Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 63: Change

The June mock exam was just next week.

As much as Eun-ha made time for me, I studied harder than usual.

I was just beginning to see what Eun-ha had been talking about... but I was confident my grades would improve.

“Eun-ha, I’m not sure if this is the right way to think about it-”

I was about to ask Eun-ha if my approach was correct.

But she, who had been nodding off for a while, was now fast asleep, her head drooped down.

If she kept sleeping like this, she’d surely wake up with a stiff neck tomorrow.

“She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.”

Gently pulling Eun-ha’s head towards me, it lightly touched my shoulder.

I wanted to briefly kiss her forehead as she slept, soundly leaning on my shoulder.

But I didn’t want to wake her, and the idea of touching her while she slept was a bit embarrassing, so I let it be.

I took a short break, browsing on my phone.

Maybe ten minutes had passed?

Eun-ha slowly opened her eyes.


“You’re awake? You must be really tired these days.”

“No, I’m not tired at all...”

“Your sleepy voice doesn’t sound very convincing.”

Eun-ha ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head.

Awakened from her nap, Eun-ha looked straight into my eyes, her eyes wide.

Then she smiled broadly and said softly,

“Waking up to find Han-gyeol here makes me so happy.”

  1. Phoenix Among Men Chapter 64

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I quickly pressed my lips to Eun-ha’s smiling ones.

With a soft ‘pop’ as our lips met, Eun-ha’s eyes widened even more.


“Eun-ha, that was to help you wake up.”

“That was too short.”

“What-?! Ahh!”

Eun-ha suddenly pulled me towards her with a fierce grip and kissed me passionately.

She was no longer holding back in expressing her affection.

“You’re like a wild animal now.”

“How far did you get with your studies?”

“I finished today’s portion.”

“Wow, really? That was quick.”

“It’s all thanks to Eun-ha’s good teaching.”

“Really~? It makes me happy to hear Han-gyeol say that.”

“I’m happy when Eun-ha’s happy.”

I didn’t know what to say.

Beyond words like cute, pretty, and lovely, there was something else.

I wanted to express my feelings for Eun-ha more accurately, but it was so hard.

No matter what I said, it felt inadequate, and in my frustration, I wanted to express my feelings in their rawest form.

“Whoa-! It’s already ten o’clock?!”

“Yeah, it’s gotten quite late.”

“Ah, I shouldn’t have slept. I should have spent more time awake with Han-gyeol.”

“We can go on a date after the mock exam.”

“Then we’ll have to start preparing for the finals.”

“Now that you mention it, yeah.”

Eun-ha collapsed onto the desk, seemingly quite disappointed.

“Ah, I wish I had met Han-gyeol sooner.”

“Me too. How great it would have been if I had met Eun-ha earlier.”

“But still, Han-gyeol said he’d be with me every day from next year, so I’ll wait~”

“We’ll have to set up a home~ Better get permission from our parents first.”

“I really want to do that...! Every day would be so much fun.”

“Me too. I think I’ll be happy every day living with Eun-ha.”

Eun-ha’s happiness seemed to be my happiness, and my happiness seemed to be Eun-ha’s too.

“Do you think you’ll be happy living with me?”

“Yeah. I think I’ll be happy every day.”

Eun-ha seemed satisfied with my answer and beamed brightly.

“Han-gyeol, should we start heading out? Let’s go.”

“Are you going to walk me out? Just to the front door is fine.”

“Can’t we walk around the park once? I don’t want to part just yet.”

“I came on my bike. Want me to give you a ride?”

“But you teased me last time for being heavy.”

“Hey, I didn’t directly say that.”

“You said it indirectly-!”

Eun-ha seemed slightly miffed about that incident.

I had no choice. I had to completely make it up to her today.

“It was just to be safe in case you fell. It would have been a big accident. Eun-ha is incredibly light.”

“I didn’t get that feeling. It seemed like you were struggling a bit.”

“Eun-ha is as light as a feather, I’m telling you. If we were at my home, I could lift you easily.”

“Then lift me.”

“I had a feeling it would come to this, but really?”

“Yeah, yeah. Hurry up.”

I slowly got up from my seat.

Eun-ha looked at me with eyes full of anticipation.

“Even if you get scared, you won’t put me down?”

“Yeah, yeah. I won’t put you down.”

I gently placed my arms behind Eun-ha’s calves.

As Eun-ha naturally wrapped her arms around my neck, I lifted her up.

“Wow-! This is fun.”

“Told you, you’re as light as a feather. Should I not put you down now?”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep holding me like this.”


As I swung Eun-ha gently from side to side, her hair whipped around energetically.

“Ahh-! Han-gyeol, I’m getting dizzy-!”

“I told you I wouldn’t put you down.”

I played with Eun-ha until my arms tired, then carefully placed her on the bed.

If I ever marry Eun-ha and we have a child, would it feel like this?

Eun-ha looked happily at me for having held her like a princess, although her hair was a complete mess.

“Your hair is so funny right now.”

“It’s all because of you, Han-gyeol. But it was fun.”

“Should we start heading out now?”

“Yeah, yeah. Going for a walk, right?”

“Yeah. I wanted to go for a walk with Eun-ha.”


Eun-ha hopped off the bed with a bounce.

“A bunny now?”

“You said I’m a wild animal now.”

We left the room together, Eun-ha donning her outerwear.

“Brother, I’m going to take a short walk with Han-gyeol and then come back.”

“Okay. Be careful, both of you.”

“Yes, yes. See you next week.”

After a brief greeting to Eunwoo Hyung, we stepped outside.

I unlocked the bicycle as we breathed in the cool night air.

“Eun-ha, hop on the back.”

“Where are we going?”

“How about a lap around the lake park?”

“Sounds good.”

Eun-ha climbed onto the back of the bicycle and hugged my waist tightly.

“Eun-ha, if you hold on too tight, I can’t start.”

“It means to go slowly. Got it?”

“Okay. I’ll drive safely.”

Eun-ha held onto my waist more firmly than before. When we stopped at the crosswalk, she hugged me even tighter.

She had been giving me a lot more physical affection lately. It was a bit embarrassing, but mostly nice.

After reaching the lake park, I secured the bicycle in the bike rack.

“I wish I could give Han-gyeol a ride too. What a pity.”

“It’s okay. Let’s take a slow lap around.”

I held out my hand, and Eun-ha grabbed it eagerly.

“I remember coming to the lake park late at night with Han-gyeol. It was the day of the March mock exam, and now it’s already the June mock exam.”

“Yeah, I remember Eun-ha calling me that night. It was really nice.”

“I felt sorry for calling you so late, but I couldn’t think of anyone but Han-gyeol.”

“Really? That makes me really happy. Call me anytime when things get tough, like that day.”

After pondering my words for a moment, Eun-ha responded.

“Okay, I will. But ever since I started dating Han-gyeol, I haven’t had many tough times.”

“Really? Am I doing that well? I’m glad you think so.”

“Just being with Han-gyeol... I’ve changed. Before, I guess I couldn’t express my feelings honestly? It’s not that I was always gloomy, but I was clumsy at expressing myself, whether it was with family or friends. I couldn’t just pour out my feelings, but now it’s different.”

Eun-ha continued speaking.

“Expressing my feelings to others isn’t difficult anymore. It’s definitely because of Han-gyeol. You always ask about my feelings, accept them, and understand them. Feeling completely understood by someone is so great. That’s why I’ve changed. And I like myself now, changed thanks to Han-gyeol, much more than before.”

Eun-ha glanced up at me, her face illuminated and made brighter by the moonlight.

“That’s why I like Han-gyeol so~ much. Crazy much.”

“I also really like that Eun-ha likes me. You’re so cute and lovable, I really want to bite you.”

“That much? Han-gyeol can bite me if he wants.”

“Really? Weren’t you the wild animal?”

“Han-gyeol can be quite the beast too.”

“So, should I really bite?”

“Go ahead, try?”

No sooner had Eun-ha finished speaking, I playfully bit her head.

“Ahh-! You really bit me!”

Eun-ha jumped in surprise and covered her head.

“I did it because Eun-ha is too cute.”

“Come here. I want to bite Han-gyeol too.”

“No way, Eun-ha. I didn’t give you permission.”

“Oh, why-!”

I walked ahead, leaving Eun-ha behind.

“Han-gyeol, why are you running away again?”

“If you catch me, you’ll bite me.”

“That’s right. I want to bite Han-gyeol too.”

“Who would willingly let a wild animal bite them?”

“I’ll only bite lightly, so come here quickly.”

Instead of running away like last time, I approached Eun-ha, who grabbed my arm tightly. She then stood on her toes and gently pressed her lips against my cheek.

“I told you not to bite.”

“Ah, now I might have to bite a bit harder.”

“Then give me another kiss.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Eun-ha pressed her lips to mine more intensely. We had planned to make just one lap around that day, but we ended up walking for an hour before finally heading home.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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