Primal Lust

15. Chief and Noble Mother

The chief glared at both of them with a look that said ‘Why are these vermin here..?’, but it was not just him Rowan noticed. The man besides him was receiving the same look, clearly chief was displeased that anyone had disturbed his quality time.

From another big wooden structure to the side which was connected to the giant hut a beautiful woman walked out, she was wearing the most clothes among them. Covered from neck to ankle in various garments all handmade from animal skins, her chest was still showing, a considerable big curve, even with all the things she was wearing. Her gaze was proud and she was also displeased, Rowan guessed she was chief’s wife. So even with such a beauty of a wife chief was after younger flesh..? And it was okay for him to go after them..? His wife was right there and yet...

“Why are you barking so loudly so early in the morning, Zala..?” Asked the chief in his gruff voice.

“Chief, sorry for coming like this but I was denied at the Merina’s hut... This boy here hit me for no reason when I went to ask for barter....” The man complained in simple language.

“Ulug.. is it..?” Asked chief looking at him.

“Yes, chief..” Rowan answered.

“Why did you hit my man..?”

“My mother has stopped bartering food for sex from today... The man could not handle it.. He seems to think she belongs to him or something... When he wouldn’t leave and forced his way in I punched him...” Rowan explained, noticing chief’s expression on each word he said but it remained neutral.

“Lies chief, I did not enter or forced to go inside.. I was just asking...” Said the ugly man.

“Hmm... Merina is not doing it any longer huh..? Zala, find someone else from tomorrow... For today you can have her but it’s the last time...” said chief while turning around considering the matter closed.

“No, chief.. The only thing he will receive in my hut is my fist...” Rowan said with expressions like a cold blooded killer. She was his, even if he had to fight the whole village no one will even have her again, against his and her will.

“See chief..? The boy thinks he is a warrior...” Zala pointed at him and complained like a kid.

“Ulug.. You dare disobey my words..?” Chief hissed.

“What is the rule here..? Food for sex and only if the woman agrees... My mother does not want this hairy oaf.. You can not force his ugly mug in my hut...” Rowan retorted.

The chief let the buttocks of the two women besides him go and leaned on the wooden railing made out of sticks from upper floor of the big hut, looking down at him.

“He is my man.. If I say he goes.. He goes..” chief said slowly emphasising on each word.

“What’s the punishment for killing a man...?” Rowan asked randomly catching both of them off guard.

“Uhm.. It’s.. exile..?” said Zala more asking than stating though.

“Man provides for the deceased man’s family all his life if the reason is justified and if he does it again then exile...” chief stated the rule or law for this little village.

“If he comes.. He will die.. And not just him.. Anyone in the village comes asking for my mother and forces her when I am not around will die once I come back...” Rowan threatened both the man and chief.

“You dare boy..? Blatant disrespect of elders !! ” Chief was enraged.

“A woman is free to choose...” The mature beautiful wife of the chief said in calm yet strong manner.

“Eve..” The chief slowly said.

“Noble mother...” The ugly oaf besides him said surprised.

Rowan didn’t know much about how these people lived and maintained order but seeing how there were woman warriors and unique skill physical brawns were not the most prominent as advantage. Whoever had a better skill and had more levels was the stronger man or woman. Maybe that changes their sexist views a little compared to that of early civilizations which were observed on earth at least.

“What would you have me do...?” Asked chief in lower voice to his wife.

“If Merina says she doesn’t want it no one will force her...” said she looking at her husband then she looked at Rowan.

“Besides can’t you see..? The boy’s new found courage most likely comes from a skill... A late awakened huh..?” She finished.

“What..!” Zala exclaimed getting some steps away from him.

“Is it true boy..?” Asked the chief his temperament completely changed.

Well.. There was no point in denying. He had hunted and brought prey and now he was showing his teeth to the chief of the village. At least this will make people like this coward away from his hut.

“Yes, I have recently understood what it means...” Rowan confessed.

“Marvelous..” Said the noble mother, her lips breaking into a beautiful smile.

“I have rarely seen a man understanding his power on his own... That’s really good boy...” The chief nodded with approved totally forgetting the conversation that they were just having.

“Don’t you know that once you understood it, you should have come to us Runetenders first..? The new scripture can help all our brothers and sisters...” The noble mother lectured.

Us Runetenders..? Is she one of those spiritual leader type or something..? She certainly speaks much more better words that the other two..’

“Come here.. Show me that scripture and let me see what it means...” She said smiling and inviting him towards her.

Rowan looked at the chief and he also nodded, then cleared his throat and glared at Zala.

“Go away from here and find some another woman... Merina is no longer available to you...”

The ugly man, Zala, frightened looked once at Rowan then at the chief and hurriedly walked away. A guard showed Rowan how to go up there. The noble mother or Eve smelled really fucking great. She felt and looked much fresher, a strange yet nice perfume or something was mixed in her hair which were nicely tied behind her back reaching to her knees. However Rowan could still differentiate the smell that he was most looking forward to whenever he was near a woman. Slightly wet, her smell was strong. Rowan wondered what it was that made her wet, her husband or something else..? Maybe she was wet before they came here..

She took him inside where many nice looking handmade items were laid here and there. To him it was nothing but random tools but maybe for a village kid it might be like entering a palace or something.

“Come on now.. Show me..”

Rowan sat on the wooden platform thing that was their bed with furs and woven mats all around, making it soft to sit on. She sat besides him, eager to see what he had. Rowan swiped down at the air and his half transparent status window opened up. Rowan let her see it..

“Dra.. co.. lump..” She tried to pronounce and failed well it wasn’t an everyday word so it was understandable that even the cleverest woman in the village was not able to read it. Rowan debated weather to show his knowledge to her and try to impress her and get in her good side but then thought against it.. So he remained silent.

“What does it mean..? Describe your skill...” She said.

“I can’t do that.. I have decided to keep it hidden until necessary” Rowan revealed.

“Clever boy.. I always thought how big of an advantage it would be if no one knew my power...”

“What is your power..?” Rowan asked curious.

She didn’t say anything and instead just pointed at a fruit in a basket a bit away from them, attracting and controlling it with her fingers. Telekinesis.. That was indeed a good one.

“I like your idea but you have to tell me, the Runetender’s work is noble and bigger than lone person weather it be you or me...” She said getting serious.

“Uhm.. How about I tell you what it means instead of revealing my power..?” Rowan suggested.

“That would be perfect, I wouldn't have to guess it’s meaning but how could you possibly know that..?” She asked.

“Only when I realized this did my power work.. Does that count..?”

“Yess.. That’s exactly what scriptures are for...”

“It’s not a word.. It’s a name..”

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