Rebirth to 90s: Start from Scratch

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Market research

Zhang Lanmei looked at her younger brother in surprise, because his younger brother is just like his name. He has always been courteous, self-cultivation and clean. He is harmonious with others, let alone his parents. This is the first time he speaks to his parents. .

Hu Jin’e was also frightened by Zhang Qianxiu, and quickly said, “Xiaoxiu, don’t worry about this. Your sister is getting older. Sooner or later, you still have to marry. Who should you marry? The conditions of the Han family are good, and you can enjoy happiness after marrying. , This is a good thing.”

“Mom, I said, her sister’s marriage must be her own decision!” Zhang Qianxiu said.

Seeing that his son’s serious illness has not healed, Zhang Aibing forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a low tone: “I have accepted the bride price, and someone from the Han family will come to propose marriage another day. That’s all.”

“If you accept it, return it!” Zhang Qianxiu didn’t know if his father actually accepted it, but even if he did, he would return it.

“It’s not your turn to be the master of this family!” Zhang Aibing’s tone improved a bit, picked up his dry pipe, got up and picked up the **** from the corner, strode past Zhang Qianxiu, and went down to the ground.

Zhang Qianxiu insisted on not allowing her sister to marry. After that, his father ignored him and completely ignored his words.

Zhang Lanmei has given up resistance, and her younger brother is happy and grateful for her struggle. He hoped that his father would understand himself like his younger brother.

But this is just a kind of extravagant hope. This kind of thinking is a “product” left over from the times. Father’s thinking is also the thinking of most parents in rural areas today.

Zhang Lanmei waited like a walking corpse every day, waiting for the day when the Han family came to propose marriage, but the hard work made her feel her existence.

Zhang Qianxiu drags his sickly body out every day, sometimes even carrying two rice **** in plastic bags. He doesn’t come back for dinner at noon. No one knows what he is doing outside every day.

Perhaps because of walking around every day, Zhang Qianxiu’s body has also improved day by day, and the feeling of weakness has disappeared.

Going to the market is a local custom. In fact, there are many places in the country, but the ways and rules of the market are different.

Within the scope of the town, Hemu Town is divided into five market areas. At the end of the lunar calendar every 1 and 6 are in one place, 2 and 7 are in the same place, and so on, the five places are in turn to go to the market.

Zhang Qianxiu was helping a rice seller at the market, saying that he had been helping for two or three days for free.

Zhang Qian amended to say to an old man in his early seventies: “Sixteen catties and three taels, good rice!”

The rice collector took a look and said that he counted five yuan and seven cents from his pocket and handed it to the old man: “Uncle, five yuan and seven, you count.”

The old man took the money, his hand was very unfavorable, and he slowly counted the three money, with a smile on his face: “Yes…Yes, thank you!”

“It’s okay, uncle!” The owner of the rice collector laughed: “You go slowly!”

Zhang Qianxiu poured the rice into the basket behind him and returned the bag to the old man.

When the old man walked far away, the rice collector said: “Xiao Zhang, time is almost up, I’ll order two bowls of noodles, and we will have some together later.”

Zhang Qianxiu said immediately: “No, I’ll go back to eat, not far from my house.”

The rice collector smiled slightly: “You have been helping me for several days. You find a place to have a meal every day. I saw it. I will invite you today.”

Zhang Qianxiu was a little embarrassed. Since everyone said it was broken, Zhang Qianxiu was not polite: “Okay, thank you Brother Liu!”

“Thank you, what are you waiting for!” The owner of the rice collector walked towards a stall selling noodles and wontons not far away.

Zhang Qianxiu came out for so many days in a row, and he came to the market every day. He went wherever the market was.

Although he has previous life experience and an understanding of future development trends, those experiences and understanding are all in general.

Knowing it is useless, it can’t solve Zhang Qianxiu’s urgent need.

Zhang Qianxiu felt that this era should be very profitable.

But I really wanted to find it and found that businesses that do not require capital or require less capital are actually engaged in a lot of people and have very low profits; those with high profits are made by a small number of people, and the competition is small, but a large amount of capital is required, or a relationship is needed. , The average person can’t do it at all.

As a result, the lower-level people cannot find a way to make money, and the upper-level people have the resources and connections to make a lot of money.

Zhang Qianxiu is now the son of an ordinary peasant family. He has no resources, no connections, and no money, so he can only find his own way.

Zhang Qianxiu, who had no clue, used the most stupid way. He squatted in the market for two or three days. He asked a lot of hawkers if they could make money in business. Asking directly like this would definitely be rejected. But Zhang Qianxiu asked a lot, some People also talked to him.

The data obtained by Zhang Qianxiu may not be very accurate, but there is also a general direction.

Selling vegetables (vegetables that are not grown or not grown in rural areas), selling fruits, buying clothes, etc., all require a certain cost, but also bear the risk of loss. In the end, he fell in love with the industry of rice harvesting, and the rice dealer is fast in and out. , Make the difference.

At present, the price of rice in county towns is basically 50 to 60 cents, but the price of rice is about 30 to 40 cents depending on the quality of the rice.

Zhang Qianxiu deliberately walked more than 30 miles, went to the county seat, and asked the owner of the grain and oil store in the county. They all said that the price depends on the quality of the rice, and the owner of the grain and oil store earns one. A catty more hair.

Zhang Qianxiu also thought about selling directly to county residents to maximize the benefits, but it would be very troublesome to do it.

One is that there are many small gangsters collecting protection fees in the county town. Now you have nowhere to say that the protection fees paid for opening a store in the county town of L have basically been paid. If you call the police, the gangster immediately ran away when the police came, and they came to trouble you when they turned around. You can’t stand it if you drop something casually.

As for whether there are other ways for the punks to collect protection fees, no one can tell.

The second is that there is not ample time. From the market to the county seat, the time is already late, and he has to come back.

Third, if he occasionally sets up a stall to sell, the owner of the grain and oil store has no objection. After all, many farmers will set up a stall in order to sell more money. If they can’t sell it, they will sell it to the owner of the grain and oil store at a low price. If he went to set up a stall every day to grab the grain and oil store business, if he couldn’t sell it one day, would the grain and oil store owner deliberately run on him and not collect his rice? It is impossible for him to carry Mi back again. If he doesn’t carry it back, he has no place to live, and it’s not cheap to live in a hotel.

Under comprehensive consideration, Zhang Qianxiu gave up retailing and decided to sell directly to the owner of the grain and oil store.

After Zhang Qianxiu figured out where the rice was collected in the county town, he immediately observed the traders who collected rice at the market. Any industry, seemingly simple, must have some doorways in it.

So he took the initiative to help the boss who harvested rice, hoping to learn some experience with him.

The owner is called Liu Zhijian. He collects rice for a wholesaler in the city. Zhang Qianxiu sells it directly to the owner of the rice shop. There is no conflict between the two parties. That’s why Zhang Qianxiu approached him.

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