Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Ready to enter

Liu Zhijian came back soon and took a bowl of wontons and a bowl of noodles: “Xiao Zhang, do you eat noodles or wontons?”

Zhang Qianxiu saw that Liu Zhijian often eats noodles, so he said, “Eat wontons!”

Liu Zhijian handed the wontons to Zhang Qianxiu, and ate the noodles by himself: “Do you want to do this business too?”

At first, Liu Zhijian thought that Zhang Qianxiu wanted to find a job, but Zhang Qianxiu made it clear that he didn’t need any wages, and asked him what he thinks about the quality of the rice, what channels are available for selling rice, how much is generally required, and how much profit is paid. Still how to end, and so on.

Liu Zhijian naturally knew that Zhang Qianxiu wanted to be a rice dealer.

Zhang Qianxiu nodded and admitted: “Yes, my family is poor and it is difficult to study. Find something to do.”

Liu Zhijian said, “What do you plan to do? Give it to the wholesaler or the rice shop?”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled lightly and said, “Give it to the rice shop! The wholesaler wants too much quantity and has high quality requirements. I just made this and I can’t do it well.”

Liu Zhijian ate a bite of noodles, chewed on the noodles and said, “No one in the town buys rice. The price of rice is not much different from this kind of market. If you get the entire motorcycle for the county town, it will cost a lot of money.”

Motorcycles now cost tens of thousands. Pulling three to five hundred catties to the county town at a time, earning a few cents per catty, and earning a small amount of tens of yuan a day, can be considered a livelihood.

Nowadays, ordinary farmers can’t find a job for a few dollars a day. There is a job that pays money. They are all rushing to do it. The dozens of dollars a day is a good way.

Zhang Qianxiu was silent for a while and said, “Brother Liu, I’m going to try a bicycle first. The motorcycle is too expensive.”

Liu Zhijian glanced at Zhang Qianxiu: “If you don’t do that for a long time, there are five markets in the town. The nearest one is thirty miles to the county seat, and the distance is fifty miles. Even if you collect less, you still need one or two hundred catties, right? Two hundred catties of rice ran for thirty to fifty miles, and most people couldn’t bear it.”

Zhang Qianxiu smiled softly: “You have to try it!”

Liu Zhijian is actually not optimistic about Zhang Qianxiu: “I advise you to forget it. In fact, the rice harvesting technique is not high, so you can just look at the rice, but you have to find a good market. There are several rice sellers in the county town. Up.”

“Thank you Brother Liu for reminding me, I know!” Zhang Qianxiu has no other way. This is already the safest way. If we can go to Pengcheng and Shanghai for the development of first-tier cities in the future, maybe we can find another way. , But in this small county, there is almost no business.

Zhang Qianxiu doesn’t matter, so he can only fight hard, starting from making hard money.

Liu Zhijian said again: “I will tell you some routines. You may not know when you are just starting out. When selling rice, you have to look at your own rice, and they may send rice to your rice. , Pressure your price; also, you must look at the money clearly, and you must look at the people you know in person.”

“The other thing is that every time you send rice, you must prepare a rain cloth, just in case, if the rice is soaked in water, it will take a long time for you to earn it back.”

“When harvesting rice, pay attention. Some people put good rice on the top and poor rice on the bottom, and some even use 20 catties of good rice for five catties of poor rice. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t be able to see it. ”

Liu Zhijian and Zhang Qianxiu talked a lot, and finally asked: “When are you going to take it?”

“Just a few days!” Zhang Qianxiu now mainly wants to wait for his health, and the problem of bicycles to be solved. They don’t have bicycles at home.

Liu Zhijian nodded: “A few days ago, I watched for you. I often collect rice. People who sell rice know me and dare not play tricks with me. You are a newcomer. Others think you are young, so they look for someone like you. Play tricks.”

Liu Zhijian will help Zhang Qianxiu. First, he has no competition with Zhang Qianxiu, and their sales are different; second, Zhang Qianxiu is not very young, and works hard by himself, and takes care of him without any effort.

When Zhang Qianxiu returned home, it was almost dark.

Not long after the parents and elder sister came back from the ground, Zhang Qianxiu and his father are “fighting” because of their elder sister these days, and it is not pleasing to look at each other.

“I don’t know how to come back if I don’t stay home all day long?” Zhang Aibing said angrily when he saw Zhang Qianxiu, “I don’t know how to come back for dinner.”

Zhang Qianxiu didn’t want to quarrel with his father because of this. He wanted to make enough money. When the Han family came, his father didn’t pay the gift, so he paid for it.

Zhang Qianxiu was silent for a while, and said, “Dad, how much money do I have at home? I want to use it.”

“What do you want money for?” Zhang Aibing glanced at his son, and then asked, “How much do you want?”

“One hundred!” Zhang Qianxiu has already settled it. Even if the high price is 40 cents per catty, his early collection is almost two hundred catties, and he has to find a way to get a means of transportation. The new bicycle costs one hundred and five to one. Hundred-eight, second-hand ones will be cheaper, but they cost tens of yuan, depending on whether you can borrow one. Uncle’s has one. It might be fine for three to five days. If it goes well, you can get one in three to five days. Earn money from second-hand bicycles.

When Zhang Aibing heard it cost one hundred, it was as if a cat had stepped on its tail. This was a lot of money. Pork was only two yuan and a catty, and rice was only a few cents a catty. One hundred yuan was their family’s daily expenses for half a year.

Zhang Aibing didn’t ask his son what he wanted the money for, so he immediately refused: “It’s fine if you ask for a few dollars. If you ask for so much money at once, the family can’t get it out.”

Zhang Qianxiu said, “Dad, I’m going to do business. It’s okay for fifty. I promise that within five days, I will earn it back for you.”

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