Primal Lust

16. Needed Strength

“A name..?” The pretty Runetender asked.

“Yes, a name of an animal.. Something that we don’t see usually...” Rowan tried explaining.

“What type of animal..?” She asked.

“I don’t know the name of it, but it’s big and has a thick fur... Knowing that won’t help the Runetenders but that’s what it is..”

“How do you know that..?”

“Whenever I think about being this animal, I can use my power...”

“Ohh.. Well let me get the scriptures anyway...”

Rowan showed her his status as she used little sticks to make the letter of his skill title and carefully stored it one side of her room. Finished with her work she got up and looked back at him.

“You can leave now.. Ulug.. however know it well that without knowing what skills you have we can’t assign you job like a warrior or any other that now you can do with your new power.. Seeing your confidence it’s a powerful one huh..? Don’t you want to be a warrior..?” She asked walking on the wooden platform.

“For now understanding it better and practicing is more important... I will reveal it when I am ready...” Rowan reasoned.

“Another clever decision.. I would have advised you to do the same if you were my son...” She said with a bit of motherly affection in her eyes which disappeared once she turned around.

“And don’t worry about Merina.. She will not be treated badly...”

“Thank you... uh.. Noble mother..”

She just nodded slightly and turned around once again getting busy in the scriptures she had just copied. She was learning it by words, this being their probably first language they didn’t know the concept of individual letters, that’s what happens when a civilization takes short cuts in learning Rowan guessed.

Getting down the large wooden hut Rowan noticed many smells.. Some resembled those two girls that chief had in his arms, some were of men, and many other food and herbs and stuff. Rowan noticed that the Noble mother’s pussy had stopped getting wet any longer once he left her room. What was with that..? Well whatever.. Rowan slowly walked back on the same path he had come from, going back to his home.

In the way he noticed once again many topless women and naked children and tried his best to ignore them. Some people were looking at him with different looks than the usual one he used to get, maybe the thing about three Duclopes had spread into the whole village and they were curious about him or fearful...

Thinking back on the events of the day Rowan was faced with a new concern. If the chief’s wife did not interfered he might have to fight the chief and his guards which would not have been good thing for him to stay in this village for a long time. But there was no other way. He will not give his women to anyone, no matter what happens. That was out of the questions. But he couldn’t be like this.. For his loved ones he had to become a man that was feared and respected in this village otherwise some guy for some reason or other will always come to mess with him or his family. Like those cowardly friends of his and that ugly man. Those did not have any power but not everyone will be the same. He could fight some with his current strength but some of these men were in their 30s and 40s, they had years of leveled up skills. Even if his skill was overpowered if a guy with a decent enough skill and high level came he would face a bit difficulty in facing them, especially if there were more than one. The chief indeed looked pretty powerful, Rowan couldn’t describe it but there was this feeling he was getting from him when he was in front of him. He felt a pressure from the man, it felt dangerous.

Reaching his hut Rowan walked inside and saw his mother waiting for him anxiously circling around the hut. Seeing him she immediately ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Only letting him go once she had her fill.

“What happened..? Did you see the chief..?” She asked worried.

“Yes, I did. He told that ugly moron to find someone else... But only when the Noble mother spoke up for you...” Rowan explained the events.

“She did..?” She said surprised.

“Yes, and she also promised that no one can force you as long as you say no..”

“That's.. Nice.. Noble mother is too kind...” She said smiling.

Guess she had good relationship with her or something. Well not that the village was that big, living more than two decades here almost everyone knew everyone by name.

Rowan petted her seeing her relieved smiling face once again and turned back to go outside the hut.

“Uhm..? Where are you going..?” She asked.

“I need to practice my skill... Do we need more food..?” Rowan asked.

“Uhm.. No, not yet. It’s better if you don’t hunt so often. We don’t really need to give others anything to get too suspicious over... Even getting just these three is a very big thing for the most people of the village...”

Rowan just nodded and walked out of the hut. She looked like she wanted to say something as she walked behind him to the entrance. Rowan knew what it was she wanted. He was also eager to do it with her but not right now. They had plenty of time to do it whenever they wanted, Rowan however would not feel peace till he did his best to push his limits for today and became a bit more stronger. He was behind most of his peers and really needed to at least catch up to the upper tier fighters.

Grabbing her beautiful chin with his right hand Rowan made her look slightly up while touching her juicy cute lips with his thumb.

“I know mother what you wish for.. And don’t worry you shall receive it.. You don’t have to hide your desires around me.. When I am home I will enjoy your beauty thoroughly... For now be good with this...” Rowan brought her face close and kissed her perfect lips with passion while using another hand to go straight through her animal skin and grabbing her leaking pussy, rubbing it and playing with her clit and big pussy lips he continued kissing her as long as she could take it.

“‘Hah..’ Uhmm.. Yes I understand.. Go Ulug.. Do what you must..” She said slowly separating while rubbing her pussy a bit on his rough hand, but at last she let it go with an embarrassed smile.

Going behind one side of the hut Rowan stepped into the shadow and entered the shadow realm. Immediately turning into his wolf form Rowan ran with all his might straight to the forest outside. Going across village and the green field from the shadow realm where no one could notice him.

Watching all the innocent unaware faces go by in a blur Rowan realized just how amazing this one aspect of his ability was. He could flea anytime he wanted provided there was a shadow nearby but there always was one.

Deep into the forest, going farther than he had gone the day before Rowan came out of the shadow once again at the top of the cliff down from where the waterfall and the two naked warriors were yesterday. And getting no smell from nearby Rowan jumped down into the deep river in his giant wolf form. The uncleanliness was not something he enjoyed at all. So getting a chance to take a bath was really appreciated. The water was cold and felt amazing against his thick fur. Even his animalistic rage had cooled down a bit with change in temperature.

However just as Rowan was thinking of letting himself go into the water a new smell entered his wolf nose and he turned his head to the woods behind him. And there it was a smell of a woman.. But not any he was familiar with. A new one, this one had a bit darker skin tone..

Fuck wait ! That’s not dark.. That’s fucking dark blue...’

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