Liza described, Jelil's middle and rear guards were exposed. Jelil remained untouched, but several of his heavily armoured vanguards found themselves ensnared by the violent dance of the roots. My AR reported the Ice Ivy Emperor was in rampage mode, a fitting name for its chaotic, indiscriminate attacks.


"Master, should we help them?"


"Maybe a little. I'll go lend a hand."


Satou figured he could stall the enemy long enough for Jelil to recover. Morphing into his Kuro form, he propelled himself to the ceiling, settling in a spot directly over the Ice Ivy Emperor.


The earth trembled with a loud rumble as the monster burrowed deep below the surface. A choking cloud of dust billowed up, blinding me momentarily. I reacted quickly, unleashing the Wind Magic spell 'Gust' to scatter the debris.


When more ivy erupted from the ground, thrashing about wildly, Satou used Magic Hand to control it. The magic-neutralising effect, however, didn't seem to affect his efforts.


"Who are you?!" Jelil shouted.


"Forget about that. Just get yourselves regrouped."


Satou nimbly dodged the Ice Ivy Emperor's attacks while using 'Magic Hand' to quickly move the injured party members to the rear.


"We're done evacuating! You should run, too."


Though recently in need of recovery, the group had regrouped enough to retreat in under ten minutes. Their speed and effectiveness were impressive. Satou unleashed a flash bomb and a smoke bomb towards the floormaster, then swiftly retreated to the back, drawing Jelil and his party along with him.


Once Satou met back up with us, we watched as Jelil and his party regrouped. Unlike before, they took care to place their rear guard in a safe location, reinforced by strategically positioned tanks. I was glad to see their cautious approach.


After a few more minutes of observing, we teleported to a point in the Upper Stratum, discarded our transparency cloaks, and then moved to the exit.


"Do you think we'd be able to beat that?"


"No prooob?"


"Easy, sir."


"Don't be too overconfident."


Pride was a dangerous trap, but I didn't believe Satou's group stood a chance against a floormaster like that without getting hurt, not with their current equipment. They couldn't see that, though. With a shared look between them, the Satou girls turned and nodded to him in perfect synchronisation.



"Let's do it! We'll win for sure," said Arisa.


"Yes, of course," Liza agreed.


"Let's gooo?"


"Yeah, sir!"


Tama and Pochi started cheering, and everyone else followed suit. With some more convincing Satou finally agreed once he had a chance to make the girls some new equipment.


"Kura," Sara tugged on my sleeve. "Can we fight one too?"


"Once the situation with the miasma is settled, we can give it a shot,"

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